ISSUE 2 JANUARY, 2015 This issue Editor’s m essage, The U.S. embassy invites you to this year’s first Language and Literacy PD Workshop Event for local teachers. The event will take place on Saturday, January 10th at Qatar University, Women’s Engineering Building, Auditorium (Building C07 Room 0175) from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The workshop will focus on preparing English language learners for tertiary education, but also include break-out sessions that will benefit teachers of all grade levels. Here are the event details: 1) 2) 3) 4) Our f irst s uccessful w orkshop, How t o e ncourage s tudents t o l earn E nglish Upcoming e vents, w ebinars, The 2014- 2015 Officers are: 1-Tertiary Education in Qatar by David Moran 2-Constructivist Education by Elizabeth Estudillo-Chaffee 3-Differentiation in the Language Classroom by Meredith Hedrick 4-Activities to Make Reading a Little More Stimulating by Justin Kernot • • • • Like all of our workshops, this event will be free of charge and certificates will be handed out to those who participate at the end of the last session. No preregistration is required. • • • *Please pre-register for this FREE event by filling in the form at and send your registration to [email protected] • 2015 January 29-31: 35th Annual Thai TESOL Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. February 12-14: 2nd International Tunisia TESOL Conference, Tunis, Tunisia. February 20-21: 11th Annual Qatar TESOL Conference, Qatar University, Doha. February 26-28: 5th Annual Sudan TESOL International Conference, Khartoum, Sudan. February 28- March 1: 11th Annual CamTESOL Conference, Phnom Pheh, Cambodia. March 4-7: 2nd International Conference on Applied Linguistics, Cappadocia, Turkey. March 12-14: 21st TESOL Arabia International Conference, Dubai, UAE. March 25-28: Annual TESOL Convention & English Language Expo, Toronto, Canada April, 11-14: 49th Annual IATEFL Conference and Exhibition, Manchester, UK You can enroll in IATEFL YLTSIG free bi-monthly webinars. Just click on the following link: to join the webinar area. • • • Qatar TESOL Community of Practice (CoP) A Community of Practice (CoP) is an organic grouping of like-minded professionals who strive to share practical knowledge and useful strategies that result in hands-on application in the classroom. In Qatar TESOL’s CoP, participants will share learning to benefit teaching practice. Any level of experience teacher can participate. Be a part of the first CoP gathering at the upcoming Qatar TESOL conference in February. Convener, Marla Becking [email protected] President: Dr. Okon Effiong Vice-President: Dr. Salah El Kholi Executive Secretary: Ms. Patti Tatum Treasurer: Mr. Islam Mohammed Membership Director: Mr. Emad EldinHamdi Conference Co-Chair: Mr. Ahmad Hazratzad Public Relations Director: Mrs. Nada El Daouk P. D. Coordinator: Mrs. Amany Kamel Website Editor: Mr. Ismail Fayed Newsletter Editor: Mrs.Tamar Awadikian Some n ews, Check t he v acant Q atar T ESOL b oard p ositions Editor’s Note Happy New Year and welcome to another exciting issue of Qatar TESOL newsletter! I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the newsletter editor. I am a qualified teacher with an ESL background who has been working with students for five years, and I am recently working on my MA thesis on teaching to meet students’ needs and interests. I joined Qatar TESOL with the aim of sharing resources and information about teaching English to various kinds of learners. Please feel free to send me any article or teaching tips you would like to share by sending an email to [email protected] Moreover, do not forget to participate in the competition of “Are you a creative teacher?” to attend Qatar TESOL’s 11th annual conference for FREE! Check page 3 for more information. 6 Helping Learners in Sudan “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” Nelson Mandela. Qatar TESOL has decided to draw beautiful smiles on unfortunate children’s faces in Sudan by donating various books. On the conference day, there will be boxes for you to drop unwanted (good condition) learning and teaching books. We appreciate and admire your cooperation in supporting this initiative. Get ready to attend Qatar TESOL’s 11th Annual Conference that will take place in Qatar University on the 20th and the 21st of February, 2015. Check our website for more information. Tamar Awadikian Qatar TESOL Issue 2 December, 2014 Let’s help them shape their world. 1 Qatar TESOL is Qatar TESOL Issue 1 September, 2014 Our First Successful Workshop! On Saturday, October 18, the first 2014-15 Qatar TESOL Professional Development session was held at Mohamad Bin Abdul Wahab Independent Secondary School. Nearly 150 EFL professionals gathered to hear two speakers. The first speaker, Dr. Gwen Lavert who is the content specialist of the Supreme Education Council spoke on “Comprehension: The Heart of Reading”. Dr. Gwen explained that the two processes to understanding text are chunking and making connections. After a reception sponsored by the school, the second speaker Mr. Islam Mohammed who is an English Lecturer in Qatar Air Academy addressed the teachers on “Why is vocabulary learning so important?” Mr. Islam shared some of the best practices in the field of teaching vocabulary. The session was How to encourage students to learn English? Teaching English to second language learners might be boring to some, hence to motivate these students to learn effectively, Stipek (2008) suggested taking into account the following points: ! Create a safe environment in which failure is not something to be feared. ! Build a community of learners where everyone is learning and everyone is making mistakes. ! Allow students to make choices in the classroom and pass on some of the responsibilities for them to have control over their learning. ! Praise students continuously but do mention the reason for this. Stipek (2008). Creating an effective classroom learning environment: Classroom management through effective student motivation. Baltimore, MD: Laureate Education, Inc. loaded with practical activities, links to fantastic websites, and sharing of ideas and tools. Please fill in the form at and send your proposals to [email protected] Guidelines for proposals: AT TEN TIO N !!!! The hand-outs for both presentations are available on our website planning to offer periodic PD events throughout the 2014-2015 year. These are done in addition to the yearly conference which will be held in February 2015. We are looking to the Qatar TESOL community for workshop presentations. Attendees can take away some useful ideas for their classrooms. 1) Must be practical. It can draw on research but this is not an opportunity to present your research findings. 2) Must be related to the classroom. 3) Presentations are maximum 2 hours in length. 4) Please specify any technology requirements such as (projector, computer, etc) Share your CREATIVE strategies for teaching English language by taking pictures or videotaping (in compliance with your school rules) along with a short explanation to participate in a competition. Send your clips to [email protected] The winner will attend the conference that will take place in February for FREE!! Looking forward for your participating in the 2nd PD session that is coming soon in January 2015. Amany Kamel BEST OF LUCK :) 5 Shaping the Way We Teach English Webinar Course 15 * The Office of English Language Programs is pleased to offer our 15th webinar course entitled Shaping the Way We Teach English. The 6 online seminars of the course cover a variety of topics and are intended for teachers of English or future teachers of English around the world. Participants who attend 4 out of the 6 webinars will receive e-‐certificates. Participants are encouraged to join the associated Ning ( to participate in discussions, view or download video and other materials from the sessions, and access recordings of the webinars. The series will take place from January 14 to March 25, 2015. Each 90-‐minute webinar will be held every other Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. in Washington, D.C. (check for the time in your region). Please Note! To take part in the webinars, please email [email protected] with the following information: • • First name, last name, email address, and country If you are interested in hosting a viewing session, please indicate that as well **A few days before each webinar, you will receive a reminder email with the link to the webinar. Please select “Enter as a guest” and login with your FIRST NAME ONLY and country (example: Jenny USA). Your computer must have Adobe Flash Player, which comes pre-‐installed on most computers worldwide. If prompted to do so, you may download the free player at Lesson Planning 101: Mapping Activities for a Clear Path to Learning Wednesday January 14, 2015 Presenter: Katie Bain 8:00-‐9:30am EST To Err Is to Learn: Error Treatment in the Language Classroom Wednesday January 28, 2015 Presenter: Russell Barczyk and Roger Cohen 8:00-‐9:30am EST Integrating Pronunciation across the Curriculum Wednesday February 11, 2015 Presenter: Char Heitman 8:00-‐9:30am EST Content and Language Integrated Teaching Wednesday February 25, 2015 Presenter: Heidi Howland 8:00-‐9:30am EST Networking: Making Connections that Last Wednesday March 11, 2015 Presenter: Amy Pascucci 8:00-‐9:30am EDT Reciprocal Teaching Reading Strategies Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Presenter: Rob Danin 8:00-‐9:30am EDT Vacant Qatar TESOL Board Position New Launched Website services have dramatically changed over the past two decades. With the introduction of easier and user-friendly platforms and social media elements, modern websites have changed the way people access information or share knowledge with one another. In our continued efforts to offer better services for our community, Qatar TESOL has launched its new website with new features, widgets and other social elements. The concept is to encourage all educators and colleagues to share teaching practices and trends in the English Language Teaching field through networking with colleagues using the new virtual interest groups. This community of practice approach has proven to be very effective in different parts of the world. Similar to other professional networks, the new website allows members to create their own profiles, add their avatars, connect to other members, and check our social networks and news in a streamed fashion. We look forward to everyone’s contribution to the new platform! For more information, please contact Qatar TESOL Website Editor: Ismail Fayed [email protected] The following positions in the Executive Board of Qatar TESOL are open for election during the 2015 Conference: 1. President, 2. Executive Secretary, 3. Membership Director 4. Public Relations Director. 5. Publications Chair (appointed). • • • • All positions are retained for a period of two years. Executive board members receive no remuneration or associated financial benefits from any position held; all positions are taken on a voluntary basis. All nominees must be residents in Qatar. As a member of the Executive Board, you will be expected to attend regular meetings, assist in the preparation of the annual conference, and contribute to the progress of Qatar TESOL. Those interested in Executive Board positions are asked to complete the nomination by cutting and pasting the link below into your browser. Information about the Executive Board can also be found in the Constitution: Any interested member of Qatar TESOL is invited to self-nominate. Having completed the self-nomination form, please send your photo to the Vice-President [email protected] Dr Salah El-Kholi by Thursday, January 14, 2015. 5
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