CONGREGATION SHAARAY TEFILA 25 Central Avenue, Lawrence, NY11559 Phone: (516) 239-2444 Fax: (516) 239-2199 E-mail: [email protected] David Malek, President SHABBOS PARSHAS YISRO 17 Shevat/February 6, 2015 Welcome to RABBI & REBBETZIN AVRAHAM BLEICH FRIDAY, FEB. 6TH Candle Lighting………………..5:00 PM Mincha …………………………5:10 PM Shkiah ……………….…………5:18 PM ONEG SHABBOS Zmiros ~ Food ~ Divrei Torah Come meet Rabbi & Rebbetzin Avraham Bleich 8:15 PM Men, women & young people are invited. TH SHABBOS, FEB. 7 Hashkama Minyan…………….7:30 AM Nusach Sefard…………………8:30 AM …..followed by R’ Ari Bergmann’s shiur Shacharis……………………….9:00 AM Krias Shema……………………9:33 AM Shabbos Drosha will be given by Rabbi Avraham Bleich Gala Kiddush following davening Mincha………………………….4:45 PM Maariv…………………………..6:04 PM Havdala…………………………6:09 PM SHABBOS SHIURIM Insights into the Parsha Given by Rabbi David Seidemann 8:40 AM Gemara Shiur will be RECESSED this week Shiur B’Iyun for Men Given by: Rabbi Avraham Bleich Topic: Pulling the Strings Contemporary Discussion on Tefira & Related Actions on Shabbos 4:00 PM Daf Yomi given by Rabbi Daniel Martin following Mincha (Kesuvos 5) Tiferes Avos Shiurim Rabbi D. Bressler, Magid Shiurim Mon – Th (Avoda Zara)…….….10:00 AM Tues. (Moed Katan)…....……..…8:00 PM Seudah Shlishis Speaker: Rabbi Avraham Bleich MOTZEI SHABBOS, FEB. 7TH Melave Malka at Shaaray Tefila Topic: Is Torah in Heaven or On Earth? Q & A with Rabbi Bleich Seudah Shlishis sponsored by: Mr. & Mrs. Sam Davies In memory of her beloved grandmother Rivka bas Reb Chaim HaCohen Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ganz In memory of his beloved mother Chana bas Chaim Tzvi Hacohen SHAARAY TEFILA YOUTH DEPARTMENT Shabbos morning groups begin 9:30 AM Seudah Shlishis groups after Mincha for all ages Weekly Schedule Shacharis Sun………..7:20, 8:00, 9:00 & 9:30 AM M/Th..........6:00, 7:00, 7:45, & 9:30 AM T/W/F……..6:10, 7:00, 7:45 & 9:30 AM Mincha/Maariv…………..5:15/5:35 PM Learning between Mincha & Maariv Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Yaron Reich in memory of her beloved father Ernie Weiner, a”h Mincha Gedola (Sun)……......12:45 PM Maariv (S-Th)…………………..8:00 PM Late Maariv (S-Th)…...............9:15 PM Important Halachic Times Earliest Time Tallis/Tefilin…….6:07 AM Latest Time Shema……………9:30 AM Latest Time Shacharis………10:23 AM Earliest Time Mincha …….….12:40 PM 8:00 PM Men & women are invited. Torah Conferencing Network Live Broadcast Shiur Rabbi Yisroel Reisman On Sefer Yehoshua 8:00 PM Men & women are invited. SUNDAY, FEB. 8TH SHIUR FOR MEN Given by Rabbi Binyomin Steinberg Topic: Sugyas Hadaf B’Iyun V’Lomdus 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM in the Zichron Alter Bais Medrash MONDAY, FEB. 9TH Hashkafic Topics Related to the Parsha Given by Rabbi Meir Goldvicht 8:00 PM Men & women are invited. TUESDAY, FEB. 10TH RABBI TZVI FLAUM’S Shiurim for Women at the home of our members Dr. & Mrs. Freddie Marton 2 Forest Lane, Lawrence Chumash…………….10:00 AM Pirkei Avos……………11:15 AM Weekly Shiurim/Events Shiur for Women FRINGE BENEFITS A Practical Shiur in Hilchos Tzitzis Morning Kollel Rabbi P. Wachsman, Rosh Kollel Sun………………………………..7:00 AM Mon - Fri.…….…………...6:00 – 7:00 AM Given by: Rabbi Nachum Dinowitz Rebbi, Yeshiva Darchei Torah Daf Yomi given by Rabbi Yehoshua Kalish Sun………………………….…….8:00 AM Mon – Fri…………………………6:45 AM 8:30 PM OVER PLEASE WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11TH Tefila According to the P’shat Given by Rabbi Boruch Gross 8:30 - 9:15 PM For men only. MAZAL TOV To Rabbi Ovadiah Dubin on the birth of a great grandson. To Dr. & Mrs. Murray Friedman on the birth of a granddaughter to their children Dena & Naftali Friedman. Ongoing Shiur for Women To Rabbi & Mrs. Meir Goldvicht on the birth of twin (boy & girl) grandchildren. Speaker: Mrs. Michal Horowitz Noted Educator & Lecturer To Mr. & Mrs. Steven Reich on the birth of a grandson to their children Aurlee & Ephraim Loewy in Baltimore. The ongoing series will be based on the text “Building a Sanctuary in the Heart” An English adaptation of the sefer “Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh” which details practical steps on attaining dveikus to Hashem 8:30 – 9:15 PM THURSDAY, FEB. 12TH Sugyas Hashas based on the Daf in Halacha & Hashkafa Given by Rabbi Tzvi Flaum To Mr. & Mrs. Yaron Reich on the birth of a grand-daughter to their children Yehuda and Arielle Reich of Jerusalem and to the great grandparents Drs. Leon and Rosalie Reich. To Mr. & Mrs. Martin Oliner on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Ozer Shimon Oliner. To Mr. & Mrs. Carmi Gruenbaum on the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Sara to Shimon Willig. 8:15 PM For men & young men. To Mr. & Mrs. Eli Tendler on the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Sima to Zevy Kazarnovsky of Monsey. Shiur for Men Given by Rabbi Yair Yaish To Dr. & Mrs. Moshe Werzberger who will be honored at the Yeshiva of Far Rockaway Annual Dinner. Topic: Halacha Based on the Parsha 9:30 PM Hot chulent & refreshments will be served. UPCOMING EVENTS PROBA SHABBOS Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim February 13-14 Rabbi Daniel Glatstein To all the Daf Yomi participants on being Mesayem Meseches Yevamos and to the Magidei Shiur, Rabbi Yehoshua Kalish and Rabbi Daniel Martin.
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