バレンタインスペシャルコース Valentine’s Special “Your Best Choice” Set Menu 9 - 14 February 2015 前菜 (2種チョイス) APPETIZER (CHOICE OF 2) 胡麻豆腐、生雲丹、鼈甲餡、山葵 Home-made Sesame Tofu Topped with Sea Urchin and Wasabi with Sweet Sauce カニとトマトのサラダ Crab Meat and Tomato Salad 帆立貝の炙り 霙酢和え Seared Scallop with Vinegar and Radish Sauce 煮穴子と鰻の握り Grilled Salt Water Eel Sushi and Fresh Water Eel Sushi For more information on monthly promotions, connect with us at www.shangri-la-specials.com 冷菜 (1種チョイス) COLD DISH (CHOICE OF 1) ハマチの薄造り Thinly Sliced Yellowtail Sashimi サーモンカルパッチョ風 Thinly Sliced Salmon Sashimi with Dressing 刺身三種盛り Mixed Sashimi 3 Kinds 海老と野菜の天婦羅 Prawn and Vegetable Tempura Restaurant online reservations www.shangri-la.com/kualalumpur/shangrila/dining Restaurant Reservations Centre Tel : 0 3 2 0 7 4 3 9 0 0 email: [email protected] www.facebook.com/shangrilaKL @shangrilakl 温菜 (1種チョイス) HOT DISH (CHOICE OF 1) 馬鈴薯餅と鶏鍬焼の銀餡掛け Potato Dumpling and Sukiyaki Chicken with Sweet Sticky Soya Sauce 茶碗蒸し 揚餅、銀杏、鶏、海老、白身魚 “Chawanmushi” Steamed Egg Custard with Shrimp, Rice Cake, Chicken, Fish and Ginkgo Nut 牛タンシチュー煮 バゲット添え Stewed Beef Tongue and Vegetables, Served with Baguette Slice 鮮魚と木ノ子の生海苔スープ Fresh Seaweed Soup with Mushroom and Fish Ball If you are allergic to certain ingredients, please advise our service associates. Our cuisine is seasonal and most of our products are from sustainable and organic sources. Price is subject to 10% service charge and 6% government tax. SHANGRI-LA HOTEL, KUALA LUMPUR 11, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel (603) 2032 2388 Fax (603) 2070 1514 www.shangri-la.com メインディッシュ (1種チョイス)GRILL (CHOICE OF 1) 和風ハンバーグ Beef Burger Japanese Style 鰤の照焼き Teriyaki Japanese Amberjack サーモンステーキ サワークリームソース Salmon Steak with Sour Cream Sauce 合鴨ロースとフォアグラ照焼き オレンジと木ノ子のソース Teriyaki Duck and Goose Liver with Orange and Mushroom Sauce For more information on monthly promotions, 食事 (1種チョイス)RICE (CHOICE OF 1) 寿司4貫 Sushi 4 Pieces connect with us at www.shangri-la-specials.com ミニ鰻丼 Mini Grilled Eel Rice 鮭茶漬け Rice In Tea Broth with Salmon Flakes ガーリック炒飯 Garlic Fried Rice Restaurant online reservations www.shangri-la.com/kualalumpur/shangrila/dining デザート (1種チョイス) DESSERT (CHOICE OF 1) Restaurant Reservations Centre Tel : 0 3 2 0 7 4 3 9 0 0 email: [email protected] アイスクリーム(バニラ、チョコ、抹茶、黒ゴマ) Ice Cream (Vanilla, Chocolate, Green Tea, Black Sesame) www.facebook.com/shangrilaKL @shangrilakl 苺のレモンゼリー掛け Diced Strawberry with Lemon Jelly 小豆のブリュレ バニラアイス乗せ Crème Brûlée with Sweet Red Beans, Topped with Vanilla Ice Cream 白玉ぜんざい Hot Sweet Red Bean Soup with Rice Flour Dumplings RM260++ per person If you are allergic to certain ingredients, please advise our service associates. Our cuisine is seasonal and most of our products are from sustainable and organic sources. Price is subject to 10% service charge and 6% government tax. SHANGRI-LA HOTEL, KUALA LUMPUR 11, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel (603) 2032 2388 Fax (603) 2070 1514 www.shangri-la.com
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