MEGHALAYA BASIN DEYELOPMENT AUTHORITY MBDA) ffi IIQR: SIilLLONG Ph: 03642 52292t / 252299 2 Fax;O36425?2921 Enail mbdashillons( AI)\rERTISEMENT No. MBDA -4 tzoBtZA) tneL{( Dated ShiIIon g lanuary, 2015 The Meghalaya Basin Development Authoriry (MBDA) rs implementing the Integrated Basin Development and Livelihood Promotion Programme (IBDLP)-a flagship livelihoods programme of the Government of Meghalaya. The Intemational Fund for Agricukural Development (IFAD) is supporting the Meghalaya Livelihoods and Access to Markets Project @ECJ-IALAMP) which is part of the IBDLP. MBDA invites applications in prescribed form, from digible candidares for the following contractual posts: SLNo Name ofPost I.I Sr. Manager T2 [.ocation Monttrh Emolurnent Shillong 30,000/- (Tdi"g) Manager (Training) zs,ooo/- WestJaintia Hills East Jaintia Hills fu Bhoi District West Garo Hills District North Garo Hills District South C:aro Hills District South West Garo Flills District I.3 Sr. Manager(Enterprise Devdopment & EFC Shillong 30,000/- Coordrnator) I.4 Manager(Enterprise Development & EFC Coordinator) o East Khasi Hills District r West KLasi Hills zs,wo/- Disrict o EmtJaintia Hills o Sourh Wst Khasi Hills District o West Jaintia Hills District . South Garo Hills District o North Garo Hills District o Soutl West C,ero Hills Disrrict I5 Sr. Manager (Monitoring & Evaluadon & Shillcmo 30,000/- Planning) r-6 Manager (Ivlonitoring & Evaluation & Planning) II 1.7 District Project Manager I L8 Sr, Manager (lGowledge Managemenr) Shillong T9 Asgi,*qant Manager (Field Monitoring) Districts Headquarters I Districts Headquarters zs,@o/3o,ooo/30,000/- Shillong zo,om/- fusistant Manager (Data Analysis) Shillong 20,ow/- TT.E7 Assistant Maaager (Financial Analysis) Shillong zopm/- t.I2 Assistant Manager /Programme Shillong 2fr,Ccl}/- for Assisrant Manager l.IO 1 Associate (IvtIS) &12,000/ 15000/ 17,000 (as per educational qualification) for Programme Associate I.I3 Executive Associate .1. Notification Shillong and Presc cost from any application form can be tle website, www,mbda.qov.rn 6e ohtei."d fr"" .f of rhe Ofiice of the Depury Commissioner & Chairman, Basin Devdopmenr Unir, Headquarter ar the I I Disrict Headquarters. 2. I2,OO0 All positions are being offered on conrract. Details in this regard may be seen in rhe notification. ,{ I l Application founs duly filled in'cen be submifted at the Office of D.p,rtf Connnissioner Sa Cheirrnm, Basin Develo,prnent Unit, EKH District, Shilong and WGH District, Tura respectiveJy upto 5{X) PM on 2IF6ruery-2OI5 or scanned copies of t[e by errr,il to recruitrnenunb&@gnilcoqn the Edicating applica.tioa for the pct (name of the po*) in the srbfect lina Herd copies may be send by post/cor{iqtheteafter addressed to Human Resoutce Section, Meghaleya Basin Devdopment Authority, C/O Meghalaya #t" H"*i"g filled application forms and annexuaes ma7 be seut Financing Coo,perative Society Ltd. C-ampus, Nongrim Hills-793003-Ea& applicarion submined electronically would be acknowledged and only this a*nowledg.rn.nt will consticute proof ofsubanission t bc (P,rgdf*s) Dep,rrT ChicfEreo*iw Officct Meg$alaya Basin Dwdoprnan Authority Meghalaya State Housing Financing Cooperative Society Ltd. Campus Td No: ,|t/ i,*' NongdmHills -793OO3 - 2522921/ 2522992 0364
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