TOP PRlOftlW /,IAOST URGENI No. 9-6 /DSE/Scholor/Al lO BCl2Ol+2O15 Govcmmeni ol Puduchcrry IXroctorqtr ol School Educqllon Puducherry, doted 12 iOllZ:_l5 sub: Educotion -Aword or rro#ffio|orship to other Bockword clossstudents From I to v for lhe ocodemic yeor ?ol4 - 2015 - FRESH proposols - colled for Reg. -:Oi Attenfion of oll the Heod of Instiluiions ore invifed thot the Socioi Welfore Deportment, Puducherry hos sfoled lhol the Cenfrol Government hos implemented o Scheme of Pre mohic Scholorship lo lhe OBC studenis sludying in I io V Sld closs to improve ond to continue their studies wifhoul breok due lo lheir Economicolly weoker situolion. All the Heod of lnslilutions ctre instructed lo collecl ihe scholorship opplicotion forms from fhis Direclorote by sending their requirement in wdtten fhrough o messenger duly oulhorizing. The forms sholl be collected under iheir own qrrongemenls. The Heod of Inslitufions should submit lhe siudenfs lists lo lhis Directorote on or bofore 10.02.201S wilh sofl coov ol CD In thc Exccl lormof/shrel in fhe prescribed proformo enclosed herewith duly fillecl-in wilh lhe oulhenticolion of certificotes mentioned in lhe proformo by lhe Heod of Inslitufions. li moy be noled thol the income ceiling for lhe obove scholcrship is within Rs.1,00.000l- per onnum. 2. The Heods of inslilufions ore inshucled to scrutinize the opplicotions corefully before submitfing studenfs lisf. The opplicofion forms should be retoined qf lhe school levelilself. The Heods of Instilulions will be held responsible for ony omhsion in the porticulors furnished by the studenf concerned withouf proper verificofion. They willolso be held responsiHe for duplicotion of proposolif ony. The Heod of insiitulions of Privcrte Schools concemed ore olso instructed to submit the proposol 3. fo lhis Otfice olong wilh the copy of fhe recognition certificote. The consolidoted proposol should reoch fhis Dlrectorofe on fhe dote mentioned obove, so os fo enoble lo process fhe some for issue of sonclion of on ecrly dote. Eligibrility condilions of the Sfudenls ore os follows: l. Only eligiHe studenfs in closs l- V ore recommended. 2. They ore nol recommended for ony other scholorship 3. The onnuol income of the porenfs/Guordion does nof exceed ihe prescribed limit of 4. 5. 6. Rs.l.0O Lokh. The sludenls included in fhe proposol belongs lo Other Bockword Closs Community. The students ore regulor in otlendonce ond their conducf is good. The sludenfs who hove possed fhe quolifying in the firsf oitempt ond hove secured obove 5095 is given pnorily. Foiled sfudenls ore nol included in the proposol The studenfs in the obove lisf fulfillthe eligibility criterio in respect of Nofionolily Community, l.btivity ond Annuol Income. 9. The sfudents os hosllers will be covered from closs lll fo V @ Rs. 20O per monih for l0 monihs ond lhe sfudenis os doy scholors will be covered trom closs lto V 6; Rs.25 per month for l0 monihs. 1. The lost dofe fixed should be follcnrv'ed scrupulously so os to reoch lhe benefit of lhe schoiorship lo lhe sludents in time. No plece.mrol proposol wlll bo' cnfcdolncd. 5. Since. the omounf hos lo be utilized within fhe cunenl finonciol yeor ond lo get sonciion order from lhe Government, il is requested fo furnish the sludents lisl in I to V std closs of the eorliesf. {By Approvolof the Director, DSE. Puducherry) 7. 8. k The Heods of Instifulions Encl.: As crbove concerned. {Govt. ond Govl. oided privote/ recognized Privote Schools) to: ,?-- Joinf Direcfor, DSE, Puducherry f** 2. The Chief Educotionol Officer, DSE, ( Puducherry/ Korcikot/ Mohe. 3. The Deputy Direclor lWomen Educotion),. Puducherry. 4. The Delegole lo DSE, Yonom 5. The Dy. lnspecfor of Schools, l, ll, lll, lV & V r Puducherry & KoroiKoL {l&ll}. Copy submilted fo: The Field Officer, Socicl Welfore Deporimenf, Puducherry. 'f n sENdNG#-a4 To Copy \ . The i The Conirofling officers ore requesled fo insfrucl the Governrnel! ./Govt.cided ond Govi. recognised priyole sthools under lheir conlrol to send the pioposols direclty to the SAO,DSE, Puducherry wilhin the stipuloted l.rtil tlrrJ. 90>9.9ftrl.:.- 8; g3 -<z o 6 665j =;"===+;o <z>Yul(norr{( =6 oo =-X 6,o= =r= [=EEFi cD:ooO! j +j 5 j Q_: oa'q a' ='1< t+-I xv n " \u f 1T\ d3 =- d: q r,Q F 0 >E 5 3 -' l:;x --\- v r'h 6 i'i - <n R x () n (-/', f I id d1dE d=19 5 = *+ d= n a o=o;" tr; eqod-X d o'; I +L+J:J ==d3E{3: r * j:6:1 n X O< to i(u = i o o= (ul.t,,X V ^ X --:= jd 6 6.X5a 9e0 rr-X E I*.,d 9o; o X,i b'J = - *- .'r= ! I :i.' A=*='nfQ d"-3d; y:; o o o =; *\y.vr\TJ--\-rln ; o = o_ rr ;..-r-dxw(Dly - /l -1- + =' o-ox = * qa'a>H /\ <.9 =(o += fo o'g (/, oo= o o =6oa6 o ^ ()__. f g; ? d 28 = q = x l'= c o- o :t ro l* l= an c lTl o- lO lr Inr 6 l== 5= a =K L =--\< ni ^ =Y n\u++ =.=- a O <.o= 5.'' v f a^ = * o b5 f o l o + + 1 o o- b'ob tqo 3bsb OO O v1 sEi; /-\ o o o +--71 E-'+ o a^ \v o o- o a/, \/ E Ll :950+ ^= a T 9O lri 5(D of ziO ut (O o
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