Direct Marketing Blog

11 Strategies for Growing Your Email List
Whether you use your email list to send out newsletters, offer coupons and promotions, or
market yourself as an expert, developing a large and loyal email list is key to increasing your
revenue. Sending emails is an inexpensive way to get in front of your customers.
Here are 11 strategies to grow your email list (and your revenue):
1. Start with friends and family: Begin your list with current and former colleagues, friends
and family. Ask them to forward your emails to their contacts so that you can begin to take
advantage of their reach.
2. Ask during the sale: At the time of purchase, ask to provide the customer with special offers
and bonuses via their email address.
3. Consider reverse marketing: Add to your list those people who prospect you. By
consistently providing value in your newsletters, a partner is more likely to refer you to a
4. Tap into your former customer base: If you are already selling online, you probably
already have a head start. If you aren’t, you can still reconnect with previous customers who
have not provided their email address. Send them an invitation (postcard or letter) to join
your list for the purposes of special offers, valuable information, etc. You can send a personal
and friendly reminder of your services. For a selection of sample reminder emails, visit:
5. Create an opt-in feature on your website: Make sure you have an opt-in or “subscribe”
form on every page of your website. This enables visitors to add themselves to your list.
Providing freebies, tips or special pricing provides a great incentive to join.
6. Make it simple to forward: Provide a “send to friend” button on all of your newsletters and
emails to maximize the viral aspect of your efforts. Most email service providers include this
as a standard feature.
7. Update your email signature: Have an easy link to your newsletter subscription form on
your email signature. Offer an incentive to join, and make sure you include it on all
customer support emails as well as transaction confirmations.
8. Engage in social networking communities: Take advantage of the connections you have
made on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. As you participate in discussion groups, include a
link to your website’s subscription form. People that value your messages are likely to join
your list.
9. Collect business cards: Use professional meetings, networking events, trade shows or
casual introductions as opportunities to share contact information. Ask the person for
permission to add them to your subscriber list.
10. Be politely persistent. A “no” may really mean “not right now.” Customers can be in a
hurry, stressed or otherwise not initially interested in providing their email address. When
you speak to them in the future, don’t be afraid to ask their permission again. Make it part of
your policy to always verify or ask for customers’ email addresses.
11. Create affiliate relationships: Offer your colleague a free sponsorship of your newsletter in
exchange for the same from them. CAUTION: Simply swapping lists is considered SPAM.
Instead, ask your colleague to send an introductory email with an easy link to your enewsletter or opt-in feature.
Getting the email addresses can often be the easy part of growing your list. Keeping people
engaged takes creativity and effort. Remember this: the more valuable and useful information
you bring to your list, the more valuable your list will become to your business.
For more tips on growing your email list, check out How to Grow Your Opt-In List by Email
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