Graduate Schedule of Classes SPRING 2015 Revised February 06, 2015 The university reserves the right to change the schedule without notice. SPRING 2015 Graduate Page 2 College of Arts & Sciences Section Title Credit Room Day(s) Time Instructor Independent Research Organizational Theory Business Modeling Operations Management Accounting for Managers 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 TBA HUM104 HUM104 SMC255 SMC255 TBA R R R R TBA 6:00P-8:50P 6:00P-8:50P 6:00P-8:50P 6:00P-8:50P E. Griffith D. Smartt E. Griffith G. Deloach P. Rickard Human Growth & Development Couns.Theories & Techniques Practicum in School Counseling Professional Issues Anthropology of Childhood Play Therapy & Child Trauma School Coun.Internship II St: Nonprof. Resource & Bd Dev Special Topics: Eft Lab Seminar Guidance & Counseling Directed Research Directed Research Thesis/Portfolio Seminar 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 MAY107 HUM203 MAY107 N/A HUM206 MAY107 HUM202 MAY107 HUM202 HUM201 HUM201 HUM201 N/A T M MW TBA R T M MW W M T R TBA 1:10P-3:50P 6:00P-8:50P 2:30P-3:45P TBA 5:00P-7:50P 6:00P-8:50P 6:00P-8:50P 4:00P-5:15P 12:00P-12:50P 4:25P-5:40P 11:45A-1:00P 11:45A-1:00P TBA S. Carter M. Womack R. Albright H. Stone M. Dirksen H. Quagliana R. Albright M. Ryerson H. Stone J. Sargent K. Williams K. Williams H. Quagliana 3.00 N/A TBA TBA M. Hayes 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 HUM104 MAY107 HUM101 MAY107 N/A N/A N/A HUM101 HUM204 HUM203 N/A N/A N/A MAY107 TBA R T M T M M M R M W M M M TR TBA 1:10P-3:50P 1:10P-3:50P 6:00P-8:50P 6:00P-8:50P 9:00A-11:50A 9:00A-11:50A 9:00A-11:50A 5:15P-8:05P 3:00P-4:15P 3:00P-4:15P 9:00A-11:50A 9:00A-11:50A 9:00A-11:50A 9:10A-10:25A TBA D. Goff S. Carter D. Quagliana H. Quagliana D. Goff H. Stone K. Williams K. Williams J. Milliron J. Milliron D. Goff H. Stone K. Williams H. Stone H. Stone Business BUSN-500-01 BUSN-514-01 BUSN-520-01 BUSN-525-01 BUSN-534-01 Counseling COUN-516-01 COUN-520-01 COUN-546-01 COUN-556-01 COUN-560-01 COUN-569-01 COUN-588-01 COUN-591-02 COUN-591-03 COUN-592-01 COUN-593-01 COUN-593-02 COUN-599-01 Higher Education HEDS-510-01 Coll Stu Dev Apprenticeship Marriage & Family Therapy MAFT-522-01 MAFT-523-01 MAFT-524-01 MAFT-529-01 MAFT-548-01 MAFT-548-02 MAFT-548-03 MAFT-552-01 MAFT-555-01 MAFT-555-01 MAFT-558-01 MAFT-558-02 MAFT-558-03 MAFT-559-01 MAFT-598-01 Traditional/Systemic Therapies Human Growth & Development Assess/Diagnose/Treatment Plan Play Therapy & Child Trauma MAFT Internship I MAFT Internship I MAFT Internship I Couple Therapy Research Methods-Relat.Science Research Methods-Relat.Science MAFT Internship II MAFT Internship II MAFT Internship II Emo.Focused Couple Therapy AAMFT Conference Experience SPRING 2015 Graduate Page 3 College of Education Section Title Credit Room Day(s) Time Instructor Research Methods in Education Philo & Worldview in Education Hum Dev. & Exceptionalities Inclusion/Diversity in Class Assessment of Student Learning Intro to School Law Intro to School Law General Methods Current Issues/Strat in Educ. Middle Grades Foundations Technology in the Classroom Teach Reading in Content Areas Directed Research Directed Research Thesis Seminar Internship I Internship II Sem for Trans Lic Teachers I Sem 2nd Yr Trans Lisc Teach Advanced Educ. Research History of American Education Natl. Board Certification App. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 EDU121 EDU235 EDU105 EDU124 EDU124 EDU121 EDU235 EDU106 EDU124 EDU235 N/A EDU105 TBA TBA N/A N/A N/A EDU234 EDU234 EDU223 EDU105 TBA R M W W M T R MW T W TBA R TBA TBA TBA MTWRF MTWRF T T W T TBA 5:00P-8:00P 5:00P-8:00P 5:00P-8:00P 5:00P-8:00P 5:00P-8:00P 5:00P-8:00P 5:00P-8:00P 4:00P-6:00P 5:00P-8:00P 4:00P-6:00P TBA 5:00P-8:00P TBA TBA TBA 7:30A-12:00P 7:30A-3:30P 4:00P-5:00P 4:00P-5:00P 5:00P-8:00P 5:00P-8:00P TBA G. Riggins W. Estes G. Riggins P. McClung M. Kahrs C. Carrick C. Carrick D. Price G. Nerren W. Smith W. Estes M. Stone W. Kamm K. Moffett TBA W. Smith W. Smith W. Smith W. Smith G. Riggins E. Moyen L. Laing 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 EDU234 N/A EDU223 N/A M MTWRF M MTWRF 5:00P-8:00P TBA 5:00P-8:00P TBA G. Nerren G. Nerren C. Carrick G. Nerren 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 EDU105 EDU234 EDU234 EDU235 EDU124 M W T TR R 5:00P-8:00P 5:00P-8:00P 5:15P-8:15P 11:45A-1:00P 4:30P-7:30P K. Moffett K. Moffett K. Moffett P. McClung P. McClung Education EDUC-501-01 EDUC-502-01 EDUC-503-01 EDUC-562-01 EDUC-563-01 EDUC-565-01 EDUC-565-02 EDUC-568-01 EDUC-570-01 EDUC-572-01 EDUC-575-01 EDUC-582-01 EDUC-591-DS01 EDUC-591-DS02 EDUC-595-01 EDUC-596-01 EDUC-597-01 EDUC-598-01 EDUC-599-01 EDUC-601-01 EDUC-602-01 EDUC-685-DS01 Educational Leadership EDLR-510-01 EDLR-596-01 EDLR-667-01 EDLR-696-01 Found. Educational Leadership Practicum in Educ. Leadership The Law of Higher Education Practicum in Sch. Dist. Lead. Special Education SPED-520-01 SPED-531-01 SPED-550-01 SPED-582-01 SPED-590-01 Nature/Char. Indiv. w/ Disab. Behavior Management Inst.Methods Students Mld/Mod Collab. Services for Spec. Ed. Policies/Proced. in Sp. Ed. SPRING 2015 Graduate Page 4 General Studies Section Title Credit Room Day(s) Time Instructor 0.00-9.00 N/A TBA TBA J. Milliron Generic Graduate Course GRAD-591-01 Graduate Supervision SPRING 2015 Graduate Page 5 School of Music Section Title Credit Room Day(s) Time Instructor 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 HUM111 CURCNF CURCNF TBA TBA R R R TBA TBA 7:45A-9:25A 12:45P-2:25P 11:45A-12:35P TBA TBA B. Moffett R. Sheeks D. Alford B. Moffett B. Moffett 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00-4.00 1.00-4.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-4.00 1.00-4.00 1.00-4.00 1.00-4.00 1.00-4.00 1.00-4.00 1.00-4.00 1.00-4.00 1.00-4.00 1.00-4.00 1.00-3.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 1.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 2.00 2.00 CURCRR CUR125 HUM111 CUR118 CUR223 CUR118 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA CURLAB TBA CURSEM N/A M F T T M F TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA MW TBA TR TBA 5:00P-5:50P 12:00P-12:50P 4:00P-4:50P 4:00P-4:50P 5:00P-5:50P 12:00P-12:50P TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 1:00P-1:50P TBA 1:10P-2:00P TBA A. Dismukes TBA J. Frost T. Deaton TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA A. Dismukes B. Moffett 2.00 CURMTL R 2:35P-4:15P B. Moye 1.00-4.00 1.00-2.00 2.00 1.00 TBA TBA CURCRR TBA TBA TBA TR TBA TBA TBA 9:35A-10:25A TBA TBA TBA J. Rodgers B. Moffett TBA TBA TBA L. Thompson Church Music MUSC-517-01 MUSC-518-01 MUSC-519-01 MUSC-592-01 MUSC-595-01 Congregational Worship History of Church Music Seminar in Church Music Church Music Internship Graduate Worship Festival Music Applied Lessons MUSA-500VOL-01 MUSA-500VOL-02 MUSA-500VOL-03 MUSA-500VOL-04 MUSA-500VOL-05 MUSA-500VOL-09 MUSA-501BN-01 MUSA-501CG-01 MUSA-501EB-01 MUSA-501FL-01 MUSA-501GU-01 MUSA-501HN-01 MUSA-501PE-01 MUSA-501PI-01 MUSA-501SA-01 MUSA-501TP-01 MUSA-501VA-01 MUSA-501VN-01 MUSA-501VO-01 MUSA-502BN-01 MUSA-502CG-01 MUSA-502FL-01 MUSA-502OR-01 MUSA-502PI-01 MUSA-502SA-01 MUSA-502TP-01 MUSA-502VO-01 MUSA-503BN-01 MUSA-503CG-01 MUSA-503EU-01 MUSA-503OR-01 MUSA-503PE-01 MUSA-503PI-01 MUSA-503VO-01 MUSA-531-01 MUSA-595-01 Applied Voice Seminar Applied Voice Seminar Applied Voice Seminar Applied Voice Seminar Applied Voice Seminar Applied Voice Seminar Primary Applied Bassoon Prim. Appl. Commercial Guitar Primary Applied Elec. Bass Primary Applied Flute Primary Appl. Classical Guitar Primary Applied Horn Primary Applied Percussion Primary Applied Piano Primary Applied Saxophone Primary Applied Trumpet Primary Applied Viola Primary Applied Violin Primary Applied Voice Secondary Applied Bassoon Sec. Appl. Commercial Guitar Secondary Applied Flute Secondary Applied Organ Secondary Applied Piano Secondary Applied Saxophone Secondary Applied Trumpet Secondary Applied Voice Elective Applied Bassoon Elect. Appl. Commercial Guitar Elective Applied Euphonium Elective Aplied Organ Elective Applied Percussion Elective Applied Piano Elective Applied Voice Diction for Singers II Graduate Recital Music Business MUSB-513-01 Music and Media Technology Music Conducting MUCO-501-01 MUCO-503-01 MUCO-516-01 MUCO-595-01 Primary Applied Conducting Elective Applied Conducting Choral Conducting Graduate Conducting Project Music Education MUED-512-DS01 Research Methods/Design Mus Ed 3.00 SPRING 2015 Graduate Page 6 Music Education MUED-513-01 MUED-595-01 Foundations of Music Education Graduate Final Project/Thesis 3.00 2.00 CURSEM N/A T TBA 8:00A-10:30A TBA M. Bailey L. Thompson 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CUR200 CUR200 CURCRR HUM111 PGH101 CURCRR CURCRR PGH101 CUR125 PGH101 CCRAUD CURIRR CURIRR CURIRR CURCRR PGH101 PGH101 CURIRR CURIRR PGH101 CURIRR CURIRR CURIRR R M TR M TR MWF M MWF T MWF W R M R MWF W TR MWF T TR MW TW M 7:00P-8:30P TBA 11:45A-1:00P 6:00P-7:45P 1:10P-2:25P 1:00P-1:50P 6:00P-8:00P 12:00P-12:50P 6:00P-8:00P 1:00P-1:50P 6:00P-8:00P 6:00P-8:30P 4:00P-5:50P 5:00P-7:00P 3:00P-4:50P 9:00P-9:50P 10:30A-12:30P 12:00P-12:50P 8:30P-11:00P 2:35P-3:25P 1:00P-1:50P 4:00P-5:50P 9:00P-11:00P N. Warner G. James J. Rodgers K. Shikoh A. Wyatt W. Green W. Green J. Rodgers J. Rodgers B. Moffett B. Moffett R. Brendel R. Bernhardt R. Bernhardt J. Frost A. Wyatt D. Harnsberger M. Bailey M. Bailey N. Warner X. Yu D. Holsinger D. Holsinger Music History Review Sp Topic: Music History Review Intro Graduate Music Studies Brass Literature 3.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 CUR118 TBA LIB109 TBA R TBA T TBA 5:00P-7:30P TBA 2:00P-3:40P TBA P. Thomas P. Thomas L. Thompson G. James Guitar Literature 2.00 TBA TBA TBA K. Shikoh Piano Literature Wind Band Literature 2.00 2.00 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA G. Chien D. Holsinger 2.00 2.00 2.00 HUM111 TBA TBA MW TBA TBA 9:00A-9:50A TBA TBA T. Deaton D. Harnsberger X. Yu 3.00 2.00 CURCNF CUR223 R MW 5:30P-8:10P 10:00A-10:50A A. Patty D. Holsinger Music Ensemble MUSE-502BR-01 MUSE-502BR-02 MUSE-502CU-01 MUSE-502GU-01 MUSE-502JE-01 MUSE-502LC-01 MUSE-502LC-01 MUSE-502LL-01 MUSE-502LL-01 MUSE-502LS-01 MUSE-502LS-01 MUSE-502MD-01 MUSE-502OR-01 MUSE-502OR-01 MUSE-502OT-01 MUSE-502PB-01 MUSE-502PE-01 MUSE-502SB-01 MUSE-502SB-01 MUSE-502SJ-01 MUSE-502ST-01 MUSE-502WE-01 MUSE-502WE-01 Chamber Music - Brass Chamber Music - Brass Choral Union Chamber Music - Guitar Jazz Ensemble Chorale Chorale Ladies of Lee Ladies of Lee Lee Singers Lee Singers Music Drama Workshop Orchestra Orchestra Opera Theatre Pep Band Chamber Music - Percussion Symphonic Band Symphonic Band Chamber Music - Small Jazz Ens Chamber Music - Strings Wind Ensemble Wind Ensemble Music History & Literature MUHL-500-01 MUHL-501-01 MUHL-510-01 MUHL-515BRDS01 MUHL-515GUDS01 MUHL-515PI-01 MUHL-517-DS01 Music Pedagogy MUSP-570-01 MUSP-586PE-01 MUSP-586STDS01 Vocal Pedagogy Seminar Percussion Pedagogy Seminar String Pedagogy Seminar Music Theory MUST-522-01 MUST-541-01 Concepts of Analysis Orchestration SPRING 2015 Graduate Page 7 School of Religion Section Title Credit Room Day(s) Time Instructor The Parables Ethics of the Old Testament Spec.Top- Bib.Studies: Hebrew Area Exam Thesis/ Biblical 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 SOR109 SOR109 SOR109 N/A N/A MW MW TR TBA TBA 12:10P-1:25P 2:30P-3:45P 9:10A-10:25A TBA TBA M. Proctor B. Peterson B. Peterson L. Long L. Long Elem New Testament Greek Elem New Testament Greek Intermed. New Testament Greek 3.00 3.00 3.00 SOR247 SOR247 SOR247 MWF MWF MWF 9:00A-9:50A 11:00A-11:50A 2:00P-2:50P M. Proctor M. Fuller W. Simmons Readings in Biblical Hebrew 3.00 SOR146 MWF 9:00A-9:50A B. Peterson 3.00 3.00 3.00 MON120 N/A N/A M TBA TBA 8:30A-5:00P TBA TBA L. Morgan L. Long L. Long 0.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 N/A MON120 SOR209 SOR209 TBA T T T TBA 8:30A-5:00P 8:30A-5:00P 8:30A-5:00P L. Long C. Stephenson J. Boone T. Doolittle 3.00 3.00 3.00 SOR209 N/A N/A M TBA TBA 8:30A-5:00P TBA TBA E. Buxton L. Long L. Long Hum Dev & Transformation Youth/Fam Stud, Final Project Internship Youth/Fam Studies 3.00 3.00 3.00 SOR209 N/A N/A M TBA TBA 8:30A-5:00P TBA TBA L. Long L. Long L. Long Philosophical Ethics 3.00 SOR146 M 4:30P-7:00P T. Miller Dir.Readings Theolog.Ethics Spec.Top-Theol: Work of Jesus Area Exam Thesis/Theological 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 N/A SOR109 N/A N/A TBA M TBA TBA TBA 9:30A-12:00P TBA TBA D. Augustine C. Stephenson L. Long L. Long Bible BIBL-555-01 BIBL-583-01 BIBL-594-01 BIBL-597-01 BIBL-598-01 Greek GREK-502-01 GREK-502-02 GREK-512-01 Hebrew HEBR-502-01 Ministry Leadership Studies MLDR-544-01 MLDR-590-01 MLDR-593-01 Spirituality, Ethics, Ldrship Leadership Stu. Final Project Leadership Studies Internship Ministry Studies (Graduate) MMST-500-01 MMST-534-01 MMST-536-01 MMST-539-01 Orientation & Research Seminar Practical Theology Principles of Bible Study Christian Faith & Culture Ministry Worship Studies MWST-564-01 MWST-590-01 MWST-593-01 Worship Ldrshp Contemp Church Worship Studies Final Project Worship Studies Internship Ministry Youth/Family Studies MYFM-557-01 MYFM-590-01 MYFM-593-01 Philosophy PHIL-571-01 Theology THEO-501-01 THEO-594-02 THEO-597-01 THEO-598-01
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