ESIC MODEL HOSPITAL Cum ODC ( ISO 9001-2008 CERTIFIED ) MIDC, ANDHERI-(E), MUMBAI-400 093. TELE FAX : 022 28203266 EPBX : 28367203/07 E-Mail : [email protected] Walk in interviews for Appointment of Part Time Super Specialist, Full Time Specialist, Senior Residents & Junior Resident on contract Basis. SENIOR RESIDENT ON CONTRACT (3-YRS SCHEME ) ESIC MODEL HOSPITAL & ESI-PGIMSR, ANDHERI SR. NO. DEPARTMENT UR OBC SC ST TOTAL DATE & REPORTING TIME FOR INTERVIEW 1 MEDICINE & MICU - 03 - 01 04 29-01-2015 (10.00 AM) 2 SURGERY - 02 01 01 04 29-01-2015 (11.00 AM) 01 29-01-2015 (12.15 PM) 3 RADIOLOGY 01 - - - 4 MICROBIOLOGY 01 - - - 01 29-01-2015 (11.30 AM) 5 PUL. MEDICINE - 01 - - 01 29-01-2015 (12.30 PM) AGE AS ON (29-01-2015 ) QUALIFICATION. MBBS with P.G. Degree or equivalent / PG Diploma in particular Specialty with at least 1yr Up to 35 years. experience in particular specialty. ( PG Degree is Desirable ) Should have registered with MCI or State Medical Council 6 Reserved for PWD Post suitable for Biochemistry, Otorhinolarygology (ENT), Pul. Medicine,Radio Diagnosis,Anaesthesia, Microbiology,Paediatrics, Gen. Medicine & Sr. Blood Bank Officer. 01 29-01-2015 (12 NOON) EMOLUMENTS For Degree Holder Basic + Grade Pay Rs.25350 + NPA + Other Allowances (Gross Rs. 79,282/- Approx.) For Diploma Holder Basic Pay would be reduced by Rs 600/- Per Month PART TIME SUPER SPECIALIST ON CONTRACT (1-YR) SR. NO. DEPARTMENT NO. OF DATE & TIME OF POSTS INTERVIEW 1 NEUROLOGY 1-UR 29-01-2015 ( 2.00 PM) 2 NEPHROLOGY 1-UR 29-01-2015 (2.15 PM) AGE AS ON (29-01-2015) QUALIFICATION 1) Up to 45 years of age. or 2) Retired up to 64 years of age (Spl. Only) MD, D.M. EMOLUMENTS Rs. 60000/- per month for three hours session per day x 5 days in a week. For extra session of 2 hours – Rs. 2000/. On giving undertaking to be available for emergency call duty after the schedule timings – Rs. 10000/- per month. SENIOR RESIDENT 1- YEAR ON CONTRACT (Against regular post of GDMO’s) ESIC MODEL HOSPITAL & ESI-PGIMSR, ANDHERI SR. NO. DEPARTMENT UR OBC SC ST TOTAL DATE & REPORTING TIME FOR INTERVIEW 1 GENERAL MEDICINE 04 01 01 - 06 29-01-2015 (10.15AM) 2 GENERAL SURGERY - - 01 - 01 29-01-2015 (11.15 AM) AGE AS ON ( 29-012015 ) Up to 35 years. 3 CASUALTY - - - 01 01 29-01-2015 (10.30 AM) QUALIFICATION. EMOLUMENTS Rs. 25350/(Basic pay Rs. 18750/- + Grade Pay Rs. 6600/-) PG degree/diploma in concerned specialty or 2 plus allowances as admissible to year experience after MBBS out of which one Central Govt. Employees. year in the concerned specialty. For ICU , PG (Basic pay will Degree/Diploma in Medicine or Anaesthesia or 2 be reduced by Rs. 600/- for years experience after MBBS out of which one diploma & year in the concerned specialty. For emergency Rs.1210/- for services, experience in casualty services will be non PG candidates per given preference. month) No Transport allowance is admissible. FULL TIME SPECIALIST ON CONTRACT (1-YR) SR. NO. 1 DEPARTMENT NO. OF POSTS 01-UR 29-01-2015 (10.45AM) 01-UR 29-01-2015 (1.00 PM) 01-OBC 29-01-2015 (11.45 AM) MEDICINE 2 PSYCHIATRY 3 MICROBIOLOGY DATE & REPORTING TIME FOR INTERVIEW AGE AS ON (29-01-2015) 1) Up to 45 years of age. or 2) Retired up to 64 years of age (Spl. Only) QUALIFICATION EMOLUMENTS P.G. Degree or equivalent with post PG experience of 3 years or PG Diploma having post PG experience of 5 years respectively in particular Specialty. 1) Basic Rs.25350 + NPA + DA + HRA. 2) For retired employees: Last Pay Drawn minus pension + DA minus DA on pension + NPA. No Transport allowance is admissible. JUNIOR RESIDENT ON CONTRACT (1-YR SCHEME) Sr. No 1 Note: POST JUNIOR RESIDENT ESIC MODEL HOSPITAL & ESI-PGIMSR, ANDHERI UR 01 OBC 01 SC -- ST -- TOTAL 02 DATE & REPORTING TIME 29-01-2015 ( 2.30 PM) AGE AS ON ( 29-01-2015 ) Up to 30 years QUALIFICATION Essential 1.MBBS 2.Should have registered with MCI or State Medical Council. Desirable 6 months experience in a reputed Hospital EMOLUMENTS 1) Basic + Grade Pay Rs.21000/+ NPA + DA + HRA. (Gross Rs. 60,885/Approx.) 1) Reservation will be executed as per Central Government Rule. 2) ESI Corporation may increase or decrease or cancel filling up of any or all the post without assigning any reasons at the discretion of the Appointing Authority. 3) Selected candidates will have to sign Agreement of Terms & Conditions on Rs. 100/- Stamp paper to be purchased by the candidate prior to joining. 4) Private practice will not be allowed for Senior Resident, Full Time Specialist, and Junior Resident. 5) Interested candidates may appear for the Walk in interview as per given Schedule along with their original Documents & Xerox copies in support of their Date Of Birth, Proof of Educational Qualification ,Experience Certificates, Caste Certificates as per Govt. Of India formats, Non-Creamy Layer Certificates as per Govt. of India format valid for the current year/ latest in case of OBC (Format Enclosed) . They are advised to appear for interview with duly filled “Annexure-A” Which is available on website. 6) In case of selection candidates needs to join duty within 07 days from the date of offer of appointment. 7) No Accommodation facility is provided by ESIC for contractual engagements. 8) (a) For Senior Residents (3 year Scheme) A Security deposit of Rs. 30,000/- by way of Demand Draft drawn on any nationalized bank other than SBI & payable at Mumbai has to be submitted at the time of joining by Successful candidates which would be forfeited towards administrative expenses if the candidate resigns with in One Year either with or without notice. After 1 year if the candidate resigns without notice then also the security deposit would be forfeited. (b) For Senior Residents (1 year Scheme)/Part Time Super Specialist/ Full Time Specialist & Junior Resident: A Security deposit of Rs. 10,000/- by way of Demand Draft drawn on any nationalized bank other than SBI & payable at Mumbai has to be submitted at the time of joining by Successful candidates which would be forfeited towards administrative expenses if the candidate resigns with in Six Months either with or without notice. After Six Months if the candidate resigns without notice then also the security deposit would be forfeited. 9) The Service rendered by the SR’s in the Corporation shall be considered as bonded service in Maharashtra State as per Maharashtra State Govt decision No. MED/1013/Admn No.101/13/Edu-2 dated 31.01.2014 MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT Just have One Insurance Number, In whatever company you are there, keep availing benefits, every time, everywhere “ANNEXTURE-A” RECRUITMENT FOR THE POST OF SPECIALIST, SENIOR RESIDENT & JUNIOR RESIDENT IN ESIC MODEL HOSPITAL & PGIMSR, ANDHERI, MUMBAI-93. (To be filled by Candidate) POST: _____________________________ Department: ___________________ 1) NAME : Affix recent colour photograph ____________________________________________ 2) DATE OF BIRTH : ______________________ CATEGORY : UR/SC /ST/ OBC 3) ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________ : ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Pin code : _________________ 4) Religion: ________________ (if Minority mention Caste:___________________) 5) CONTACT NO. : ____________________ E-mail :_______________________________________ 6) M.B.B.S. (Year of Passing) : _______________________________________________________ 7) Post Graduation (Degree/Diploma) SR YEAR OF PASSING DEGREE / DIPLOMA UNIVERSITY / INSTITUTE 8) MEDICAL COUNCIL REGISTRATION NO. :____________________________________________ 9) NAME OF THE MEDICAL COUNCIL :____________________________________________ 10) EXPERIENCE SR DESIGNATION FROM TO PERIOD 11) Presently working as Designation _________________________ Name of Institution ___________________________________ Govt. / Private. ___________________________ 12) NOC certificate from present employer taken / PPO copy available _____________________ 13) I hereby declare that the information given above is true & correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case of any information is found false/ incorrect at the later stage of the recruitment/ appointment, I shall be bound by the decision of ESI Corporation. Date & Place: _________/ _________ (Signature of Candidate)
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