GRIFFIN FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany Boy Scout Sunday Liturgical Color: Green “...We will not neglect the house of our God.” Nehemiah 10:39 GRIFFIN FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Making disciples for Christ through vibrant worship, dynamic education, and joyful service. 1401 Maple Drive Griffin, GA 30224 770-228-3020 Morning Worship Celebration February 8, 2015 8:45 & 11:00 AM WE GATHER TO CELEBRATE AND GIVE THANKS Children three years of age and younger are invited to the Nursery in the center of the Ed. Building. Please turn off all pagers, cell phones and similar devices while in the Sanctuary. Hearing devices and large print hymnals are available through our ushers. During the Prelude, you are encouraged to prepare your hearts to meet the living God in worship. † 11:00 Service only Prelude * The People Standing Prelude in B-Flat Simper, arr. Michael Ryan Dr. Richard Chewning, organ Greeting † Call to Worship How Lovely is Your Dwelling Dr. Med Roach Krecht and Husband Chancel Choir Capital Campaign Moment *Hymn *Affirmation of Faith Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee The Apostles’ Creed Hymnal No. 89 Hymnal No. 881 Jane Tarleton, liturgist *Gloria Patri *We Greet One Another Glory Be to the Father Words of Welcome & Information Recognition of the Boy Scouts Hymnal No. 71 Dr. Med Roach WE CELEBRATE WITH OUR CHILDREN Children’s Moment Debby Stikes † Children ages Pre-K, K, and 1st Grade are invited to go to Lighthouse Kids, located in Room 200 on the second floor of the Education Building. Students 2nd thru 5th grade can go to Room 205, also upstairs in the Education Building for JAM Session. Parents may pick up their children in these rooms immediately following the service. WE CELEBRATE THROUGH PRAYER AND GIVING Morning Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer *Hymn Sweet Hour of Prayer The Giving of the Tithe & Offering Dr. Med Roach Hymnal No. 496 Offertory I Am a Poor Wayfaring Stranger Arr. Anna Laura Page Dr. Richard Chewning, organ *Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Hymnal No. 95 WE CELEBRATE THROUGH HEARING † Anthem O How Amiable are Thy Dwellings Ralph Vaughan Williams Chancel Choir O how amiable are thy dwellings, thou Lord of hosts! My soul hath a desire and longing to enter into the courts of the Lord: My heart and my flesh rejoice in the living God. Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house, and the swallow a nest where she may lay her young: even thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and My God. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be always praising thee. The glorious majesty of the Lord our God be upon us: prosper thou the work of our hands upon us, O prosper thou our handywork. O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home. *Scripture Lesson Liturgist: People: Nehemiah 10:35-39 The word of God for the people of God. Our thanks be to God. Sermon We Will Not Neglect the House of Our God WE GO TO CELEBRATE THROUGH SERVICE *Hymn I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord *Benediction Congregation Response Great is Thy Faithfulness Dr. Med Roach Hymnal No. 540 Dr. Med Roach William Runyan Great is thy faithfulness; great is thy faithfulness. Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed thy hand hath provided. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me. Postlude Trumpet Tune in C Dr. Richard Chewning, organ Michael Ryan ANNOUNCEMENTS FEBRUARY 18, 2015 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] TODAY STEWARDSHIP Worship Opportunities Attendance (February 1, 2015) Traditional Worship at 8:45 and 11:00 in the Sanctuary THE BRANCH Contemporary Worship at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall Traditional 8:45 114 Traditional 11:00 262 The Branch 11:00 148 JAM Session 25 Worship total 549 Sunday School 305 Wednesday Night Supper 134 Christian Enrichment Center 1,714 Other Activities 347 Non-Worship 2,500 Grand Total 3,049 Ushers 8:45- Boy Scout Troop 4 11:00- Boy Scout Troop 4 Acolytes 8:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Wesley Partin Molly Flanagan Milz Cain SERVING MINISTRIES Lighthouse Kids Isaac and Shelly Melton Help Ministry February 9 February 10 February 11 Februray 12 February 13 Jane Weathers Lucy White Liz Watkins Christine Napier Linda Stutes IN HONOR A gift has been given in honor of Lisa Webb and Judy Parker to the Children’s Ministry. A gift has been given in honor of Liz Watkins, Anne Dixon and Trudy Gill to the Building Fund. A gift has been given in honor of Frances Phillips to the Amick Fund. Financial 2015 Budget Weekly budget Received February 1 Needed in 5 weeks Received in 5 weeks Requirements to date $1,239,595 23,839 23,423 119,195 99,598 -19,597 IN MEMORIAM A gift has been given in memory of Dessa Rea to the Amick Fund. A gift has been given in memory of Carol Smith to the CEC. A gift has been given in memory of Frank Whalley to the Music Fund. IN SYMPATHY AND LOVE …to Blair and Turner Burson on the death of Blair’s grandmother, Jennie Carlton of Union Point, Georgia. REMEMBER IN PRAYER Coleman Clements Steve Long (Emory) Jean Smith (rehab in Marietta) Richard Lumpkin (Heritage Healthcare of Griffin) Kathy McCain (Brightmoor Rehab) Lucille Moon (rehab in Fayetteville) MEDITATION [email protected] How did our church get to where it is today? I love to hear the many stories of the members who remember when First Methodist was located on Hill and Solomon Streets in downtown Griffin. Their memories remind us that we have a rich heritage of leadership and a solid commitment to our Christian faith. One story in particular I’ve heard from many of you is how the motion was made to build a new church building. Anne and Billy Thomas recall a time when both were teaching different children’s Sunday School classes in the old building. Billy taught sixth grade and Anne taught the three year olds. Billy said he had no discipline problems in his class because the room they were in was too small and the youth were so crammed in that they didn’t have room to misbehave. Anne’s classroom presented a problem also in that it was held in the “steeple room” and was extremely hot for small children. Shortly after that Billy, Anne and their three children (and one on the way) came home from church and as they sat down for dinner Billy announced that he had made a promise to God in church that day. He had promised that he was going to help build a new church and that he was going to also help take care of the church. In 1957 Billy requested that the Administrative Board of Griffin Methodist church consider building another church building with more property and more space for a long and thriving future. To shorten three years of history and meetings the church decided to relocate to our current location and in 1960 the building process began and the first worship was held on April 16th, 1961! To keep his promise to God, Billy Thomas suggested that the Administrative Board establish a Perpetual Care Trust Fund for the church. Along with Billy, Carl Pruett strongly urged the Board to take Billy’s suggestion and they did. On December 27th, 1979 the Pruett/ Thomas Fund was established. To this day the trust fund carries a balance that has allowed the interest on the principle to manage much of the church’s maintenance issues over the years. I share this history with you to say that we all must be grateful for such visionary leaders in our past that has allowed our church to thrive in the present. Some of these leaders have gone on to their Heavenly Home and some still remain with us today still overseeing the ministries of our church. There is simply not enough space to name all those visionaries but most of us know who they are. Now, friends, it is time for you and me to take the torch and continue to be the light for Griffin, Georgia. We must now do our part in helping preserve the future. As our fathers and mothers did for us we must keep the Gospel alive for the next generation and generations to come. Please remember our Reaching Out Campaign scripture, “We will not neglect the house of our God.” Peace and grace, Med The contemporary worship service of Griffin First United Methodist Church February 8, 2015 Praise & Worship Set I’ll Fly Away ǀĞƌ>ŝŌŝŶŐ We Believe February 8, 2015 KīĞƌŝŶŐ ^ĞƌŵŽŶ “As Good As It Gets” ZĞǀ͘<ĞǀŝŶĂƌŶĞƐ Nehemiah 10:35 ŽŵŵƵŶŝŽŶ hŶŝƚĞĚDĞƚŚŽĚŝƐƚƐŽīĞƌĂŶŽƉĞŶƚĂďůĞ͖ƚŚŝƐŵĞĂŶƐĂůůĂƌĞǁĞůĐŽŵĞĨŽƌ,ŽůLJŽŵŵƵŶŝŽŶ͘ 'ůƵƚĞŶĨƌĞĞǁĂĨĞƌƐĂƌĞĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞƵƉŽŶƌĞƋƵĞƐƚĂƚƚŚĞĨƌŽŶƚ͘ WƌĂŝƐĞΘtŽƌƐŚŝƉ^ŽŶŐ dŚƌŽƵŐŚŝƚůů;/ƚŝƐtĞůůͿ Lighthouse Kids ;WƌĞƐĐŚŽŽůʹϭƐƚŐƌĂĚĞͿŵĞĞƚŽŶƚŚĞϮŶĚŇŽŽƌŽĨƚŚĞĚƵĐĂƟŽŶƵŝůĚŝŶŐŝŶƌŵϮϬϬ͘ JAM Session;ϮŶĚʹϱƚŚŐƌĂĚĞͿŵĞĞƚŽŶƚŚĞϮŶĚŇŽŽƌŽĨƚŚĞĚƵĐĂƟŽŶƵŝůĚŝŶŐŝŶƌŵϮϬϱ͘ WĂƌĞŶƚƐŵĂLJƉŝĐŬƵƉƚŚĞŝƌĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶŝŶƚŚĞƐĞƌŽŽŵƐŝŵŵĞĚŝĂƚĞůLJĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐƚŚŝƐƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ͘ Wesley Drive Choir/Office Christian Enrichment Center (Gym) Sanctuary Education Building (Nursery 1st floor) (JAM & Lighthouse Kids 2nd floor) Maple Drive Fellowship Hall FLOWERS BOOK STUDY The flowers on the altar are to the glory of God and in loving memory of Jerry Johnson by Reba Johnson, Todd and Anna Johnson, Trina and Eric Nielsen, Taylor and Lindsay Johnson, and grandchildren. Leadership Group Study on “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” By: John C. Maxwell You are invited to a Mastermind Group study on “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” by John Maxwell. This is a 8 week in-depth study that will afford you the opportunity to join forces and mastermind with a unique group of like-minded individuals who are focused on taking results in every area of their lives to a new level. Contact Trudy Gill for more information 678.588.0427 Study begins Thursday Evening, February 12 in the CEC library at 6:00 pm. No cost except purchase the book. DISCIPLESHIP Debby Stikes [email protected] Care Givers Support Group Care Givers Support Group…If you are a care giver, please let Debby Stikes know if you are interested in a support group. Also, if there is interest, what is the best day and time to meet with others who are care givers. Stephen’s Ministry Know someone going through a tough time? Are you going through a tough time? Or maybe just a time of change in your life? Stephen Ministers are trained to walk alongside those in transition. Contact Debby Stikes to discuss how a Stephen Minister might be beneficial. All discussions, appointments of Stephen Ministers, etc. are strictly confidential. Covenant Bible Study A new Covenant Bible study group will begin Sunday, February 15, at 5:30 p.m. in the Forum Sunday School class. Please register with Debby Stikes in the church office if you would like to attend this 8 week study. You should be prepared to attend all 8 sessions. PRESCHOOL Thank You Thank you to everyone who came to the Winter Carnival and had such a great time playing carnival games, eating hot dogs, and winning great deals at the Silent Auction. We are very grateful to all of the folks who donated gifts and services to make this most important fundraiser a great success. We especially thank our preschool board and parents for volunteering in so many ways to make it a memorable event. Registration Classes are filling up at the preschool, yet we still have spaces for children in most age groups. Please call the preschool at 770-2280166 and set up a visit and see what makes First Methodist Preschool so special! FATHER-DAUGHTER DANCE Please reserve Friday night, February 13, 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm, for the Sixth Annual GFUMC Father-Daughter Dance presented by the Music Ministry and the Discipleship Ministry. Enjoy music, fancy decorations and refreshments and receive a free photograph to remember this special night! Tickets are $5 per Father (no additional charge for multiple daughters) and are available from the Church office or from the Preschool office. First 40 daughters through the door receive a wrist corsage! Fathers and daughters of ALL AGES are welcome. Adult Volunteers Needed Our youth group is growing, and we need adult volunteers! We will be diving deeper into Mid High Bible Study on Wednesday Nights from 7:00-7:30p, and we are looking for one or two adult leaders. We are also needing an adult leader for our Senior High Sunday School class to teach every 4th Sunday. If you are interested in either of these volunteer opportunities, please see Laura Watson. Guatemala Mission Meeting The Guatemala Mission team will meet today at 12:30 (directly after the services) to talk about the upcoming mission trip. We will meet in the CEC Reception room. YOUTH CHILDREN Sunday Night Workshop Thanks Youth is on tonight from 5:30 – 7:30 in the CEC. Bring a friend and come out for some games, worship and fellowship! See you there! Thank you to everyone who attended and/ or helped with the Children’s Ministry Workshop on Saturday! We appreciate your hard work and support! We hope you will mark your calendar for April 18th when the North Georgia District will host “Children and Mission” at Grayson UMC. Laura Watson [email protected] Wednesday Night Senior High Bible study will meet at Courtney Savage’s house from 6:30-7:30p and Mid High Motion will meet at the same time in the CEC. Late Night Youth Lock-In Friday, March 13th The lock-in is back, and this time it will be BIGGER than ever! We are joining with First Presbyterian’s youth group to host a lock-in where there will be music, fellowship, games, competition, sleep (if you really want it!)… and fun? It’s going to be crazy. We’ll party from 7pm-7am on FRIDAY THE 13th (March 13th, that is) to Saturday March 14th! Staci Boomer [email protected] Penny Wars Dig out your pennies!! It is that time again for Penny Wars! The boys and girls will see who can collect the most pennies (and other $$) by March 29th. The money will be raised to support the Capital Campaign by purchasing the long window at the end of the hallway in the Educational Building. Don’t forget your change next Sunday! CHRISTIAN ENRICHMENT CENTER Jennifer Vining [email protected] In Jesus’ name we play... Impact Basketball Our Impact Basketball League Games have started! We are excited to have 118 families from our community participating in our 2015 Season! Make plans to attend our league games on Saturdays through February 21st (a schedule of game times can be found in the ‘Church Calendar’ portion of your bulletin). You will certainly be impressed by the skills of our basketball players (ages 5 – 15), cheer right along with our spirited Impact Cheerleading Squad, and, if you get the munchies, a concession stand is available. The CEC is the place to be on Saturdays where we play basketball AND develop the heart of champions! See you there! MAINTENANCE STAFF As a budgetary measure, the position of Maintenance Director, vacated in November by Russ Samples, will not be filled. His duties included a large portion of time setting up table arrangements for various functions. This service will no longer be available. Ken Bell and John Berry will set up the Fellowship Hall and Reception Room on Monday for Wednesday night supper and again on Thursday for the Branch. You may use any room as it is set or adjust it to fit your program. Once your meeting is over you will need to put the room back as it was and have it cleaned and ready for the next event. CEC meeting rooms are scheduled through Jennifer Vining. All other rooms are scheduled in the church office. 678-688-3858 Ongoing Activities Bridge Club – 1:00 p.m. -2nd & 4th Wednesday Group Personal Training (Advanced Level) – 9:00 a.m. Mon. & Wed. Group Personal Training (Beginner Level) – 9:15 a.m. Tuesday & Thursday Group Personal Training (Intermediate Level) – 5:30 p.m. Mon & 5:00 p.m. Wed Guitar Lessons – 4:00 p.m. Mon & Wed Keep on Movin’ Exercise – 9:00 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday Pilates Classes – 9:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Tue. & Thurs. 9:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Thurs. Scrapbook Club – 5:30 p.m. last Friday of month Spanish Conversation –10:00 a.m.Thursday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) – 6:30 p.m. Thurs. Weight Watchers – 6:30 p.m. Monday, 9:30 a.m. Tuesday ZUMBA Exercise – 9:00 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6:00 p.m. Monday 7:00 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday ZUMBA Toning 5:30 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday NEW PICTORAL DIRECTORY SIGN UP We’ve opened up one last day to have your picture made! Yes! We have opened Saturday, February 14, as our final day of pictures. Please sign up! We’d love to be forced to find more days! To schedule your appointment, please go to the church website and click on the link. WEEKLY OPPORTUNITIES Be sure to check the EVENTS CALENDAR on the website for a complete listing of activities. SUNDAY, February 8 Leviticus 19-21 8:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary) Sunday School for all ages Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary) The Branch Contemporary Service (Fellowship Hall) Guatemala Mission Team Meeting (CEC) Tiger Cub Scouts (upstairs, Ed. Bldg.) Stephen Ministry (SMT Room) Youth Worship Team (Alpha) GLOW Youth Ministry (CEC) Confirmation Class (CEC) Inspirational Book Study (Seekers) MONDAY, February 9 Leviticus 22-23 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Pre-K and Kindergarten Classes Preschool Classes Silent Prayer (Parlor) Stephen Ministry (SMT Room) That the World May Know (Forum) Capital Campaign Team Meeting (CEC) TUESDAY, February 10 Leviticus 24-25 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Pre-K and Kindergarten Classes Preschool Classes Covenant Bible Study (Conference Room) Covenant Bible Study (Conference Room) Yoga (Reception Room) Chancel Bells (Omega) Finance Committee (Seekers) WEDNESDAY, February 11 Leviticus 26-27 7:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Meeting (Griffith’s) 8:30 a.m. Pre-K and Kindergarten Classes 9:00 a.m. Preschool Classes 9:00 a.m. Jesus In The Gospels (Conference Room) 5:30 p.m. Celestial Chimers (Omega) 5:45 p.m. Wednesday Night Supper (Fellowship Hall) 6:30 p.m. Youngest Voices Choir (Lighthouse Kids) 6:30 p.m. Wesley and Cantate Choirs (Music Suites) 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Epic of Eden Study (Conference Room) Disciple II (Seekers) Short term study (Forum) Kids in Motion/Mid-High Motion (CEC) Senior Hi Bible Study (C. Savage’s) Chancel Choir (Alpha) THURSDAY, February 12 Numbers 1-2 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Pre-K and Kindergarten Classes Preschool Classes Christian Believers (Conference Room) Daniel Plan (Seekers) Wesley Group (Conference Room) CEC Impact Cheerleading and Impact Basketball 5:00 p.m. Impact Cheerleading Practice 6:00 p.m. Grades K-1 Impact Basketball Practice 7:00 p.m. Grades 2-5 Impact Basketball Practice 8:00 p.m. Middle School League Basketball Practice FRIDAY, February 13 Numbers 3-4 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Pre-K and Kindergarten Classes Preschool Classes Father/Daughter Dance (Fellowship Hall) Laundry Mission (Solomon & 13th Streets corner) SATURDAY, February 14 Numbers 5-6 CEC Impact Cheerleading and Impact Basketball 9:00 a.m. Grades K-1 Impact Basketball Games 10:00 a.m. Grades 2-3 Impact Basketball Games 11:00 a.m. Grades 4-5 Impact Basketball Games 1:00 p.m. Middle School Impact Basketball Games PEANUT BUTTER Don’t forget your peanut butter contributions for the local food pantry. Bins are located throughout the church campus! UMW CHRISMON PROJECT The Griffin First United Methodist Women’s Group (UMW) will host “A Gesture of Gratitude” program at Wednesday Night Supper on Wednesday, February 11th. The program will focus on the works of United Methodist deaconesses and missionaries, and the love offering from this meeting will support retired members of these groups. All church members and guests are invited to attend. It’s time to think about Chrismons!! Some of our Chrismons are in need of repair. Mrs. Margaret Moore has graciously offered to lead a group in repairing and replacing, but is in need of helping hands. If you are interested in helping, please call Mrs. Moore at 770-2289787 or contact Debby Stikes at 770-228-3020. Also, we are looking for pictures of the original Chrismon trees. If you know someone who was married in our sanctuary during the early 70’s, please look at the wedding pictures to see if you have one of the tree. Or if you have family pictures made in front of the tree, please let us know. You can contact Debby Stikes in the church office with any information. (770228-3020 or [email protected]) MISSIONS The Griffiths For the past several years we helped in the support of our missionaries in Kenya, Nick, Heidi and Gilly Griffith. The Griffiths have returned home permanently after experiencing much success in their mission and having completed their obligation. They will be locating in Tampa, Florida beginning soon. They have expressed their gratefulness to our church for supporting them as they followed God’s calling as missionaries. As they begin a new chapter in their calling of God please keep them in your prayers and thoughts. CHURCH OFFICE Office Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM MondayThursday; 8:00 AM to Noon Friday PHONE: 770-228-3020 FAX: 770-228-3069 (Please tear off and drop in offering plate or call the church office by noon Tuesday) Wednesday Night Supper 5:45 PM (Seniors at 5:30) Wednesday, February 11, 2015 MENU: Parmesan Chicken Fellowship Hall NAME________________________________________ Number of Adults ($5)____ Number of Children 4 yrs-6th Grade ($3)____ Under 4 (Free)_____ Nursery _____ Add 50 cents for each take-out plate. Check here to be on the permanent list: ___
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