SCHEDULE OF SHIURIM Shabbos Morning: 8:15am Halacha Shiur - Rabbi Tokayer Shabbos: 3:15pm Gemara Berachos - Rabbi Tokayer Sunday 8:00a.m. Medrash Rabbah - Rabbi Wolman Tuesday 9:00a.m. Tefillah Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer in Bais Medrash Tuesday 10:00a.m. Sefer Koheles Shiur - Rabbi Tokayer Wednesday 8:00p.m. Sefer Shemos - Rabbi Tokayer in Bais Medrash ELIAHU AND LEAH ABILEVITZ BEIS MIDRASH PROGRAM Monday 8:30 – 9:30p.m. Open Bais Midrash Sunday after 8:30 minyan –Shiur with Rabbi Schiffman CHEVRA TEHILLIM We will start at Chapter 92 ( )צב. To sign up please phone 718-336-0251 or email [email protected]. WOMEN'S CHEVRA TEHILLIM The Women’s Tehillim will meet a half hour before Mincha in the Bais Medrash until further notice. We look forward to seeing you. שבת פרשת בשלח Shabbos Beshalach January 30th – 31st Shabbos Candle Lighting before 4:51p.m. הדלקת נרות Mincha/Kabbalas Shabbos & Maariv 5:00p.m. מנחה קבלת שבת ומעריב Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer 8:15a.m. שעור Shabbos Shacharis 8:45a.m. שחרית Susie Spitzer and Friends Mt Sinai Beth Israel Hospital Sydelle Hudes * Ilana Adonolem * Miriam Klein R. Etan Tokayer - Rabbi R. Mordechai Schiffman - Asst. Rabbi R. Shlomo Wolman - Shamash R. Milton H. Polin - Rabbi Emeritus ב"ה Presidium: Yitz Elman & Jeffrey Grodko Board Chairman: Dr. Julian Seewald Board Vice Chairman: Jonah Meer PLEASE DAVEN FOR OUR CAPTIVE ISRAELI SOLDIERS! Stone Chumash Pg 366 - Hertz Chumash Pg 265 Teffilah for Israel – ArtScroll Page 450 Drasha before Musaf דרשה Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer 3:45p.m. שעור Mincha 4:45p.m. מנחה Seudah Shelishis sponsored by Marjorie & Alan Brown, Holly & Mark Jacobovitch, Frima & Neil Peters, and Rochelle & & Ed Strauss סעודה שלישית Maariv not before 5:52p.m. מעריב Shabbos Ends 5:57p.m. צאת השבת Weekly Schedule Shacharis שחרית Mincha Maariv מנחה מעריב Sun. Mon. - Fri. Sun. – Thurs. Sun. – Thurs. 7:30/8:30a.m. 6:30/7:30a.m. 5:00pm. 5:25p.m. שבת פרשת יתרו Shabbos Yitro February 6th – 7th 18 Shevat 5775 Shabbos Candle Lighting before 5:00p.m. הדלקת נרות Mincha/Kabbalas Shabbos & Maariv 5:10p.m. מנחה קבלת שבת ומעריב Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer 8:15a.m. שעור Shabbos Shacharis 8:45a.m. שחרית Drasha before Musaf דרשה Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer 4:00p.m. שעור Mincha 5:00p.m. מנחה Seudah Shelishis סעודה שלישית Maariv not before 6:01p.m. מעריב Shabbos Ends 6:06p.m. צאת השבת SINCERE CONDOLENCES ANITA WEINSTEIN MEMORIAL BIKUR CHOLIM Community Hospital 2810 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn NY 11229 Tele: 718.-258-.3344 * Fax: 718-258-3349 Web: Email: [email protected] 11 Shevat 5775 Charlotte Orrin on the passing of her beloved father, Moshe Cahane עה. Shiva concluded Friday morning 1/30/15. Women Sun. POOL SCHEDULE Mon./Wed. 10:30 – 12:15p.m. 7:30 - 9:30p.m. Men Sun. 8:30-10:15a.m. Tues./Thurs. 7:30- 9:30p.m. RABBI’S MESSAGE - Bandwagon Jews Moshe had asked Pharoh to release the Jews for a three day trip to serve Hashem in the wilderness. When Pharoah now notices that B’nei Yisrael are not intending to return at all, the Torah records that, “ Pharoh said toB’nei Yisrael (“L’bnei Yosrael”), they are trapped in the wilderness.” To whom exactly was Pharoh speaking ? The Jews had already departed . Rashi anwers that “l’bnei yisrael” means “regarding the Jewish people.” Namely, Pharaoh commented regarding the people that they were in fact trapped in the desert. Targum Yonasan says that l’bnei yisrael means “to the Jewish people”. Specifically, Pharoh spoke to two Jews named Dathan and Aviram. But if the Jews had already left Egypt, what were these two men still doing there? R. Yochanan Zweis argues that Dathan and Aviram were not really interested in joining the people in a three day religious revival. They were rather content with their Jewish Egyptian identity and stayed in Mitzrayim thinking the people would be back in three days. But when Pharoah commented to them that the Jews were not coming back, then Dathan and Aviram were not ready to abandon their people entirely, so they picked up and left as well. I would suggest that Dathan and Aviram were bandwagon Jews. They saw which way the parade was going and they jumped on that bandwagon. When they believed Pharoh was in charge, they cast their lot in Egypt and remained with Pharoah. When they saw that Hashem had indeed taken the people out, they jumped onto that bandwagon. And later on, when they saw Moshe as head honcho, they followed him. Yet when they saw Korach leading a potentially successful rebellion, they hopped on the bandwagon with him. But Judaism of course is no parade and how we live our lives cannot be based on wagon hopping. We must most importantly be knowledgeable Torah Jews, and then with conviction we must live by those principles. When it comes to an honest Torah life, we are well advised to leave the wagon for the band. Good Shabbos. If you have an halachic question, email: [email protected]. I welcome your comments at [email protected]. Shul-Wide Tu-B’Shvat Event Motzei Shabbos, February 7th For Adults 7:30 PM – Smorg Room For Kids 7:00 PM – Catering Hall Join us for an enjoyable evening complete with fine wine, Tu B’Shvat foods, and an interactive and inspirational Tu B’Shvat Seder with Rabbi and Rebbetzin Tokayer. Brought to you by the Adult Education Committee. Join us for our Second Annual Motzei Shabbos Fun Night with Pizza Making, a Tu B’Shvat Berachos Party, and Candy Plant Wars. Cost is only $5 per child, with a $20 cap per family. PRESIDENTS CORNER Board Meeting Update: The Board met as scheduled this week. Of particular note was the fact that approximately $110,000 is owed to Kingsway by members for dues and building fund. To be clear, this amount is comprised of money owed for 3 months or more. Any manner in which one may slice this, $110,000 is not an insignificant number. With everyone pitching in and doing his/her share, we can bring this number down to where it should be. Let's remember please to take care of our Kingsway as Kingsway takes care of all of us...always with an open heart and eager to serve. Superbowl Sunday: A) The Wandering Q Truck will be at Kingsway this Sunday. See bulletin for details. An important FYI regarding this event. Earlier this week, we had a conference call with Robbie Zeitz and the Wandering Q Chef himself for the purpose of reviewing the plans for this Sunday and addressing the issues that arose last time the truck came to spend an afternoon with us. We hope that the plans we have discussed and implemented will pay off. This should be evidenced by faster moving lines. B) We invite you to bring your friends and family to the catering hall this Sunday, watch the game and partake in the Q. Even if you are not a football fan or a sports fan, this is a great opportunity to get together with people and of course to support the shul. The game will be broadcast in the catering hall on several big screens we have rented. Looking forward to seeing you there. C) Fundraiser- Support the shul and have fun at the same time. Superbowl Boxes are available to be purchased. Cash prizes to be awarded. Please see bulletin for details. Good Shabbos and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday at the QYitz Elman and Jeff Grodko- Presidium New Weekly Shiur THANK YOU Motzei Shabbos Fun Night Sponsor: Leslie & Dr. Aaron Berger in memory of Moshe Cahane עה, beloved father of Charlotte Orrin. Adeline & Robert Wilkes gave a donation to Kingsway in appreciation of the warmth in our shul - prayer, friendship, Rosh Chodesh Kiddush they experienced Shabbos Parshas Vaera. MAZAL TOV Eva Evans on the birth of a great grandson, born to her grandchildren, Eli & Sivan Evans, the children of Gideon & Rachel Evans. YOUTH CORNER Youth Corner Shabbos Groups - On Shabbos morning at 10:00 AM, regular groups will take place in the gym for 4-11 year olds. The 4-7 year old group will move to the Butterfly room at approximately 10:15. The Tot Room will be open at 10:00 AM for toddlers accompanied by a parent. Youth Newsletter - Make sure to grab a copy of the new Youth Newsletter for Shvat. In honor of Tu B'Shvat, the monthly midda that we will be focusing on in groups and during special programs, is nature. Teen Kiddush - Join your friends after davening on Februrary 7th, Shabbos, Parshas Yisro, for our next teen Kiddush. Motzei Shabbos Fun Night - Join us on Motzei Shabbos, February 7th, at 7:00 PM for our second annual motzei shabbos fun night, featuring Pizza Making, a Tu B'Shvat Berachos Party, and Candy Plant Wars! Save the Date! Our next Young Couples/Families lunch will be on Shabbos 2/21. We hope to see you there! Save the Date Kingsway’s 87th Annual Dinner May 17, 2015 Rabbi Wolman is available for Bar Mitzvah lessons & mezuzah inspections. Starting Sunday, February 1st, Rabbi Schiffman will be giving his weekly shiur, as part of the Abilevitz Beis Midrash program, on Sunday mornings after the 8:30 minyan. The topic is "A 360 Degree View of Veahavta Lereiacha Kamocha." We will analyze sources from Tanach, Gemara, Jewish Philosophy, Halacha, and Psychology to explore this foundational mitzvah from different angles. Light refreshments will be served. Thanks to Karen and Jake Abilevitz for their continued support. KOSHER TEXAS BBQ WITH ARI WEITZ FROM GEMSTONE CATERERS (STAR K) THE BBQ TRUCK WILL "POP UP" IN THE KINGSWAY SCHOOL YARD SUPERBOWL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 NOON - 11:00P.M. SEATING AVAILABLE IN THE KINGSWAY CATERING HALL WHERE THE GAME WILL BE SHOWN ON BIG SCREEN TV’S. A PORTION OF THE PROCEEDS WILL BENEFIT KINGSWAY JEWISH CENTER SUPPORT OUR FUNDRAISER BY PURCHASING A BOX OF THE OUTCOME OF THE SCORE FOR EACH QUARTER @ $54.00 PER BOX $250.00 - 1st Quarter $500.00 - 2nd Quarter $750.00 - 3rd Quarter $1,800.00 - 4th Quarter COME ONE - COME ALL
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