Summer 2015 Schedule of Classes Summer Term (JST) : May 04 - August 07, 2015 1st 5-Week Session (5J1) : May 04 - June 05, 2015 1st 7-Week Session (7J1) : May 04 - June 19, 2015 1st 3-Week Mini Session (5J1) : May 11 - May 29, 2015 2nd 5-Week Session (5J2) : June 22 - July 24, 2015 2nd 7-Week Session (7J2) : June 22 - August 07, 2015 2nd 3-Week Mini Session (5J2): June 22 - July 10, 2015 Updated February 2, 2015 11:00 AM IMPORTANT SUMMER TERM 2015 (2157) REGISTRATION INFORMATION Summer Enrollment is First-come/First-serve Enrollment Begins Monday February 16th ADVISING INFORMATION All students will be required to meet with their academic advisor prior to enrolling for their Summer Term 2015 classes. You can find the name of your academic advisor on your Student Center page. An Advising Hold has been assigned to all current students that will stop you from scheduling for summer classes until you meet with your academic advisor. Schedule an advising appointment at least a few days before enrollment opens to discuss your summer class selections. GENERAL QUESTIONS ABOUT ADVISING AND SELF-ENROLLMENT Please direct any questions to [email protected] or stop in the Registrar’s Office located in 279 Blackington Hall. Drop in help is also available in the Registrar's Office for any student needing assistance with the Self-Enrollment process Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. **************************************************** BEFORE YOUR ADVISING APPOINTMENT View/Print the Summer Term Schedule of Classes Print an enrollment worksheet (available at Review major and general education requirements – This information is available in your division office, the Office of Adult Education, on the Academic Success Center webpage, and for most majors by accessing your Degree Progress report available through the self-service menu in the student ( system. The Academic Source Book 2014-2015 is available on the Registrar's Web Page. List your course selections on the enrollment worksheet Pay close attention to courses that have restrictions, pre and/or co-requisites, and those that require instructor or department permission. Make a list of any questions you may have for your advisor about your course selections. AFTER YOUR ADVISING APPOINTMENT Contact the Registrar’s Office (prior to your enrollment appointment) if any of your course selections required an override signature on your enrollment worksheet. The Registrar’s Office staff will provide you with a class permission number that will allow you to self-enroll in the course requiring the override. Courses offered at the other four Pitt campuses may require a class permission number. Check with the Registrar's Office. Check course availability using the Class Search option available through the Self-Service menu on the student ( system. Check that you do not have any holds that will stop you from enrolling for summer classes. Submit your summer term course selections on-line when open enrollment begins on Feb 16th. (Summer enrollment is first-come/first serve.) **************************************************** Visiting Students will need to complete the Visiting Student packet of information found at Pitt – Johnstown Enrollment Worksheet STUDENT NAME (Last, First) STUDENT ID CRN c ENROLL c DROP c ENROLL c DROP c ENROLL c DROP c ENROLL c DROP c ENROLL c DROP c ENROLL c DROP c ENROLL c DROP SUBJECT MAJOR CATALOG NBR CR DAYS TIME TERM YEAR SUMMER 2015 INSTRUCTOR'S SIGNATURE for Override REASON FOR OVERRIDE (See Below) ALTERNATIVE COURSES: c ENROLL c DROP c ENROLL c DROP Days, Times, and Locations are subject to change; please check your schedule online at STUDENT SIGNATURE DATE TOTAL CREDIT HOURS I, the student, by signing this form, agree and promise to pay the University all tuitions and fees resulting from this registration. I have reviewed my schedule and verified its accuracy; I understand that I am to register for only advisor-approved courses. I also understand that I am ultimately responsible for my course selections and their relevance to my program of study. Reasons for Override Signature (Must accompany all Override Signatures) Closed Class Program Waiver Time Conflict Instructor Consent Pre and/or Co Requisite Writing Competency Courses Summer 2015 Note: Courses may have Pre-Requisites or be Restricted to Particular Majors Primary Writing Courses Class Number Subject Description Catalog Number Class Title Class Section Number Instructor Name 19481 ENGWRT 0050 INTRO TO CREATIVE WRITING 4010 Landrigan,Marissa Kathryn 19483 ENGWRT 1192 TECHNICAL WRITING 4010 Sheets,Scott Albert Class Number Subject Description Catalog Number 20082 ENGLIT 0080 NARRATIVE LITERATURE 4010 Cox,Catherine S 20079 ITAL 1181 DANTE'S DIVINE COMEDY 4010 Cox,Catherine S Writing Enhanced Courses Class Title Class Section Number Instructor Name Speaking Competency Courses Summer 2015 Note: Courses may have Pre-Requisites or be Restricted to Particular Majors Primary Speaking Courses Class Number Subject Description Catalog Number Class Title Class Section Number Instructor Name 20078 COMMRC 0052 PUBLIC SPEAKING 4010 Nicodemus,Diane M 20081 COMMRC 0052 PUBLIC SPEAKING 4015 Majocha,Kristen Lynn Speaking Enhanced Courses Class Number Subject Description Catalog Number Class Title Class Section Number Instructor Name 17471 COMMRC 0030 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION 4010 Majocha,Kristen Lynn 16131 COMMRC 0030 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION 4010 Majocha,Kristen Lynn 17472 COMMRC 0320 MASS COMMUNICATION PROCESS 4010 Nicodemus,Diane M 19483 ENGWRT 1192 TECHNICAL WRITING 4010 Sheets,Scott Albert 18770 HIST 1602 RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD 4010 Matson,Robert W 18771 RELGST 1602 RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD 4010 Matson,Robert W 19999 RESCA 1030 CLINICAL PRACTICUM 1 4010 Price,Terri D Quantitative Reasoning Courses Summer 2015 Note: Courses may have Pre-Requisites or seats restricted to particular majors Class Number Subject Description Catalog Number Class Title Class Section Number Instructor Name 17469 CS 0015 INTRO TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 4010 Marchegiani,Sandro Raniero 19495 EDPSY 1121 EDUC ASSESS FOR INCLSN CLSSR 4010 Myers,Jacqueline Marie 16109 MATH 0002 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 4010 No Instructor Assigned 19478 MATH 0002 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 4010 No Instructor Assigned 20090 MATH 0071 STRUCTR OF THE REAL NUMBR SYS 4010 No Instructor Assigned 19475 MATH 0080 FUNDAMENTALS OF MODERN MATH 4010 No Instructor Assigned Literature in Translation Courses Summer 2015 Note: Courses may have Pre-Requisites or seats restricted to particular majors Class Number Subject Description Catalog Number Class Title 20082 ENGLIT 0080 NARRATIVE LITERATURE 4010 Cox,Catherine S 20083 FR 1083 4010 Petrosky,Barbara 20079 ITAL 1181 SPEC TOPICS IN LIT (ENGLISH) (FRENCH SHORT STORY) DANTE'S DIVINE COMEDY 4010 Cox,Catherine S Summer 2015 Courses with Course Related Fees BIOL 0971 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 2 LAB BIOL 0981 MEDICAL MICROBIOLGY LABORATORY CHEM 0114 GENERAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY 2 CHEM 0234 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY 2 PEDC 0018 DIRECTED STUDY Class Section Number Instructor Name SUMMER TERM (JST) : May 4 - August 7, 2015 Subject Code Class Number 17060 Catalog Course Class Title Number Component Code 1200 IND INDEPENDENT STUDY Class Building Room Section Code Number 4005 TBA TBA BIOL 17568 1200 IND INDEPENDENT STUDY 4010 TBA 18027 1200 IND INDEPENDENT STUDY 4015 20038 1200 IND INDEPENDENT STUDY 16135 1371 DIR 16136 1371 20093 COMMRC ENGWRT HLTHCR DAYS Meeting Start Meeting End Credits Time Time Instructor Name Add Consent Description Meeting Start Date Meeting End Date Session Code TBA TBA 1 to 6 Robart,Bruce Wendel Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST TBA TBA TBA 1 to 6 Lee,Karen T Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 to 6 Dahlin-Schuster,Christine R Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST 4020 TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 to 6 Kilpatrick,Stephen T Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 to 4 Bell-Loncella,Elisabeth Turner Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST DIR UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH 4015 TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 to 4 Nigam,Manisha Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST 1371 DIR UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH 4020 TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 to 4 Grimminger,Marsha A Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST 18730 1903 INT COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 to 12 Lucas,Paul A 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST 17473 1950 INT PROFESSIONAL WRIT INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 to 6 Cox,Michael W Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST 16127 1095 INT HEALTH CARE INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 Colbert,Bruce J Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST 16127 1095 INT HEALTH CARE INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 Ankney,Jeffrey E Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST JOURNL 17600 1173 INT INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 to 12 Wood,Leland K Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST NUR 19940 1061 IND INDEPENDENT STUDY (PROF. DEV. AND PRACTICE ll) 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 to 3 No Instructor Assigned Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST PEDC 16116 0018 IND DIRECTED STUDY 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 to 2 Mamula,Scott J Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST RESCA 19998 1024 LEC RESPIRATORY CARE TECHNIQUES 2 4010 BIDDL 00113 12:00 PM 03:00 PM 4 Ankney,Jeffrey E; Grove,Daniel W 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST 19999 1030 CLN CLINICAL PRACTICUM 1 4010 TBA TBA 07:00 AM 03:00 PM 7 Grove,Daniel W; Price,Terri D 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST 20000 1031 LEC EKG/ABG 4010 BIDDL 00113 08:00 AM 11:00 AM 4 Price,Terri D 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST SOCSCI 16128 1910 INT INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST SURTEC 16119 1060 LEC OR TECHNIQUES 3 4010 TBA TBA 3 Pavlikowski,Patricia 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST 16120 1070 PRA OR TECHNQS 3-CLNCL COMPONENT 4010 TBA TBA 7 Pavlikowski,Patricia 05-04-2015 08-07-2015 JST CHEM M Tu M W Th F Page 6 of 12 3 to 12 Faiers,Gregory Edward Bartley Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll SUMMER TERM (5J1) : May 4 - June 5, 2015 Subject Code Class Number ANTH BIOL BUS COMMRC 16132 Catalog Course Class Title Number Component Code 0800 LEC INTRO TO CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Class Building Room Section Code Number 4010 KREBS 00123 DAYS Meeting Start Meeting End Credits Time Time Tu Th 17467 0120 LEC GENERAL BIOLOGY 2 4010 NURHS 00103 M Tu Th 18738 0970 LEC ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 2 4010 NURHS 00103 M Tu 20084 0971 CLB ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY LAB 2 4010 NURHS 00205 M 17998 0115 LEC ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES 1 4010 BIDDL 00100 M 17999 0300 LEC PRINCIPLES OF FINANCE 4010 BIDDL 00108 17471 0030 LEC INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION 4010 BIDDL 00252 18729 0083 LEC INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 4010 BIDDL 00252 Instructor Name Add Consent Description Meeting Start Date Meeting End Date Session Code 06:00 PM 09:30 PM 3 Santoro,Daniel J 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 11:30 AM 01:10 PM 3 Kilpatrick,Stephen T 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 08:00 AM 09:40 AM 3 Brainard,Marissa D 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 W 10:00 AM 12:50 PM 1 Brainard,Marissa D 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 W 06:00 PM 09:30 PM 3 Petyak,Gregory J 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 11:30 AM 02:50 PM 3 Teague,James C 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 W F Th Tu Th M Tu Th F 03:00 PM 04:40 PM 3 Majocha,Kristen Lynn 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 M Tu Th F 01:15 PM 02:55 PM 3 Majocha,Kristen Lynn 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 17472 0320 LEC MASS COMMUNICATION PROCESS 4010 BIDDL 00253 M Tu Th F 11:30 AM 01:10 PM 3 Nicodemus,Diane M 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 ECON 17465 0105 LEC INTRO MICROECONOMIC THEORY 4010 BIDDL 00114 M Tu Th F 01:15 PM 02:55 PM 3 Berger,George S 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 EDPSY 19496 1026 LEC ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS 4010 TBA TBA 3 Monsour,Katie Joe 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 EDPSY 19495 1121 LEC EDUC ASSESS FOR INCLSN CLSSR 4010 BIDDL 00140 M Tu 09:00 AM 11:15 AM 3 Myers,Jacqueline Marie 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 ENGCMP 19479 0006 LEC COMPOSITION 2 4010 BIDDL 00248 M Tu Th F 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Klinbubpa,Tuangtip 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 ENGWRT 19483 1192 SEM TECHNICAL WRITING 4010 BIDDL 00208 M Tu Th F 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Sheets,Scott Albert 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 GEOG 18753 0810 LEC EARTH AND PEOPLE 4010 KREBS 00118 M 06:00 PM 09:30 PM 3 Massasati,Ahmad S 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 HIST 20095 0620 LEC UNITED STATES 1877 - PRESENT 4010 KREBS 00118 M Tu Th F 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Goldberg,David 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 20096 1430 LEC CIVIL WAR HISTORY 4010 KREBS 00118 M Tu Th F 01:15 PM 02:55 PM 3 Goldberg,David 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 JAC 19507 0715 LEC INTRODUCTION CRIMINAL JUSTICE 4010 KREBS 00119 M Tu Th F 11:30 AM 01:10 PM 3 Kleinstuber,Ross D 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 JOURNL 20021 1173 INT INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 MATH 20088 0001 LEC ALGEBRA 1 4010 KREBS 00130 M Tu W Th 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 No Instructor Assigned 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 16109 0002 LEC COLLEGE ALGEBRA 4010 KREBS 00200 M Tu W Th 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Cable,Dawn M. 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 19475 0080 LEC FUNDAMENTALS OF MODERN MATH 4010 KREBS 00221 M Tu W Th 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Baird,Jacqueline R. 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 19856 0088 LEC INTRO TO BASIC STATSTC FOR EBP 4010 NURHS 00117 Th 12:00 PM 03:30 PM 3 Tickerhoof George,Nickole M 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 01:00 PM 04:30 PM 3 Tickerhoof George,Nickole M 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 Mamula,Scott J 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 NUR W Th W Tu 19856 0088 LEC INTRO TO BASIC STATSTC FOR EBP 4010 NURHS 00117 PEDC 17054 0018 IND DIRECTED STUDY 4010 TBA TBA PS 16105 0206 LEC AMERICAN POLITICAL PROCESS 4010 KREBS 00117 M Tu PSY 19476 0200 LEC INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY 4010 KREBS 00209 M Tu W 20085 1178 LEC HUMAN SEXUALITY 4010 KREBS 00209 M Tu W 19987 1906 DIR DIRECTED INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH 4010 TBA TBA 20097 0070 LEC SOCIAL PROBLEMS 4010 KREBS 00123 M Tu Th 18000 0100 LEC INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY 4010 KREBS 00119 M Tu Th 19506 0715 LEC INTRO TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE 4010 KREBS 00119 M Tu Th SOC W 3 to 12 Wood,Leland K 1 to 2 Th F Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Wrabley,Raymond B 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 Th 03:00 PM 04:20 PM 3 Stilling,Stephanie T 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 Th 11:30 AM 01:10 PM 3 Teich,Alan Harvey 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 TBA TBA Stern,Steven E 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 F 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Santoro,Daniel J 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 F 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Kleinstuber,Ross D 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 F 11:30 AM 01:10 PM 3 Kleinstuber,Ross D 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 Page 7 of 12 1 to 3 SUMMER TERM (7J1) : May 4 - June 19, 2015 Subject Code Class Number 17603 Catalog Course Class Title Number Component Code 1200 IND INDEPENDENT STUDY Class Building Room Section Code Number 4010 TBA TBA BIOL 18838 1200 IND INDEPENDENT STUDY 4015 TBA TBA 18739 0112 LEC GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 4010 ENGSC 00200 18740 0114 CLB GENERAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY 2 4010 NURHS 00102 18741 0232 LEC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2 4010 ENGSC 00118 18742 0234 CLB ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY 2 4010 ENGSC 0102A 20086 0081 LEC COMPUTER LITERACY 4010 BLACK 00134 16106 1171 DIR COMPUTER SCIENCE ASSISTANTSHIP 4010 TBA TBA 16107 1903 INT INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA 16108 1904 IND DIRECTED STUDY 4010 EET 20104 0110 LEC CIRCUITS 1 BASIC ELEC TECHNLGY ET 17462 0051 LEC MECHANICS-STATICS 17997 1103 LEC 20087 1157 LEC 20087 1157 20087 20087 DAYS Meeting Start Meeting End Credits Time Time Instructor Name Add Consent Description Meeting Start Date Meeting End Date Session Code TBA TBA 1 to 6 Robart,Bruce Wendel Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 TBA TBA 1 to 6 Henning,Jill Deann Instructor Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 4 Grimminger,Robert Allen 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 01:00 PM 03:50 PM 1 Fisanick,Tracy Johnston 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 4 Martinus,Simeon J 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 01:00 PM 04:50 PM 1 Martinus,Simeon J 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 06:00 PM 08:40 PM 3 Marchegiani,Sandro Raniero 05-04-2015 06-05-2015 5J1 TBA TBA 1 to 3 Hagerich,Patricia C Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 TBA TBA TBA 1 to 3 Hagerich,Patricia C Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 to 3 Hagerich,Patricia C Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 4010 ENGSC 00228 08:00 AM 10:50 AM 3 Wieserman,William R 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 4010 ENGSC 00226 09:00 AM 11:50 AM 3 Houston,Brian L 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS 4010 ENGSC 00226 09:00 AM 11:50 AM 3 Kelley,Randy D 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 GEOLOGIC FIELD METHODS 4010 KREBS 00220 F 06:00 PM 09:00 PM 4 Lindberg,Stephen Robert 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 LEC GEOLOGIC FIELD METHODS 4010 KREBS 00220 F 06:00 PM 09:00 PM 4 Coughenour,Christopher L 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 1157 LEC GEOLOGIC FIELD METHODS 4010 KREBS 00220 09:00 AM 04:00 PM 4 Lindberg,Stephen Robert 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 1157 LEC GEOLOGIC FIELD METHODS 4010 KREBS 00220 09:00 AM 04:00 PM 4 Coughenour,Christopher L 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 19477 0121 LEC BUSINESS CALCULUS 4010 KREBS 00130 M Tu W Th 11:30 AM 01:10 PM 4 Thompson,John W 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 16117 0221 LEC ANALYTC GEOMETRY & CALCULUS 1 4010 KREBS 00131 M Tu W Th 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 4 Tully,Linda L 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 16122 0241 LEC ANALYTC GEOMETRY & CALCULUS 3 4010 KREBS 00134 M Tu W Th 11:30 AM 01:10 PM 4 Bekker,Miron Boris 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 PHYS 19525 0150 LEC PHYSICS 1 4010 ENGSC 00200 M Tu W Th 08:00 AM 09:40 AM 4 Yang,Eunice Eun Young 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 PSY 16114 1555 INT INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 to 5 Teich,Alan Harvey Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 16113 1560 INT INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 6 Teich,Alan Harvey Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 05-04-2015 06-19-2015 7J1 CHEM CS GEOL MATH M M Tu Th Tu Th Tu Th Tu Th M F F W M W Tu M Th W 3-WK MINI SESSION : May 11 - May 29, 2015 Subject Code Class Number 20078 Catalog Course Class Title Number Component Code 0052 LEC PUBLIC SPEAKING Class Building Room Section Code Number 4010 BIDDL 00252 COMMRC DAYS Meeting Start Meeting End Credits Time Time M Tu Th F 08:00 AM 10:55 AM 3 Nicodemus,Diane M 05-11-2015 05-29-2015 5J1 HIST 20098 0610 LEC UNITED STATES TO 1877 4010 KREBS 00123 M Tu Th F 11:30 AM 02:25 PM 3 Newman,Paul Douglas 05-11-2015 05-29-2015 5J1 ITAL 20079 1181 LEC DANTE'S DIVINE COMEDY 4010 BIDDL 00248 M Tu Th F 11:30 AM 02:25 PM 3 Cox,Catherine S 05-11-2015 05-29-2015 5J1 SPAN 20080 0110 LEC SPANISH FOR HEALTHCARE PROF 4010 BIDDL 00252 M Tu Th F 08:00 AM 10:55 AM 3 No Instructor Assigned 05-11-2015 05-29-2015 5J1 Page 8 of 12 Instructor Name Add Consent Description Meeting Start Date Meeting End Date Session Code SUMMER TERM (5J2) : June 22 - July 24, 2015 Subject Code Class Number BIOL 17995 BUS Catalog Course Class Title Number Component Code 0980 LEC MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY (NOTE: Different Meeting Date than Session Dates) Class Building Room Section Code Number 4010 NURHS 00103 DAYS M Tu W Meeting Start Meeting End Credits Time Time Th Instructor Name Add Consent Description Meeting Start Date Meeting End Date Session Code 08:00 AM 09:40 AM 3 Manges,Jennifer J 06-08-2015 07-10-2015 5J2 17996 0981 CLB MEDICAL MICROBIOLGY LABORATORY (NOTE: 4010 Different Meeting Date than Session Dates) ENGSC 0202D M W 10:00 AM 12:50 PM 1 Manges,Jennifer J 06-08-2015 07-10-2015 5J2 20099 0200 LEC ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES 2 4010 BIDDL 00100 M W 06:00 PM 09:30 PM 3 Petyak,Gregory J 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 08:00 AM 10:30 AM 3 Glenn,George S 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 No Instructor Assigned 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 20100 0510 LEC PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING 4010 BIDDL 00124 M CHEM 20089 0105 LEC PREPARATION GENERAL CHEMISTRY 4010 ENGSC 00118 M Tu W COMMRC 16131 0030 LEC INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION 4010 BIDDL 00252 M Tu Th F 11:30 AM 01:10 PM 3 Majocha,Kristen Lynn 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 W F Th 19482 0650 LEC THEORIES OF PERSUASION 4010 BIDDL 00253 M Tu Th F 01:15 PM 02:55 PM 3 Lucas,Paul A 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 ECON 18754 0281 LEC INTRODUCTION TO MONEY & BANKNG 4010 BIDDL 00124 M Tu Th F 01:15 PM 02:55 PM 3 Kai,Guo 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 ENGCMP 18731 0006 LEC COMPOSITION 2 4010 BIDDL 00248 M Tu Th F 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Klinbubpa,Tuangtip 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 ENGLIT 20094 0530 LEC FILM ANALYSIS 4010 BIDDL 00248 M Tu Th F 01:15 PM 02:55 PM 3 Justus,Jeremy Clayton 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 20689 0625 SEM DETECTIVE FICTION 4010 BIDDL 00252 Tu Th 06:00 PM 09"30 PM 3 Rea, Ann 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 ENGWRT 19481 0050 LEC INTRO TO CREATIVE WRITING 4010 BIDDL 00248 M Tu Th F 03:00 PM 04:40 PM 3 Landrigan,Marissa Kathryn 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 FR 20083 1083 LEC SPEC TOPICS IN LIT (ENGLISH) (FRENCH SHORT STORY) 4010 BIDDL 00253 M Tu Th F 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Petrosky,Barbara 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 GEOG 19508 0610 LEC URBAN DEVELOPMENT 4010 KREBS 00118 M W 06:00 PM 09:30 PM 3 Massasati,Ahmad S 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 HIST 20101 0610 LEC UNITED STATES TO 1877 4010 KREBS 00123 M W 06:00 PM 09:30 PM 3 Wilson,Veronica A 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 20103 1416 LEC AMER WOMEN'S HIST TO 1890 4010 KREBS 00124 06:00 PM 09:30 PM 3 Wilson,Veronica A 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 18770 1602 LEC RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD 4010 KREBS 00123 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Matson,Robert W 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 17628 1095 INT HEALTH CARE INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA 3 Colbert,Bruce J Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 17628 1095 INT HEALTH CARE INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA 3 Ankney,Jeffrey E Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 20090 0071 LEC STRUCTR OF THE REAL NUMBR SYS 4010 BIDDL 00132 M 05:30 PM 09:00 PM 3 Girard,Nina 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 20092 1181 LEC LINEAR ALGEBRA 4010 KREBS 00211 M Tu W Th 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Curran,Stephen J 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 17468 0200 LEC INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY 4010 KREBS 00209 M Tu W Th 11:30 AM 01:10 PM 3 Teich,Alan Harvey 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 20091 0351 LEC PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 4010 KREBS 00209 M Tu W Th 03:00 PM 04:20 PM 3 Stilling,Stephanie T 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 RELGST 18771 1602 LEC RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD 4010 KREBS 00123 M Tu Th F 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 3 Matson,Robert W 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 SOC 20102 0070 LEC SOCIAL PROBLEMS 4010 KREBS 00119 M Tu Th F 01:15 PM 02:55 PM 3 Coldsmith,Jeremiah L 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 STAT 18755 1040 LEC STATISTICS FOR BUS/ECON 4010 BIDDL 00124 M Tu Th F 11:30 AM 01:10 PM 3 Kai,Guo 06-22-2015 07-24-2015 5J2 HLTHCR MATH PSY M Tu Th Tu Th F W Page 9 of 12 SUMMER TERM (7J2) : June 23 - August 8, 2014 Subject Code Class Number 17469 Catalog Course Class Title Number Component Code 0015 LEC INTRO TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Class Building Room Section Code Number 4010 BLACK 00134 CS M W 06:00 PM 08:40 PM 17470 0016 CLB INTRO TO CMPTR PRGMG APPLCTNS 4010 BLACK 00237 M W 08:40 PM 09:30 PM 16110 1903 INT INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 to 3 Hagerich,Patricia C Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 16111 1904 IND DIRECTED STUDY 4010 TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 to 3 Hagerich,Patricia C Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 17611 0052 LEC MECHANICS DYNAMICS 4010 ENGSC 00226 09:00 AM 11:50 AM 3 17027 0053 LEC STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 4010 ENGSC 00226 09:00 AM 11:50 AM 3 18749 0001 LEC ALGEBRA 1 4010 KREBS 00130 06:00 PM 08:40 PM 19478 0002 LEC COLLEGE ALGEBRA 4010 KREBS 00130 M 06:00 PM 08:40 PM 16125 0004 LEC PRE-CALCULUS, FUNCTIONS & TRIG 4010 KREBS 00211 M Tu W Th 11:30 AM 16112 0231 LEC ANALYTC GEOMETRY & CALCULUS 2 4010 KREBS 00130 M Tu W Th 16129 1035 LEC DIFFT EQUATNS WITH MATRIX THRY 4010 KREBS 00120 M Tu W Th 16130 1271 LEC ORDINARY DIFFERNTL EQUATIONS 4010 KREBS 00120 M Tu W Th PHYS 19563 0152 LEC PHYSICS 2 4010 ENGSC 00228 M PSY 16126 1555 INT INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA 16115 1560 INT INTERNSHIP 4010 TBA TBA ET MATH DAYS Tu M Meeting Start Meeting End Credits Time Time Th W Tu Th W W F Instructor Name 3 Marchegiani,Sandro Raniero 1 Marchegiani,Sandro Raniero Add Consent Description Meeting Start Date Meeting End Date Session Code 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 Houston,Brian L 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 Kelley,Randy D 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 3 Hoffman,Elizabeth M 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 3 No Instructor Assigned 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 01:10 PM 4 Curran,Stephen J 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 09:45 AM 11:25 AM 4 Ferencak,Michael Neill 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 11:30 AM 01:10 PM 4 Kushner,Boris A 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 11:30 AM 01:10 PM 3 Kushner,Boris A 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 08:00 AM 10:40 AM 4 Wieserman,William R 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 TBA TBA 1 to 5 Teich,Alan Harvey Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 TBA TBA 6 Teich,Alan Harvey Department Consent Required Signature is required to enroll 06-22-2015 08-07-2015 7J2 3-WK MINI SESSION : June 22 - July 10, 2015 Subject Code Class Number 20081 Catalog Course Class Title Number Component Code 0052 LEC PUBLIC SPEAKING Class Building Room Section Code Number 4015 BIDDL 00252 COMMRC ENGLIT M Tu Th F 08:00 AM 10:55 AM 3 Majocha,Kristen Lynn 06-22-2015 07-10-2015 5J2 20082 0080 4010 M Tu Th F 11:30 AM 02:25 PM 3 Cox,Catherine S 06-22-2015 07-10-2015 5J2 LEC NARRATIVE LITERATURE BIDDL 00248 DAYS Meeting Start Meeting End Credits Time Time Page 10 of 12 Instructor Name Add Consent Description Meeting Start Date Meeting End Date Session Code Academic Policies and Procedures Course Repetitions Required courses in a student’s major must be repeated if the grade of F is received. If the grade of D is earned in a sequence course such as mathematics or language and the student intends to continue in that discipline, the course should be repeated. Other courses in which a C-/D/F is earned may be repeated at the discretion of the student in consultation with his/her advisor. Course repetitions are subject to the following limitations: 1. No sequence course completed with a grade of C-/D/F may be repeated for credit after a higher-numbered course in that sequence has been passed with a C or higher grade. 2. Courses for which a C-/D/F has been earned cannot be repeated using the S/U grade option. 3. The grade earned by repeating a course replaces the grade originally earned. The originally earned grade will not be counted in the computation of the GPA; it does not increase the number of credits unless an F grade is replaced by a passing grade. 4. No course may be repeated at any institution other than the University of Pittsburgh or its regional campuses. 5. Except as noted in the course descriptions, a particular course may be taken for credit only once. 6. No course passed with a grade of C or higher may be repeated. 7. A student may not take any course more than three times. Physical Education A student may take no more than 2 credits of physical education per term, for a career total of 8 credits. Only the first 4 credits of physical education are considered as arts and sciences credits. Termination of Registration/Resignation (Dropping all Classes) Students may resign any time after the end of the add/drop period but no later than the close of business on the 60th calendar day of the term or the 30th calendar day of the session by notifying the Office of the Registrar of their intention to terminate their registration for all classes by mail, phone, or in person. Registration and term tuition charges will be adjusted in accordance with the official University Title IV Refund Policy. Students must do this even if they are only registered for one course or credit. If they have housing and/or food service charges, they must notify the appropriate offices immediately. After the 60th calendar day of the term or the 30th calendar day of the session, students can only terminate their registration by withdrawing through the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Students who wish to drop all of their courses before the official end of add/drop period should do so by contacting the Office of the Registrar, 279 Blackington Hall. If students drop all of their courses, they will not be liable for their term tuition and fees, and their registration will become void. If students resign after the last day of the add/drop period, they are liable for a percentage of their charges and will be issued R grades, denoting resignation on transcripts. R grades do not count toward a degree, grade point average, or academic progress for the purposes of financial aid eligibility. Failing to attend the classes for which a student is registered or failing to notify the appropriate academic and administrative offices of nonattendance is not considered an official resignation. Students who fail to follow proper procedures for termination of their registration are responsible for all tuition and fees assessed for the term or session. The effective date of resignation is determined by: (1) the date of in-person contact with the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs; (2) the date of the postmark on the letter of intent to resign (or the date of receipt if no postmark exists); (3) the date of notification by telephone; and (4) the date of last attendance. R grades are assigned for all courses for which registration is terminated after the add/drop period but prior to the resignation deadline for the term or session. W grades are assigned for all courses for which registration is terminated after the 60th calendar day of the term or the 30th calendar day of the summer session. Pitt-Johnstown Summer Dates & Deadlines 2015 (2157) 5-week 1 5J1 5/4 - 6/5/15 7-week 1 7J1 5/4 - 6/19/15 5-week 2 5J2 6/22 - 7/24/15 7-week 2 7J2 6/22 - 8/7/15 15-week JST 5/4 - 8/7/15 Enrollment Begins 2/16/2015 2/16/2015 2/16/2015 2/16/2015 2/16/2015 Enrollment Ends/ Classes Begin 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 6/22/2015 6/22/2015 5/4/2015 5/6/2015 5/6/2015 6/24/2015 6/24/2015 5/15/2015 5/22/2015 5/29/2015 7/10/2015 7/17/2015 7/2/2015 Grade Rosters available on-line for faculty 6/3/2015 6/17/2015 7/22/2015 8/3/2015 8/3/2015 Classes End 6/5/2015 6/19/2015 7/24/2015 8/7/2015 8/7/2015 Grades must be in approved status by 5:00 PM 6/9/2015 6/23/2015 7/28/2015 8/12/2015 8/12/2015 6/10/2015 6/24/2015 7/29/2015 8/13/2015 8/13/2015 Add/Drop Ends Last day to resign with 100% refund (No entry on transcript) Deadline to submit Monitored Withdrawal Forms to RO (for 1 but not all classes) "W" grades assigned (NO REFUND) Grades available on-line
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