Wild Rice Electric’s February 2015 • Volume 75 • Issue 2 News from Wild Rice Electric Co-op, Inc. PO Box 438, Mahnomen, MN 56557 www.wildriceelectric.com 75 Years of Service Wild Rice Electric Cooperative is celebrating 75 years of service this year. To mark this milestone, we’ve been publishing the history of the co-op. This is the final part of the series. It is fascinating to look back at the co-op’s origins and think about how far we’ve come over the past 75 years! Part 3 of 3 Much planning and bargaining had been done and with splendid cooperation from Mr. Andrew Freeman, Manager of Minnkota Power Cooperative, it became possible to secure the use of the portable power unit that had been used at Whitman, North Dakota. The power unit was then brought to Rindal, located on the north end of the present constructed lines. On Wednesday morning, December 18th, 1940, a small group gathered around the plant for a momentous occasion. The group consisted of O.P. Refling, President of the Board; Iver Westad, Treasurer; Jerry Hastad, Project Attorney; Andrew Freeman, Manager of Minnkota; E.J. Melling, Plant Operator; Floyd Weimer, Lineman; and Peter Ingebretson. Mr. Freeman then turned on the switch, sending the first electric current into Wild Rice lines. The beginning of a new era. There was an immediate scramble by members to get connected. O.P. Refling was the first member to receive a meter. By Christmas Eve, a total of 150 meters had been installed and service completed to those members. It was a happy Christmas for the 150 families who had been connected to the lines. Memories of Constructing First Lines Coming from a family of 15, Joe Spaeth learned how to work hard at an early age. One summer in the mid-1940s, he and his brother heard that Wild Rice Electric Cooperative was hiring workers to dig holes for what would become some of the cooperative’s first power poles and lines. “We didn’t have any work and that sounded like a pretty good paying job,” 83-year-old Spaeth recalls. “I remember that we lied about our age. We were only 14 or 15, but we were big for our age and we knew how to work. They put us on the pole digging crew.” He started out working northeast of Beaulieu and then moved south toward Waubun. One thing Spaeth remembers about the Waubun area was all of the rocks. “If we ran into a large rock and couldn’t dig anymore, they’d tell us to leave it and go start digging another hole. When the crew came to put the pole in, they’d put some TNT on the end of the pole to help get the pole in the rest of the way.” Each man on the pole digging crew had a goal to dig five holes a day, with the holes each measuring 4 to 6 feet deep. All of the work was done by hand. “It was hard work,” Spaeth acknowledges. “But if you can work, that’s the best thing you can do.” Mr. Ingebretson resigned as manager in 1942. The board hired Kenneth Martin of Cando, North Dakota, to replace Mr. Ingebretson. Mr. Martin resigned in 1952 and was succeeded by John A. Marshall. Following Mr. Marshall’s death in 1962, Manley G. Hillstad, a native of Mahnomen, was named as manager. Mr. Hillstad served as manger for the next 25 years, a period of time in which the co(75 Years of Service is continued on page 3) Original Office Building Over the Manager’s Desk Steve Haaven Around The Co-op CEO A New Year Happy New Year and welcome to 2015. Similar to your own household our accounting staff is busy summarizing financial results of 2014 and preparing to meet reporting and auditing requirements. Likewise the operations and engineering departments are busy preparing for construction projects planned for the upcoming construction season. Preliminary financial results verify 2014 was a good year at the cooperative. Kilowatt hour sales increases of 4% provided revenue sufficient to cover all expenses plus allowed for a sound margin at year-end satisfactory to meet all financial covenants required of our bankers. Major contributors were favorable weather conditions with no major storms, increased sales, and stabilized wholesale power rates. The stabilized cost of power is very important since the co-op’s major expense continues to be the purchase of wholesale power from our supplier Minnkota Power Cooperative. During 2014, 304 million kilowatt hours were purchased at a cost of $21 million, accounting for approximately 72% of the total cost of doing business. Another key performance indicator is the average service interruption to a member. Reported service interruptions during 2014 were well within industry standards, although up from 2013. The winter of 2013-2014 was long and hard, which did bring with it challenges from strong winds and ice conditions. A formalized budget documenting estimates for 2015 operations was recently presented to the Board of Directors for approval. The budget is a projection of revenues and expenses anticipated based upon certain conditions. Obviously, it is impossible to know exact numbers prior to occurrence, but we do our best to predict and prepare. The budget does include several items of interest as we attempt to determine how costs and related work events will be impacted. A very important driver is projected sales for the upcoming year. Based upon an average increase of 1.4% in kilowatt hour sales, projected revenue for 2015 is $31.6 million. On the expense side of the ledger, projected wholesale power costs of $22.7 million are the largest single expense. Our power provider, Minnkota Power, has announced a 5% increase in wholesale rate components to become effective April 1st, 2015. Based upon estimated purchases and related demands, the increase could total $750,000 in additional expenses in 2015. Our initial projection is that an approximate 3.5% increase in retail rates to our members will be necessary to aide in covering that additional impact. Increased sales and related system demands could impact that projection. Another increased expense will be nearly $600,000 spent on right of way clearing for both reliability and safety reasons. We’re simply not staying ahead of fast growing trees which can cause havoc when they grow into lines. A look at capital requirements reflects approximately $4 million will be spent to construct new service builds, complete system improvement projects, replace transportation equipment, complete replacement of the co-op’s mobile radio and tower, as well as replace other equipment. The increased wholesale rate announced by Minnkota Power is necessary from the financial impact of constructing a $352 million transmission line running from their power plants located near Center, ND to the Grand Forks, ND area beginning to impact financial statements for depreciation and interest on loans. This, of course, follows significant investments in their plants made in recent years to meet required EPA mandates for dealing with emissions from burning coal to produce electricity. That list seems to change each year; as one emission is dealt with another surfaces. Several in recent years are sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide, and mercury— to name a few. Today, the debate over carbon dioxide continues. Each carries a very expensive “fix”. Snowmobile Safety Winter weather brings various outdoor activities. One very popular in northern Minnesota, depending upon snow conditions, is snowmobiling. Riding snowmobiles on snow-covered paths can be a great way to enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer. When riding, I encourage you to always keep safety in mind. It is important to drive at moderate speeds and be careful if driving in a power line right of way area. Many use those cleared areas because they provide a nice wide open path for travel. Please reduce your speed and always be on the lookout for electrical poles, transformer boxes, and guy wires. Guy wires are typically covered by a reflective yellow guy guard. But don’t take that for granted since they can come off or fade in color. Should you notice downed or sagging lines, damaged guy wires, missing guy guards, or other safety concerns, please contact us. Remember, if you do come upon a downed line stay at least 50 feet away from it and assume it is energized. That is true no matter what time of year or weather conditions. Annual Meeting Last month Tom Ryan, Member Service Manager, informed you of this year’s Annual Meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 19th, 2015. If you will recall, this year’s meeting will be a special celebration recognizing the cooperative’s 75 years of providing service to our member-owners. Tours of the office will be available, including a look at some of the equipment used. Always a hit is the entertainment and a very good meal. A required part of the day’s activities is the business session, including detailed reports on the past year’s operations. Another important part is the election for board members to represent your interests. This year the terms of Larry Sollie – District 1, Mark Habedank – District 2, and Russell Okeson – District 3 will expire. The Nominating Committee met Wednesday, January 21st, 2015 to name a slate of candidates for those positions. Robert McLennon, CEO of Minnkota Power Cooperative, Inc., will provide an update on activities and challenges at Minnkota in keeping wholesale power available and affordable. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. Stay warm and safe! Notice of Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the members of Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc. will be held at the Mahnomen High School Auditorium, 209 First Street SW, in the City of Mahnomen, Minnesota at 6:30 p.m. on March 19th, 2015, to take action on the following matters: 1.The reports of officers, directors, and committees. 2.The election of three directors of the Cooperative. One director shall be elected from each of the Cooperative’s three districts for a term of three years. A member who is absent from member’s meeting may vote by mail on a ballot (an “Absentee Ballot”). Absentee Ballots are available by request. A properly executed Absentee Ballot must be received on or before 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 19, 2015, to be counted as the vote of the absent member at the meeting. 3.All other business which may come before the meeting and adjournment thereof. 75 Years of Service (continued from page 1) operative went through considerable growth. Following Mr. Hillstad’s retirement on August 15th, 1987, the board named Steven J. Haaven as manager. Mr. Haaven began his employment with Wild Rice in October of 1973 as the Engineering Aid. In 1975, he was promoted to Office Manager, the position he held before becoming manager. The growth of Wild Rice, from its early days to today where it now has nearly 14,000 services, is one of the finest success stories in the electric cooperative field. It took a determined effort to overcome all the obstacles which confronted the small group that organized the cooperative. Wild Rice Electric’s 41 employees provide and maintain service over a network of 3,943 miles of energized line to its 14,000 services. In 2013, the total electric revenue came to $29.7 million, which represented the sale of 274.7 million kilowatt hours. Since the beginning there have been 51 people who have served as directors for the cooperative. The present board consists of Jeff Nornes of Erskine, Chairman; Russell Okeson of Detroit Lakes, Vice-Chair; Mark Habedank of Twin Valley, Secretary; Larry Sollie of Lengby, Treasurer; Gary Bergan of Hawley; Greg LaVoy of Naytahwaush; Roger Winter of Callaway; Diane Christianson of Mentor; and Mike Guetter of Detroit Lakes. History in Photographs Dated at Mahnomen, Minnesota on February 2nd, 2015. Mark Habedank, Secretary Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc. Mahnomen, Minnesota Proof of Mailing STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF MAHNOMEN Mark Habedank, being first duly sworn, on oath, deposes and says that he is duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc.; that on February 2nd, 2015, he caused to be mailed to each member of the Cooperative, a notice of annual meeting of the members of the Cooperative by having the notice published in a periodical, published by and on behalf of the Cooperative which is mailed to each and every member monthly, and that the attached is a true and correct copy of said notice of said meeting as aforesaid. Old Substation Generator Mark Habedank, Secretary Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc. Mahnomen, Minnesota Old Lake Park Outpost Truck Nominating Committee Report Statement of Secretary with Respect to Election of Directors Mahnomen, Minnesota January 21st, 2015 The undersigned duly appointed Nominating Committee met at the office of the Cooperative at Mahnomen, Minnesota on January 21st, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. Arthur Bakker was duly nominated and elected Chairman and Charles Puffinberger was duly nominated and elected Secretary of the Committee. The Committee then proceeded to make nominations and respectfully submits the following report thereof, viz: WE, the undersigned, duly appointed Committee of Nominations by the Board of Directors of Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc. at a meeting duly held on January 21st, 2015, hereby, respectfully nominate the following for directors in Districts 1, 2, and 3: to succeed in District 1 – Larry Sollie (three-year term); District 2 – Mark Habedank (three-year term); and District 3 – Russell Okeson (three-year term); whose terms expire and whose successors will be elected at the annual meeting of said Cooperative to be held on March 19th, 2015, viz: NOMINEES District 1 (3-Year Term) – Larry Sollie District 2 (3-Year Term) – Mark Habedank District 3 (3-Year Term) – Russell Okeson Respectfully Submitted, Signed By: Alden Jallo Charles Puffinberger Michael Weik Wallace Blomseth John Darco Ronald Jenson Arthur Bakker Sigurd Severinson Richard Zurn At the annual meeting of the Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc. to be held at Mahnomen, Minnesota, on March 19th, 2015, three directors are to be elected to fill the directorships now held by Larry Sollie, Lengby, MN; Mark Habedank, Twin Valley, MN; and Russell Okeson, Detroit Lakes, MN. The following nominations have been received from the committee on nominations, viz: District 1 (3-Year Term) - Larry Sollie District 2 (3-Year Term) - Mark Habedank District 3 (3-Year Term) - Russell Okeson Also, any fifteen (15) or more members may make other nominations in writing over their signatures not less than twenty (20) days prior to the meeting and the Secretary shall post the same at the same place where the list of nominations made by the Committee is posted. Any member who may be absent from said annual meeting may vote by mail for directors by requesting a ballot for directors from the Secretary of Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc., Box 438, Mahnomen, MN, 56557, and by marking on the ballot an “X” opposite the names of the number of candidates equal to the number of directors to be elected and enclosing the ballot in a sealed envelope bearing his/ her name, addressed to the Secretary of Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc., Box 438, Mahnomen, MN, 56557, and mailing the same in time so that it will reach the Secretary on or before the date of the annual meeting and before the ballots for directors are collected and canvassed by the ballot inspectors. Any provisions relating to the rights of a membership apply equally to all holders of a joint membership, specifically and without limitation: The presence at a meeting of any member constitutes the presence of all members and is a waiver of notice of the meeting, and the vote of any of those holding joint membership, separately or all, jointly constitutes one joint vote. Dated at Mahnomen, Minnesota, on January 21st, 2015. 2015 Nominating Committee: Seated from left to right – Wallace Blomseth, Sigurd Severinson, Ronald Jenson, and Arthur Bakker. Standing from left to right – Alden Jallo, Charles Puffinberger, Richard Zurn, Michael Weik, John Darco, and Project Attorney Andrew Sorbo. Mark Habedank, Secretary Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc. Mahnomen, Minnesota Ads FOR SALE Persian lamb jacket, mink collar, $75; Mink stole, $50. 218-532-2404. Two 17” TV sets w/ remotes, $10 each. 218-439-6005. 2 broke to ride QH grade palomino mares, 8 yrs old and 14 yrs old, neck rein, 15HH, used on trails, $1250 each. 218849-6331. 26” flat screen Vizio TV, comes w/ a wall mount, $200 OBO. 701-866-7851. 24 ft food concession truck, fully inspected, ready to go to work, best offer. 701306-3809. Hide-a-bed couch, $100 OBO. 218-4834154. Yamaha student clarinet, 4c mouthpiece, Rovner Ligature, pads, corks, body in excellent condition, had it checked out at Schmitt Music-said it was in perfect condition, $400 OBO. 701-361-6451. 16” Double C Saddlery barrel saddle in excellent condition, $550 OBO. 218936-4631 or 218-902-0441. Big round oat straw bales, $25 each, will load. 218-356-8503. Vexilar FL-8 SE, $150, firm; Husqvarna TORX 57 chain saw, $300 OBO; Fish house, 8x12, landing gear, 6 holes, stove, radio, lights, very nice, $2500 OBO. 218-935-5110, days. 1999 Yamaha snowmobile, electric start, reverse, hand warmers, very good running condition, $1200; 2002 Floe 4 place snowmobile trailer, electric brakes, $3000; 4x8 portable ice house, good condition, $100. 218-779-7566. Faribo vintage throws; 1950s hand embroidered dish towels; Assorted flower vases; Assorted canning jars. 218-532-7632 between 7 a.m. & 7 p.m. Vintage two drawer oak dresser with mirror, small wood wheels, nice condition, $80; Vintage collectible “Randall” spears, have original tags on shaft, different styles, $40 each. 218-847-8842. Dry, split softwood, $50/pickup load; Model A JD, runs good, $1350; M International, $1000. 218-584-8338. Kenmore electric clothes dryer, $100. 218-937-5219. Camera gimbal mount. Manfrotto 393, like new, paid $175 at B&H camera NY, selling for $100 cash; New, never worn Polaris helmet, medium, $50. 218937-5331. Four Uniroyal 10 ply tires size 245x75x16, 75% tread left, $250 OBO. 218-962-3285 or 701-212-7694. Small square wheat straw bales, no rain, shedded, $2/bale. 701-3677827 or 701-367-2006, Hawley. 1971 Polaris Colt 295cc snowmobile, excellent condition, $450. 218-4833298. Koyker 500 loader fits JD 3020/4020 and probably others, like new, shedded, $2600 OBO. 218-849-8047, Detroit Lakes. Round alfalfa or grass hay bales, stored inside. 701-866-0093 or 218-5845302. “B” JD tractor, needs work; Chevy Lumina, needs engine, good body. 218584-4603. Alfalfa hay 5x5 round bales, 1st, 2nd & 3rd crops, New Holland bales; 2 Cooper grip tires, size 215-70-R15, $25 for 2. 218-596-8383, Ulen. ENERGY ASSISTANCE Copies of the Cold Weather Policy are available at: Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc. 502 North Main, PO Box 438, Mahnomen, MN 56557 Phone: (218) 935-2517 -- Toll free (800) 244-5709 If you need help paying your electric utility bill, you may qualify for state or federal fuel assistance. Disputes regarding the options available can be appealed to the Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board of Directors. For complete qualification and application information, contact your local county welfare or community/citizen’s action council listed below. These organizations may also provide budget counseling. IF YOU LIVE IN Becker County or Mahnomen County: contact Mahube Community Council, PO Box 747, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502, Phone: 847-1385; Mahube Community Council, PO Box 78, Mahnomen, MN 56557, Phone: 935-5022; Energy Assistance Program, 3303 US Hwy 59, Waubun, MN 56589, Phone: 218-473-2711; Becker County Human Services, 712 Minnesota Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501, Phone: 218-847-5628; Mahnomen County Human Services, 311 North Main, Mahnomen, MN 56557, Phone: 218-935-2568. Full size bobsled for two horses, all new white ash. 218-532-7858. Authentic Harley Davidson jacket, size XXXL, very good condition, $175 OBO. 218-439-3979. WANTED McCulloch Titan chain saw. 218-7932447, leave message. 15 to 17 ft canoe, aluminum or fiberglass. 218-847-5330. Pair of 10-15LT desert dog formula tires. 218-435-6820. Mopar 8-3/4” “489” rear end or differential w/ 3.23 or 3.31 ratio. 651-644-6114. 30-90 horse tractor; Pickup box trailer; Fence posts & wire; Flatbed trailer; Fishing boat; Duck boat; Bucket for 2350 International loader; 2-4 bottom 3 pt plow. 218-945-6285. Electric lefse grill, good shape. 218-5322404. 6 young laying hens. 218-584-4603. Others interested in study groups or individual lessons for language learning. 218-847-7905, ask for Kathy. Our Ad Policy • All ads must be 30 words or less. • Ads will be abbreviated at the co-op’s discretion. • No real estate or commercial ads will be accepted. • Ads are published for members at no charge as space permits on a first-come, firstserved basis. Unpublished ads will not be carried over. • Ads are due by the 5th of the month prior to publication. • Members may submit only one ad per issue. • Ads must be resubmitted to run an additional month. • Ads must be typed or in clear, readable print. Editor reserves the right to edit or reject any ad. • You can submit your ad by mail, email or fax. Phone ads will not be accepted. • Fax ads to: (218) 935-2519 • Email ads to: [email protected] • Mail ads to: Wild Rice Electric P.O. Box 438 Mahnomen, MN 56557 IF YOU LIVE IN Clay County: contact West Central Minnesota Communities Action Inc., 411 Industrial Park Blvd, PO Box 596, Elbow Lake, MN 56531, Phone: 1-800-492-4805 or 1-218-685-4486; Clay County Social Services, 715 11th St. No., Suite 502, Moorhead, MN 56560, Phone: 218-299-5200. IF YOU LIVE IN Clearwater or E. Polk County: contact Inter County Community Council, PO Box 187, Oklee, MN 56742, Phone: 218-796-5144; Polk County Social Services, 612 No. Broadway, Suite 110, Crookston, MN 56716, Phone: 218-281-3127. IF YOU LIVE IN W. Polk County or Norman County: contact Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, 1407 Erskine Ave, PO Box 607, Crookston, MN 56716, Phone: 1-866-264-3729 or 218-281-9080; Norman County Social Services, 152nd Ave E, Ada, MN 56510, Phone: 218-784-56510. BUDGET COUNSELING: West Central Minnesota Communities Action Inc., 411 Industrial Park Blvd, PO Box 596, Elbow Lake, MN 56531, Phone: 1-800-492-4805 or 1-218-685-4486; Consumer Credit Counseling Service, 1201 25th Street South, Fargo, ND 58102, Phone: 1-701-235-3328; Family Life Services, 15 South 10th Street, Fargo, ND 58102, Phone: 1-701-237-9247. PERIODICAL 502 North Main, P.O. Box 438 Mahnomen, MN 56557 Rural DeLight (ISSN 0194 505X) Published monthly by Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc., P.O. Box 438, Mahnomen, MN 56557, in the interests of its members and others. Periodical postage paid at Mahnomen and additional mailing offices. USPS 468-810. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes, Form 3579 to: Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc., P.O. Box 438, Mahnomen, MN 56557-0438. Subscription rates: Members, $1/year; Non-members, $2/year. Phone: (218) 935-2517 In this Issue: ❖❖75 Years of Service (final installment of history series) ❖❖Memories of Constructing First Lines ❖❖Over the Manager’s Desk with Steve Haaven ❖❖Notice of Annual Meeting ❖❖History in Pictures ❖❖Nominating Committee Report ❖❖For sale and wanted ads Make plans to attend our 75th Annual Meeting! Mahnomen High School Auditorium March 19th, 2015 News from Wild Rice Electric Co-op, Inc. Phone: Serving you 24 hours a day (218) 935-2517 (800) 244-5709 Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Monday–Friday Website: www.wildriceelectric.com
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