CBY Weekly Shabbat Announcements Shevat 10 – 17 5775 January 30-February 6 2015 BESHALACH – SHABBAT SHIRA Shabbat Schedule January 30-31 Special Events Candles Mincha 4:50 PM 5:00 PM Minyanim: Hashkama Ashkenaz Sefard Moroccan New Main Shul Young Members Teen Minyan Youth Groups 8:00 PM Shalom Zachor at the Rosenbaum residence, 473 Maitland Ave. Teaneck 8:30 AM Gavriel Silver Bar Mitzvah 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:45 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:20 AM Shiurim: Ben Ish Chai Chaburah 8:00 AM After 8:30 AM Ashkenaz- Bava Metzia – Rabbi Frank Breslau and Dr. Joey Bench After 8:30 AM Sefard - Minchas Chinuch – Peter Feldman Daf Yomi Elliot Small 7:30 AM & 3:50 PM – 4:20 PM Josh Notkin will speak on Rav Kook's Ein Ayah Mincha 1:45 & 4:50 PM Rabbi Pruzansky will speak on “PHOTOSHOPPING OUT WOMEN – HALACHA? NORMAL?” Ma’ariv & Shabbat ends 5:56 PM 6:30 PM Manny Freed z”l Parent & Child Learning Weekday Schedule Feb. 1 - 6 Sun – 6:25, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:50, 9:15 AM Mon & Thur - 6:05, 6:20, 7:00, 7:20, 8:00, 8:50 AM Tue, Wed & Fri 6:15, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:50 AM Earliest Tefillin Latest Shema Mincha Gedola Mincha 6:11 AM 9:38 AM 12:40 PM 5:10 PM Early Mincha Sun - 12:45 & 1:45 PM Early Mincha Mon – Thurs - 1:45 PM Late Ma’ariv Sun – Thurs - 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:01, & 10:45 PM שבת שלום Next Shabbat – Yitro Candles Mincha 4:59 PM 5:10 PM We welcome Rav Binny Freedman, Rosh Yeshiva of Oraita, who will speak Friday night before Maariv on "Jewish Fear at Yam Suf - Why?" Mazal Tov Leorah & Akiva Marcus, Judy & Ralph Marcus and Devora & Mel Bleiberg, on the birth of a daughter and a granddaughter Anya & David Silver, on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Gavriel Sari & Ira Cooper, on the birth of a granddaughter, a daughter to Ally and Aryeh Cooper Rachel and Paul Glasser, on the birth of a granddaughter, a daughter to Shana & Howie Beigelman Ilana & Toni Glickman, on the birth of a grandson, a son to Avigayil & Yonah Heller Esther & Mark Kook, on the birth of a granddaughter, a daughter to Michael and Tova Kook Esther & Jacob Schlanger, on the birth of a granddaughter, a daughter to Nikki & Simcha Schlanger Andria & Rabbi Yehuda Rosenbaum, on the birth of a grandson, a son to Ariella & Dr. Aryeh Rosenbaum Ruth & Samuel Stern, on the birth of a granddaughter, a daughter to Shuli & Adam Karoll in Israel Jeanie & Aaron Rothstein, on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Yonatan Naor, son of Elizabeth & Ofer Naor Trudy & Toddie Levine, on the marriage of their granddaughter, Tiferet Korn, daughter of Rabbi Yitzchak Korn, to Shalom Yeffet, in Israel Naomi & Erich Zauderer, on the marriage of their granddaughters, Tova to Shlomo Chaim Toda, Dafna to Yehuda Gutking, and Adina to Eli Kuhnreich Trudy & Toddie Levine, on the birth of a great grandson, a son to Elisheva & Yinon Grossberg, and grandson to Rabbi Yitzchak Korn, in Israel Condolences Fayge Novogroder, on the loss of her beloved father Rabbi Jacob Rabinowitz Mazal tov to Rabbi and Michal Zahtz on their move. Please note that their new address is 1348 Milford Terrace. We which them much hatzlacha in their new home! Beis Medrash Program This Saturday night, January 31, 8:00 PM I.C.E. Inspirational College Events (sponsored by BNOT), featuring the world-renowned speaker, Rabbi Paysach Krohn! This event is open to WOMEN OF ALL AGES and the topic of the shiur is "Becoming a Person of Bracha." Refreshments will be served at 7:45 pm and the shiur will start at 8:00 pm. Please contact Lauren Szpilzinger at [email protected] with any questions or comments. Adult Education Save the Date for our scholar in residence Dr. Daniel Sinclair, Shabbat Parashat Mishpatim, February 13-14. Details to follow. Chevra Kadisha Thursday evening, Feb. 26, Zayin Adar On the yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu, z”l the Chevra Kadisha will be having their traditional day of introspection followed by a seudah. This year we will have the honor of being addressed by Rabbi Steven Weil, senior managing director of the Orthodox Union. The topic will be “What Factors Produced the World’s Most Perfected Man”. Everyone is welcome. The seudah will begin at 6:35 PM. The cost is $18 by Feb. 15, $20 after. Checks should be made payable to Chevra Kadisha Congregation Bnai Yeshurun. Bnot Save the date! BNOT Pre-Pesach Boutique will take place on Sunday, March 15 from 4:30 - 9:00 PM If you or anyone you know would like to participate as a vendor, please contact Miriam Kopel at [email protected] Bnei Akiva Snif at 4:50 PM SEDER TU BISHVAT- Bnei Akiva! February 3rd, 7:00 PM at Bnai Yeshurun Click here to sign up: http://form.jotformpro.com/form/50255564003951 For more details: https://www.facebook.com/events/15461311456 46560/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular See you there! Shira & Nehora. Rabbi Pruzansky’s book, “Tzadka Mimeni” – Only 4 copies left in the shul office!! Come in and purchase your copy today. It makes a perfect Tu B’Shvat gift! All proceeds go to the shul. Mishna Yomit – Masechet Keilim Daily 7:45 AM, Shabbat 8:15 AM, Sunday 8:30 AM Friday Night Kids’ Mishna Shiur -7:45 PM Mishna Avoda Zara Motza’ei Shabbat 6:30 PM - Manny Freed z”l Parent & Child Learning Monday, February 2 8:15 PM Rabbi Pruzansky’s 5775 Lecture series “Emunah – Part 8 “The Suffering of the Righteous – Really?” TUESDAYS 11:15 AM Rabbi Zahtz’s weekly shiur for women on Sefer Yehoshua 8:00 PM Rabbi Goldwicht’s weekly shiur 8:15 PM Rabbi Finkelstein Hashkafa shiur 9:00 PM Rabbi Dr. Zelefsky’s weekly shiur on Igros Moshe WEDNESDAYS 8:15 PM Rabbi Pruzansky will give a shiur from the “Tzurba M’Rabannan” text, studying the halachot of Orach Chaim, in the back of the Beis Medrash Rabbi Michael Taubes’ Lunch & Learn shiur for Senior Lunch at 1:00 PM followed by a shiur at 1:30 PM 8:00 PM - Rabbi Menachem Meier Shiur in the Old Main on Religious Thought of Rambam in Mishneh Torah 9:15 PM - Rav Zvi Sobolofsky’s Shiur THURSDAYS 10:30 AM Rebecca Belizon weekly shiur for women in the Old Main 12:30 PM Parsha teleconference with Rabbi Zahtz Call in info: (530) 881-1212 Access code 784-794-382# 9:40 PM Chaburah with Rabbi Finkelstein After 10:01 PM Ma’ariv – Rabbi Taubes’ Shiur on “Parsha and Halacha” Kollel Boker with Rabbi Tzvi Sobolofsky 6:20 AM Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning in the classroom downstairs. Schedule of night seder programming in the Beis Medrash Monday: 8:00 – 8:40 PM – Gemara and Chickies for boys, grades 6-8 8:40 – 9:20 PM – Chavura on Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh with Rabbi Zahtz 9:20 – 10:00 PM – Chavura on Hilchos Shabbos with Rabbi Zahtz 9:00 – 10:00 PM – Gemara skills with Rabbi Rich Tuesday: 8:15 – 9:00 PM – Pirkei Avos and poarsha shiur with Rabbi Finkelstein 9:00 – 10:00 PM – Chavrusa learning with rabbi Finkelstein Wednesday: 8:00 – 8:40 PM – Chavrusa on selected teshuvos with Rabbi Zahtz 8:4 0 – 9:20 PM – Chavura with Rabbi Zahtz 9:20 – 10:00 PM – Chavura on Gemara Rosh Hashana with Rabi Zahtz Thursday: 8:00 – 9:00 PM – Chavura on Gemara Makos with Rabbi Finkelstein 9:00 – 10:00 PM – Preparing mekoros on topics in Shmita followed by shiur at 9:40 by Rabbi Finkelstein COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Shabbat, January 31 Following Mincha at 4:40 PM Rabbi Steven Weil will speak at Seuda Shlishit on "Wealth Management." at Keter Torah Tusday, February 3 8:00 PM A New Support Group for Divorced Women and Women in the Process of Divorce is beginning Feb. 3, 2015. It is facilitated by Dr. Carol Glaser, Ph.D., a marriage and family therapist on Tuesday from 8-9:30PM. There is no fee. Please call 201 833 8822 if you are interested and leave a message. All inquiries are kept confidential. Shabbat, February 7 3:00 PM The 5th annual Bonnie Berman Yahrzeit Shiur will take place at Congregation Zichron Mordechai (389 West Englewood Avenue-right off Windsor Road). Rabbi Simcha Schaum will be speaking about "Peering Into the Head and Heart of Yosef: Understanding 'Ha-od Avi Chai'?". The shiur is sponsored by the Ladies Shabbos Afternoon Shiur group and is open to the community. Sunday, February 8 10:00 AM Heichal HaTorah and the Jewish Center of Teaneck invite the entire community to a lecture by Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO of OU Kashrus, on his book "Letters to Clinton". Please join us for Shacharis at 8:45 AM followed by breakfast at 9:30 AM. Books will be available afterwards for purchase and signing at 70 Sterling Place, Teaneck. 12:30-8:00 PM NJ Yachad and the International Jewish Resource Center for Inclusion and Special Education present Yachad Parent Conference Ensuring that EVERY CHILD belongs. At Congregation Keter Torah 600 Roemer Ave. Teaneck For more information or to RSV. Please contact Chani Herrmann-Director NJ Yacha 201-833-1349 or [email protected] 4:45 PM SINAI Dinner - Please help change the life of a child with special needs! SINAI Schools cordially invites you to our 2015 Annual Benefit Dinner Each year we rely on the community to make a difference in the lives of this community's special needs children who otherwise could not afford to attend our schools. With our incredibly individualized programs designed to meet each child's specific needs, the nearly 1:2 staff-to-student ratio, and intense therapeutic supports within the classrooms, our costs per child are staggeringly high. Tuition reflects these costs, and without significant financial aid is beyond the reach of all but a handful of families. Funds raised at the Benefit Dinner enable us to continue to say "yes" to the children who need a special education, regardless of financial circumstances. Your compassion and generosity allows SINAI Schools to continue to provide an outstanding special education to our community's Jewish children with special needs. Honoring: Shelley and Ruvan Cohen, establishing the Nathaniel Richman Cohen A"H Scholarship Fund in memory of their son, who tragically succumbed to the illness that had necessitated his attending SINAI. Nancy and Dr. Elie Elmann, parents of a current SINAI student. Laurie and Rabbi Brian Gopin, former SINAI parents whose son recently returned to a mainstream yeshiva day school after many years at SINAI. Ashley and Rabbi Shimshon Jacob. He is a SINAI alumnus, and now a Rabbi, teacher and father. Judy and Nathan Rephan, grandparents of a current SINAI student. Receiving our Community Partnership Award: Holy Name Medical Center, a hospital in Teaneck that has provided vocational placements for our high school students for over a decade. Marriott Glenpointe Hotel, Teaneck NJ Buffet Dinner 4:45PM Program Promptly at 6:30PM To make reservations or a donation, please visit www.sinaidinner.org or call 201-833-1134 x105. 8:30 PM Please join us as we welcome Rav David Rabinovitch, Rosh Yeshiva of Makor Chaim, as he will present a moving video on the events of this past summer and discuss the impact which the kidnapping and murder of the three students has had on the Yeshiva and of our commitment to "Choose Life” at 285 Briarcliffe Road, Teaneck Monday February 23 9:30 AM Yachad Mothers' Support Group A unique series for mothers of children with special needs. Bassie Taubes, RN OCVN CBCN Certified Health Coach Wellness wisdom LLC-Eat Well Move Well, Sleep Well 3 ingredients to help cope with stressWorkshops are free of charge and requires registration. Breakfast will be served. All sessions will be followed by a support group led by Chani Herrmann LMSW Director of NJ Yachad RSVP to [email protected] at Rinat Yisrael. 9:45 AM Mrs. Chani Juravel is scheduled to speak on "Finding the Balance Between Hishtadlus and Bitachon" at 1510 Jefferson Street, in Teaneck. Saturday, February 28 We will be recognizing and presenting awards to the prior Presidents and Board Chairs of Moriah; Max Grobow z"l, Ralph Warburg, Norman Oppenheimer z"l, Seymour Bernstein, Gerlad Wolf z"l, Debbie Indyk, Dr. Kenneth Prager, Melvin Lubin, Stanley Turitz, Victor Weinman, David Lew z"l, Nahum Twersky, Marvin I. Benkler z"l, Herbert Speiser, Ilan Kaufthal, Alan Jacobs, Rella Feldman, Dov Schwartz, Daniel Straus, Morris Bienenfeld, Moshael Straus, Jeffrey Parker, Nathan Lindenbaum, Sam Moed, Michael Goldsmith and Jeremy Schwalbe. A special tribute to these leaders will also take place at the annual dinner We will also be presenting special awards to Diane Wolf, the Moriah School librarian for the past 34 years and a founding member of MAP. A Special Service Recognition Award will also be presented to Emily Trepp who has been a part of the fabric of Moriah since inception. She was very active in Moriah's formation, involved in MAP leadership, and for the past 11 years has served as Morah Emily by volunteering in our early childhood classes. We will also be presenting Moriah's former librarian Shelly Feit who was at Moriah 30 years and dedicated her service to the students. TABC is bringing students to NYC on March 18, working with Midnight Run, a volunteer organization dedicated to finding common ground between the housed and the homeless. We are looking for donations of coats, pants, socks, undergarments, shirts, shoes, or gloves/hats (preferred sizes L/XL, mens clothing, dark colored). Donations can be dropped off at 312 Churchill Road. Yosef Glatter or Meir Tolchin can be contacted at [email protected] for any questions. All donations are greatly appreciated, Tizku L'Mitzvot!
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