WHAT DO YOU SEE? All in the Family was a comedy that aired on American television from 1971-1979. There was much not to like about the show, but there were also moments of tremendous insight into human behavior. In one of the episodes, Edith and Archie were attending Edith’s high school class reunion. Edith encountered an old classmate by the name of Buck who, unlike his earlier days, had become excessively obese. Edith and Buck had a delightful conversation about old times and the things that they did together, but remarkably Edith didn’t seem to notice how extremely heavy Buck had become. Later, when Edith and Archie were talking, she said in her whiny voice, “Archie, ain’t Buck a beautiful person?” Archie looked at her with a disgusted expression and said, “You’re a pip, Edith. You know that? You and I look at the same guy and you see a beautiful person and I see a blimp.” Schedule of Services Sunday Bible Classes Morning Worship Evening Worship Wednesday Mid-Week Bible Class Ladies Bible Class (Sept.-May) Ray McCall Ronnie Thornton Perry Wristen DEACONS Danny Beck Brent Hill Kevin Pepper Bo Brock Jody Howard Brent Schmidt MINISTER Mark Hackett I feel a bit like Archie Bunker. I often find myself saying to God, “You and I both look at the same person, and you see a beautiful person on the inside while all I see are the flaws on the outside.” And I can picture God saying, “Yeah, ain’t it too bad?” www.lamesacofc.org Father, please forgive me of my blindness and help me to see people the way you see them. To consider them with the same value that you place on them. To extend the same kind of love that you extend. To focus more on the inside than the outside. In Jesus’ name, amen. Our Records “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’” (I Samuel 16:7) — Alan Smith 7:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. ELDERS Edith got a puzzled expression on her face and said, “Yeah, ain’t it too bad?” One of the things that stand out as you read through the gospels is that when Jesus looked at people, he saw something beautiful that no one else saw. He didn’t just see a woman who had been married five times and was living in fornication (John 4); he saw someone with a desire to learn about the Messiah. He didn’t just see tax collectors and prostitutes (Luke 15; Matthew 21); he saw people longing for a deeper relationship with God. He didn’t just see lepers and people with various physical ailments; he saw the deeper needs of the heart. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Bible Classes, Sunday A.M…………….……...……..100 Worship, Sunday A.M…………………………....……173 Worship, Sunday P.M………….…..…….……………100 Bible Classes, Wednesday P.M…..…...…....…........105 Contribution Last Sunday………..…..…………..$11,323 Family Newsletter Lamesa Church of Christ 702 N. 14th St. Lamesa, TX 79331 NEWS ABOUT OUR FAMILY KEEP OUR SICK IN YOUR PRAYERS: EDDIE BROWN is recovering from the flu. KAREN PRESLEY’S BROTHER, DON MERRITT, of Illinois, will be having surgery as soon as possible. Karen will be flying up to assist him. REMEMBER TO VISIT, CALL, AND PRAY FOR: CONNIE BEHRINGER PATSY HINKLE EDDIE HALL LILLIE SEELY WADE WADDELL SANDRA SMITH VETA GALINDO MIKE HALE MANUEL ALANIZ CRISTA CHILES PRESCHOOL BIBLE CLASS TEACHERS MEETING TODAY AT 4:00. Michelle Hale has taken over as the new Preschool Bible Class Coordinator and would like to meet with all teachers, helpers, and people interested in teaching Cradle Roll through Kindergarten, at 4:00, today in the 39’ers classroom. SECRET SISTERS Any one interested in Secret Sisters for 2015 can get a form from Aimee Hill. Forms need to be completed by tonight. A FOOD DRIVE FOR NEW MEXICO CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’S HOME BEGINS now and “Juices” is the item requested. Pick up date is March 4th. MAILBOXES Everyone (new members and all) have a mailbox. Several have been added so check your box for the latest church news and invitations to Sweetheart Banquet. We want to welcome you to our worship this morning, and we invite you to join as we praise the name of God together. Order of Worship February 1, 2015 Welcome and Announcements Jeff Weaver Song #TBA Song #TBA Song #TBA Brad Bell Prayer Brent Schmidt Scripture: Mark 12:28-31 Truett Thixton Song #TBA Song #TBA Lord’s Supper and Offering Prayers James Telchik Lord’s Supper Don Rawlings Nat Riggan Dan Seely Jerry Swafford James Welborn Stef White Offering Song #TBA Message Joe Hale Invitation Song #TBA Closing Song #TBA Closing Prayer Stan Smith 5:00 P.M. Assembly WEST TEXAS AREA WIDE YOUTH RALLY will be next weekend in Hobbs, New Mexico. See your Bible class teacher for details. Song Leader Opening Prayer Message Closing Prayer Lord’s Supper Jody Howard Korbin Schmidt Joe Hale Wayne Brown C.J. White SERMON NOTES
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