Winter 2015 (February Edition) Lifespan Religious Education and Small Group Ministry A Visitor’s Guide to Classes and Programs A Publication of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego This publication is updated frequently. Rev: 2/1/15, v1 http://www/ Page 2 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry What’s Inside: Lifespan Religious Education Spirit in Practice ··························································· Page 4 The Eight Spheres of Spiritual Growth ························ Page 5 Current Classes and Programs Matrix ······················· Page 6 Children’s Religious Education ····································· Page 7 Youth Programs ···························································· tba Young Adult and Campus Ministry Programs ············· Page 9 Our Whole Lives (OWL: Lifespan Sexuality Edu) ········· Page 11 Adult Religious Education General Adult Education Information ······················· Page 13 Adult Classes ······························································ Page 14 Calendar of Adult Classes ······································ Page 25 Registration Information ········································ Page 27 Small Group Ministry On-Going Programs ······················································· Page 29 Neighborhood Groups ··················································· Page 44 Music Groups ································································· Page 46 Wisdom Circles ······························································ Page 48 Ministry Teams ······························································ Page 49 Small Group Ministry Calendar ···································· Page 50 Page 3 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry General Infomation Misc Program Notes ························································· Page 51 Unitarian Universalist Principles ····································· Page 52 Mission and Outcome Statements ···································· Page 53 Covenant of Good Relations ·············································· Page 54 Our Ministers, Our Mission ··············································· Page 55 Locations ············································································ Page 56 f o e r tu g n ve min d A co n A Be Lifespan Religious Education Page 4 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Spirit in Practice All of our many and varied education classes fall within the Eight Spheres of Spiritual Growth as outlined by the UUA’s Spirit in Practice curricula. The idea of spiritual practices encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own spiritual development by spending time working on it, deliberating on its meaning and how best to pursue it, seeking to understand the sacred through reading and the counsel of others, and seeking to have contact with the sacred through personal reflection and prayer. For further information on this curriculum, please go to: tapestryfaith/spiritpractice/introduction/index.shtml Page 5 The Eight Spheres of Spiritual Growth Personal Spiritual Practices: These are practices done alone and, perhaps, daily—such as meditation, dream work, journaling, prayer, and so on. They’re what most people think of when they hear the words “spiritual practice.” Communal Worship Practices: Although Unitarian Universalists affirm the uniqueness and individual nature of a person’s spiritual path, our movement is also founded on a belief that community is essential to that journey. Regular engagement with communal worship—the ongoing and collective search for truth and meaning—is one way of supporting this belief. Spiritual Partnerships: Spiritual development is hard work, and most faith traditions affirm the usefulness of companions on the journey. A spiritual partnership can take the form of participation in a small group, a one-onone relationship with another congregant, spiritual guidance with a minister, or one’s own personal therapy. What matters most is the intentional relationship with another person and a mutual commitment to the journey. Mind Practices: Could a program of spiritual development be Unitarian Universalist without an intellectual component? This is a role of adult religious education: book studies, film discussions, lectures, adult forums, scripture studies, courses in UU history, and other RE offerings are all ways to fulfill this dimension of a “rich, integrated program.” Body Practices: We know that mind, body, and soul are interconnected. Doesn’t it make sense, then, that a well-rounded spiritual practice includes some kind of physical practice? It might be running, sitting, gardening, tai chi, massage, or virtually anything else that keeps us in touch with the miracle of our physical selves. Soul Practices: These are the practices that exercise our creative selves— drawing, painting, sculpting, music, poetry, and other creative endeavors. It has been said that the Biblical expression that humans are “made in the image of God” means that we are made to be creative. Life Practices: Religious traditions from around the world agree that we eventually need to take what we do in private and in our congregations and bring it out into the rest of our lives—in our relationships with our family members, in our workplaces, in our interactions with strangers. Justice Practices: A fully mature spirituality does not stop at the goal of transforming oneself, but must extend beyond oneself—to others—and include a vision of transforming the world. Lifespan Religious Education Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Lifespan Religious Education Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry The Eight Spheres of Spiritual Growth and Current Classes Matrix All Practices: Children’s Religious Education, Pg 7 Our Whole Live Sexuality Education, pg 12 Rasa Lila Healing, ongoing, Pg 15 Sufi Healing, ongoing, pg 16 Jesus Through the Heart of a Sufi, pg 17 Building Sacred Ground, pp 23 Spring Spiritual Retreat, pg 29 Personal Spiritual Practices: Communal Worship Practices: Shape Note Singing, ongoing Kirtan and Chanting, ongoing Sanghas and Meditation Groups, pg 30 ongoing Wisdom Circles, pg 48, ongoing Sunday Services Earth Centered Spirituality Circle Spiritual Partnerships: Neighborhood Groups, pg 44 ongoing Mind Practices: Deep Conversations, ongoing Cosmos: the Great Story, ongoing Conversations with the Spiritually Curious, Pg 19 Military Ministry Toolkit, pg 20 Body Practices: Open Heart Sangha, ongoing Yoga as Meditation, ongoing The Dances of Universal Peace, ongoing Soul Practices: Peter Bolland: Lectures and Concert, pg 22 Life Practices: Justice Practices: Page 6 Page 7 Children’s Religious Education, Hillcrest, Winter/Spring 2015 Nursery (9:30 & 11:30) Our youngest children will receive tender and loving care in our Nursery, provided by paid, professional caregivers. For safety reasons we ask that these children be signed in and out of class. Celebrating Me and My World (9:30am), 2 & 3 y/os We will celebrate the wondrous qualities of children and the people, animals, and objects around them. The children will have the opportunity to develop selfesteem, experience opportunities to grow in trust and caring, and a sense of being connected with all the world around them. Children in this class may be brought to the classroom by the beginning of the service and should be picked up when the service ends. Love Surrounds Us (9:30am), 4 to 6 years old Beloved community is built on love. In this class, children will participate in story and activity that focuses on the way we feel, give, and receive love in community. Based on the seven principles, this class will build a foundation for a Unitarian Universalist identity while creating lasting friendships. Spirit of Adventure (9:30am), 7-9 years old In this active, fun curriculum, children will begin their class jumping directly into activities and puzzles to solve together. Focusing on themes like science, sports, medicine, and exploring nature children will use hands-on activities and games to learn about themselves, their neighbors and Unitarian Universalism. Each session will end in a Chalice Council which provides an opportunity for leadership development and reflection. Love Connects Us (9:30am), 10-12 years old This upper-level class allows for our older kids to go deeper into what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist while practicing building community and living out our values to help heal the world. Continued on next page -> . Lifespan Religious Education Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Lifespan Religious Education Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Page 8 <- Continued from Previous Page Rainbow Adventurers (11:30) K through 6th grade In this multi-aged chapel-based class, children will explore the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism through story and self-directed activities. The class will begin with a story focusing on one of the seven principles where the kids will be an active part of telling and playing out the tales. Children will then be invited to choose from a variety of learning stations that allow them to engage the story and principle in a way that best suits them. 5-6th grade leadership opportunities at Hillcrest: We have a variety of leadership opportunities for our kids in 5th and 6th grade including becoming a trained Youth Volunteer Assistant who assists in the younger classes at 9:30 and Children's Affirmation leaders who lead the congregation in the Children's Affirmation during the 11:30am service. If your child (ren) is/are interested in a leadership role e-mail Melissa. South Bay On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, children ages 5-13 will start the morning in the worship service, and after the story will go to class in Suite 101. They will share joys & concerns and discuss the story from worship and how it connects to our UU Principles. On the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month, we will be continuing our multigenerational worship services. General Information Children's Religious Education classes are provided at no cost to families. We ask that all families register in order for us to have the necessary information to meet the learning needs of your child(ren) and have important safety and emergency information. Not sure which class is best for your child(ren)? Want to join a teaching team or get involved in children's ministry? Contact: Melissa James, Ph.D., Director of Children and Family Ministry, at [email protected]. Page 9 Lifespan Religious Education Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Lifespan Religious Education Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Page 10 Page 11 The OWL Program—A Holistic Approach to Human Development and Sexuality Education A curriculum that helps children, youth, and adults clarify their values, build interpersonal skills, and understand the spiritual, emotional, and social aspects of sexuality is a part of the ministry programs at the Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego. The program, called Our Whole Lives (OWL), which helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior, equips participants with accurate, ageappropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture Grounded in a holistic view of sexuality, Our Whole Lives espouses the values of: Self-Worth, Sexual Health, Responsibility, and Justice and Inclusivity Our Whole Lives covers topics and skills that both parents and students want to have available but schools are less likely to cover. The Kaiser Family Foundation has an interesting report on this subject called Sex Education in America: A View from Inside the Nation's Classrooms. New national surveys are challenging the convention that Americans are reluctant to have sexual health issues taught in school. The surveys show that most parents, along with educators and students themselves, would expand sex education courses and curricula. Our Whole Lives uses approaches that work. The curricula are based on the Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (PDF) produced by the National Guidelines Task Force, a group of leading health, education, and sexuality professionals assembled by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). Continued on the next page -> Lifespan Religious Education Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Lifespan Religious Education Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Page 12 <- OWL continued from previous page Program sessions are offered fall and spring of alternating years: grades K-1, grades 4-6, grades 7-9, grades 10-12, young adults (18 -35), and adults. (Note: OWL for Elders is in development.) OWL: Our Whole Lives Lifespan Sexuality Education Schedule Jr High OWL, Fall 2014 K-1 OWL, Winter 2015 Sr High OWL, Winter 2015 Coming of Age Program, Summer 2015 4-5 OWL, Fall 2015 For information contact Käthe Larick, Youth Programs Coordinator) at 619-298-9978x210) or Melissa James (Dir of Children and Family Ministry) at x208. Our Whole Lives Offers: Up-to-date information and honest, age-appropriate answers Activities to clarify values and improve decision-making skills Group-building to create a safe and supportive peer group Education about sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment Critiques of media messages about gender and sexuality Acceptance of diversity Encouragement to act for justice A well designed, teacher-friendly leaders' guide Affirm parents as the primary sexuality educators of their children Sexuality and Our Faith, an optional religious component Articles about the program have appeared in the media, including ( For further information, visit OWL at UUA. Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Welcome to Our Adult Religious Education Program The purpose of the Adult Religious Growth & Learning Program is to nurture and stimulate the religious and personal growth of the adult church community and the community at large, by offering a varied and cohesive program within the context of the larger Unitarian Universalist tradition and religious community. In addition to the courses offered in this catalog by the Adult Religious Education Committee, look for many other adult learning opportunities in the Window and on our Church Calendar. Guidelines and Policies The church’s Adult Religious Education Committee is largely self supporting. Our expenses are met with donations collected from our classes. The suggested donation for members for each class is calculated per hour. Non-members are charged a slightly higher fee. Some courses may include the cost of materials or honorariums as noted. The donation helps to defray course expenses. If you cannot afford the full suggested donation, please contribute what you can—no one is turned away. (Additional donations are also welcome.) All of the courses offered by the committee are led by volunteers. None of our leaders receive payment. All persons involved abide by the church’s Conflict of Interest and Covenant of Good Relations policies (http:// Leaders are not allowed to promote their own personal businesses for financial gain. Hey, What Happened to My Class? Sometimes a class is cancelled or the time, date, or location changed at the request of the leader. People who are registered for a class will be notified of any changes. To register, please complete the registration and submit as requested. LARGE PRINT Large Print copies of this catalog are available upon request. Please contact the Religious Education Office. * 1st Church Members have signed a Bond of Union, have a current pledge, and made payments on that pledge. Lifespan Religious Education Page 13 Lifespan Religious Education Page 14 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Adult Religious Education Classes Rasa Lila Healing, Pg 15 (new 12/19/14) Sufi Healing, Pg 16 (new 12/15/14) Jesus Through the Heart of a Sufi, w Lousie Jacobs, Pg 17 (new 12/5/14) Conversations with the Spiritually Curious, Pg 19, w Rev Jim Grant (new 1/14/15) Military Ministry Toolkit #1, w Rev Kathleen Owens, Pg 20 (new 8/14/14) Military Ministry Toolkit #2, w Rev Kathleen Owens, Pg 20 (new 1/30/15) Spring Spiritual Retreat, w Rev Kathleen Owens, Pg 21 (new 9/12/14) Peter Bolland: Lecture Series and Concert, Pg 22 (new 9/24/14) Building Sacred Ground, Pg 23 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Rasa Lila: The Energetics of Contemplative and Inner Healing Dates, Time and Room: Starting January 3, every Saturday (except 5th) 10a-12p, Hillcrest, Rm 113. Note: On-Going. Drop in, no registration required. Facilitator: RJ Palmer Learn to help heal the wounds of time and memory and move forward into actualizing our deeper yearnings and potential. Through playful practices of contemplation and healing, new life skills come together with other spiritual and healing practices and the fulfillment of personal goals. “Rasa” (rah-sa) means the essence of mood and emotion. “Lila” (lee-la) means play, rooted in unconditioned joy and love. Rasa meditation is an ancient model of contemplation and emotional healing; a foundation of the Bhakti (devotional) Yoga of Krishna, the Metta (loving kindness) meditation of the Buddha, and the easy “yoke” (yoga) of the Way of Jesus. Its influence extends to aesthetics and the arts as well as Ayurvedic medicine and seamlessly integrates into modern healing practices of Energy Psychology. As a group, participants will learn to be guides for one another, helping one another heal the wounds of time and memory and move forward into actualizing our deeper yearnings and potential. Alternating between playful practices of contemplation and healing, new life skills come together which are quite compatible with other spiritual and healing practices and the fulfilment of personal goals. First Church welcomes information about alternative approaches in many areas including health care and healing; however, such information does not represent an endorsement by the Church. RJ Palmer is an active leader in the First UU Christian Study group, is a coach and healer, and is a Lay Community Minister through the UU Society of Community Ministries, Lifespan Religious Education Page 15 Lifespan Religious Education Page 16 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Sufi Healing We are not human beings on a spiritual path, We are spiritual beings, on a human path. Dates, Time and Room: Starting January 6, every Tuesday 7-8p, Hillcrest, Rm 321 Note: On-Going. Drop in, no registration required. Voluntary donation per session: $6 member, $9 visitor In the spirit of giving and receiving from the heart, your choice of donating what you can is gratefully received to help support our UU Adult Religious Education programs. Facilitator: Jamil Larry Sweet The art of Sufi Healing was brought to the western hemisphere by Hazrat Inayat Kahn at the turn of the twentieth century. The ancient healing practices of the Sufis were distilled to formulate the Absent Healing Ceremony and the transmission was passed on to the current day. In this class we will explore the uses of meditation, breath, sacred phrases and wazifa, practices for individual healing and the Absent Healing Ceremony itself. Sufi Healing is not a practice to “cure” or “heal”, it is a practice to share the healing properties of the Shafia, by direction and dispersion to those places most in need. First Church welcomes information about alternative approaches in many areas including health care; however, such information does not represent an endorsement by the Church. This class will be taught by Jamil Larry Sweet, who is an initiate of the Sufi Ruhaniat International, Sufi Organization International, and the Dervish Healing Order. Jamil was first initiated in 1977 as a Sufi Mureed and in 2012 initiated as a Healing Conductor of the Dervish Healing order. Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Jesus Through the Heart of a Sufi Date, Time, Room: Hillcrest, Common Rm Thu, Jan 22, 29; Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 7-9p Voluntary donation per session: $6 per session In the spirit of giving and receiving from the heart, your choice of donating what you can is gratefully received to help support our UU Adult Religious Education programs. Drop in, registration not required. Facilitator: Louise Jacobus Lifespan Religious Education Page 17 Even though the sources and methods of this class are diverse, there is one focus: to help tune our hearts to the timeless teachings of Love. Overview: Join us in a exploration of the teachings of Jesus, as heard through the heart of Universal Sufism. Through music, poetry, dance, lecture and song we will explore the teachings of Jesus - not as rigid belief structures, but as living guides - as they are illuminated and embodied by the teachings of Sufis. This class is for people who may have been wounded by organized religion, or who have never felt comfortable in organized Christianity, but are curious about Jesus as a teacher of spiritual awakening, as someone who was spiritual, but not religious. The starting point of the class will be the teachings of Jesus, as they have been recorded. We will then explore the teachings of Sufi masters, both ancient and modern, that give insight into the teachings of Jesus. Sufi poets such as Rumi will also be included. This class will be an experiential class. We will include the Dances of Universal Peace, as well as Sufi practices and meditations that embody the teachings of Jesus, bringing each participant a new opportunity for understanding. Class Topics: Class 1. Introduction and Overview. What did Jesus teach? What is Sufism? Class 2. The Journey of Spiritual Transformation and Healing. Class 3. The Inner Life. Kingdom/Kindom of God within You. Class 4. Die before Death and Born Again Teachings. Class 5. Forgiveness. Class 6. Greater Works than These. Power of Name. continued on next page -> Lifespan Religious Education Page 18 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Jesus Through the Heart of a Sufi <- continued from previous page Class format: Each class will be a rich blend of experiential activities interspersed with lecture, readings, and poetry. We will begin each evening with a short period of meditation using Names of the Divine that Jesus might have used. The topic for the evening will be introduced using the teachings of Jesus in English translation and also sometimes in the Aramaic that he spoke. We will then do one of the Dances of Universal Peace that embodies this teaching to help bring deeper understanding in an experiential way. Throughout the evening, there will be poetry (Rumi, Shabistari, Hafiz, Kabir), song, and the writings of Sufi teachers, both ancient (Ibn ‘Arabi and al-Ghazālī) and modern (Hazrat Inayat Khan, Murshid Samuel Lewis, Pir Vilayat Khan); and from Christian mystics such as Hildegard of Bingen and Meister Eckhart; the Psalms and New Testament, that illuminate the teachings of Jesus from a universal heart -centered perspective. Each class will conclude with another Dance of Universal Peace that also reflects the topic of the evening to help integrate and assimilate the teachings. Recommended prior reading: Cynthia Bourgeault http:// Book: The Wisdom Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind - a New Perspective on Christ and His Message pin/327707310360528644/ Audio: Encountering the Wisdom Jesus: Quickening the Kingdom of Heaven Within (CD Set or Audio Download pin/327707310360528570/ For more references While attendance is not required at all sessions, it is encouraged. Please wear comfortable, loose clothing. No experience with dance is needed to participate. Everything you need will be taught before we begin. For people who do not want to participate, it will be fine to just watch. We hope you join us. Louise Jacobus has been a student of Sufism since 1975. She is a teacher in the Sufi Ruhaniat International, one of the Sufi Orders in the lineage of Hazrat Inayat Khan ( She is a certified leader of Dances of Universal Peace ( and she is the spiritual director of One Sun San Diego Sufi Circle (, a local affiliate of Sufi Ruhaniat International. She was raised in the Christian tradition. In addition to her lifelong interest in spirituality, Louise has developed a deep understanding of the psychological side of human nature through her work as a therapist. She is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist in private practice in San Diego. Louise has a great love for the wisdom traditions of the world and for the richness these ancient teachings can bring to our busy modern lives. Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Conversations with the Spiritually Curious Rev Jim Grant Date, Time and Room: Hillcrest, Rm 323. Wednesdays: Feb 4, 11, 18; Mar 4, 11, 18; Apr. 8, 15; May 6, 20 Coffee 6:45-7p, Lecture 7-7:30p, Discussion 7:30-8p Voluntary donation per session: at will In the spirit of giving and receiving from the heart, your choice of donating what you can is gratefully received to help support our UU Adult Religious Education programs. Drop in, registration not required. Facilitator: Rev Jim Grant, Affiliate Minister Lifespan Religious Education Page 19 Rev Jim will lead conversations around Infinity in Your Hand: A Guide for the Spiritually Curious by former UU Minister William H. Houff. About the author. Spiritual growth is an intensely personal undertaking. While we can learn from the journeys of others, it is only through taking out our own beliefs and listening to our inner wisdoms, understanding them, and sharing them that we reveal to our true self. Date Pt I, Feb 4 Pt II, Feb 11 Pt III, Feb 18 Pt IV, Mar 4 Pt V, Mar 11 Pt VI, Mar 18 Pt VII, Apr 8 Pt VIII, Apr 15 Pt IX, May 6 Pt X, May 20 Chapter 1, 3, 10 2, 4 5, 6 7, 8 9 11 12 13, 16 14, 15 16 Topic What is “Real” Anyway? Myths and Mysticism Four Paths, same Goal Pitfalls on the Path Stages on the Journey Know Yourself Whoops! More Pitfalls Roots hold me close, Wings set me Free! The problem of ‘Doing Good’ Questions for a Beautiful Self Important note: While reading the book is not required your experience will be greatly enhanced if you do so. You are strongly encouraged to attend all sessions, but this is not required. Copies of the book may be purchased through our Amazon Affiliates Program or at our bookroom. Lifespan Religious Education Page 20 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Military Ministry Toolkit Dates, Time and Room: Registration is required, no drop ins. Childcare is available if requested two weeks prior #1 Thursdays: Feb 12, 19, 26; Mar 5, 12, 19, 26 (Mar 5 is a Group Reflection) 6:30-8:00p, Rm 323 Repeats... #2 Thursdays: Mar 26; Apr 2, 9, 16, 30; May 7 6:30-8:00p, Common Room Facilitators: Revs Kathleen Owens and Jennifer Channin Is our congregation outreaching to active duty military personnel, veterans and their families? Do we want to make a safe, welcoming space in our community for sharing members’ stories of involvement in war or military life? Does our community seek to become more intentionally open and inviting to military service people, veterans, and their families? Begin a conversation in our congregation about why and how to explore military ministry to inspire support for deepening and strengthening this aspect of our ministry. Study, reflect, and discuss guide questions such as: How do we support families who have someone serving in the military? How can we be welcoming to military personnel who are discovering Unitarian Universalism? How can we invite stories of veterans and their families into congregational life? How can we hold honest and faithful conversations about war and peace that make room for multiple perspectives, experiences, and truths? Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Spring 2015 Spirituality Retreat: P3 Date, Time and Room: Fri April 10, 5p— Sun April 12, 10a Prince of Peace Abbey, Oceanside Cost for Participants: $180 for room and board Payment in full due by Fri Mar 13 to hold a place Partial scholarships may be available Facilitator: Rev Kathleen Owens, Lead Minister Lifespan Religious Education Page 21 T he retreat is designed for the needs of Unitarian Universalist spiritual learners. Its purposes are two-fold. First, we want to offer a time of renewal, healing and spiritual growth, in a beautiful and peaceful setting, away from the distractions of everyday life. Second, we want to give you the opportunity to explore spiritual growth through Psalms, Poems, and Prayers—P3. The retreat will consist of group instruction, practice and worship. There will be time for private retreat as well. Where: Prince Of Peace Abbey in Oceanside. This is an active Benedictine Roman Catholic Monastery. It is the ministry of the monks there to welcome guests who wish to deepen their awareness with prayer and meditation. The monks will be providing our meals and accommodation during the retreat. Kathleen will be responsible for our program during the weekend. The retreat is in a beautiful setting overlooking the ocean in Oceanside. It is removed from the neighborhood enough to offer a feeling of sanctuary. The rooms are simple but comfortable. Each has a private bath. Some of us will need to share rooms. Vegetarian fare is available. Vegans need to bring protein items. Refrigeration is available. Lifespan Religious Education Page 22 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Peter Bolland: Lecture Series and in Concert Mondays: May 4, 11, 18, 25, Jun 8 Bard Hall Watch this space for exciting details about an upcoming lecture series and concert by Peter Bolland, singersongwriter, speaker, writer, and teacher . Co-sponsored with the Unitarian Universalist Men’s Fellowship (UUMF). Possible topics, (subject to change): 1st talk: A comparative study on Eastern and Western thought 2nd talk: The Wisdom of the Buddha 3rd talk: Thoreau, Gandhi, and King- The Politics of Right Action 4th talk: The Nature of Love 5th evening: A Musical Experience Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Building Sacred Ground: Creating Deeper Meaning at First Church Watch here for further sessions in 2014 and 2015 (see further Information on next page ) O ffered through the Membership Ministry Team and facilitated by ministers, staff and leaders. Lifespan Religious Education Page 23 lay Note: There is no voluntary donation asked for these classes. Building Sacred Ground is an experiential 4-session group to help people explore Unitarian Universalism deeply, share personal foundations of faith, and get to know a small group of people very well. The series ends with a private tea with ministers where people have a chance to visit, socialize and dialogue. Building Sacred Ground is usually offered once a quarter. For a complete date listing, see the next page. You must attend all four sessions in the quarter you choose. Locations will be announced. About Building Sacred Ground This four session experience (the individual classes are listed on the next page) is a must for anyone who wants to: get to know a small group of people very well, explore and share their individual journeys and learn ways to become engaged here at First Church. By attending these sessions, you will become more deeply involved in church life and have a better understanding of Unitarian Universalism. Building Sacred Ground is strongly recommended for people considering membership. Building Sacred Ground is also highly recommended for established members who want to deepen their relationship with their faith, this church and this community. UU Lifespan Religious Education Page 24 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Building Sacred Ground ( see Information on previous page) Building Sacred Ground: Session One - UU 101—Our Foundations (Rm 323) This is a dynamic, intriguing and wonderful session taught by our intern minister. This session reviews Unitarian Universalist European and American history; our Unitarian and Universalist theologies; and our practices: worship, education, social justice, pastoral care, and community. Time is set aside to answer all of your questions. Building Sacred Ground Session Two– Spiritual Journeys (Rm 323) Participants will build sacred space, and begin to build personal community. This session is activity based and will encourage participates to reflect on their spiritual lives, spiritual development and future spiritual explorations. Questions for our ministers will also be collected. Building Sacred Ground Session Three: Programs and Opportunities (Rm 323) Joined by church lay leaders, this session will explore the rich array of church projects and groups. This session is activity based and participants will gain a sense of how to nurture their spiritual life, explore personal gifts and to find ways to engage in the broader community. Questions for our ministers will also be collected. Building Sacred Ground Session Four: Tea with a Minister (Rm 320) The group has now bonded and participants are invited share casual social time with the ministers in an intimate setting. Ministers will respond to the questions that have been gathered throughout the previous sessions. For those considering membership, the path to membership will be presented. For those who have been seeking a deeper church experience (either newcomer or established member), ways to become more involved will be identified before the session is completed. A minimum of 10 people are needed to conduct this series, with a maximum of 20 allowed. This series fills up fast, and is offered four times through the 2013-14 church year. Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Adult Religious Education Class Calendar February, 2015 Tue, Feb 3, 7p, Hillcrest, Rm 321 —Sufi Healing Wed, Feb 4, 6:45p, Rm 323 —Conversations with the Spiritually Curious, Pt I, What is Real w Rev Jim Grant Thu, Feb 5, 7p, Hillcrest, Common Room —Jesus Through the Heart of a Sufi, Pt III—Inner Life Sat, Feb 7—10:30a, Hillcrest, Rm 113 —Rasa Lila Healing Tue, Feb 10, 7p, Hillcrest, Rm 321 —Sufi Healing Wed, Feb 11, 6:45p, Rm 323 —Conversations with the Spiritually Curious, Pt II, Myths/Mysticism w Rev Jim Grant Thu, Feb 12, 7p, Hillcrest, Common Room —Jesus Through the Heart of a Sufi, Pt IV—Death and Birth Sat, Feb 14—10:30a, Hillcrest, Rm 113 —Rasa Lila Healing Tue, Feb 17, 7p, Hillcrest, Rm 321 —Sufi Healing Wed, Feb 18, 6:45p, Rm 323 —Conversations with the Spiritually Curious, Pt III, Four Paths, Same Goal w Rev Jim Grant Thu, Feb 19, 7p, Hillcrest, Common Room —Jesus Through the Heart of a Sufi, Pt V—Forgiveness Thu Feb 12, 19, 26; Mar 5,12, 19, 26, 6:30, Rm 323 (repeats starting Mar 26) —Military Ministry Toolkit #1 w Revs Kathleen Owens and Jennifer Owens Sat, Feb 21—10:30a, Hillcrest, Rm 113 —Rasa Lila Healing Tue, Feb 24, 7p, Hillcrest, Rm 321 —Sufi Healing Thu, Feb 26, 7p, Hillcrest, Common Room —Jesus Through the Heart of a Sufi, Pt VI—Works and Power Sat, Feb 28—10:30a, Hillcrest, Rm 113 —Rasa Lila Healing Lifespan Religious Education Page 25 Lifespan Religious Education Page 26 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Adult Religious Education Class Calendar March, 2015 Wed, Mar 4, 6:45p, Rm 323 —Conversations with the Spiritually Curious, Pt IV, Pitfalls on the Path w Rev Jim Grant Wed, Mar 11, 6:45p, Rm 323 —Conversations with the Spiritually Curious, Pt V, Stages on the Journey w Rev Jim Grant Wed, Mar 18, 6:45p, Rm 323 —Conversations with the Spiritually Curious, Pt VI, Know Yourself w Rev Jim Grant Thu Feb Mar 26; Apr 2, 9, 16, 30; May 7, 6:30, Rm 112 —Military Ministry Toolkit #2 w Revs Kathleen Owens and Jennifer Channin April, 2015 Wed, Apr 8, 6:45p, Rm 323 —Conversations with the Spiritually Curious, Pt VII, Whoops, More Pitfalls w Rev Jim Grant Fri-Sun, Apr 10-12 —Spring Spiritual Retreat w Rev Kathleen Owens Wed, Apr 15, 6:45p, Rm 323 —Conversations with the Spiritually Curious, Pt VIII, Roots and Wings w Rev Jim Grant May, 2015 Wed, May 6, 6:45p, Rm 323 —Conversations with the Spiritually Curious, Pt IX, Problem of Doing Good w Rev Jim Grant Mondays, May 11, 18, 25; Jun 1, 8 —Lectures and Concert w Peter Bolland Wed, May 20, 6:45p, Rm 323 —Conversations with the Spiritually Curious, Pt X, Questions for a Beautiful Self w Rev Jim Grant June, 2015 Page 27 Click to send Registration email The Eight Spheres of Spiritual Growth and Current Classes Matrix, pg 6 Military Ministry Toolkit #1, with Revs Owens and Channin Open by registration only Thu Feb 12, 19, 26; Mar 5, 12, 19, 26 (Mind Practices) (pg 20) .......... Military Ministry Toolkit #2, with Revs Owens and Channin Open by registration only Thu Mar 26; Apr 2, 9, 16, 30; May 7 (Mind Practices) (pg 20) .......... Spring Spiritual Retreat, with Rev Kathleen Owens Open by registration only Fri-Sun, Apr 10-12 (Mind Practices) (pg 23) .......... Lifespan Religious Education Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Lifespan Religious Education Page 28 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Registration for Adult Religious Education Classes To register: Return this form to Chris Christenson, Coordinator - on line at - in person to the RE Office, Room 111b - by mail to 4190 Front Street, San Diego, CA 92103 - by fax to 619.298.9997 - by email to [email protected] - by phone at 619.298.9978 x 214 Name _______________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________________ To register: Page 29 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Small Group Ministry On-Going Programs Personal and Communal Worship and Spiritual Practices, Pp 30-32: Meditation Sanghas Meditation Open Heart Sangha Dances of Universal Peace Kirtan and Chanting for Peace Soulful Sundown Spiritual Saturdays at South Bay Mind Practices, Pp 33-35: Deep Conversations Christian Study Group Humanist Film Study / Discussion Group Cosmos: Journey of the Universe A Course in Miracles Movie Lovers Gabfest, Book Lover’s Affinity Group Compassion Reading Group Body Practices, Pp 36-37: Yoga as Meditation Chi Gung Thursday Morning Casual Bicycle Riders Tennis Gathering Soul Practices, Pp 38-39: Covers & Originals Music Nights, Support Local Bands Shape Note Singing: The Sacred Harp Art Guild Handicraft Affinity Group Charity Knit and Craft Affinity Group Craft Affinity Group Story Telling Affinity Group Life Practices, Pp 40-42: Hillcrest Social Hour South Bay Coffee and Conversation Singletarians Dynamic Duos Ages 18-24s Ages 23-35s Ages 30-55s UU Men’s Fellowship Justice Practices, Pg 43: Friends of de Benneville Pines Rainbow Action UUniforms Neighborhood Groups, Pg 44 Music Groups, Pg 47 Wisdom Circles, Pg 48 Ministry Teams, Pg 49 Small Group Ministry Page 30 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Personal and Communal Worship and Spiritual Practices Small Group Ministry Meditation Sanghas, Hillcrest Campus Mondays from 7-9p, Hillcrest, Rm 323 Wednesdays from 10a-12p, Rm 323 Our program begins with a 20 minute (Monday) or 40-minute (Wednesday) sitting meditation followed by a brief ceremony, discussion of practice, and a announcements. The final hour features a dharma talk, either live or recorded, or a facilitated discussion. Beginners and visitors are welcome. For more information or questions, please contact John Holl, facilitator at 619-546-6525 or [email protected]. Meditation, Sunday Morning, Hillcrest Campus Sundays from 9-9:20a, Hillcrest, Rm 323 A 20-minute sitting meditation prior to our first worship service. Beginners and visitors are welcome. For more information or questions, please contact John Holl, facilitator at 619-546-6525 or [email protected]. Open Heart Sangha Most Sundays from 4:00-6:00p, Hillcrest Rm 323. At will donation. Practicing in the tradition of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, the group practices sitting and walking meditations, has a short lesson, shares about the practice, and sings. Open to everyone. Please bring a cushion or mat to sit on, or chairs will be available. Drop in, registration not required. For further information, please contact Marge Wurgel at [email protected]. Page 31 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Personal and Communal Worship and Spiritual Practices Kirtan and Chanting for Peace Every 4th Saturday 6:30-8p, (No Kirtans Oct, Nov or Dec) Hillcrest, Bard Hall, with awardwinning Spirit Soul and Friends. At will donation. Join us for a moment of relaxation meditation, peaceful mantra chanting, music, yoga, dance. Come and engage in the spiritual practice of kirtan a non-denominational practice, that has been passed down since time immemorial and a constant in all paths and religions. (But, what is kirtan, really?) Drop in. Small Group Ministry Dances of Universal Peace with Louise Jacobus Quarterly, 2nd Saturdays 7pm (meditation), 7:30p (dance). Next dance: Oct 11. 2015 schedule: Jan 10, Apr 11, Jul 11, Oct 10 At will donation. An interfaith practice, inspired by and honoring the many wisdom traditions of the world. The Dances use sacred phrases, simple circle dances, and music to create an opportunity where hearts can open, spirits can soar, and a deeply-rooted peace can be experienced. Since The Dances are is an experiential process, come ready to participate in some spiritual practice! No experience is necessary. Just bring your curiosity and your open heart and be prepared to dance. Drop in. For information, contact Louise Jacobus [email protected] or Page 32 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Personal and Communal Worship and Spiritual Practices Small Group Ministry Soulful Sundown alternative worship Occasional 4th Saturdays, 6:30-7:30p Aug 23, Oct 25, Jan 24, Mar 28, May 23 Hillcrest, Clark Chapel Experience. Engage. Explore. Spiritual Saturdays at South Bay Usually 3rd Saturdays 10a-12p, South Bay Campus. November 15th, 1-3 pm, Writing as a Spiritual Practice, with Adam Dyer (note the afternoon time!) December 6th, 10 am-12 pm, Spiritual Practices for the Holiday Season, with Rev. Jennifer Channin January 17th, 10 am-12pm, with Rev. Kathleen Owens Are you interested in trying a new spiritual practice and deepening your relationship to yourself and the South Bay community? Join us to learn different spiritual practices ach month. Previous Saturdays have included: meditation, qi gong, prayer, singing meditation, writing, art and spirit. Save the dates for upcoming sessions---dates and times listed above. To sign-up, contact [email protected], 619298-9978, x216. Check the latest South Bay E-newsletter Page 33 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Mind Practices Deep Conversations Every Sunday after each service, 10:45-11:15a and 12:451:15p in the Hillcrest Welcome Center Archives, Rm 313 The sermon is only the beginning. Did you find yourself moved in some way by the sermon? Did the reflection question stir something in you? Join with others for a facilitated Deep Conversation around the sermon message. And most importantly, bring your coffee. Humanist Film Study / Discussion Group Generally, 4th Sundays at 1p, Hillcrest, Rm 323. Our focus is on human values & concerns using scientific research findings, world history, art, and biographies to try to explain life on earth and the workings of the cosmos, from a secular perspective. Recent discussions have included Suffering, the Apocalypse, Evolution, and Environmental Activism. Join us for a lively afternoon. Check Window or Church Calendar for updates. Small Group Ministry Christian Study Group, Unitarian Universalist Sundays (except 1st and 5th) at 1:30p, Hillcrest, Rm 321 A movement and organization of non-creedal followers of Jesus who are interested in exploring liberal Christianity as we walk freely in the spirit of Jesus, growing our souls and the soul of the world. Recent discussion topics have included: The Gospels in Translation, The Apostle Paul, Avoiding Jesus, The Origins of Judeo Christian Traditions, Early Christian Proclaiming. Check Window newsletter or Church Calendar for updates. Page 34 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Small Group Ministry Mind Practices Cosmos: the Great Story Every 1st Sunday, 1-3p, Rm 323, with Keith Mesecher . Drop in. Donation accepted. Celebrate the birth and evolution of the universe and humanity’s role in this magnificent, cosmic unfolding; the great powers at work in it and our damage to it. Discover our potential to be a positive, healing and transformative force, living in mutually enhancing relationships with the life and non-life forms that constitute the earth community. Each session will show a video followed by discussion. For details: A Course in Miracles Every 1st Thursday , 6—7:30p, Rm 113 Drop in. Donation accepted. A Course in Miracles is a powerful, comprehensive, and mind -opening training program helping us remove blocks to awareness of love's presence. For details contact Liza Ferrier at [email protected]. Movie Lovers Gabfest (Affinity Group) 3rd Thursdays at 7-9p, Hillcrest Welcome Center Archives, Rm 313 What movies, new and old, have moved you or made you laugh? What are your favorite DVDs? We meet the third Thursday of the month. If you have any questions, contact Bobbi Karpinski at [email protected] Page 35 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Mind Practices Book Lover’s Affinity Group 2nd Thursday, Hillcrest, Rm 320, 6–8p Discusses books, usually fiction. Selections are easily available at the public library or in paper back. Titles include contemporary world fiction, and novels by Nobel, Pulitzer, and Booker Prize winning authors. Maureen McNair at [email protected] or 619.427.1769 Small Group Ministry Compassion Reading Group 2nd Thursdays, 12:30-2p, Hillcrest, Rm 320 Currently reading: Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living, by Pema Chödrön. Newcomers are welcome to join. For information contact Bev Harju at 252.258.1212. Page 36 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Small Group Ministry Body Practices Yoga as Meditation with Rolly Fanton Mondays, 10a-12p, Hillcrest, Common Room. Donation. (Dec 15, 22, in Bard Hall) Join our happy UU Yoga community in a 90-minute session of traditional, restorative yoga. Our emphasis is on breathing and sensory awareness. When asanas are practiced with purpose and stillness, the natural step is into meditation. All levels from beginners to seasoned yogis will find meaning here. Namaste! Drop in. Chi Gung, South Bay Tuesdays at 9a, with Lolly Brown Incense Chi Gung (Xiang Gong), a Buddhist exercise consisting of 15 simple movements and 1 standing posture. This set is specifically designed to activate the meridians and improve health and harmony of mind and body. Xiang Gong is easy to learn and can be practiced by people of any age or physical condition, in standing, sitting or prone positions. The exercise uses breath, movement, postures and meditation techniques. Benefits can be felt from the very first time you practice. Please wear loose clothes. Beginners always welcome, come join us! For information please contact Lolly Brown at [email protected]. Page 37 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Body Practices Thursday Morning Casual Bicycle Riders We usually meet at 8:30a at Tidelands Park on Coronado Island. Ride south on the Silver Strand, 22 miles return. Done by about 11:15a. Often followed by coffee & snacks at the Ferry Landing. Email Chris Smith [email protected] if you wish more info. Small Group Ministry Tennis Gathering, UU 4th Saturdays at 9:30a, Porto Fino Courts, Tierrasanta Join UU tennis players for a round of tennis. Players of all ability levels are welcome. Bring a new can of tennis balls and a light snack to share. Contact Joe Combs at 858.571.5300 or Pat McCann or 858.550.0221. Check Window newsletter or Church Calendar for updates. Page 38 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Soul Practices Small Group Ministry Covers & Originals: Music Nights Occasional 4th Saturdays, 6-9p, Various rooms (Oct 18). Come and listen. Try something new. Shape Note Singing: The Sacred Harp 2nd Sundays, 3-5p, Rm 113. At will donation. Everyone is welcome. It doesn’t matter if you can’t sing. It matters that you want to. Your voice is your harp. Let’s sing together, without instruments or formal training, using shape note notation. Or just stop by and listen. Drop in, registration not required. For details contact Jerry Schreiber [email protected] or view the San Diego FaSoLa web site at UU Art Guild UU Art Guild/Bard Hall Gallery Receptions are the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6-8:30p in Bard Hall/Welcome Center. Join us for entertaining and informative discussion with working local artists. The public and all levels of experience are welcome to our conversation. Contact John Keasler at 619.905.2673 or [email protected] for more information. Check the current Window newsletter or Church Calendar for specifics. Page 39 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Soul Practices Handicraft Affinity Group 4th Thursday, 4349 Adams Ave, 10:15–4:00p Get together to talk and bond while doing any number of crafts: knitting, quilting, scrapbooking, jewelry, planting succulents, making things to sell at the church Christmas sale. Drop in anytime, stay whatever amount of time you have, bring a brown bag lunch. Susan Riegel Harding at [email protected]. Craft Affinity Group 3rd Friday, 6:30p (does not meet during the summer or hot weather) Bring your unfinished objects and ideas on when you would like to have a routine meeting time. We'll get to know one another and put together meeting logistics that works for us. Maureen McNair’s Home in Chula Vista. Please contact Maureen McNair at [email protected] or 619.427.1769 with questions and for the address and directions. Story Telling Affinity Group For information contact Dorothy Pearlman at [email protected]. Small Group Ministry Charity Knit and Craft Affinity Group 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7–9p Knitting, Crocheting, Needlepoint, Quilting, Handicrafts. All levels of skill. Call Georganne Hoctor at 619.265.7274 for location Page 40 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Life Practices Small Group Ministry Hillcrest Social Hour Sundays, immediately after each service, in Bard Hall. Become part of our community. Join us for conversation, coffee, and lite hors d'oeuvres by Chef Ray and his team. Volunteers always needed and welcomed. Contact: Kath Hillery at [email protected]. South Bay Coffee and Conversation Sundays, immediately after the service, when the Ministers preach “live”. Join us for a facilitated discussion by the Minister about the questions raised by the sermon. Check the latest South Bay E-newsletter for the next Coffee Conversation. Singletarians, UU Sundays at 12:30p, a local restaurant Fulfilling a variety of intellectual, recreational and social needs of the single, Unitarian Universalist, older-adult. Contact Bob Graham at 858.560.4834. Check Window newsletter or Church Calendar for updates. Dynamic Duos Meets occasionally for a variety of getacquainted social activities for couples of all ages and orientations. Past events have included walking tours, picnics, as well as pool and dance parties. Contact Alice Diamond at [email protected]. Check Window newsletter, Church Calendar for updates, or ask to be placed on the e-mail list. Page 41 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Life Practices Ages 18-24s Wondering what we are all about? Well, so are we! YAMS (Young Adult Mystery Squad) is a group for ages 18-24 at the First UU Church in San Diego. Gatherings are Sundays at 1p, usually in Hillcrest, Room 114a. Topics include those that are social/personal/spiritual as we explore meaning and mystery through discussion/games/fun. Snacks provided. Fourth Sundays are Brunch Sundays. (Pay your own way.) Contact [email protected] for more info and to get connected to the google and Facebook groups Ages 30-55s Join us for the new 30-55 group whose mission is to create a supportive environment for exploratory learning through activities that foster inclusive community involvement for members of the congregation, associated community and newcomers alike. Members of this group will exercise collective leadership while participate in exciting opportunities for learning and growth. Together we hope to reflect the growing diversity of our community. Anyone between the ages of 30-55 who is looking for a small group home is encouraged to join us. Welcome! Contact Claudia Lizett Lopez at [email protected]. Small Group Ministry Ages 23-35s Come, come whoever you are. Well if you are between the ages of 23-35. Gatherings are Wednesdays at 7p in Hillcrest, Room 114b, usually. First Wednesday—Conversation and Discussion Second Wednesday—Planning and Play Third Wednesday—Conversation and Discussion Fourth Wednesday—Games Night! Fifth Wednesday—Field Trip Contact [email protected] for more info and to get connected to the google and Facebook groups Page 42 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Life Practices Small Group Ministry Unitarian Universalist Men’s Fellowship (UUMF) Supports men in the quest for lives of compassion, integrity, responsibility, and balance. A caring, intentionally diverse brotherhood, committed to social justice, and offering opportunities for intimate sharing, personal growth, and spiritual deepening. For further information on groups and events visit Page 43 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Justice Practices First UU Rainbow Action Rainbow Socials are on the 4th Sundays, Balcony of the Welcoming Center between services. Get the latest news, gossip and catch up with new members. Grab coffee from Bard Hall. Rainbow Brunches are on the 2nd Sundays, around 1p at local restaurants. What can UU offer LGBTQ? For information contact John Keasler 619.905.2673 or [email protected]. Check Window newsletter or Church Calendar for updates. UUniforms (pronounced U–Uniforms) Meets occasionally for planningpotlucks and service projects. A military and uniformed services support group for those who serve, have served, and those who stand by their side at home, providing help for service families meeting the challenges of being a UU and associated with the uniformed services. For more information visit our facebook page (http://, or the UUA’s CLF Military Ministry (, or contact Bart Baenisch [email protected]. Check Window newsletter or Church Calendar for updates. Small Group Ministry Friends of de Benneville Pines Potluck and Meeting 3rd Sundays—5p social hour; 6p potluck; 7p meeting, various private homes. Supports our church camp, de Benneville Pines Camp & Conference Center in the San Bernardino Mtn, through fundraising, publicity, and hands-on work projects; also supports group members. RSVP. Check Window or Church Calendar for contacts and updates. Page 44 Neighborhood Groups (Part I) These are gatherings of people who live in common areas who meet in social gathering for support and fellowship. Small Group Ministry Pacific Beach Alec Harootunian and Julie McKane mailto:[email protected] or [email protected] Generally meets every 4th Sunday, late afternoon, at various homes of members. We have finger food potluck, usually a short check in, then a discussion on various wide ranging topics. All are welcome to attend. North Country Inland (Mira Mesa, Scripps Ranch, PQ, 4S, RB, Poway, Ramona, Escondido) (plus a related, but separate, Book Club) Bob & Betsy Stevens mailto:[email protected], 858.451.5653 Generally meets 3rd Sunday, 2-4pm, in members' homes or in parks for a potluck, is intergenerational and children are welcome. Tierrasanta Marti & John Batchelder mailto:[email protected] Generally meets quarterly in the Villa Porto Fino Club House at 10690 Escobar Dr. University City John & Ardath Schaibly mailto:[email protected] 858.453.5990 Point Loma / Ocean Beach Generally meets 2nd Sunday of each month, 6-9pm. A social group of mostly elders; generally a pot luck but the host decides on what to ask others to bring food-wise and also prepares a theme or topic for that month's meeting. Dave Hunt mailto:[email protected] Clairemont / Bay Park Generally meets 2nd Sundays of each month, late-afternoon; times and locations vary. Newt Ferris mailto: [email protected] Check Window newsletter or Church Calendar for updates. Continued ... Page 45 Neighborhood Groups (Part II) These are gatherings of people who live in common areas who meet in social gathering for support and fellowship. … continued U.U. South Bay Neighborhood Group. The UUSBNG meets on an ongoing basis, every first Sunday of even months., i.e. February (02), April (04), June (06), etc. Times, locations and activities vary. Potlucks, socializing at individuals’ homes or Rec Centers. All members & friends living in the South Bay are invited. Contact Theresa MartinWerk & Steve Werk, [email protected] to be included on the email invitation list (or to receive a mailed invitation if you don’t have email). Please RSVP. The Middle-East County UU Neighborhood Group (the College, Del Cerro, San Carlos areas) Contact: Suzanne Hess ([email protected]) Generally meets every other month at various members' homes on a Sunday evening; dates & time determined by the hosts for each potluck, but usually around 6p. The Near-East County UU Neighborhood Group (Kensington area) Contact: Peggy Holl [email protected] 619.546.6525 Generally meets every other month at various members' homes on a Sunday evening; dates & time determined by the hosts for each potluck, but usually around 5p. Check Window newsletter or Church Calendar for updates. Continued ... Small Group Ministry The Far-East County UU Neighborhood Group (La Mesa and beyond) Contact: Drew Massicot [email protected] 619.460.2901 Generally meets every other month at various members' homes on a Sunday evening; dates & time determined by the hosts for each potluck, but usually around 6p. Page 46 Neighborhood Groups (Part III) These are gatherings of people who live in common areas who meet in social gathering for support and fellowship. Small Group Ministry … continued WHANG (Wider Hillcrest Area Neighborhood Groups) (92103) Because of the size of the group, there are three attendeerotating groups (Grp A, B, and C) that meet simultaneously, generally the 1st Sunday of each month, 5:30-7:00p. Locations vary. The total Wider Hillcrest Area Neighborhood Group meets the first Sunday of each quarter (January, April, July, and October) at the Church. Variety is the spice of life for WHANG groups. We all bring finger foods to share. Some groups discuss a topic such as recent movies or the Sunday Sermon; some have a social time, sharing food and being together; and some have a program, one group had a folk singing duet. Contact Jim Grant mailto:[email protected] for details. Check Window newsletter or Church Calendar for updates. Page 47 Music Groups Chalice Choir Performs three times a month at Sunday Services and leads festival services with instrumental ensembles twice a year. For more information, go to http:// JUUL Tones An auditioned, a-cappella vocal ensemble, singing a wide variety of styles of choral music. In addition to community, social-justice-related, and outreach performances, the ensemble sings monthly for Sunday worship. For more information, go to The South Bay Singers A multicultural and multi-generational ensemble of highly spirited and enthusiastic singers. Our repertoire is eccentric and inspiring, ranging from traditional to contemporary songs from all over the world - such as Spanish Folk music, American Blues and Folk, Native American Chant, African American Spirituals and more. No experience necessary. Contact Lorelei Isidro for more info at (619) 920-2070 or south-bay-music. Handbells UUBellation Handbells—Our entry-level ensemble of adults that rings three -octave sets of hand bells and hand chimes. It offer musical beauty to our Sunday worship and does community outreach. Las Campanas Handbell Ensemble—Our advanced musical ensemble of adults that rings three-octave sets of handbells and hand chimes. It offers musical beauty to our Sunday worship and does community outreach. For more information, go to Children’s Choir A basic music-learning experience for children ages 4½ to 9 based on music from many world traditions. Age-appropriate vocal technique is taught, and this group sings several times throughout the church year. For more information, go to Voices in Unity Junior and senior high youth learn four-part music, theory, and vocal training. They perform monthly during Sunday services. For more information, go to Small Group Ministry Women’s Chorus This ensemble rehearses weekly to perform four-part sacred and secular music for treble voices in worship and community outreach. Meets Thursdays at 7p, in our Chapel. Director Lynn Mendoza-Khan stresses a healthy vocal technique for singers of all ages. For more information, go to http:// Page 48 Wisdom Circles— Nurturing Connections, Exploring Spirituality Wisdom Circles are intentional lay-led, open, small groups that deepen and expand the ministry of this congregation. Wisdom Circles help build community and provide opportunities for deeper relationships – intimacy -- and opportunity for deeper spiritual exploration and search for meaning – ultimacy. Small Group Ministry The Wisdom Circle study topics are based on the monthly Transformational Worship Themes. Generally, the groups do not meet during the summer months. New groups are formed as needed. For further information about these groups, please contact Chris Christenson, [email protected], 619.298.9978 x 214. Most Wisdom Circles are on Summer 2014 break. Some will continue in Fall 2014, other new ones will be formed. Fall 2014 registration is Aug 17, 24, and 31 on the Patio. Page 49 Ministry Teams Your invitation to become involved and to lead... First UU Church is organized into “Ministry Teams,” or, clusters of groups engaged in the work of the church, led by the Ministry Team Council. Today we have eight such teams: Each ministry team is made up of the individual groups of the church, such as the Practical Care Network, Friends of de Benneville Pines, Men’s Fellowship, Earth Centered Spirituality Circle, and Young Adults 25-35. There are about 65 of these groups that create programs and activities in support of our mission and Unitarian Universalist values. Anyone can get involved in these groups. Download our Ministry Team Magazine for all the details. For further information contact: Suzette Southfox, Director of Membership and Development [email protected] Rev. Kathleen Owens, Lead Minister [email protected] Small Group Ministry Caring Generosity Larger UU Connections Lifespan Religious Growth & Learning Membership Ministry Social Justice South Bay Worship & Program Page 50 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Small Group Ministry Calendar Small-Group Ministry, Ongoing Spiritual Growth Sundays, 9-9:20a, Rm 323 Morning Meditation Sundays,10:45 & 12:45, Archives, Rm 313 Deep Discussions Sundays, (except 1st), 1p, Rm 321 UU Christian Study Discussion Group Sundays, 4p, Rm 323 Open Heart Sangha st 1 Sundays,1p, Rm 323 Cosmos: the Great Story 2nd Sundays, 3p, Rm 320 Shape Note Singers 3rd Sundays, 1p, Rm 323 UU Humanists Film Discussion Group Mondays, 10a, Bard Hall Yoga as Meditation Monday Evenings, 7-8:30p, Rm 323 Meditation Sangha Tuesdays, 9a, South Bay Incense Chi Gung Tuesdays, 7p, Rm 321 Sufi Healing Wednesday Mornings, 10a-12p, Rm 323 Meditation Sangha 1st Thursdays, 6-8p, Rm 321 A Course in Miracles Saturdays (except 5th), 10:30a-12:30p, Common Room Rasa Lila nd 2 Saturdays: Mar 8, Apr 12, Jul 12, Oct 11, 2015, 6:30p, Bard Hall Dances of Universe Peace Sat, Jan 17, 10a, Rev Kathleen Owens Spiritual Saturdays @ South Bay 4th Saturdays, 6:30p, Bard Hall (none Jan 2015) Kirtan and Chanting Occasional 4th Saturdays, 6:30p, Chapel (Jan 24, Mar 23) Soulful Sundown—Alternative Worship Occasional 4th Saturdays, 6-9p, various rooms The Idea: Music Nights, Support Local Bands Wisdom Circles (check Current edition of The Window) Neighborhood Groups (check Current edition of The Window) Affinity Groups (check Current edition of The Window) Page 51 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Miscellaneous program notes: Current classes, programs, and updates are published weekly in The Window, the First Church’s e-newsletter at An e-version of this catalog is available on our website at adults.html You do not need to be a member of First Church to attend any of our classes or small groups. Parking is available in our church lot, run by Ace Parking. The lot is located at the southwest corner of Arbor and Front Street, the entrance is on Arbor, opposite the main entrance to the UCSD Medical Center. Upon entry, be sure to take a parking ticket. Prior to the class an email reminder will be sent. Attached will be a temporary pass for you to print and display. If you receive a parking payment envelope on your windshield, insert your pass and put the envelope in the deposit box at the exit booth. If you are a church member you do not need a temporary pass—write your church parking pass number on the parking ticket, sign it, and return it to the attendant. We are located on San Diego MTS Bus Route 3. r=3 Have an idea, an area of expertise you’d like to share? Are you interested in facilitating a course or group? Please contact Chris Christenson, 619.298.9978 x 214. The Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) offers a variety of online classes. Interested? Visit: General Information Page 52 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Our Unitarian Universalist Principles Principios en Espanol There are seven principles which Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote: General Information The inherent worth and dignity of every person; Justice, equity and compassion in human relations; Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; A free and responsible search for truth and meaning; The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large; The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Unitarian Universalism (UU) draws from many sources: Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life; Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love; Wisdom from the world's religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life; Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves; Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit; Spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. These principles and sources of faith are the backbone of our religious community. Page 53 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Mission and Outcome Statements Purpose of Outcome Statements The Outcome Statements form the basis of the strategic plan for the church and are the criteria for which the lead minister is judged on how well s/he is performing their duties. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego is to create community, to nurture spiritual growth, and to act on our values to help heal the world. General Information OUTCOME STATEMENTS We create community: We welcome and support our members, friends, and visitors on their spiritual paths. We embrace diversity, see differences as opportunities for growth, and value all people for the ways they enrich our community. We support and encourage families of all configurations, and we nurture our children and youth. We understand our Unitarian Universalist identity, and we embody Unitarian Universalist principles. We are compassionate, and we care for and support one another in times of joy and sorrow. We nurture spiritual growth: We worship together in ways that comfort and challenge us, and we work and learn together to develop our hearts and minds. We give generously of our time, resources, and talents. We share in ministry and develop our leadership abilities in order to enrich our lives and the lives of others. We create an environment in which people feel safe to grow and change. We act on our values to help heal the world: We identify and challenge oppression and injustice for all beings. We model environmental sustainability. We partner with other faith communities and organizations in support of shared values. We proclaim the transformative power of our faith. Page 54 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Covenant of Good Relations Preamble: We members, friends, staff, and ministers of First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego covenant to treat ourselves and one another with respect. We vow to live our values, to learn, and to serve in ways that are fulfilling and responsible. We respect and honor ourselves and others when we: listen, speak, and act with integrity and compassion; communicate openly without anonymous criticism; and express gratitude and appreciation. General Information We value ourselves and others when we: invite and welcome into our church the diverse populations and cultures of the wider community; enjoy each other with playfulness and good humor; and act with awareness of ecological issues. We learn when we: educate ourselves about church structure and governance, and the responsibilities of ministers, staff, and volunteers; appreciate our own limitations as well as those of others; and practice the established process of resolving differences. We serve when we: contribute our financial resources, time. and skills according to our ability, whenever possible; model Unitarian Universalist beliefs and values; and strive to reflect more accurately the demographics of the wider community in our Church. Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Page 55 Lead Minister— Rev. Kathleen Owens Rev. Kathleen Owens believes and knows that we are made whole through the work of community – especially in communities of faith. Unitarian Universalism is the community of faith for folks who want to be involved in their own transformation and healing so they can help heal and transform the world. Rev. Owens served as Assistant Minister in Pasadena, CA before being called to serve First UU Church of San Diego as Associate Minister. Her bachelor’s degree from Purdue University Calumet (Hammond, Indiana) is in English with a Teaching emphasis and she taught high school English before entering Starr King School for the Ministry (Berkeley, California) where she earned her Master’s of Divinity degree. She enjoys reading, kayaking and movies. Assistant Minister— Rev. Jennifer Channin Adult Religious Education Committee Members Buddy Dowdy-Winslett, Roger Lundbohm, Tom Dowdy-Winslett, James Long Adult Education Coordinator Chris Christenson General Information I'm the Assistant Minister at First UU San Diego. I work with 4 Ministry Teams: The Lifespan Ministry Team, which includes children's and family ministry, youth, young adult, and campus ministries, and adult religious education; Membership; Larger UU Connections; and Social Justice. I moved to San Diego from the Northeast, where I've lived in Boston, New York, New Jersey, Ottawa, and Montreal. Prior to coming to First UU I was the Program Coordinator for the UU Ministers Association. I've also worked in nonprofit development for about 8 years, raising funds for more than a dozen nonprofits. I graduated from Harvard Divinity School in 2011 and was ordained by the UU Congregation of Princeton, NJ, in 2013. It was wonderful to be ordained by the congregation that I grew up in. I've been a UU since I was 10 years old and have been thinking about ministry ever since I was a teenager in my church's youth group. I'm enjoying West Coast living and am lucky to have found such a vibrant urban congregation engaged in meaningful justice work and nurturing deep and meaningful community Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Page 56 Locations Hillcrest Campus: 4190 Front St, San Diego, CA 92103 (entrance opposite USCD) (for GPS use 298 W Arbor Dr, SD, 92103) General Information South Bay Campus: 970 Broadway, #104 Chula Vista, CA 91911 On-site parking is readily available. Page 57 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Calendar General Information General Information Page 58 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry Page 59 Lifespan Religious Education & Small Group Ministry General Information First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego 4190 Front Street ● San Diego, CA 92103 Our web site: On facebook:
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