ALIGN WITH TOP TRIM EDGE To be used in top-left placement NEW LAUNCH EVENT ALIGN WITH LEFT SIDE OF TYPE AREA OR MASTHEAD BOOK BY 20 FEBRUARY AND SAVE UP TO £200! 13-14 March, London To be used in bottom-left placement New for 2015: The only event to focus solely on risk management challenges and tools for the banking industry ALIGN WITH BOTTOM TRIM EDGE PRE CONFERENCE WORKSHOP: RISK AND CONTROL CULTURE IN BANKS The recent financial crisis triggered countless regulatory changes that continue to challenge the banking sector. As firms adapt to increasing demands and hurry to meet the strict deadlines imposed by regulators, blurred definitions and spiralling costs continue to cause concern. In these testing times, Risk is proud to present its inaugural Bank Risk Europe conference. High profile speaker line-up includes: Martin Vazquez Suarez, Advisor in the Supervisory Policy Division, Directorate General Micro-Prudential Supervision IV, SSM, ECB Stephen J. Bell, CRO, ULSTER BANK, RBS Simo Lamine, Global Head of Market Risk for Fixed Income Primary and Credit Trading, BNP PARIBAS Milan Dragaš, Head of Market Risk Analytics, Europe, STANDARD CHARTERED Kathryn Kerle, Head of Risk, Reporting and Risk Infrastructure, RBS Registration E: [email protected] T: 0207 316 9176 W: RBR15-BR148x210.indd 1 Marie-Christine Crewe, Managing Director, Head of Risk Control Operations, UBS Gulsh Mandair, CRO: Risk and Finance Data Analytics and Reporting, CREDIT SUISSE Frank Klausen, Head of Group Strategic Risk Management and Analysis, NORDEA Konstantina Armata, Global Head of Model Validation and Counterparty Exposure, DEUTSCHE BANK Kevin Middleton, Director Liquidity Risk, WESTPAC Sponsorship Ewa Rosol T: 0207 316 9681 E: [email protected] Follow us: @RiskConfs 28/01/2015 15:10 13-14 March, London A SEPARATELY BOOKABLE WORKSHOP LED BY INDUSTRY EXPERTS Dear Executive, FULL DAY PRE CONFERENCE WORKSHOP: Challenges and opportunities in shaping a strong risk and control culture in banks For banks, the post-crisis years continue to be plagued by uncertainty. In the markets, the decisions of finance ministers and central bankers have become one of the key determinants of price; in the field of bank strategy, meanwhile, everything hinges on still-evolving regulatory policy. Registration Natasha Witter E: [email protected] T: 0207 316 9176 W: The questions facing the industry range from the calibration of the international leverage ratio and the methodology on which it will be based, to the design of a system of capital floors that could slash the benefits offered by existing regulatory capital models. In Europe, banks could still face structural separation, with investment banking units being fenced off from traditional consumer and commercial banking; in the US, regulators are considering a capital surcharge for banks that rely heavily on wholesale funding. That’s just part of it – other ongoing projects include attempts to agree a capital framework for interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB), and an ambitious overhaul of trading book capital rules. Putting it mildly, these still-pending verdicts make life difficult for banks to work out where to allocate their resources – and that has knock-on effects for every other market participant. Bank Risk 2015 will try to remove some of the uncertainty, showing you how your peers are approaching these issues, and giving you insight into how the industry will continue changing. Speakers include the chief risk officers at UniCredit, Groupe BPCE and Ulster Bank, as well as senior risk and regulatory specialists from BNP Paribas, Citi, Deutsche Bank, and UBS. The keynote speaker is a microprudential specialist from the European Central Bank. You will have the chance to put questions to the speakers following each discussion or presentation, and to network with fellow delegates during breaks and at the closing cocktail reception – it is an unrivalled chance to learn from the rest of the industry, to test your expectations and plans, and to refine your approach as the banking landscape continues to evolve. I look forward to welcoming you to the event in April. Yours faithfully, Duncan Wood Editor Risk RBR15-BR148x210.indd 2 28/01/2015 15:10 BOOK BY 20 FEBRUARY AND SAVE UP TO £200! 13-14 March, London Why attend? Hear and get the chance to meet speakers from global investment and commercial banks Researched and developed with senior specialists from European banks, learn from an agenda tailored specifically to the sell-side industry Leading CROs from top banks from across Europe will divulge their greatest challenges and offer insight into what the new risk landscape looks like for 2015 and beyond Discover how much of Basel III has been achieved and what more must still be done to guarantee compliance The pre-conference workshop offers insight into the complexities and opportunities in determining a strong risk and control culture in banks With two streams to choose from, tailor the conference to your specific interests and requirements Network and engage with peers from within the banking industry throughout networking breaks and drinks reception Who should attend? This event will be of value to industry participants wishing to stay at the forefront of the risk and regulation space; it will be of particular relevance to those business leaders working in the following: By institution Investment banks Commercial banks Central banks By job title CROs and Heads of: Market Risk Model Risk Model Validation Risk Analytics Risk Control Regulatory Risk Liquidity Risk Credit Risk Stress Testing Internal Audit Compliance Counterparty Risk Fixed Income Quantitative Analysis Pricing Validation Enterprise Risk Front Office Risk and Resource Management Liquidity Risk Policy and Disclosure Registration Sponsorship Natasha Witter E: [email protected] T: 0207 316 9176 W: Ewa Rosol T: +44 (0) 20 7316 9681 E: [email protected] RBR15-BR148x210.indd 3 28/01/2015 15:10 13-14 March, London Pre-conference workshop: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN SHAPING A STRONG RISK AND CONTROL CULTURE IN BANKS 13 April 2015 08:00 Registration and refreshments 09:00 Organisational culture and its relation to risk and control culture 10:30 Morning break 11.00 CASE STUDY: Key recent events that have drastically changed expectations of banks in relation to culture and behaviours 12.30 Lunch 13.30 REGULATORY EXPECTATIONS: Financial Stability Board, PRA, FCA 15.00 Afternoon break 15.30 PANEL DISCUSSION: Implementing, measuring and auditing culture Cultural change programmes: design and implementation challenges How culture can be measured: challenges and common pitfalls Auditing an organisation’s culture 17.00 End of workshop The workshop is led by: Lucio Della-Ratta, Managing Director Internal Audit, Global Head of Risk Management Audit, BARCLAYS Lucio has been with Barclays since 2005, where he has held a number of senior roles in internal audit over the years, both in London and overseas, covering Risk, Treasury, Finance, as well Investment Banking and Retail and Commercial Banking activities. Prior to Barclays, Lucio worked for ING Barings, most recently as Global Head of Risk Management Audit. Lucio began his career as a regulator at Bank of Italy. Lucio holds a PhD in Finance, (Cass Business School, London, UK), an MSc in Economics and Finance (Warwick Business School, UK) and a BSc in Economics with specialisation in International Monetary Economics (Bocconi University, Milan). RBR15-BR148x210.indd 4 28/01/2015 15:10 13-14 March, London BOOK BY 20 FEBRUARY AND SAVE UP TO £200! 08:00 Registration and refreshments 08:50 Welcome address from Risk 09:00 REGULATORY OPENING ADDRESS: Addressing the impacts of current and proposed regulatory reform A progress report on the implementation of Basel III - What has been achieved and what must still be done? Issues of extra territoriality and the need for greater regulatory harmonisation- Pros and cons for the lack of consistency Addressing the need for more regular and constructive communication between industry and regulators What must the industry prioritise in 2015 to satisfy regulatory demands? Martin Vazquez Suarez, Advisor in the Supervisory Policy Division in Directorate General Micro-Prudential Supervision IV, SSM, ECB 09:40 CRO PANEL DISCUSSION: A balancing act? Getting to grips with the daily challenges encountered by CROs in their increasingly multi-dimensional role What does the new risk landscape look like and what challenges does it present? Strategic decision making vs regulatory burden- how can the CRO better satisfy the interests of business and regulators? What more must be done to enhance the frequency of CRO reporting to management and the board of directors? What must be prioritised when judging the risk/reward of each business strategy? The long term concerns for CROs in 2015 and beyond - What will a bank look like in 10 years’ time? Alessandro Maria Decio, CRO, UNICREDIT Stephen J. Bell, CRO, ULSTER BANK, RBS Isabelle Maury, CRO, GROUP BPCE Alessandro Ricci, CRO, STATE STREET BANK SpA 10:20 UNDERSTANDING EXPECTATIONS: Evaluating the results from the FRTB Quantitative Impact Studies What lessons can we learn from QIS and what do regulators intend to do with the results? Where do the QIS fit into the overall regulatory process cycle and are reiterative or immediate responses more suitable to ensure well calibrated regulation? To what extent did strict deadlines hinder the reliability of the QIS results? Have enough business models been captured and assessed by the most recent QIS? Speakers to be confirmed. Check for updates 11:00 Morning refreshment break RBR15-BR148x210.indd 5 28/01/2015 15:10 13-14 March, London 11:30 STREAM 1 CAPITAL MANAGEMENT STREAM 2 MARKET AND MODEL RISK Chairman’s opening remarks Chairman’s opening remarks COMING TO TERMS WITH THE BASEL III RATIOS - LCR, NSFR AND LR EMBEDDING MODEL RISK INTO PEOPLE, POLICIES AND PROCEDURES What are the aims of the LCR- Methods for finding the optimal liquidity hedging portfolio What challenges do banks face for attaining 100% LCR by January 2019- How can they be overcome? What is the relationship between LCR and NSFR and what challenges does this interplay produce? To what extent does the LR play a correlative role to risk weighted ratios and stress tests in measuring capital? Cost benefit analysis- LR framework and higher capital requirements vs. lessening the prospect and severity of systemic crises Reassessing model risk as a risk management matter as opposed to an issue of compliance What must a reliable model risk management program look like to ensure that all three lines of defence are secured? Increasing the focus needed on long term remediation and short term mitigation of outstanding model risk What are the benefits of investing in high quality model documentation? Konstantina Armata, Global Head of Model Validation and Counterparty Exposure, DEUTSCHE BANK Kevin Middleton, Director Liquidity Risk, WESTPAC 12:10 THE MODELLING OF INTEREST RATE RISK IN THE BANKING BOOK How is IRR defined and what differences can be seen when comparing IRRBB and IRRTB? Earnings perspective vs economic value perspective- best practice for measuring IRRBB Best practice for implementing strong IRRBB governance and measurement frameworks Incorporating NMD- which models best determine the dimensions of NMD? Ruth Wandhöfer, Global Head of Regulatory & Market Strategy, CITI RBR15-BR148x210.indd 6 CREDIT VALUATION ADJUSTMENT (CVA) IN THE CONTEXT OF ITS MODEL RISK Examining the conflict between International Finance Reporting Standards (IFRS) and regulatory definitions of CVA- is it possible to satisfy both sides? What are the practical impacts of the different assumptions on CVA management? Methods for effectively hedging against CVA risk Speakers to be confirmed. Check for updates 28/01/2015 15:10 13-14 March, London 12:50 Lunch and opportunity to network 13:50 MORE THAN A COMPLIANCE EXERCISE? EVALUATING THE BENEFITS OF STRESS TESTING What does an effective stress testing program look like? Passing enterprise-wide stress tests - What should firms prioritise to ensure success? How accurate are common stress scenarios as indicators of market resilience? Facilitating the integration of stress testing into models Comparing expectations between the EBA, PRA and FED Bertrand Hassani, Group Head of Operational and Non-Financial Risks Methodology, BANCO SANTANDER 14.30 REVISIONS TO THE BASEL SECURITISATION FRAMEWORK - WHAT IT MEANS FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OF THE EUROPEAN MARKET What were the motivations for revising the securitisation framework? Regulatory vs political will- Contradictions in the proposed securitisation framework Changes to the hierarchy of approachesWhat consequences will follow in the wake of the change from MSFA to IRB and ERB? What will the future of the securitisation market look like? Speakers to be confirmed. Check for update 15:10 BOOK BY 20 FEBRUARY AND SAVE UP TO £200! RISK MODEL VALIDATION IN A POST FRTB WORLD Motivation of the FRTB: A brief history of statistical risk models and their shortcomings Integrating risk model validation frameworks What are the first steps? Incorporating market illiquidity risk - How will new liquidity horizons help to reassess the strategies of illiquidity risk management? Impacts of stress calibration How large is the divergence between Pillar 1 and Pillar 2? Peter Quell, Head of Portfolio Modelling for Market and Credit Risk, DZ BANK MITIGATING MARKET RISKSWITCHING FROM VAR TO EXPECTED SHORTFALL Pro and cons of expected shortfall- Is ES more effective than VaR at capturing tail risk? Modelling, data and back testing demandsOvercoming implementation challenges Best practice for communicating strengths and weaknesses of ES to front and back office Questioning the move to desk level for market risk model approval What counts as a trading desk? Milan Dragaš, Head of Market Risk Analytics, Europe, STANDARD CHARTERED Afternoon refreshment break RBR15-BR148x210.indd 7 28/01/2015 15:10 13-14 March, London 15:40 PANEL DISCUSSION: Data quality vs increased data demands - Adjusting to BCBS 239 and the evolving environment for risk technology and systems The role of technology in banks’ overall risk framework- How does technology support risk aggregation and allocation? In what ways can technology help to improve the quality and management of risk data? Which technology systems provide the most effective enterprise-wide view of risk and which systems help process information quicker? How ready is the industry for the move from enterprise level analysis to legal entity analysis? Kathryn Kerle, Head of Risk, Reporting and Risk Infrastructure, RBS Marie-Christine Crewe, Managing Director, Head of Risk Control Operations, UBS Gulsh Mandair, CRO: Risk and Finance Data Analytics and Reporting, CREDIT SUISSE Rajib Chakravorty, Lead Risk Programme Data Architect 16:20 PANEL DISCUSSION: Establishing an appropriate risk appetite framework What does a well-defined risk appetite framework look like? Theory vs reality- Best practice for articulating and embedding risk appetite into your business plan Risk managers vs trading floor- What is the optimum balance of power? Breaking free from business silos- How can risk managers obtain a single, holistic view of risk across the business? Quantitative and qualitative measures necessary to ensure effective monitoring and governance Stephen J. Bell, Chief Risk Officer, ULSTER BANK, RBS Simo Lamine, Global Head of Market Risk for Fixed Income Primary and Credit Trading, BNP PARIBAS Frank Klausen, Head of Group Strategic Risk Management and Analysis, NORDEA 17:00 Chairman’s closing remarks followed by cocktail reception RBR15-BR148x210.indd 8 28/01/2015 15:10 13-14 March, London BOOK BY 20 FEBRUARY AND SAVE UP TO £200! Sponsors: Fitch Solutions delivers credit market data, analytical tools and risk services to the global financial community. In addition to offering proprietary market-based content, Fitch Solutions distributes the ratings, research and financial data of Fitch Ratings through a variety of flexible platforms. With innovation and experience behind every solution, Fitch Solutions helps financial professionals meet the diverse and evolving needs of today’s global markets. Fitch Group is a global leader in financial information services with operations in more than 30 countries. In addition to Fitch Solutions, the group includes Fitch Ratings, a global leader in credit ratings and research; Fitch Learning, a provider of learning and development solutions for the global financial services industry; and Business Monitor International, a provider of country risk and industry analysis specializing in emerging and frontier markets. Fitch Group is jointly owned by Paris-based Fimalac, S.A. and New York-based Hearst Corporation. RBR15-BR148x210.indd 9 28/01/2015 15:10 events 2015 The live versions of Risk Our regional flagship events are renowned for bringing together executives, practitioners and academics offering insights into the latest theoretical and practical approaches and breaking new frontiers in risk management and derivatives trading. London September, 2015 Hong Kong October, 2015 London 14-15 April, 2015 Buy-side Risk London 15-16 April, 2015 London October, 2015 Milan November, 2015 Hong Kong April, 2015 otc_derivatives Bank Risk London 13-14 April, 2015 June, 2015 New York October, 2015 New York July 14-17, 2015 São Paulo May 19, 2015 Cape Town 11-13 March, 2015 Sydney August, 2015 For more information, please contact: London: Phil Ansley Telephone: +44 (0) 207 316 9643 Email: [email protected] Hong Kong: Harjeet Singh Telephone: +852 3411 4838 Email: [email protected] Powered by: RBR15-BR148x210.indd 10 28/01/2015 15:10 ALIGN WITH TOP TRIM EDGE To be used in top-left placement 13-16 April 2015, London ALIGN WITH LEFT SIDE OF TYPE AREA OR MASTHEAD Industry renowned gathering for the world’s most distinguished quants Risk is proud to present Quant Europe 2015, our annual conference showcasing the latest innovations in derivatives price To be used in modelling, risk management and quantitative strategies being adopted by leading financial institutions. bottom-left placement 2015 Highlights: Our Specialist Advisory Board members ALIGN WITH BOTTOM TRIM EDGE • Plenary address from a leading regulator • Extensive research from ‘Call For Papers’ campaign selected by Market Leading Advisory Board members • Presentations of cutting-edge research on clearing, collateral, funding, credit risk, capital optimization, balance sheet modelling, interest rate, volatility, derivatives pricing and more • Plus, unrivalled networking opportunities with your peers and industry leading lights Sponsor: Greg B Davies, Managing Director, Head of Behavioural Investment Philosophy, BARCLAYS - WEALTH AND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Andrew Green, Head Of Quantitative Credit Developments, LLOYDS BANKING GROUP Rama Cont, Chair of Mathematical Finance & Director, CFM-Imperial Institute of Quantitative Finance, IMPERIAL COLLEGE Registration queries: Ben Wood T: +44 (0)207 968 4505 E: [email protected] ALIGN WITH TOP TRIM EDGE To be used in top-left placement ALIGN WITH LEFT SIDE OF TYPE AREA OR MASTHEAD 15-16 April, London To be used in bottom-left Risk is delighted to announce the launch of the Buy-side Risk placement Europe conference, which will be held at the Hilton Canary Wharf on the 15 April, with a post-conference workshop on 16 April. ALIGN WITH BOTTOM TRIM EDGE New for 2015, Buy-side Risk Europe brings you a two-stream agenda that will address the key risk management challenges currently facing the buy-side community. Sponsorship Opportunities Ewa Rosol T: +44(0)207 316 9681 E: [email protected] RBR15-BR148x210.indd 11 Registration/Booking Information Natasha Witter T: +44 (0)207 316 9176 E: [email protected] 28/01/2015 15:10 BOOK BY 20 FEBRUARY AND SAVE UP TO £200! 13-14 March, London Booking Form FINANCIAL INSITUTIONS RATES VENDOR RATES Full rate Book Before 20 February Book Before 20 March Subscriber Full rate Subscriber 2 day: Conference & workshop only £1,899 £1,499 £1,699 £1,519 £2,999 £2,399 1 day conference only £1,499 £1,199 £1,299 £1,199 £2,499 £1,999 1 day workshop only £999 £799 £899 £799 £1,999 £1,599 * Please note all prices are subject to VAT REGISTRATION DETAILS Please complete your details below in block capitals To claim your Risk subscriber rate, quote your subscription reference number here Title First Name Last name Job title/position Department Company Address Post/zip code Country Telephone Email Fax PAYMENT DETAILS Please debit my Valid from date Amex Visa / Mastercard 4056/15 Maestro Issue number Security number card no expiry date / account address if different from above signature date Incisive Financial Publishing Ltd. VAT No: GB 756978165. For companies in EU member states only: Please write your VAT/TVA/BTW/IVA/ MCMS/MWST/FPA number here TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. Data Protection By registering for Bank Risk Europe 2015, Incisive Financial Publishing Limited will send you further information relating to this event. In addition we will send you information about our other relevant products and services which we believe will be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive other relevant information from Incisive Financial Publishing Limited via a particular medium, please tick the following relevant boxes: MailTel Email Incisive Financial Publishing Limited will also allow carefully selected third parties to contact you about their products and services. If you do not wish to receive information from third parties via any of the following media please check the relevant boxes: Mail Tel Email RBR15-BR148x210.indd 12 2. Disclaimer We accept bookings on the understanding that if we cannot meet our obligations because of circumstances beyond our control, we will not be held liable for loss suffered by you or a third party. This includes (without limitation) a change in the programme or an alteration to the venue and/or speakers. 3. Venue Rules You must comply with all rules, regulations, and other reasonable instructions of the owner of the venue at which the event is taking place. 4. Photography Photography and/or recording (whether visual or aural) of the proceedings of the event without our prior written consent are strictly prohibited. 5. Personal Effects We are not responsible otherwise liable to you for loss or damage to your personal property while you are in attendance at the venue at which the event is taking place. 28/01/2015 15:10
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