., INDlAN COl 'NCIl. OF AGRICl :LllRAL RISLARCII KRISlll BHA VAN: NIV.' llLLlll Iht<:d the 7'" .Ian .. 2015 F. No. FJl-\M 2/4/2007-CDN (A&A) ENDORSEMENT The Government of India. Ministry of Finance. Department of Lxpenditurc has issued Simplification of pension procedure-submission of undertaking by retiring Government servant along with pension papers vide CPAO/Tech/Simplijication/20l4-1S/241-35l dated the Og.(18.20l4. As approved by the Competent Authority. CPAOlTech/Simplification/2014-15 /24l351 dated the 08.08.2014 2014has been posted on the ICAR website \\'\".lcar.org.IH for information, guidance and strict compliance. _.---<:;:---" .. -' ~'---" (G.P.Sharma) Deputy Director ( Finance) Distribution: I ICAR Institutes: 1. 2. 3. II Directors/Joint Directors.lProject Directors of all Research Institutes/Project Directorates and National Research Centres/Bureaux Project Coordinators/Coordmated Research Projects/Zonal Project Directors. The Finance &Acctts. Officers of all Research Institutes, Project Directorates and National Research Centres. ICAR Headquarters: 1. All Officers/Sections, ICAR, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi including Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan I & II, NASC, Pusa, New Delhi 2. ADG (CDN )/ADG (PIM)lPD, DKMA 3. ND, NAIP/ Chairman, ASRB 4. NC, NFBSFARA 5. Director (A), ICAR Hqrs/ Director (DARE) 6. Sf. PPS to Secretary, DARE & DG, ICARIPPS to Additional Secretary, DARE & Secretary, ICARIPPS to Special Secretary & Financial Adviser, DARE/ICAR 7. Shri Hans Raj, Information System Officer, Agriculture Knowledge Management Units (AKMU), KAB-I Pusa, New Delhi-12 for placing the above mentioned OM in the ICAR Website. 8. Secretary (Staff Side) 9. Guard file 10. Spare copies-l 0 • 'IT'I'll ~ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDiTURE CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE TRIKOOT-il. BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE. NEW DELHl-110066 f.ffi .. ..,.,"'.... "'Ill ~ ~ ;m., lI«J ""III",,, ~-II ~ qil'IJ ~ "Ilf ~-110066 ~ PHONES: 26174596, 2617445(;, 26174438 : 26174596,26174458.26174438 • • CPAorrecb/Simplifi~tionI2014-IS /2-41.-:1S- I 08.08.2014 Office Memorandum Sub: Simplification 'If' pension procedure-submission of undertaking by retiring Government servAnt along with pension papers "The Stheme for Payment of pensions to Central Government Civil Pen~ioners lhrough Authorized BaTIks" issued by CPAO provides for an undertaKing of recovery of overpayment to be submitted by the retiring Governmentservant!pensioner to the pension disbursing bank before commencement of pel!Sion. Del~yed Submission of this undertaking has been a main reason in crediting the firsl payment of pension to the pensioners ace·ounl. In order to simplity the pension procedure and consequent upon toe dclinking of commencement of pension with the first time identification of the pensioner by bank, Ihe Department of Pension &'Pelll'ioners' Welfare has approved the submission of undertaking by the retiring Government servill1taiong with pension papers before hisretiremenl. NOIv. the required undertaking may be obtained by the Head of Ornee from the retiring Gov<fnment servant along with Form 5 and other documents before his retirement and forw"rded the same to Pay and Accounts Ornee along with perisitm case for onward transmission to bank through CPAO. The undertaking shall be addressed 10 the Branch Manager of the Pension Acc.ount Holding Branch and in the prescribed fannat (copy enclosed) These il1struct;ons were earlier issued by Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare ,ide their OM dated 7'" May. 2(114 and CPAO vide its OM dated 28"' May, 2014(available on CPAO< website). B~t it has been npticed that Head of theOm""s and Pay and Accounts Offices are not even awareaf these instructions so far. Conseqoently, these instructions are not being impkmenled and the main reason of delay in first credit of pension by the banks still persists. rilis is a matter of great COncern. Therefore, aU Pro CCAS/CCAs'CAs are requested 10 issue directions to their PAOs for cnmplying with the OM No. CPAOffechiSimplificatipn/2014-15/52 dated-28.05.2014 and to ensure that all pension cases received fi'om Head of Offices are supported with undertaking of recovery of overpayment aod the same is invariably forwarded to CPAO as a pari ofPPO booklet for onward transmission 10 CPPCoflhe bank. All authprization sections in CPAO have already been directed nOI to accept any pension case for authorization pensiol1 payrnent received without the undertaking. "r Enc1: - ASlIbo\'e To, I) All Pro CCAsiCCAslCAsiAGs (with intWilenden1 charge) 2) Geoernl Managers to all.autborized CPI'C Danks An 3) Guard file ) - • • • SPECIMEN LEDER OF UNDERTAKING BY THE PENSIONER Date: Tn TnE; Branch Manager Payment of pension under AlC No._ _ __ ~ _ • ___ " . . , _ . .0" _ _ _ _ _ _ , __ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "_, ~ (Bank, _____ _ . ".,--- {Branch & addreSs) ...... ___ . . ___ through your Bank. In cOflSiderat,on of your hav:ng a: my requ~st, aureeC to make payment of peQS1or: dUe to me every month by credit to my accQur.t with you i the Und€rslgned agree ane ~ndeftaKe to refund or rr.ake good any amount to which 1am not, entit!ec or any amount Wf"llcr. may be cr~d!ted to my account in excess of the am'QU:lt to Which I am or would be entItled ; Turtner hereby undertake and agree to bind myself and my tlEms. successor. executors ana adrn:n!strators to Fldenr:ify the bank frem and against any loss s~;fferE:d or incur rea conk in tr 1 f so CfE;dlLrlg my pension to '1", account under the scheme ano to forthWith pay the samE:" to the bank and a!sc irrevocably authorise the bank to :tcover the amount due by deb!' 10 my said account or any other account! deposits belong!'lg to mE; in the possessior of thE, bank Signature Name Adaress Witnesses: , j Signature SignaturE; Name Name: Address Address Date Date,
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