Ontario Aboriginal Bursary Application 2014-2015 Financial Aid Office, Blackburn Hall 1600 West Bank Drive Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8 Telephone: (705) 748-1524 Fax: (705) 748-1629 Submit completed application to the Financial Aid Office by January 29, 2015 Trent University is pleased to advise that the Government of Ontario has allocated funding to create a limited number of Aboriginal Bursaries. These awards are for students of aboriginal identity or heritage including First Nations, Inuit and Metis people. This award considers financial need, as defined by the Financial Aid Office. The Financial Aid office will consider OSAP and Native band funding information to determine individual need. You are eligible for an Ontario Aboriginal bursary if: You are a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident or Protected Person; You are an Ontario resident: Ontario must be the last province you resided in for at least one year before postsecondary studies; You are enrolled in full time studies (at least 60% of a full course load) for fall/winter session; You Have not received the Ontario Aboriginal award from another institution in the same funding year You are a student with aboriginal identity or heritage, including First Nations, Inuit and Metis people If all of the above applies to you, then you are eligible to apply for an Ontario Aboriginal bursary. If you do not meet all of these criteria, please do not complete this form. Surname: Given Name: Email Address: Social Insurance Number (SIN): Trent Student Number: Phone: City: Postal Code: - to match OSAP application Address: Please indicate: First Nations Inuit Metis Married Sole Support Parent Number of Children: Band Name: Student’s Marital Status: Single DECLARATION OF STATUS: “I hereby state that I am an Aboriginal student and identify as such as per my institution’s Aboriginal self-identification policy. This assertion means that I identify as a member of the First Peoples of Canada meaning, in general terms, First Nation, Métis, Inuit, Indigenous, Aboriginal or specifically by my home community or my Nation”. Signature: Date: Incomplete applications, and applications without appropriate documentation, will not be processed. FINANCIAL AID USE ONLY Approved $: Bursary: Account #: Budget – Academic Year: For the Period to (Expenses and resources should reflect your current study period. For example: 8 months for a fall & winter term) I am living: At home Away from home Expenses Resources Tuition & Ancillary Fees Summer/Work Term Savings (before fees or rent were paid) Books Rent or Residence Fees (for entire term) Utilities Telephone Groceries Personal / Household Bus / Return travel home Local Transportation (gas only) Uninsured Medical / Dental (attach receipts Previous Savings Part time Earnings (During study term) Government Income (CPP, EI, etc.) Native Band Funding Parental Contribution / RESP Spousal Contribution (8 month net income) Total OSAP (loans and grants) Other Province Student Aid Scholarships / Awards and insurance statement) Child Care Clothing Laundry Entertainment / Miscellaneous Other (Specify and attach receipts): Other Income (specify): Total Expenses: $ Total Resources: $ Please select one of the following options: Yes, the Financial Aid Office may release my name, and program of study, to the donor(s) or sponsor(s) of my bursary or award. No, I do not wish my name to be released to the donor(s) or sponsor(s) of my bursary or award. Please contact me directly with any requests to release my name. NOTICE OF COLLECTION OF PERSONAL DATA The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (the Ministry) has provided your college or university with the funding to administer the First Generation Bursary and the Aboriginal Student Bursary (Bursary programs). As a condition of this funding, your college or university is required to make reports to the Ministry of your contact information, the amount of bursary you receive and the date it was awarded, your study period and information related to your eligibility for the bursary. This personal information will be used by the Ministry to administer and finance the Bursary programs. It will also be used to establish the minimum amount of student aid your college or university is required to provide under the Student Access Guarantee (the Guarantee) and to administer and finance the Guarantee. If you apply for OSAP, this personal information will be used to update your OSAP application or award, including your declared income. Administration includes: public reporting on the administration and financing of the Bursary programs and the Guarantee; monitoring and auditing your college or university or its authorized agents to ensure that they are administering the Bursary programs appropriately; conducting risk management, error management, audit and quality assessment activities; and conducting policy analysis, evaluation and research related to all aspects of student assistance. Financing includes: planning, arranging or providing funding of the Bursary programs and the Guarantee. The ministry administers the Bursary programs and the Guarantee under the authority of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.19, as amended. If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, contact the Director, Student Financial Assistance Branch, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, P.O. Box 4500, 189 Red River Road, 4th Floor, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6G9. Signature: Date: The Financial Aid Office at Trent University allows the disclosure or exchange of information to donors or sponsors and internal departments as required regarding the awarding of scholarships, bursaries and awards. Information including student name, program and year of study may be released. The information on this form is collected under the authority of the Trent University Act, 1963 and is needed to collect your personal and financial information. The information will be used to determine your eligibility for bursaries. If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of this information by the University, please contact the University Registrar, Office of the Registrar, Blackburn Hall, 705-748-1215.
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