ST STEPHENS LUTHERAN CHUCH—LCMS Connecting All To Christ INSIDE THIS ISSUE: V O L U M E 1 5 I S S U E 1 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 Celebrating the Family 2 Seasoned Birthdays Thank You Back Pack Outreach Have A Heart 3 School News 4 Finance & Facility Board Report The Parables of Lent 5 Lenten Meals Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 6 St. Stephens Elementary Mission Outreach 7 Health Care Ministry 8 PeaceMaking 9 Youth News 10 Faith Builders 11 Worship Assistants For February 12 February Calendar 13 St. Stephens’ Men’s Club will host their annual Chicken Pot Pie Supper on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7th from 5:00-7:00pm. Advance tickets can be purchased from Men’s Club members at the table located in the school foyer or the church office starting in January. Take outs will be available. Advance Tickets: Adults $8.00 Children $6.00 Door Tickets: Adults $9.00 Children $7.00 Children 3 and under eat free If you would like to assist with this fund raising event, or for information, contact: James Bradshaw @ 322-7445 (office), 632-4066 (home) or 312-5325 (cell). Steve Cain @345-1455 (work) or 308-1200 (cell) Page 2 HOMEBOUND AND SEASONED CITIZEN’S (80 & OLDER) BIRTHDAYS FOR FEBRUARY Doris Hollar—2/3 Carl Rullman Jr.—2/14 Bill Phifer—2/15 Celebrating - the - Family Eternal Glory JERRY BEAM—December 23, 1932—January 15, 2015—husband of Peggy and father of Scott & Michael. Milestone Birthday HAZEL DRUM—celebrated her 100th birthday on January 21. Hazels children are Jean Sigmon, Roger, Mike and Larry Judy Gurganious for helping with the December/January Newsletter Amy Hall for helping with bulletins David Pingel, J C McMahan, Allen Killian, Bob Watson & Bob Sautter for changing out the filters in the church and school. Backpack food collection for the month is: Oatmeal Macaroni & cheese Fruit cups Granola Bars Ramen Noodles (packages) Vienna-Sausages Soup CONNECTING ALL TO CHRIST Published monthly by St. Stephens LCMS 2304 Springs Road NE Hickory, NC 28601 February 2015 Volume 15 Issue 1 Page 3 Have A Heart February, a month devoted to the expression of love. It is the giving of heart-shaped boxes of candy and heart-shaped cards, vases of flowers with heart-shaped gift tags. All this is available for the consumer so that he can find the appropriate expression of his devotion to his loved one. If that expression of love has been preceded by a whole year of thoughtful and loving words and deeds, it is welcomed and cherished by the recipient. If not, it is just an empty ritual, done out of duty rather than true devotion. Our relationship to the Lord is similar. He, too, desires our sincere devotion, not empty lip service. The Lord says, “These people come near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.” (ISAIAH 29:13) Stewardship is serving, helping, giving, and love is the basis for stewardship. Without love our good deeds are empty and without merit. The first act of true stewardship is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (DEUTERONOMY 6:5). Jesus called this the most important commandment (MARK 12:29-30). With that love for the Lord in us, we are enabled to be good stewards. Then we can do acts of good stewardship, acts of true devotion. We are enabled to: “Give generously to Him and do so without a grudging heart. (DEUTERONOMY 15:10) “Carefully observe [His decrees and laws] with all your heart and with all your soul.“ (DEUTERONOMY 26:16) “Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” (ROMANS 12:13) “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” (COLOSSIANS 3:23) May your love for the Lord live a life of stewardship knowing that as we do we can rest in Christ who was the perfect steward for us. With the New Year a month behind us, now would be a good time to give your offerings by way of on-line banking. Simply designate as a payee with your bank St Stephens Lutheran Church, 2304 Springs Road NE, Hickory, NC 28601. On the memo line you may put your envelope number. Pastor Guelzow Page 4 ST. STEPHENS LUTHERAN SCHOOL Faith Excellence Partnerships Opportunity Christmas is over and we are coming close to the season of Lent. It is hard for me to believe that the first half of the school year is gone – it has flown by. We say goodbye to semester #1 and move on to the second half of the year. We are excited for what God has in store for us. First, our accreditation visit is in March and it is always a welcome sight to see the review team show up after all the work the school has done. We look forward to an excellent visit. We have started a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) program for grades 5-8. This is a pilot program that we will learn from and develop further in the months and years to come. Briefly, we meet as a middle school team (teachers and students) each Friday and break into assigned teams and work through the problem that is given. The current activity will last nine weeks. We have also added a couple more elective classes for our middle school (Video Production and Beginning Guitar). We continue to look for ways to enrich our program; it’s a blessing to have a dedicated and talented staff that is willing to do what they can for our program. Our basketball teams are entering into tournament time. Both the Girls’ and Boys’ teams took third in the Lutheran Tournament in Conover. They will be heading to Alabama for another big Lutheran Tournament in February. Go Warriors!!! Please keep us in your prayers as a mission of our Lord that the enrollment will increase and the finances will not be a burden. As always, if you have an interest in SSLS for a child your know, please call or come by to see us. Finance and Facility Board Report Offerings Other Income Totals Church Income for Dec Given Budgeted $130,872.72 $91,031.78 $1,114.50 $1,785.87 $131,987.22 $92,817.65 Church Income Year to Date YTD Given Total Budgeted $1,066,670.43 $1,092,380.48 $27,200.27 $25,330.00 $1,093,870.70 $1,117,710.48 Church Expenses for Dec Spent Budgeted $110,947.09 $93,761.67 Church Expensed Year to Date YTD Spent Total Budgeted $1,043,513.40 $1,117,710.48 Page 5 Ash Wednesday, February 18th, marks the beginning of Lent, a forty day journey where we dwell on the passion of Christ Jesus. During this six week period we will conduct weekly Lenten Services on each Wednesday morning and evening. Each service in this series focuses on a biblical parable that connects to Lenten themes. Sermons will reveal that within each parable’s plot is woven a unique message about what we receive through the crucified Christ Jesus. The topics are as follows: February 18 – Ash Wednesday - Receive Justification: The Pharisee And The Tax Collector February 25 – Lent 2 - Receive The Word: The Sower and the Seed March 4 – Lent 3 – Receive The Treasure: The Hidden Treasure And The Priceless Pearl March 11 – Lent 4 – Receive Mercy: The Good Samaritan March 18 – Lent 5 – Receive Grace: The Workers In The Vineyard March 25 – Lent 6 – Receive Forgiveness: The Prodigal Son Services will be conducted each Wednesday at 10:30AM and 6:30PM. Lenten meals will be served from 5:15-6:15pm. See article below for menu. Please set aside one hour a week for worship and fellowship during this most holy season. As a service to our church members, the youth will provide a dinner for you on Wednesdays during the Lenten season. We are asking for a generous donation to help offset the cost of the food. Remaining monies will benefit Youth Servant Event Week and National Youth Gathering. Meal Time - 5:15pm-6:15pm February 18 - Soup and Toasted Cheese February 25 - Salad Bar March 4 - Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Toast March 11 - Chili and fixings March 18 - Hot Dogs and fixings March 25 - Bake Potato Bar ****For the children: we will have PB & J available each night. Page 6 Page 7 St. Stephens Elementary Mission Outreach ―As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace‖ 1 Peter 4:10 In December 2014, St. Stephens Lutheran received a $10,000 grant from the John and Harriet Wiebe Mission Advancement Fund of the LCMS Foundation. The grant money was applied for the use of mission outreach to St. Stephens Elementary (public) school. In keeping with our vision, we will be ―serving our community…..through us‖ with your help. Serving the needs of our community can not be done by one person; it takes a team. Every member of SSLC is part of our team. Below is a list of the areas of service we will be focusing on for the school. Please read over these needs and pray for each one. Choose 1 or 2 needs that you can help serve in. CLOTHES CLOSET: Majority of the parents struggle to provide for their families. Creating the storage for a clothes closet and providing clothing attire will allow the school to transition to becoming a "Leader in Me" school. The program will boost the confidence, morale and leadership of the students in a more business like atmosphere. How YOU can help: Collection of clothes (boys, girls, women and men) Collection of new or gently used tennis shoes Purchase new underwear Purchase new socks SCHOOL APPRECIATION: Educators have the most important job - teaching our children. Educators at St. Stephens Elementary, should be shown that they are appreciated. We want to show the deserved appreciation to the educators with any of the following ..…monthly treats, holiday meals, school spring/fall fling, etc. How YOU can help: Small monthly treats for the staff BACKPACK OUTREACH: Since 2010, we have been providing 70 backpacks of food per week (packed by our congregation families and youth) to families that have struggled. We have also collected hygiene items for the families. How YOU can help: Continue to bring in food items Collection of personal hygiene items (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.) Collection of school supplies BI-LINGUAL EDUCATION: 47% of the families in the public school are primarily Spanish speaking. We would like to reach out to these families with some English classes and provide the necessary supplies and materials. Also provide the educators with some Spanish classes. How YOU can help: With the departure of Pastor Martin, we will be discussing this more in depth with the leaders of St. Stephens Elementary LANDSCAPING: The congregation, parents, children and youth of St. Stephens Lutheran Church and School are hungry to serve the needs of others. We would like to spend some time doing campus beautification at St. Stephens Elementary (public school). The funds would help provide for the materials needed to be the hands and feet of the body of Christ. We wish to have this completed by mid-April, 2015 How YOU can help: Planning and designing will begin soon Provide labor and materials on scheduled work days. If you have any questions about this project, please contact Jadi Gurganious ([email protected]) or 256-9865. Thank you for making a difference in our community. Page 8 Health Care Ministry News 2014 Accomplishments Greetings to our fellow believers in Christ Jesus. I thank God for all of you who are making a difference within your own families, your workplace, St. Stephens, and your community. I also thank God for the dedicated members of the Healthcare Ministry Team (formerly known as the Parish Nurse Team). As we look forward to 2015, the team thought it would be appropriate to look back at our accomplishments during 2014 in planning for future activities. The activities accomplished in 2014 were as follows: Monthly newsletter articles published on a variety of health-related issues. Blood Pressure Ministry continued every third Sunday under the current guidance of our nurse, Trudi Ziehr Visitation of church members continued at home, in hospital, and rehab centers. A Card Ministry was developed under the guidance of Nancy Huffman who has mailed around 165 cards from June to December to members who were ill, newly hospitalized, had surgery, or were homebound. A Grief Team was begun offering one-on-one support to members who are grieving. Healthcare Relief Fund assistance to those in need continued as a result of the monies donated to the fund due to the generosity of individual church members and our church organizations such as Lutheran Women's Missionary League and Lutheran Laymen's League ( Men's Group). We were able to help five individuals to pay a portion of their healthcare costs. A very successful blood drive was completed in May around Memorial Day. Out of 28 people who volunteered, 24 were able to donate blood in memory of our fallen heroes who laid down their lives for others. Research to develop a program whereby members with hearing loss are better able to hear God' s Word during Saturday/Sunday worship services was begun in December. During 2015, we plan to continue the above activities and add CPR/ First Aid Training, and possibly sponsor another Health Fair. As our team begins to plan for 2015, we are asking members of St. Stephens to: Pray for God' s continued blessings in all that our team plans to accomplish during 2015. Pray that our church members continue to participate and support these activities. Prayerfully consider joining our team. Send any requests for new programming to [email protected] or call her at 446-0548. Healthcare Ministry Team- Pat Sautter, Chairperson, Patsy Davis, Nancy Huffman, Miriam Mecimore, James Bradshaw, Elder Liaison. Page 9 From the Peacemaking Team Sticking With It If you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive. 2 Peter 1:8 Practice. As Paul warned the Philippians, we cannot change unless we put what we are learning into practice (Phil. 4:9). In other letters he used athletic metaphors to teach that godly character and qualities must be developed through disciplined practice in which we seek to overcome our weaknesses, master the proper techniques, and make a desired behavior natural and automatic (1 Cor. 9:24-27; Phil. 3:14; 2 Peter 1:4-8). Taken from The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict by Ken Sande, Updated Edition (Grand Rapids, Baker Books, 2003) p. 135. Food for Thought Did you do well right out of the gates, only to lose momentum during the race? January and February are excellent months if you're in the health club business. People resolve to be healthier in the New Year and usually follow-up on that by joining a gym, enrolling in an exercise class, or even hiring a personal trainer. It can be quite challenging to find a parking place in January and February at many health clubs. But come April and May? It's a different story. There is always some excitement over the initial moments of anything, be it joining a health club or your Christian life. There's nothing wrong with that at all. However, many of us fizzle out when the disciplined work of training finally sets in. As believers, we must consistently be working those peacemaking muscles -- training our hearts, minds, souls, and strength to respond to the promptings of Christ and not our natural desires. Jesus needs peacemakers in January and February and March and April and all year long. So let's all put into practice those things we've been learning! PeaceMeal is a publication of Peacemaker® Ministries. Copyright 2012. Reprinted with permission. To sign up for this free weekly email publication, go to the Peacemaker Ministries website at If you are experiencing significant conflict in your life, please contact a member of the St. Stephens Peacemaking Team Page 8 calendar Sunday Morning Bible Study: 5th-6th Grade; Ed. Bldg. Rm 219 7th-8th Grade ; Youth Modular High School; School Bldg. Rm 108 STUDENT CONNECTIONS SERVICE PROJECT| 5-6 Grade Sunday, February 8, 11:45am-1:30pm Since February is all about love, the 5th and 6th grade youth will get a chance to recognize those who lovingly serve the church in many and various ways. Join us right after worship on Sunday, February 8 as we put together gifts of appreciation for those who put their love for God and others into action. Lunch will be provided, we just need your helping hands!. If you would like to participate contact Hoyle Hoover ([email protected]) 5TH/6TH GRADE FEBRUARY 2/7 2/8 Family Game Night Service Project MARCH 3/7 Family Game Night MIDDLESCHOOL FEBRUARY 2/7 2/22 Family Game Night Converge MARCH 3/1 3/7 3/14 3/22 Youth Quake Deadline Family Game Night Mall Scavenger Hunt Converge HSYN| High School Youth High School Youth Nights are the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, in the Youth Modular. All high school youth and their friends are invited to join us for this twice-a -month gathering. Each night will be a different experience, so come often and help us build this exciting new community! HSYN meets only once this month on Sunday, February 15 (we’re not meeting February 1 due to the Super Bowl). PANCAKE DINNER Tuesday, February 17 Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday and is a day of celebration before the season of Lent begins. And what better way to celebrate then with an endless supply of pancakes?! So join us on February 17 as we cook up stacks and stacks of pancakes for the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner. This is a fun event which will allow you to showcase your wonderful cooking skills plus serve others in the process. HIGH SCHOOL FEBRUARY 2/7 2/15 Night 2/17 2/22 Family Game Night High School Youth Pancake Breakfast Converge MARCH 3/1 Night 3/7 3/15 Night 3/20-21 3/22 High School Youth Family Game Night High School Youth 30 Hour Famine Converge LEARN MORE & GET INVOLVED For more information or to find out how you can get involved contact DCE Hoyle Hoover: Office: 828.256.9865 Cell: 828.228.4965 YOUTH QUAKE| Middle School Youth April 10-12, 2015 All middle school youth are invited to attend the upcoming Youth Quake in Charlotte, April 1012, 2015. The Quake is a jam-packed weekend of high-energy fun, praise, and spiritual growth. There will be concerts from awesome bands, games, hilarious and inspiring speakers, late-night activities, and meaningful break-out sessions where you and your friends can hang out and take your faith to the next level. This is one weekend you don’t wanna miss! The cost for this awesome event is $150, which includes the event, hotel, and meal expenses. In order to attend, all participants MUST be registered by SUNDAY, MARCH 1. All youth who wish to attend this event must register by filling out a registration slip (available from Hoyle Hoover and emailed to parents) and returning it, with payment, to Hoyle Hoover. A medical release must also be filled out if you have not done so for a previous event. If you have any questions contact Hoyle at 828.228.4965 or [email protected]. You can also check out the Youth Quake website: STAY CONNECTED “Like” us on Facebook (search SSLC Youth Ministry) to receive youth ministry updates and announcements. ST. STEPHENS LCMS CHILDREN’S M INISTRY FEBRUARY 2015 The Need-to-Know for Family Ministry Events Feb 1: Super —— Sunday Camp Linn Haven Family Weekend Registration begins 9:15-10:15am Faith Builders Towel & Basin Instruction: #1 11:45-1:00pm Faith Builder Forum Luncheon Feb 7: 5:00-7:00pm LLL Chicken Pot Pie Dinner 5:30-6:30pm GOSPEL SERVICE Feb 8: 9:15-10:15am Faith Builders Towel & Basin Instruction: #2 Feb 14: 6:30-9:00pm Parent’s Night Out Pizza & a Movie Feb 15: 9:15-10:15 am Faith Builders Towel & Basin Instruction: #3 10:30am Worship Towel & Basin Blessing Event Feb 17: 5:30-7:00pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Feb 18: 5:15pm Dinner 6:30pm Ash Wed Family Worship Feb 22: 9:15-10:15 am Faith Builders Feb 25: 5:15pm Dinner 6:30pm Lenten Family Worship Check weekly e-news and church bulletin for updates on upcoming events and more! Zip over to Camp Discovery for the adventure of a lifetime! 2015 VBS June 15-19 Planning is underway! We are looking for unique people just like you to help share the Good News and experience God’s One-of-a-kind Love! Contact Donna Lee to find out more and to see how you can help prepare for this special outreach event! Parent’s Night Out! Movie Night Saturday, Feb 14th 6:30– 9:00pm Movie: How to Train Your Dragon II Pizza & Treats $5.00 donation suggested to off set food & drink cost. Register by Friday, Feb 13 828-381-5391/[email protected] 9:15-10:15am Sunday Mornings Preschool: Pray, Praise & Play PreK: Discovering God’s Word K & 1st Grades: God’s Promises 4 Kids 2nd & 3rd Grades: God’s Promises 4 Kids 4th-6th Grades: Grapple Milestone Ministry Instruction, Blessings, and Celebrations for parents and children Preschool– 6th Grade. For more information on how you can help with any of these events, contact Donna Lee at 381-5391 or [email protected]. Page 12 WORSHIP ASSISTANTS—FEBRUARY If you would like to volunteer as a worship assistant, please contact the church office. CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP MEDIA TEAM SCHEDULE February 1 8:00am 10:30am February 8 February 15 February 22 Main Door Host—John & Faye Starnes Side Door Host—Gene & Char Ewad Welcome Center—James & Leslie Fogle January 28, January 31, February 1 Chris & Danyelle Wyatt Main Door Host—Billy Beard Side Door Host—Charles & Linda Fritz Welcome Center—Tiersa Morrow February 4, February 7, February 8 Jill Hallstrom & Craig Bahlmann 8:00am Main Door Host—Chuck Wilhelm Side Door Host—Benny & Donna Barger Welcome Center—Allene Eads February 11, February 14, February 15 Lee London & Jill Hallstrom 10:30am Main Door Host—Darrin & Amy Crouch Side Door Host—Heidi & Santana Beliveau Welcome Center—Joe & Bryson Beliveau February 18, February 21, February 22 Steve & Rebecca Flowers 8:00am Main Door Host—Carl & Frances Rullman Side Door Host—Alex & Sharon Little Welcome Center—James Bradshaw 10:30am Main Door Host—Don & Karen Killian Side Door Host—Rand& Angela Isenhour Welcome Center—Angela Frederick 8:00am Main Door Host—Bill Huffman Side Door Host—James Bradshaw Welcome Center—Pat Wilson 10:30am Main Door Host—Paul & Annette Miller Side Door Host—John & Katharine Crawley Welcome Center—Annie Brauch NURSERY (10:30) February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 Deanna Dickinson Shannon Cline Jeana Link Angie Allen SACRAMENTS Rita Huffman LINENS & PARAMENTS Linda Tilley FLOWERS & CANDLES Donna Killian ROBES Jean Spencer —2/1 Sandra Turner—2/8 & 2/15 Lina Morrow—2/22 & 3/1 February 1 8:00am Ken Manfredi & Steve Cain February 8 10:30am Tommy Campbell, Chris Barringer, Rodney Miller, Brent Townsend, Jeff February 15 8:00am David Pingel & Bob Sautter February 22 10:30am Bud Riley, Eric Kent, Tony Cook, Ken Tilley, Jon Guelzow and David Propst March 1 8:00am Cory Westby & James Fogle Eddins and Eddie Warren Page 13 February Calendar ST. STEPHENS LUTHERAN CHURCH—MS 2304 Springs Road NE Hickory, NC 28601 (828) 256-9865 Web-site address: Non-Profit Organ. U. S. Postage PAID Hickory, NC Permit No. 83 Address Return Request Join us for Ash Wednesday worship. 10:30am & 6:30pm
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