V ICAR-INDIAN INSTITUTE OF NATURAL RESINS AND GUMS Namkum, Ranchi _ 934 010 Jharkhand {vlq{ Ph: 2261156, EpBAX : ?1601.17;FM : 06s1_2260202, website: http://ilri.ernet.in ICAR Applications in the prescribed format are invited from erigibre candiirates for engagement as senior Research Fellow (SRF) under the following time bound pro1"it, ,,Network Project on High Value Compounds and phytochemicals,, Senior Research Fellow (ihree posts) f+',!!.l*r'ffr€r..'r.E postgraduate Degree in organic chemistry/ Appried chemistry/ pharmaceuticar synthesis, product development in naturat gums ffi."i;:Ti*"";;;^,yticallaboratory/ln5titutioninorganic and polymers, .r;;.,;;;.;;; i;J'.il;il:;ffii::: compounds, handring of soohisticated anaryticar instruments Rs.16, m 000/-per month for with proficiency in computer apprications. 1st and 2nd years and Rs.L8, o0o/ per month for 3d year + HRA 35 years for men and 40 years for women as on the date of walk-in-interview up to 31.03.2017 dE _ s:Mi.,r,,rrr1.r,r:r.r.rtlft tEriEtinE il! !Fr! tg/02/2075, 10.00 to 11.00 a.m. at Transfer of Technology (ToT) Division, |CAR_ NRG, Namkum, nanchi, .tharkhanO. The above position will be filled up on contractual basis, for the pieriod of the project sanctioned as mentioned 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. above. The serected candidate shat not craim for regurar appointment at this rnstitute and their contracts are co-terminus with the project. No WDA will be paid for appearing in the interview. 9. rcAR, as candidates appearing for interview shourd bring their bio-data in the encrosed format, passport size photograph (2 no.), and originar documenit,^ rrpo"n'"i their quarifications, experience etc' from matricuratron onwards arong wittt ,"t or p.oiJ.'oiiJs or at the documents. candidates arready in emprovment ihourd "bring employer at the time of interview. " t;- d;;;;"" certificate (Noc) from theii Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature. :^":T::[:lii:11: 8. / or wilr be encouraged to reeister ror tr'0, "' ,r'" basis or the work done under The decision of Director, ICAR_ NRG, Ranchi, will be final and binding in all respects. For detail notification visit ICAR_'NRG website .t, f,ttp,Ziiii.urn"t.inl_iinrg/vacancy.html INDIAN INSTITUTE OF NATURAL RESTNS AND GUMS NAMKUM, RANCHI. E34 ()1O APPLICATION FORMATE (To be neatly tYPed/handwritten) Application for the post Affix latest passport siZe self attested of: Name of the applicant (lN BLOCK LETTERS) Fathers/Husband's Name Date of Birth and place (DD/MM/YYYY) Age as on date of walk in interview , I Years Nationalitv -Months Sex (Male/Female) -DaYs Marital status (Married/unmarried) Correspondence Address with Pin Code (IN BLOCK LETTERS) 9. Permanent Addrbss 10. a) E-mail address b) Contact No./Mobile No. * a) Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC ? b) tfyes, State name ofthe Caste c) Whether person with disabilitY? - Percentage of disabilitY - Nature of disability as Per OA certificate d) (i) Arc you ex-serviceman ? (ii) Period of service rendered in From ------------To------------ Defence (ii) Total period -of service rendered in Defence (iv) Reasons for Discharge from : --------Years----------Months-----------Days : servlce on (a) (b) (c) or (d) as applicable Please enclose self attested copy ofthe certificate issued by Appropriate authority (SSLC valentlt* or Matricrrlation from fication lstartin!, I 2. Educational/Technical * * Attach self attested copies of all relevant certificate and nrark sheet in support ofproofof Date ofBirth, F-ssential percentage from cGPA/SGPA etc. and desirable qualification. Please also attach conversion rormula to change in oln 13. Experience (Particulars Name ofthe Ernployer ofall Designation previor.rs and preselt employmentxstarting from earliest employment)*** Pay Scale/Salary/ Consolidated Remuneration drawn Period From Nature of Dulies/Works To *** Altach selfattesled copies ofexperience cenificate 14. Any other information the candidate may like to : add, ifany DECLARATION solemnly hereby declare that all the statements made/ information furnislred in this application are true, complete andtonect to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand and agree that in the event of any information or statements furnished by me being found to be false or incorrect or incomplete or ineligible being delected at any slage before or after interview, ml application/ candidature is liable to be summarily rejected and if already appointed, my services are liable to be terminared withour any notice and I shall be bound by the decision ofthe Director, Inhian Institute ofNatural Resins & Gums, Namkum, Ranchi. Date: Place: List ofdocuments attached (ielfattested photocopies to be aftached here) a. b. c. f. Signature of the Candidate
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