Numerical Solutions to Partial Differential Equations Zhiping Li LMAM and School of Mathematical Sciences Peking University A Model Problem in a 2D Box Region Let us consider a model problem of parabolic equation: ut = a (uxx + uyy ) , (x, y ) ∈ Ω, t > 0, u(x, y , 0) = u 0 (x, y , 0), (x, y ) ∈ Ω, u(x, y , t) = 0, (x, y ) ∈ ∂Ω, t > 0, where a > 0 is a constant, Ω = (0, X ) × (0, Y ) ⊂ R2 . 1 For integers Nx ≥ 1 and Ny ≥ 1, let hx = 4x = XNx−1 and hy = 4y = YNy−1 be the grid sizes in the x and y directions; 2 a uniform parallelopiped grid with the set of grid nodes JΩ×R+ = {(xj , yk , tm ) : 0 ≤ j ≤ Nx , 0 ≤ k ≤ Ny , m ≥ 0}, where xj = j hx , yk = k hy , tm = mτ (τ > 0 time step size). 3 the space of grid functions m U = {Uj,k = U(xj , yk , tm ) : 0 ≤ j ≤ Nx , 0 ≤ k ≤ Ny , m ≥ 0}. Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations Explicit and Implicit Schemes in Box Regions The Explicit Scheme in a 2D Box Region The Forward Explicit Scheme in a 2D Box Region The forward explicit scheme and its error equation m+1 m Uj,k − Uj,k m+1 ej,k m m m m m m Uj+1,k − 2Uj,k + Uj−1,k Uj,k+1 − 2Uj,k + Uj,k−1 =a + . τ hx2 hy2 m m m m m m = [1 − 2(µx + µy )] ej,k +µx ej+1,k + ej−1,k +µy ej,k+1 + ej,k−1 −Tj,k τ, where µx = aτ , hx2 µy = aτ hy2 are the grid ratios in x and y directions. The truncation error is 1 a Tu(x, y , t) = utt (x, y , t)τ − ∂x4 u(x, y , t)hx2 + ∂y4 u(x, y , t)hy2 2 12 + O(τ 2 + hx4 + hy4 ). 3 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations Explicit and Implicit Schemes in Box Regions The Explicit Scheme in a 2D Box Region The Forward Explicit Scheme in a 2D Box Region 1 the condition for the maximum principle: µx + µy ≤ 12 ; 2 m = λm e i(αx xj +αy yk ) , α = Fourier modes: Uj,k x α 3 h amplification factor λα = 1 − 4 µx sin2 4 L2 stable if and only if µx + µy ≤ 1/2; 5 Convergence rate is O(τ + hx2 + hy2 ). αx h x 2 lx π X , αy = + µy sin2 ly π Y ; αy hy 2 i ; 4 / 29 The θ-Scheme in a 2D Box Region " # " # δy2 δy2 δx2 δx2 m+1 m = (1 − θ)a 2 + 2 Uj,k + θa 2 + 2 Uj,k τ hx hy hx hy m m m m m m Uj,k+1 − 2Uj,k + Uj,k−1 Uj+1,k − 2Uj,k + Uj−1,k + = (1 − θ)a hx2 hy2 " m+1 # m+1 m+1 m+1 m+1 m+1 Uj+1,k − 2Uj,k + Uj−1,k Uj,k+1 − 2Uj,k + Uj,k−1 + θa + . hx2 hy2 m+1 m Uj,k − Uj,k The error equation: h i m+1 m+1 m+1 m+1 m+1 [(1 + 2θ)(µx + µy )] ej,k = θ µx ej+1,k + ej−1,k + µy ej,k+1 + ej,k−1 + (1 − θ) µx m + [1 − 2(1 − θ)(µx + µy )] ej,k m+ 1 m m m m ej+1,k + ej−1,k + µy ej,k+1 + ej,k−1 − τ Tj,k 2 , Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations Explicit and Implicit Schemes in Box Regions The θ-Scheme in a 2D Box Region The θ-Scheme in a 2D Box Region The truncation error Tjm+∗ ( O(τ 2 + hx2 + hy2 ), = O(τ + hx2 + hy2 ), if θ = 12 , if θ = 6 12 , 1 the condition for the maximum principle: 2(µx + µy ) (1 − θ) ≤ 1; 2 m = λm e i(αx xj +αy yk ) , α = Fourier modes: Uj,k x α 3 amplification factor lx π X , αy = ly π Y ; h i α h 1 − 4(1 − θ) µx sin2 αx2hx + µy sin2 y2 y h i ; λα = α h 1 + 4θ µx sin2 αx2hx + µy sin2 y2 y 6 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations Explicit and Implicit Schemes in Box Regions The θ-Scheme in a 2D Box Region The θ-Scheme in a 2D Box Region 4 for θ ≥ 1/2, unconditionally L2 stable; 5 for 0 ≤ θ < 1/2, L2 stable iff 2(1 − 2θ)(µx + µy ) ≤ 1; 6 the matrix of the linear system is still symmetric positive definite and diagonal dominant when 2(µx + µy ) (1 − θ) ≤ 1, however, each row has now up to 5 nonzero elements with a band width of the order O(h−1 ); 7 if solved by the Thompson method, the cost is O(h−1 ) times of that of the explicit scheme; 8 in 3D, µx + µy ⇒ µx + µy + µz , and O(h−1 ) ⇒ O(h−2 ). 7 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes Alternative Approaches for Solving n-D Parabolic Equations To reduce the computational cost, we may consider to apply highly efficient iterative methods to solve the linear algebraic equations, for example, the preconditioned conjugate gradient method; the multi-grid method; etc.. Alternatively, to avoid the shortcoming of the implicit difference schemes for high space dimensions, we may develop the alternating direction implicit (ADI) schemes; the locally one dimensional (LOD) schemes. 8 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes A 2D Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) Scheme A Fractional Steps 2D ADI Scheme by Peaceman and Rachford 1 in the odd fractional steps implicit in x and explicit in y , and in even fractional steps implicit in y and explicit in x: 1 m+ 1 1 − µx δx2 Uj,k 2 2 1 m+1 1 − µy δy2 Uj,k 2 2 1 m 1 + µy δy2 Uj,k , 2 1 m+ 1 = 1 + µx δx2 Uj,k 2 , 2 = numerical boundary conditions are easily imposed directly by m+ 21 those of the original problem, since Uj,k m+ 1 ∼ uj,k 2 ; 9 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes A 2D Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) Scheme A Fractional Steps 2D ADI Scheme by Peaceman and Rachford 3 one step equivalent scheme 1 1 1 1 m+1 2 2 2 2 m 1 − µy δy Uj,k = 1 + µx δx 1 + µy δy Uj,k . 1 − µx δx 2 2 2 2 4 Crank-Nicolson scheme 5 1 1 1 1 m+1 m = 1 + µx δx2 + µy δy2 Uj,k . 1 − µx δx2 − µy δy2 Uj,k 2 2 2 2 m+ 1 m+ 1 Since µx µy δx2 δy2 δt uj,k 2 = a2 τ 3 [uxxyyt ]j,k 2 + O(τ 5 + τ 3 (hx2 + hy2 )), the truncation error of the scheme is O(τ 2 + hx2 + hy2 ). 10 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes A 2D Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) Scheme Stability of the 2D ADI Scheme by Peaceman and Rachford 1 m i(αx xj +αy yk ) , For the Fourier mode Uj,k = λm αe λα = αy hy 2 α h 2 µy sin2 y2 y (1 − 2 µx sin2 )(1 − 2 µy sin2 ) (1 + )(1 + ) α x hx 2 2 µx sin2 αx2hx , the scheme is unconditionally L2 stable; 2 the two fractional steps can be equivalently written as m+ 12 (1 + µx )Uj,k µx µy m+ 1 m+ 21 m m + Uj+1,k2 , Uj,k−1 + Uj,k+1 Uj−1,k + 2 2 1 1 µx µy m+1 m+ 2 m+ m+1 Uj,k−1 + Uj,k+1 , + Uj−1,k + Uj+1,k2 + 2 2 m = (1 − µy )Uj,k + m+ 21 m+1 (1 + µy )Uj,k = (1 − µx )Uj,k thus, the maximum principle holds if max{µx , µy } ≤ 1; 11 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes A 2D Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) Scheme Cost of the 2D ADI Scheme by Peaceman and Rachford 1 order the linear system by (Nx − 1) k + j and (Ny − 1) j + k in odd and even steps, the corresponding matrixes are tridiagonal; 2 the computational cost: 3 times of that of the explicit scheme. 12 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes A 2D Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) Scheme The Idea of Peaceman and Rachford Doesn’t Work for 3D In 3D, we can still construct fractional step scheme by 1 dividing each time step into 3 fractional steps; 2 introducing U m+ 3 and U m+ 3 at tm+ 1 and tm+ 2 ; 3 in the 3 fractional time steps, applying schemes which are in turn implicit in x-, y - and z-direction and explicit in the other 2 directions respectively. 1 2 3 3 However, the equivalent one step scheme is, up to a higher order term, the same as the θ-scheme with θ = 1/3, which has a local truncation error O(τ + hx2 + hy2 ) instead of what we expect to have O(τ 2 + hx2 + hy2 ) for an ADI method. 13 / 29 The Key Properties that Make an ADI Scheme Successful 1 Implicit only in one dimension in each fractional time step, thus, if properly ordered, the matrix of the linear algebraic equations is tridiagonal as well as diagonally dominant, hence the computational cost is significantly reduced. 2 In the equivalent one step scheme, the implicit part is the product of 1D implicit difference operators, the explicit part is the product of 1D explicit difference operators (in a half time step, + certain h.o.t. small perturbations), which guarantees the scheme is unconditionally L2 stable; 3 The difference between the equivalent one step scheme and the Crank-Nicolson scheme is a higher order term, which guarantees that the local truncation error is O(τ 2 + h2 ). Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes 3D Alternate Direction Implicit (ADI) Schemes Target Equivalent One Step Schemes of ADI Methods For the 3D model problem, we aim to develop ADI finite difference schemes which have a one time step equivalent scheme of the form 1 1 1 m+1 2 2 2 1 − µy δy 1 − µz δz Uj,k,l 1 − µx δx 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 m = 1 + µx δx 1 + µy δy 1 + µz δz Uj,k,l , 2 2 2 or 1 1 1 m+1 2 2 2 1 − µx δx 1 − µy δy 1 − µz δz Uj,k,l 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 m = 1 + µx δx 1 + µy δy 1 + µz δz Uj,k,l + h.o.t. 2 2 2 15 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes 3D Alternate Direction Implicit (ADI) Schemes An Extendable ADI Scheme Proposed by D’yakonov For the 3D model problem, the ADI Scheme of D’yakonov is µy 2 µz m µx 2 µx 2 m+∗ δx Uj,k,l = 1 + δx 1 + δy 1 + δz2 Uj,k,l , 1− 2 2 2 2 µy 2 m+∗∗ m+∗ 1− δy Uj,k,l = Uj,k,l , 2 µz m+1 m+∗∗ 1 − δz2 Uj,k,l = Uj,k,l . 2 The scheme obviously has all the key properties. However, there is one thing need to be taken care of: U m+∗ , U m+∗∗ are not approximate solutions, their boundary conditions may not be directly derived from that of the original problem. 16 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes 3D Alternate Direction Implicit (ADI) Schemes Numerical Boundary Conditions for U m+∗ , U m+∗∗ m+1 m+1 m+1 m+1 Since Uj,k,l ∼ uj,k,l , Uj,k,l = uj,k,l on the boundary (j = 0, Nx , or k = 0, Ny , or l = 0, Nz ). Thus, the boundary condition m+∗∗ Uj,k,l : j = 0, Nx , 0 ≤ k ≤ Ny , 0 < l < Nz , or k = 0, Ny ; 0 ≤ j ≤ Nx , 0 < l < Nz m+∗∗ can be obtained from Uj,k,l = 1− µz 2 m+1 2 δz Uj,k,l . The boundary n condition o m+∗ Uj,k,l : j = 0, Nx , 0 < k < Ny , 0 < l < Nz . m+∗∗ µ m+∗ can be obtained from Uj,k,l = 1 − 2y δy2 Uj,k,l and the m+∗∗ boundary values for Uj,k,l on the nodes j = 0, Nx . 17 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes 3D Alternate Direction Implicit (ADI) Schemes An Extendable ADI Scheme Proposed by Douglas and Rachford For the 3D model problem, the Scheme is of the form 1 m+1∗ m+1∗ m m m m + Uj,k,l Uj,k,l = Uj,k,l + µx δx2 Uj,k,l + µy δy2 Uj,k,l + µz δz2 Uj,k,l , 2 1 m+1∗∗ m+1∗∗ m+1∗ m m + Uj,k,l Uj,k,l = Uj,k,l + µy δy2 Uj,k,l − µy δy2 Uj,k,l , 2 1 m+1 m+1 m+1∗∗ m m +Uj,k,l − µz δz2 Uj,k,l . Uj,k,l = Uj,k,l + µz δz2 Uj,k,l 2 Since U m+1∗ and U m+1∗∗ are approximate solutions at tm+1 , their boundary conditions can be directly derived from that of the original problem.The scheme has all the key properties with the m . h.o.t.= − 14 µx µy µz δx2 δy2 δz2 Uj,k,l 18 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes 3D Alternate Direction Implicit (ADI) Schemes The Idea of the ADI Scheme of Douglas and Rachford The construction of the scheme can be viewed as a predictcorrection process. In the 1st fractional step, Crank-Nicolson to x, explicit to y , z. In the 2nd fractional step, to improve stability and accuracy in y , the y -direction is corrected by the Crank-Nicolson scheme: 1 m+1∗ m+1∗∗ m m + Uj,k,l Uj,k,l = Uj,k,l + µx δx2 Uj,k,l 2 1 m+1∗∗ m m + µy δy2 Uj,k,l + Uj,k,l + µz δz2 Uj,k,l . 2 Note, this plus the 1st equation gives the second in the scheme. 19 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes 3D Alternate Direction Implicit (ADI) Schemes The Idea of the ADI Scheme of Douglas and Rachford In the 3rd, z-direction is corrected by the Crank-Nicolson scheme: 1 m+1∗ m+1 m m + Uj,k,l Uj,k,l = Uj,k,l + µx δx2 Uj,k,l 2 1 1 m+1∗∗ m+1 m m 2 + Uj,k,l + µz δz2 Uj,k,l + Uj,k,l . + µy δy Uj,k,l 2 2 Note, the 3rd equation in the scheme is simply the difference of the above two equations. 20 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes 3D Locally One Dimensional (LOD) Schemes An Extendable Locally One Dimensional (LOD) Scheme 1 In the ith fractional step, the problem is treated as a one dimensional problem of the ith dimension. 2 1D Crank-Nicolson scheme is applied to each fractional step. For the 3D the LOD is given as model problem, scheme 3 1 m+∗ 1 − µx δx2 Uj,k,l 2 1 m+∗∗ 1 − µy δy2 Uj,k,l 2 1 m+1 1 − µz δz2 Uj,k,l 2 4 = = = 1+ 1+ 1+ 1 m µx δx2 Uj,k,l , 2 1 m+∗ µy δy2 Uj,k,l , 2 1 m+∗∗ . µz δz2 Uj,k,l 2 The scheme has all of the key properties. 21 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes 3D Locally One Dimensional (LOD) Schemes Impose Boundary Conditions for the LOD Scheme U m+∗ , U m+∗∗ are nonphysical, their boundary conditions must be handled with special care. 1 multiplying (1 − 12 µz δz2 ) on the 3rd equation leads to 1 2 4 1 2 4 m+∗∗ m+1 2 , 1 − µz δz Uj,k,l = 1 − µz δz + µz δz Uj,k,l 4 4 Hence, by omitting the O(τ 2 ) order terms, the boundary condition for U m+∗∗ can be given by: m+1 m+∗∗ Uj,k,l = 1 − µz δz2 Uj,k,l , k = 0, Ny , 0 ≤ j ≤ Nx , 0 < l < Nz , j = 0, Nx , 0 ≤ k ≤ Ny , 0 < l < Nz . 22 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations 2D and 3D ADI and LOD Schemes 3D Locally One Dimensional (LOD) Schemes Impose Boundary Conditions for the LOD Scheme 2 Similarly, multiplying (1 − 12 µy δy2 ) on the 2nd equation, omitting the O(τ 2 ) and higher order terms, the boundary condition for U m+∗ can be given by: m+∗∗ m+∗ Uj,k,l = 1 − µy δy2 Uj,k,l , j = 0, Nx , 0 < k < Ny , 0 < l < Nz . 23 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations FDM for General Parabolic Problems in High Dimensions General Domain and Boundary Conditions General Domain and Boundary Conditions 1 Approximate boundary conditions can be established with the similar methods used in § 1.3.4 for elliptic problems. 2 Approximate boundary conditions can further restrict the stability condition for explicit schemes, thus implicit schemes are even more preferable. 3 ADI and LOD schemes are in more complicated forms. 4 Some special regions with non-planar boundaries can be transformed into box regions by introducing curved coordinate systems, say, the polar coordinate system can be used for a circular region, the cylindrical coordinate system can be used for cylindrical regions, etc... 24 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations FDM for General Parabolic Problems in High Dimensions Variable-coefficient Equations Variable-coefficient and nonlinear Equations 1 ADI and LOD schemes can also be extended to high dimensional variable-coefficient linear, and even certain nonlinear problems. 2 In such cases, the difference operators (1 ± 12 µx δx2 ) and (1 ± 12 µy δy2 ) are generally noncommutative, i.e. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 ± µx δx 1 ± µy δy 6= 1 ± µy δy 1 ± µx δ x , 2 2 2 2 and this will introduce the so called splitting error. 3 Boundary conditions are more difficult to handle. 25 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations FDM for General Parabolic Problems in High Dimensions Variable-coefficient Equations Implicit, Semi-implicit Schemes For nonlinear problems, nonlinear algebraic equations derived from implicit schemes need to be solved with iterative methods, such as semi-implicit schemes. The idea is to apply an implicit scheme only to the principal linear part of the nonlinear equation; approximate the residual nonlinear part by an explicit scheme. 26 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations FDM for General Parabolic Problems in High Dimensions Variable-coefficient Equations Implicit, Semi-implicit Schemes and Elliptic Solver To apply the implicit schemes to linear parabolic problems and the semi-implicit schemes to nonlinear parabolic problems, it is a sequence of linear algebraic systems corresponding to certain elliptic problems we actually need to solve in the end. So, Fast solvers for elliptic problems play important roles in solving parabolic problems. 27 / 29 Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations FDM for General Parabolic Problems in High Dimensions Variable-coefficient Equations Asymptotic Analysis and Extrapolation Methods The asymptotic analysis and extrapolation methods introduced in § 1.5 for elliptic problems can also be extended to analyze the finite difference approximation error for parabolic problems. In particular, the error bounds can be estimated by the numerical solutions obtained on grids with different mesh sizes. For example, for the explicit scheme of the heat equation, let m = u m + O(h2 ) + O(h4 ), τ = µh2 , µ ≤ 1/2, then, we have U(h)j (h)j (1)m Uj , 4m m 4U(h/2)2j − U(h)j 3 m = u(h)j + O(h4 ). 28 / 29 Thank You! SK 2µ20, 21
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