/, ., No. 10(2)lE.Coordl2}|5 Governmentof India Ministry of Finance Ministry of Expenditure NorthBlock,New Delhi Datedthe29thJanuarv.2015 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: GUIDELINES FOR BTTDGET 2015.16. PREPARATION OF OUTCOME Introduction outcome Budgets have become an integral part of the budgeting processsince2005-06.OUTCOME BUDGET 2015-16will broadlyindicate the physical dimensionsof the financial budgetsas also the actual physical performance in 2013-14 and the performancetill December for the year 2014-15and the targetedperformanceduring2015-16. Scopeof coveragein Outcome Budget 2015-16. 2. The Outcome Budget documentswill be preparedseparatelyby each Ministry/Departmentin respectof all Demands/Appropriations controlledby them, except those exempted from this requirement and to the extent disclosures are not barred on considerationsof security etc. A list of exempted Demands/Appropriationsis enclosed at Annexure-I. However, even the MinistrieslDepartmentsand other authorities 'exempted' from preparation of Outcome Budget and placing it in public domain are requestedto carry out this exercisefor internaluse and voluntarily decideto placeit in public domainfully or partially. 3. As far as feasible, sub-targetsfor coverage of women and SC/ST beneficiariesunder various developmentalschemesand the schemesfor the benefit of the North-EasternRegion shouldbe separatelyindicated. Ilroad Format of OutcomeIludget201S-16 4. fhe OutcorneBudget2015-16witi be preparedon the basisof Budget 2015^16in the lbrm of a docr-rment, separatefor eachMinistry/Department, broadlyconsistingof the chapters detailedbr:low: Executivcsummary: Apart from summarizingrelevanl chapters,this portion should prominentlv highlight the details of the monitoring mechanismantl the public information system put in place by the Ministry/Departmcnt to regularly monitor physical and financial progressduring thc courseof the year and inform the generalpublic about it. ChapterI: Introduction A brief introdr-ictory note on the lunctions of the Ministry/Department, organrz,ationai set up, list of maiorprogramnies/schemes impiementedby the Ministry/I)epartment,its mandate , goals and policy framework. This introductionshouldhighlightin particular,if the Ministry hasgoalsor major programlnes or schemcsin resirectof'women/gender equalitl. ChapterII: Statcmcntof Iludgetllstimate(SBE) This will contain a tabular lbrrnat, which inay be visualized as "verlical compressionand horizontalexpansion"01'theStatementof Budget E,stimate (SBE), includecl in ti-reExpenditure Buciget Vol. II (with suitably adapted 'fhere format for Railu,ays). rxay be separate tables for separate Dernands/Appropriationscontrolled by tJre Ministry/Department. The main objective is to establish a one to one coffespondence between (financial) B u d g e t 2 0 1 5 1 6 a n d Outcor neiludget 2015-i6.' fhe detailsivill co m pr i s eof the financial outlays, pro.jectedphysical o.rtputs and projected/budgeted outcomes (intermediatelpafi"raland final, as the case may be), Projected physical output shor,rldbe disaggregatedb.y sex, wherer,'erpossible and appropriatelyi.e u,hcre delivei'v is to indivi,luals.An indicative format for these Demand/Appropriation-u,ise tables is enclosed as Annexure-II. Explanatorynotesrnay be liberaily added.wherevernecessary. Chapter III: Reform measuresand poticy initiative This will detail reform measuresand policy initiative, if any, taken by the Ministry/Department and how they relate to the intermediate outputs and final outcomesin areassuchas public private partnerships,alternatedelivery mechanisms, social and women's empowerment processes, grearet decentralization, transparencyetc. Chapter IV: Review of past performance At the very least,this should indicate the perfonnanceduring 20I3-I4 and 2014-15in terms of targetsalreadyset.The analysisof physicalperformance should be Scheme-wisewith the reasonsfor variations,explainingthe scope and objectivesof individual programs/scheme, giving their physical targets and achievements.Indicators of performancerelating to individuals should be sex-disaggregated. Chapter V: Financial Review Financial Review covering overall trends in expenditurevis-d-vis Budget Estimates/RevisedEstimatesin recent years, including the previous year. Data should be segregatedscheme-wise,object head-wise,and institutionwise in the caseautonomousinstitutions.Position of outstandingutilization certificatesand unspentbalanceswith Statesand implementationagencies shouldalso be brousht out. Chapter VI: Review of performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies Review of performance of Statutory and Autonomous Bodies under the administrative control of the Ministry/Departmentshould be on the same principles as in reporting on the Ministry's own performance. These principles include sex disaggregationof performanceindicatorsrelating to individuals. 5. The following pointsrnay be notedin respectof contentsof ChapterII of OutcomeBudget2015-16givingtargets1br2015-16(i) The descriptionof iternsshould match the descriptionshown for the differentitcmsin the Statementof Budgetllstimates(SBE)as included in lixpenciituleBudget\iol. II of the Iiudget20l5-16.F{owever, minor iternsmav be clubbcdto avoid ciutterrngup and to fbcus attentionon signiflcarrt iterns. (ii) fhe terurs "contplementaryextra-buogetaryresources"refers to the resourcescomurittedfol the purposeby the entities other than the 'fypically, Central (lovernrnent. it would includematchingsharefrom the StateGovernmentsior Centrally SponsoredSchemesor resource contributionby Public Sectorl.Jndertal.ings or by privatepartiesin the caseof PubiicPrivatePartnership projects. (iii) There should be a separatetable for each Central Public Sector Enterprise(CPStr)under the adrninisirative control oI the Ministry, with itcmizedlistingof u-rajor pro.1 ects in hand.The OuicorneBudget shouldbe preparedon the basisof the {lentralPlan Outlaycomprising of both the (iross Iludgetarysuppoftcomponentas well as the Internal & Extra BudgetaryResources(II-.BI{s)componentof the CentralPlan Outlay. Thus, the Outcome Budget in respectof CPSEs may be preparcdevenif tl-rere is no budgetar,v support. (iu) Wherever a Ministry/Departmenthas large autonornousBodies substantiall-vdependent upon Govemment for financial support, as separatetablesmay also be consideredfor each such organrzation per the asscssment of,the Ministry/Deparlment. (u) l'he tablesconcerningCPSF,sor AutonorrousBodies shouldlist out irnportant plo.jectsin hand, give such details as sanctionedcost, scheduleddate o[' compietion,total cumulativeexpendituretill the beginningo1'theyear,totaiexpenditure planningduring2015-16,likely date of cornpletion,and the i'elated"outputs" and "outcomes".The lattershouldbe sex-disaggregated w'herethey relateto projectsoriented to individuais. ("i) The 'final outcorrc' neecinot necessariiybe co-terminuswith the annual<lutlaysand 'interrnediate physicaloutputs'. 'Final outcomes' may span a longer tirne fiarne than the annual final outlaysand the conespondinginterrnediate outputs.Whereverthe 'final outcomes'are estimatedto take longer than one yeat,the estimatedtime frame should be clearly indicated. In case, the gestation is four to five years or longer, the 'partial outcomes'need to be tracked on an annualbasisto ensurethat the 'f,tnaloutcomes'once indicatedas achievableafter five years are not forgotten or mechanicallyrepeatedin the documentfrom one year to the other and that the progressmade towards achievingthe final goal is reflected. Information should be provided whether the projectis in the 'initial' stage,'intermediate'stageor 'final' stage. (vii) Wherever 'physical outputs' are in a sense the 'final outcomes', assessmentof 'quality of output' through 'appropriate indicators of quality' shouldbe broughtout. (viii) Wherever 'final outcomes' are not the direct results of the annual outlays and are the cumulativeeffect of past severalyears' outlays,this shouldbe clearlyexplained. (i") The 'f,rnal outcome' component of the Outcome Budget need not necessarilyhave yearly targets,as final outcomeswill vary by Ministry and Programme.'Final Outcome' whereverpossiblecan be measured in a five year time frame in line with five year plans. The 'partial outcome' may be mentionedin these casesin the OutcomeBudget of that year. (^) Where the 'final outcomes' are not measurableand quantifiable,the likely benefit that will accmemay be incorporated. (^i) The explanatorynotesshouldattemptto bring out the role and financial commitment of other agenciesthat is required to fructifz the intended outcome of a particular scheme of the Ministry/Department, even though such agenciesmay or may not be directly involved in the implementationand may be providing complementaryservices. (xii) Non-Plan expenditures are necessary to maintain the basic infrastructurewithout which the Plan interventionsare bound to fail in meeting the intended objectives. Role of Non-Plan expenditure is therefore supplementaryand facilitative. Hence, outcomescannot be categorizedas Plan outcomesand Non-Plan outcomes.The Outcome Budget 2015-16 will cover Non-Plan expenditureas far as possible. The column on Budget support would have two sub-columns"Plan" and "Non-Plan" and the outcomeswill be related to the total budget provision. Schemes/itemsin the Statement of Budget Estimates, having only Non-l'lan expenditures, which can be linked to certain deliverableoutputs,shouldfind rnentionin the outcomeBudget. (xiii)The OutcorneBudgetshouldalsocontainthe followine information(a) Norrnal Savings: Savings resulting from economic use of resources; (b) ljnder/Non-utilisation:Savingsdue to non-implementation/delay in exccutionof proiects/schemes: and (c) Surrcnders : Savirrgs dueto obsolete/defunct pro.jects/scheme or due to cornpletionof a project / schemeand the funds are no rrore required. 6. The outcomesreflectthe ultirnateairnsof Governmentpolicy through budgetarysupport,tax exemption/concessions and preferentialtreatmentirr procurement o1' goods and services. It would be desirable if the Ministries/I)epartments incluciea chapterin the OutcomeBudget detailing such extra-budgetarymeasuresand their irnpact. The revenueforgone in promotionof certainpolicy objectivesis definedas 'tax expenditures' and it would be useftrlil the impactof this irnplicitexpenditure is alsoassessed. Certain presentational features 7. It is desilablethat thc above documcntsbrought out by different Ministries/Departmentshave a corrlmon levcl of detailing. at least for a rninimumset of disclosurepararneters; separatelyin I-Iindiand English;be reader-fi'iendly and adoptceftaincolrrlrronprrntingformats.Accordingly,the followingrnaybe kept in view:'l In the case o1'Deparlmentshaving totai budget provision of less than Rs. 100 crore ( as per the netted figure shown in the Expenditure Budget Vol. II), all amountsmay be shown in "lakh" with two decimal places.For others, the arnount may be shown in "crore" with tr,vodecimal places. The amountsmay be shown with comma separatot:s. * Each page tnav be given a running heaclcrgiving tl-rechapter number, title and running page number 1br the whoic <Jocumentstarting from the first page of Chapter I. l'he docutnentsmay be printed on sarre size of paper used for Detailed l)emands for (irants. * Any other additiorValteration,inclusion of graphics/chartsetc. to improve readabilityof the document. 8. However, the above guidelines are not intended to prescribe a rigid format. Theseare indicative of minimum disclosurerequirementsand do not preclude any value addition that the Ministries/Departmentsdecideto carry out on their own. Planning for future refinements 9. The Ministries/Departmentsare advisedto put in place, if not already there, systems of data collection, with the help of specializedagencies, wherever necessary,for the purposeof (i) developingmeasurable'indices of performance' to measure and assessquality of implementation, (ii) developing norns of standard unit cost of delivery of a service, (iii) quantification/factoringin of environmentaloutcomes,(iro)quantificationsof community and empowerrnentoutcomesthrough social capital formation, (v) quantification of impact of funds earmarked for publicity/awareness generation; and ('ti) disaggregation,by sex and other relevant factors indicative of performanceand impact. This will not only involve collection of data on past trends but also on present development in markets and technology.The MinistrieslDepartmentsare encouragedto make use of the servicesof the Cost Accounts Branch of this Departmentin addressingthe costingissues. IndependentEvaluation 10. The Ministries/Departmentsmay engage independentevaluatorsand assessmentagencies for scrutiny/evaluationof the achievementsagainst physical outputs and final outcomesof major flagship schemes.Due care may be taken to avoid duplicationof efforts in evaluationstudiesconducted by the PlanningCommission/ NITI Aayog or the Departmentof Programme Implementation. Time Scheduleand responsibility. 11. The OutcomeBudget 2015-16documentsshould be laid before both the Houses of Parliament, after final approval of the Minister-in-charge,to ensurethat the processis completeafter presentationof Budget and before end of the Budget Sessionor such date as may be necessary.In exceptional cases,where laying of documentsis not feasible,thesemay be circulatedto Hon'ble Mernbersof Parliarnentthroushthe Secretariatof the l{ouse.These shouldbe availableto thc Depar-tmental StandingClomrnittees of Parliament 'fhe for exatnination. Ministrics/l)eparlrrrents should also place these documentsin tl"republic iomain by pr-,rtingit on their website after presentation in Parliarnent. 12. Responsibilityfor preparationof this documentwill rest essentially -I'he with the MinistriesiDeparlrnents. Irinancial Aciviser of the Ministry/Departnentwill be the nodal ofilcer for coordinatingthe whole exerciseand cirganizing'need-based cons;ultations' with variousofficers within the AdrninistrativeMinistry/Departrnentor with tire Ministry of Finance,the PlanningCornrrission/ NII'I Aayog and outsicleexperts,with due regard to tl-reconfidcntialityof the budget process.Ileads of various Divisionshandlingdifferer-rt schemes may be instructedto providenecessary draft write-upsand other rnateriaito the |inancial Adviser sulficientlyin advance. 1 3 . T h e O u t c o r n cl l u d g e ts h o u l di n c l u d cF l a g s h i pP r o g r a m m e si f, a n y , also. The dralt Outcomc lludget 2015-16 in respect of "Flagship Programmes"may be got vettedfrom the Departmentof Expenditure (PIanFinance-II)as well as from the PlanmingCommission,Tr{ITl Aayog. F'ollow-upactionafter presentation of OurcomeBudget 14. The real valueof OutcornelJudgetlies in its utility as arpolicy tool to establisheffectivciinkagewitir aliocationand disbursernenr of public funds on the basiso1'measurabie nertbr[lance. 1 5 . A s me n ti o rtcdi n par agr aph4 above,thc Ministr iesiDepanm ents s houl d indicate theil rlonitoring mcchanisrnanci thc public inlbrma[ion system in the Outcornc lJudgct. 1'his u ili rcsult in Jrcriodic progress reports being made available [o the Ministry/l)epartmentby the implemeritingagencies. The next logical stcp would le to link reieaseof funds with progress in achieving tnonitor-ablephysicai progressagainstcommitrnenrsmade in the OutcorneBudget. 16. As the Ministries are aware, Itule 212 ttf'the General Financial Rules, 2005 introduced significant changes in the system of "Utiliz.ation Cer-tificates". Bcsidesfinancial certificationof having fully spentthe amount for approved purpose, the Utiiization Cer-ti1'rcate should aiso disclose whether the specified, quantilred and qualir.ativetargets thar should have been reachedagainstthe amorint utilizeci,were in fact reachcci,and if not, IJ the reasonstherefor.Utllization Certificatesshoul performanceassessmentinsteadof input based 17. Accordingly,the Ministries/Departments and practices applicable to their schemes to controlled release of funds. In combination managementmeasureslike e-banking, it should nn outputbased assessment. se the guidelines a staggered and other expenditure funds are madeavailablein time for actualreq [& to ensurethat d that the funds are neither delayednor diverted or parked outside account. Joint Secretary CreorgeMathew) of India All Secretariesto the Governmentof India All FinancialAdvisersto the Ministries/Departmen All Headsof accountingwings in the Ministrie Copyto:l. Secretary, PlanningCommission / MTI 2. The Technical Director, NIC, Department requestto upload this Office Memorandum in Ministrv of Finance. 9 with the icid website of the ANNEXURE-I List of Demand/Appropriationin respectgIlryhrchOUlgAmeBudget is not man The OutcorneBudget2015-16is intendedto covcr the entireCentralPlan Outlay (GrossSuppor-tand Intelnal and Extla IludgetaryResources)and connectedNon-Plan provisionsthat are alrrenablcto Outcomel3uclgeting. Iri general,a Ministry/Department may exclude"Assistanceto StatePlan" colnponentof its Plan f]udget ficlm the scopeof 'fhe OutcomeBudget. foilor.r,ingDemandr'Appropriations are specificallyexemptedfrom the purviewof outcornebuclacting: Ministrvof Def'encc DefencePensions DefenceArm DefenceNa DefenceAir Force DefenceOrdnanceIractones DefenceSer-vices Researchand Devcioprncnt ital outlavon Del.ence Services InterestPayrncnts .l'erritolr,(iovernmenls Transfers to Statesand lJnion Loansto GovernmentServantsetc mentof l)ebt Pensions IndianAudit andAccountsl)eoanment Cabinet ElectionCommission SuoremeCourt of India of Parliarleltary Affairs o f P e rso n n e lP , u b l ic Gr ievancesand Pensicns Staff.Householdand allowancesof'the President Lok Sabha RaivaSabha UnionPublicServiceC'ornrnission Secretariatof the Vicc President AndamanandNicobarlslands Chandisarh Dadra& r I-Iaveli Daman& Diu [,akshadwee 10 zv) o - z P t Q o a I NJ o H (D U) tr,d o o o o UJ H d 6 5 d d 5 N.) 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