INVITATION FOR APPLICATION FOR POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN POLICY PROCESSES (PGD-PP) The Dar es Salaam Institute for Land Administration and Policy Studies (DILAPS) now invites qualified applicants to apply for the Post-Graduate Diploma in Policy Processes (PGD-PP) 1. Background Land Access and tenure are vital to human development and to the custodian of natural resources. Land and natural resource degradation and conflicts are on the rise in all countries thus presenting serious threats to livelihoods, human security and economic development. Such a vast and important resource cannot wholly be under private holding but reasoning requires that its general ownership be communal (at a national level) with an administrative mechanism for individualization equitably to citizens. In this regard it is necessary that policies and appropriate policy instruments are put in place to guide land distribution, accessibility, tenure security, and use. Poor policies are a major factor in catalyzing the existence and increase of challenges to land access and use that include land use conflicts. There is a limited number of individuals who have been trained on policy processes enough to guide policy makers and land administration authorities in the good governance of land and resources hosted on it. Against this background, DILAPS is stepping in to address the gap by building capacity for the land and natural resources sectors through a tailor made Postgraduate Diploma in Policy Processes (PDPP) . 2. The Programme This will be a nine month programme covering in detail three components or modules. Each component/module has several topics to be covered as outlined below; I. Policy making processes (3 Months) PGD-PP Definitions and Types Essence of Policy Making, Evaluation and Policy Reviews Situation Analysis and Agenda Setting Policy Making and Participation Policy Strategy Institution Building Policy Implementation Platforms Activity Costing POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN POLICY PROCESSES II. III. Monitoring and Evaluation Strategic Planning (3 Months) Situation Analysis is covered under module 1 The SMART (Sustainable, Measurable, Attainable, Result Oriented and Timely) Criteria SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) Analysis Options in Strategic Planning Options Strategic Principles Strategic Objectives Activities Actors and Time Frame Action planning (3 Months) Situation Analysis (also covered under 1 and 2) Context (Obstacles and Opportunities) Strategic Approaches Major Action Areas Actors, Actions and Time Frames Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Communication and Dissemination Sustainability (see SMART under module 1) Each component carries a requirement for every student to write a technical report and each topic is finalized by a student submitting course work. Both of these requirements are gradable. 3. Admission requirements The programme organizers are mindful of the fact that all humans are land users and potential land owners at one time or another in their lives. Also, the actions of the land administration machinery or of other people may have adverse effect on the way a land user/owner may wish to enjoy his/her rights over land. Within such a broad interest has this programme been designed. It shall therefore be open to willing persons with the right background level. To be admitted for this course, candidates should possess an Advanced Diploma, Degree or higher in any area of knowledge, from an institution of higher learning and be able to read, write and communicate fluently in the English language. 4. Course duration This programme will take nine months (9) to complete and this year’s intake is scheduled for the 2nd March, 2015. Provision is made for individuals who may wish to take a component/module or two only of the full course. Also those wishing to take a break after completing a module or two should let management be aware at registration time. Please make your wishes known. It is 2 POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN POLICY PROCESSES highly advised that strategic planning and action planning make the policy process whole and individuals will benefit more by taking all three components. 5. Tuition fee Registration fee for the full course or a module is US$ 500.00. The tuition fee for the full programme is US Dollars 6,000.00 or its equivalent in Tanzania Shillings payable in full or agreed installments. Each component shall cost USD 2,500.00 or equivalent in Tanzania Shillings payable once. For this purpose 1 USD shall be fixed at TAS 1,750.00. We do not offer accommodation but may assist with reservations. 6. Application guidelines Send your application (all relevant academic certificates) through email: [email protected] or contact the course organizer Mkami Amos-Mazenzele on [email protected] and +255762-827266 or +255-712-746740 for an alternative way of sending your application. Please also visit us on and at our headquarters in Makongo Juu, in Dar es Salaam to learn more about us and this new programme. 7. Deadline for application The deadline for applications is 25th February, 2015. Registration will take place on Monday 2nd March 2015 at our headquarters in Makongo Juu. 8. All applications should be addressed to: Rector and Managing Director The Dar Es Salaam Institute for Land Administration and Policy Studies P.O. Box 35424, Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA 3
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