"m nt,ut$ I,n [rp,Essr,ts 0t r*,EnE$r ,,""0"*ffio*n"no

nt,ut$ I,n [rp,Essr,ts
The Govemment of he Republic ol Uganda repEsented by he Uganda
National Roads Aulhority (UNRA) has allmted funds lo he National
Roads Development and Maintenance Progmmme (NRDMP) and s€eks
utilize part of lhese funds lowards onsultancy seMes for
Conslruclion Slpervision of Design and Build Contract for UNM
Headquartoc Building.
Pmjecl will entail comprehensive design ard mnsfudion of an
ofie hcility wih all necessry amenities, infastructure and seryis
required of an ultE-modem ofre building. Fajtitios b be pnided for
shall include bul not limited to offG space, meling room, mnteens,
gymnasim, dild day caG enbe, and an emerg€nry trealment mm.
Iheobjedireof the assignmentisforthe Consultanttoprcvide complete
pmjecl management and consfudion supeMsion sruices in all
respecls, including all field and ofrce work in stict adherence lo the
high€st slandards of ttE building mnstuctim praciie and with prcps
interpretalion and full understanding of he duties and responsibilifes of
he Employer's ReFffintative for management of onstuclion under
comprising of 24 months
slp€nision period, and12 monhs defecb liability period.
The Uganda National Rmds Authority now invites eligible @nsultir€
fms to indimb their interest in pniviOing tre seryices. lnterestei
Consultanb should prcvide infomalion demonsbating that $ey have the
required qualifications and Elevant €xperienm to perfom he seryi@s.
The Expresion oI lnterest should include but not limited to the following;
(a) Full names ot mnsultanufim or joint venture, address and
registation dehils/ ertifi€tes (including year of inmrpoEfion and
years of experience);
(b) Auhorized mntact peEon(s) wifi poilets orAttomey.
(c) Signed slatef,ient indicating that the.consultanl does not have
conflict of interest;
(d) A brief profile of the Consultant.
(e) Copy of the hading lien* ,or the year 2014 or its equivalent; mpy
of ertificate of registEtion or equivalenl admmpanied by the names
of shareholders and the Direc.tors of the company showing tE
shareholding amount oteach shareholder; ;
Evidence o, extensive knowledge and experience on Superuisjon of
building construction projec.ts including Design and Build prcjects;
(g) Stafi names, spqjalizalion (tifle) and summary ol edumtional
qualifiGtion, lheir experience and key competenc€s.
(h) Details of similar major assignments undertaken (mmpleted or
ongcing), slart and complehon dates, cost ol assignments, yer and
name ol funCing agency. Fil ongotng ppjeds, fims shoutd indude
the progress to date.
The short listing siteria are as follNs;
Preliminary Examinatjon to detemine the etigibility of
(Prole$ional Capacity of the Consuttanl);
Pmene of he required skills wihin the fim shalt include but not
limited to; Prcject Manager/Architect, Quanlity Surueyor, Sfucturat
Enginer, ElectGM€dtanic Engineer, and Surueyol
Expedence in similar assignmenb and @ndilions;
The Consultant has successtully completed dehiled dsign /design
Eview for ateast three (3) major Ofre Building ConstuAion
prcrec.ts with a mnstruction ffit of USD S million each in he past 1 0
appropriab skiils among the fim,s key staf
The fim's organizalional setup: Organizalional struclure showing
key departmenb of the fim to perfom lhe required superyision
are expected to be @mpleted within 36 (hirty six) mtendar
months fiom
Dsign and Build conditions of C6bact.
Dehil€d ass€ssment of lhe competency of fims against the following
0t r*,EnE$r ,,""0"*ffio*n"no
The Consultant has successtully mmpleted supeMsion of at least
bree rEior building mnstuction pmiects wih construction cosh oI
at least USD 5 million each in he pasl 10 yea6.
0n he basis of he applietions mived, 3 to 6 bst qualified mndidates
will be invited tq submit
tedlniel and financial pmposals;
Consulbnts may associate wi$ otherfms to form a joint venture or sub
€nslbncy to enhane heir qualifications. The Expression of interest
must d€arly indimte the type of inlended association as joint venture or
sub consultancy and he lead fim in tE Expression of lnterest.
A mnsultant will be selecled in acmrdance with the Reprint of the public
Pmurement and Disposal of PublicAssobAct, 2003 order 2014.
Further infomation €n be obtained at $e address below during offce
hou6 0900 to 1600 houts (local time) lrom Mondays to Fridays.
1'1. ExpBsion of interest, in Engtish (one Original plus three mpies). in a
sealed envebpe cleady marked ,,Expressior of lnterest ior
Consulting Seryices tor Construction Supeflision of Design and
Bulld CmtEct for UNRA HHdquarte6 Building, must be detivered in
a written fom to the Physical address below in peMn or by registered
maiu muris, to reach nol labr lhan 1l;00 am Lo€l time on t3
February 2015.
The Head I Pmcurement and Disposal Unit
Uganda National Rmds Authodty (UilRA)
Plot 5, Lourdel Road, Nakasero
Grcund Flmr, Room No.GA3
P.O. Box 28487, Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-312.23i1 100, + 25641&3i8 000
Fa: +25G414-232ggZ 347,r,
E+all: [email protected]
Applietions submitted by any oher means will not be mnsidered.