January 29, 2015 SUNDAY Services Volume 52 Issue 2 8:45am Traditional Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:45am Alternative Worship February 18, 2015 6:00pm Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Youth Mission Trip! February 11 @ 5:30-7:00pm (See Page 4 for more information) this issue P2 Pastor’s Note P3 FCC News Attendance/ Stewardship P4 Youth P5 Children & Families Ministry P6 Younger Women’s Bridal Shower Sunday School P7 Preschool WOC Prayer List P8 Calendar Alternative Worship Google says: Worship is the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. It is to show reverence and adoration for a deity; to honor with religious rites. Delesslyn Kennebrew wrote, “Worship is not the slow song that the choir sings. Worship is not the amount you place in the offering basket. Worship is not volunteering in children's church. Yes, these may be acts or expressions of worship, but they do not define what true worship really is. There are numerous definitions of the word worship. Yet, one in particular encapsulates the priority we should give to worship as a spiritual discipline: Worship is to honor with extravagant love and extreme submission (Webster's Dictionary,1828).” Worship is defined by the priority we place on who God is in our lives and where God is on our list of priorities. Does it matter where or when or how it happens, as long as it happens in the community of others? The Alternative worship leadership circle has put a lot of effort into creating the wonderful new opportunity in the youth building at 10:45 for a reason: they want to worship God! They want to present an opportunity for people to honor, adore and share the awe of the Almighty. They want to identify the presence and work of God in their lives and the world, and they want to make it easier for others to feel comfortable doing that in a contemporary and conversational setting. Being such a wonderful, flexible, creative and diverse congregation, we are uniquely situated in this community to really explore this different form of worship, and offer a breath of fresh air of welcoming people to God’s presence in a new way. So I ask for your prayers for the Alternative Worship and its leaders. Come and try it sometime just to see what they are doing! I think you’ll be surprised! See You in Worship… Stephen Our Stewardship and Attendance Attendance January 4, 2015 Traditional Worship Sunday School Alternative Worship Receipts 104 79 38 Attendance January 11, 2015 Traditional Worship 97 Sunday School 79 Alternative Worship 41 Attendance January 18, 2015 Traditional Worship 94 Sunday School 67 Alternative Worship 27 Attendance January 25, 2015 Traditional Worship 113 Sunday School 103 Alternative Worship 53 Page 2 Contributions 1/18/15 General Fund Pledged Unpledged Other Contributions Total Contributions $ 3,428.50 $ 703.00 $ 510.00 $ 4,641.50 Contributions 1/25/15 General Fund Pledged Unpledged Other contributions Total Contributions $7,438.25 $1,422.00 $ 950.00 $9,810.25 Weekly Needs for Budgeted Expenses Difference in Receipts to Expenses $10,853.62 -$6,722.12 $10,853.62 -$1993.37 FCC News Valentine’s for Blankets Women’s Ministries of FCC will have Valentine cards available for purchase in the narthex on Sundays and in the church office. The $5 cost of each card will go directly to buy a blanket through Church World Service. A blanket in the middle of a disaster can become a tent, shelter, coat or bed. Blankets mean warmth and a reminder that someone cares. Check the website at www.churchworldservice.org. to learn where blankets are currently being distributed and other support offered by the Blankets+ program. The plus is food, water, shelter and tools to rebuild lives. This is an important outreach program of our church and a lasting way to celebrate love with your family and friends on Valentine’s Day. Mission Update 6 members of our church spent their holiday weekend volunteering at Southwest Good Samaritan Ministries in Los Fresnos. The group was told there would be some painting and cleaning at the church. When the group arrived Feliberto showed them a large hole that was in the floor behind the sanctuary. He also talked about doors that needed to be worked on so they could be secured, and a hole in a wall that needed to be patched and painted. The group put their heads together and came up with a plan. After 2 days of work the floor was fixed including new peel and stick tile, doors were secured, area around the baptistery improved, wall hole patched and painted and the group was both exhausted and spiritually lifted. Back in Lufkin these missionaries have sore muscles and full hearts. Beyond Sunday New Kitchen Gadget Monday nights 6 pm beginning Feb 16 Some great folks installing a new kitchen gadget that will be very beneficial to our ministry work!! Keeping the Sabbath has a whole new twist! Together we will explore Biblical foundations for a theology of the Sabbath that will surprise and challenge you. Walter Brueggemann’s book Sabbath as Resistance: Saying NO to a Culture of Now will be our guide as we explore what it means to resist anxiety, coercion, consumption, exclusivism, even multi-tasking! We will explore again the 10 Commandments, and how they call us to loving the neighbor, and find ways for Sabbath to really happen in our lives beyond Sunday! Books are available for $10 – contact the office, or see Rev. Stephen Lantis Drug Court Graduation Last Thursday night five participants from District Judge Paul White's Drug Court were recognized for a year of sober living and compliance with the court's rigid program with a graduation dinner. Our Celebrate Recovery team provided and served the meal aided by the generous support of the many FCC members who brought desserts and door prizes. A big THANK YOU for all that helped. Follow First Christian Church on Facebook Leadership Training Fun night of fellowship and training for leaders!! Page 3 Youth Ministry Emily Grimes, Interim Youth Director, [email protected] Youth Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser Last year 10 adults and youth went to Oklahoma City to “Paint the Town.” There we met up with 300 other Disciples and spent 3 days painting houses. This year we will send TWENTY adults and youth from our congregation to Nashville, TN on a similar mission trip. But we can’t go without your help! We will be hosting a Spaghetti FUNDRAISER on February 11th from 5:30-7:00. Please plan to attend and give generously. This past Sunday 16 youth arrived not knowing what the night might hold. Lucky for them there was something fun in store…. A trip to Bricks 4 Kids! “Aww that’s for babies,” they said! “You’re going to love it!” they were told. Upon arrival they discovered that building the robotized Lego creations were not as easy as they thought they would be! Those were quickly abandoned for the creative play tables where they built with Legos, made art by melting plastic beads, and had fun coloring on spinning paper plates. It was a great evening of fun and fellowship! The youth will be volunteering at East Texas Paws on February 15th from 2-4pm. This organization is a no kill rescue facility in Lufkin for dogs and cats. We will be collecting paper towels and kitty litter as well as old blankets, towels, and t-shirts. If you want to contribute please leave your donations in the armoire in the breezeway. If you would like to join us on this adventure please contact Emily Grimes at [email protected] or 936-240-6633. Page 4 Children & Families Ministry Jennifer Steele-Lantis, Associate Minister of Children & Families [email protected] JYF 2015 Calendar Family Fellowship Lunch February THIS Sunday, Feb. 1 Everyone is welcome to join us for lunch and fellowship together this Sunday, Feb. 1. We will meet at Dickey’s Barbecue between 11:45-12:00. You are invited to go ahead through the line and place your order. Families pick up their own checks and fellowship can be shared by all. This is a great way to get to know some people at church a little better than you did before. See you for lunch! 1 No JYF Meeting 8 JYF Meets 5:30-7:30pm 11*(Wed.) Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Youth 15 JYF Meets 5:30-7:30pm 22 JYF Meets 5:30-7:30pm March 1* 8 15 22 29 Family Fellowship Lunch & Activity 12:00-2:00pm NO JYF Meeting (Spring Break) JYF Meets with crossTraining (Service & Games) 5:30-7:30pm JYF Meets 5:30-7:30pm JYF Meets 5:30-7:30pm Save the Date! April 5 12* 12 19 26 No JYF Meeting (Easter) Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser for Youth (after church) JYF Meets 5:30-7:30pm All Church Game Night - Group Games, Board Games, etc. JYF Meets 5:30-7:30pm Our March Family Fellowship Lunch will be at the Church on March 1. We will eat together in the Fellowship Hall and then share in group activities and crafts around the theme of Prayer. ALL ages are invited to join us as we pray for people on our prayer list, make “healing hugs” and more. This is a great way for us to be church together across the generations. Please plan to eat with us and stay for the activity time together Sunday, March 1. We’ll start around noon and finish no later than 2 p.m. Disciples Journey Discipleship is a journey that lasts beyond a certain class and the act of baptism. It’s a journey we stay on our whole lives. “Disciples Journey” is the name we have given to our preparation process for baptism. Our first session focused on “Confession” – what we believe about God. We looked at the Disciples Affirmation of Faith as well as two other creeds to see what the Church as said about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Church. We took time to write a few statements about what we believe, too. JYF is Junior Youth Fellowship for grades 3-5. You are invited to bring a friend with you! We eat, play, pray, and serve together in Jesus name. See you at JYF! Our primary scripture for this session was Matthew 16:1320. Jesus asks his disciples and he asks us, “Who do you say that I am?” So…who do YOU say that Jesus is? And what difference will that make in your life today? Please continue to pray for student Cooper Knight and mentor Kym Guzman as they share in this special journey of discipleship. Page 5 Younger Women’s Gathering “Gathering of Grace” is a new opportunity for women to gather for fellowship and spiritual encouragement. It is especially for younger women to help connect with each other and to participate in this journey of life and faith together. Come as you are and catch your breath with a group of women who will talk and share, learn and laugh, pray and play together. The first gathering will be Thursday, February 19 from 7:00-8:30p.m. at the home of Jennifer Steele-Lantis. Please contact Jennifer for more information or directions (936) 671-3648 or [email protected]. Sunday School Opportunities Nursery Care (Infant 2 yr olds) Meeting Place: Room 105 Chi Rho (6-8 grade): Leader: Natalie Thornton Meeting Place: Room 404 Preschool Class (Ages 3-5): Leader: Chay Runnels Meeting Place: room 108 CYF (9-12 grade): Leader: Leslie March & Krista Guzman Meeting Place: Youth Bldg Primary Class (K-2nd Grade): Leader: Jim Riggs Meeting Place: Room 107 Faith Seekers: The Feast Leader: Kent Faver (Parlor) JYF (3-5 grade): Leader: Bob Brown Meeting Place: Room 307 Pioneer Class Not a Fan Leader: Rotating (Room 302) Reflections: Acts Leader: Tina Turner (Room 402) Fellowship: Adult Bible Study Leader: Rotating (Adult Building Room 304) Ernest Medford: Colossians & Philemon Leader: John Porter (Room 305) IT: Current Events Leader: Jennifer Steele-Lantis (Fellowship Hall) Preschool Ministry Book Fair Coming Soon! Our Annual Book Fair will begin on February 23 and runs through March 1. Everyone is welcome to come to the book fair. If you would like to help with this fundraiser, teachers will have a wish list of books that they would like to have in their room. You may purchase books from their list. You may also purchase books for your children or grandchildren. Week of Compassion Washington and Tupelo: A Single Weekend Changes Everything It was a lesson in vulnerability and a lesson in just how connected we are as the body of Christ. In late Spring 2014, in a single weekend, First Christian Church, Tupelo, Mississippi and First Christian Church, Washington, North Carolina, were both destroyed. A tornado ripped through Tupelo, destroying residences, businesses, and of course, First Christian Church. Members of First Christian Washington were also impacted by a tornado, and then lost their historic sanctuary to the fire just days later. Two communities impacted; tow historic congregations lost. But that isn’t the end of the story. Through Week of Compassion, Disciples from across North America responded - quickly. Week of Compassion sent grants from its Compassion in Action fund immediately to help affected families at both churches, and on top of solidarity grants sent to each church from the Compassion in Action fund, Week of Compassion helped direct designated gifts to both Washington and Tupelo, providing resources for their interim needs and rebuilding. Through Week of Compassion, Disciples work to make sure there is a fair balance—through out prayers, our hopes, and our resources. The Week of Compassion Offering will be collected February 15-22. Please give generously. Christian Sympathy Extended to the family of Chuck Weaver who passed away January 19, 2015. Our Prayer List Hospital Billie Smith, Woodland Heights ICU Stepdown Members Prayer is a crucial part of our community of Clarkie Brown, Bill Gunn, Doris & Jim Johns, Lorain Jordan (hospice), Martha de Luna Mateo, Bob Putnam, Jimmie Putnam, Jay Thornton faith. Family and Friends Norma, Baruch, Wes Bryant, Cheryl Calhoun, Jake Groenke, Geraldine Loftin, Ben Matheaus, J. C. Miller, James Morgan, Bobbi Robinson, Sharon Stanbery, Bobbie Warner, Matthew Warren & daughter Kay, Family of Emma Flo Wood Military Aaron Cotton, Rev. Mike Grubbs, Jamie Harris, Chad Reynolds, Jacob Ripley, Vanessa Rowland, Martin Schulthess, Brandon Zoss Continue earnestly in prayer being vigilant in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2 Nursing Home/Long Term Care Irene Hendricks, Dolly Hudgins, Janice Karns, Nelda Morrison, Norma Poland Page 7 Postmaster, address service requested: The Chalice Periodicals Postage Paid at Lufkin, TX Published Bi-Weekly at 1300 S. First St. USPS 877900 First Christian Church 1300 S. First Street Lufkin, TX 75901 Web: www.fcclufkin.com Phone: 936-634-8341 E-mail: [email protected] Calendar View an extended calendar at ww.fcclufkin.com Sunday, February 1, 2015 Chi Rho Mid-Winter Retreat Ends 8:45am Traditional Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:45am Alternative Worship 12:00pm Family Fellowship Lunch 5:30pm crossTraining—Super Bowl Monday, February 2, 2015 7:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast 5:30pm Scout Meetings 6:15pm Financial Peace 6:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal Tuesday, February 3, 2015 10:00am Practicing Attentiveness 5:30pm Scout Meetings 7:00pm CR Men’s Step Study Wednesday, February 4, 2015 9:45am Preschool Chapel 10:00am Honoring Veteran’s 10:00am Women’s Game Day 11:00am Men’s Emmaus Reunion 5:45pm Handbells 6:00pm Celebration of Discipline 6:30pm Choir Practice Tuesday, February 10, 2015 10:00am Practicing Attentiveness 2:00pm Day Lily Group 5:00pm Women’s Executive Board 5:30pm Scout Meetings 6:00pm Epsilon Kappa Master 6:30pm Choir Practice 7:00pm CR Men’s Step Study Wednesday, February 18, 2015 9:45am Preschool Chapel 10:00am Women’s Game Day 11:00am Men’s Emmaus Reunion Group 5:45pm Handbells 6:00pm Ash Wednesday Service 6:00pm Celebration of Discipline 6:30pm Choir Practice Wednesday, February 11, 2015 9:00am Retired DPS 9:45am Preschool Chapel 10:00am Women’s Game Day 11:00am Men’s Emmaus Reunion 5:30pm Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser 5:45pm Handbells 6:00pm Celebration of Discipline Thursday, February 19, 2015 10:00am Men’s Game Day 5:30pm Ambucs Friday, February 13, 2015 6:30pm Celebrate Recovery Saturday, February 14, 2015 8:00am Pine Wood Derby Friday, February 6, 2015 6:30pm Celebrate Recovery Sunday, February 15, 2015 Week of Compassion 8:45am Traditional Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:45am Alternative Worship 1:00pm Bridal Shower for E. Grimes 5:30pm crossTraining 5:30pm JYF Sunday, February 8, 2015 8:45am Traditional Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:45am Alternative Worship 5:30pm crossTraining 5:30pm JYF Monday, February 16, 2015 7:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast 10:00am Quilt Guild 5:30pm Scout Meetings 6:15pm Financial Peace 6:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal Monday, February 9, 2015 7:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast 5:00pm Newsletter Deadline 5:30pm Preschool Board 5:30pm Scout Meetings 6:15pm Financial Peace 6:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal Tuesday, February 17, 2015 9:30am Women’s Group II 5:15pm Finance/Living Trust 5:30pm Scout Meetings 6:30pm General Board 6:30pm Women’s Group V 7:00pm CR Men’s Step Study Thursday, February 5, 2015 10:00am Men’s Game Day Friday, February 20, 2015 CYF Mid-Winter begins 6:30pm Celebrate Recovery Saturday, February 21, 2015 12:00pm Blue & Gold Banquet Sunday, February 22, 2015 CYF Mid-Winter Ends Week of Compassion 8:45am Traditional Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:45am Alternative Worship 5:30pm crossTraining 5:30pm Elders Meeting 5:30pm JYF Monday, February 23, 2015 7:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast 5:00pm Newsletter Deadline 5:30pm Scout Meetings 6:15pm Financial Peace 6:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal Tuesday, February 24, 2015 5:30pm Scout Meetings 6:30pm Pack Meeting 7:00pm CR Men’s Step Study Wednesday, February 25, 2015 9:45am Preschool Chapel 10:00am Women’s Game Day 11:00am Men’s Emmaus Reunion Group 5:45pm Handbells 6:00pm Celebration of Discipline 6:30pm Choir Practice
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