Hormone and Metabolie Research Editors-in-Chief: R. Levine, Duarte E. F. Pfeiffer, Ulm Assistant-Editors: R. J. Mahler, Duarte R. Ziegler, Ulm Volume 6/1974 306 Figures in 327 Single figures and210Tables Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart III T A B L E OF CONTENTS Melanie, F. Prohormones in Tissues and in Circulation . . . 1 Miyai, K., M. Azukizawa and Y. K u m a h a r a Bioassay and Immunoassay Measurements of Serum Thyrotropin in Primary Hypothythyroidism Before and After the Administration of Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone 9 Moody, A . J . , M . A . Stanlf, M. Stan, J. G l i e m a n n A Simple Free Fat Cell Bioassay for Insulin . . . Serrano-Rios, M., F G . H a w k i n s , F. Escobar, J.M. M a t o , L . L a r r o d e r a , M. de O y a and J . L . Rodriguez-Minon Insulin Secretion in Addison's Disease: Effect of Hydrocortisone Treatment Lücke, C., B . Höffken, H J . M i t z k a t and I. Trau tschold Effect of 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose and Mannoheptulose on the Insulin Response to Pancreozymin in Rabbits 12 17 22 Lisch, H.-J., S. Sailer, F. Sandhofen R. Tschikof and H. Braunsteiner The Action of Insulin and Glucose on Lipolysis in Isolated Human Fat Cells 25 Werner, S. and H Low Inhibitory Effects of Calcitonin on Lipolysis and ^Calcium Accumulation in Rat Adipose Tissue in Vivo Goebell, H The Effect of Ethionine on the Energy-Producing Metabolism in the Rat Pancreas H o w e l l , S . L . , J.C. Edwards and W. M o n t a g u e Regulation of Adenylate Cyclase and CyclicAMP Dependent Protein Kinase Activities in A -Cell Rieh Guinea-Pig Islets of Langerhans . 2 R o l d a n , A . G . , E J . del Castillo and V.G. Foglia Effect of Cyclic AMP on Ketogenesis in Liver Homogenates from Pancreatectomized-Hypophysectomized Dogs R o l l e r i , E . , R . M a l v a n o , C. Gandolfi and U. Rosa Effect of Irreversible Adsorbents on the Dissociation of the Antigen-Antibody Complexes . Gautvik, K.M. and A . H . Tashjian, Jr. Human Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: Control of Calcitonin Secretion In Vivo and in Tissue Culture 70 Boonayathap, U. and S.F. M a r o t t a Renal Handling of Cortisol in Dogs 74 Gennser, G., P. L i e d h o l m and J. T h o r e i l Pituitary Responses to Continuous Administration of LRH in Human Males with Oligozoospermia 79 Eshet, R . , Z. L a r o n , M. B r o w n and R . A r n o n Immunological Behaviour of HGH from Plasma of Patients with Familial Dwarfism and High IR-HGH in a Radioimmunoassay System Using the Cross-Reaction between HGH and HCS . . . 80 K e r p e l - F r o n i u s , E . , G. Gäcs and Ch. H e r v e l Pituitary Function in Malnutrition 82 Legros, J.J. and P. Lefebvre Lack of Effect of Human Neurophysin I on the Metabolism of Rat Adipose Tissue 83 30 Schleyer, M., K L . F e h m , K . H Voigt, J.D. Faulhaber and E.F. Pfeiffer Studies on the Pituitary "Fettstoffwechselhormon" 36 Das, I. and D . A . Hems Glycogen Synthetase and Phosphorylase Activities in Different Tissues of Genetically Obese Mice GunZaga, J., Th. Lauffenburger, C h a r l o t t e Lentner, M . A . Dambacher, H.G. Haas and H F l e i s c h , A . J . Olah Diphosphonate Treatment of Paget's Disease of Bone 62 40 44 49 53 57 Renauld, A . , R . C . Sverdlik and L . L . Andrade Effect of Thyroidectomy upon the Insulin Tolerance Test 84 Bajaj, J.S. and J. Vallance-Owen Fenfluramine and Glucose Uptake by Muscle . 85 F r a y n , K . N . , A n m a r i e Hedges and Marilyn J. Kirby Stimulation by Fenfluramine of Glucose Uptake into Skeletal Muscle In Vitro 86 Bercovitch, L and J . A . Moorhouse Effect of Posture on Plasma Cortisol Level . . . 87 R a h e j a , K . L . and E.F. Reber Relative Ineffectiveness of Exogenous as Compared with Endogenous Testosterone in Combating Hypercholesterolemia 88 Sutherland, D.J.B, and R . L . S i n g h a i Stimulation of Prostatic Adenyl Cyclase by Dihydrotestosterone 89 L e r n e , C.E., B . L . Wajchenberg, M.O.R. Leite and A . B o r e l l i The Dissociation of Urinary Sodium and Calcium Excretions 90 Rayssiguier, Y. and P. L a r v o r Parathyroid Response to Hypocalcemia in Magnesium Deficient Rat 91 IV S u l m a n , G. and E l i Tal Treatment of Functional Hypothyroidism by Oral TRF Monitored by Daily Urinary Thyroxine and Histamine Assay 92 G h i o n e , S. M. Pellegrini, G. Buzzigoli, A . Carpi, C. Valori and L . D o n a t o Plasma and Urinary Catecholamine Levels and Thyroid Activity in Relation to Cardiovascular Changes in Hyper- and Hypothyroids 93 de Reviers, M. and M.P. Dubois Binding of Synthetic-LHRF Antibodies in the Median Eminence of the Cockerel 94 Adkofer, F., U. Armbrecht and H Schleusener, with technical assistance f r o m C. Brammeier and M M . Schürnbrand Plasma Lecithin: Cholesterol Acyltransferase Activity in Hypo- and Hyperthyroidism . . . . 142 G o r i n , E . and H M . Goodman Protein Kinase in Adipose Tissue: Effect of Hypophysectomy 146 Elkeles, R.S. The Role of Heparin in Lipoprotein Lipase Activity 151 Boonayathap, U. and S.F. M a r o t t a Renal Handling of Cortisol in Dogs. II. Effect of ACTH on Stop Flow Pattern 154 t K a l k , W.J., A . I . Vinik, S. B a n k , P. K e l l e r a n d W.P. U. Jackson Selective Loss of Beta Cell Response to Glucose in Chronic Pancreatitis 95 Bruckdorfer, K . R . , S.S. Kang, L H K h a n , A . R . B o u r n e and J. Y u d k i n Diurnal Changes in the Concentrations of Plasma Lipids, Insulin and Corticosterone in Rats fed Diets Containing Various Carbohydrates . 99 Tjälve, H , D . Popov and P. Slanina Effect of the Local Anesthetics Procaine and Lidocaine on Insulin Secretion from Rabbit Pancreas Pieces 106 Loubatieres, A . L . , M M . Loubatieres-Mariani, R . A l r i c , G. Ribes and H Agot Studies of the Action of Neutral Red on Glycemia and on Insulin and Glucacon Secretion in the Dog 111 Aynsley-Green, A . and K G . M M . A l b e r t i In Vivo Stimulation of Insulin Secretion by Guanidine Derivatives in the Rat H o w l a n d , B . E . and E J . Zebrowski Serum and Pituitary Gonadotropin Levels in Alloxan-Diabetic Rats Roos, P , J M . M a r t i n , S. Westman-Naeser and C. Hellerström Immunoreactive Growth Hormone Levels in Mice with the Obese-Hyperglycemic Syndrome (Genotype obob) 115 121 f O D o r , R . K . , F E . Newsome, C O . Parkes and D.H. Copp Peptides Obtained from Porcine Calcitonin After Degradation by a Human Plasma Fraction 161 Berger, W., M. Stahl, E. O h n h a u s and H Gaschke Pancreatic Glucagon, Plasma Insulin and Blood Glucose Response to Arginine Infusion in Nondiabetic Subjects Following Biguanide Pretreatment 165 Davis, B . and N . R . Lazarus Effect of Glucagon, Diazoxide, Phentolamine on Islet Adenylate Cyclase 166 Strohfeldt, P , H Kettl and K.F. Weinges Perfusion of the Isolated Rat Hindlimb with a Synthetic Medium 167 M e i n h o l d , H. and K. W. Wenzel Radioimmunoassay of Thyroxine in Unextracted Serum 169 125 R a b k i n , R . , Margaret S w a n n , D J . Shapiro and L. Isaacson Effect of Growth Hormone on Sodium Transport and Osmotic Water Flow AcrossToadSkin . 129 Pokroy, N . , S. Epstein, Salle H e n d r i c k s and B . Pimstone Thyrotrophin Response to Intravenous Thyrotrophin-Releasing Hormone in Patients with Hepatic and Renal Disease Siegmund, P , A . Tüllmann and M. H o l k e with the technical collaboration of P. Ott and L . Uher The Cyclic AMP-Mediated Action of Epinephrine and the Activity of Carbonic Anhydrase in Avian Erythrocytes 158 132 Renauld, A . , R . C . Sverdlik a n d L . L . Andrade Effects of Hypothyroidism on Serum Immunoreactive Insulin, Free Fatty Acids and Blood Sugar in the Dog as Tested for Oral Glucose Tolerance. Corrective Effects to Thyroxine Therapy 137 Nieschlag, E . , T Walk and A . E . Schindler Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA) and DHASulfate during Pregnancy in Maternal Blood. . 170 Mauss, J. and G. Borsch Clomiphene Citrate Stimulation in Male Suband Infertility Monitored by Simple Immunochemical Assays for FSH and LH in Unconcentrated Urine 171 N e r u p , J., O. Ortved Andersen, G. Bendixen, J. Egeberg, R . Gunnarsson, H. K r o m a n n and J.E. Poulsen Glucose Intolerance and Islet Damage in Mice Immunized with Homologous Endocrine Pancreas — A Preliminary Communication . . 173 V K u m a r , D . , S . D . M e h t a l i a and L . V. Miller Antigenicity of Monocomponent Porcine Insulin in Rabbits 175 Pento, J.T., A . Kagan and S M G l i c h Influence of Altered States of Calcium Homeostasis on Insulin Secretion in Rats and Rabbits 177 Somogyi, J., I. Vincze, F. Willig and F . K Schmidt The Subcellular Distribution of ^-Glibenclamide in Different Tissues of Rat 181 Tchobroutsky, G., M.-E. Lenormand, G. M i c h e l and R . Assan Lack of Post Prandial Exercise-Induced Growth Hormone Secretion in Normoglycemic InsulinTreated Diabetic Men 184 Clemens, J . A . , C J . Shaar, E . B . Smalstig and C. Matsumoto Effects of Some Psychoactive Agents on Prolactin Secretion in Rats of Different Endocrine States Gilbert, C . K and D J . G a l t o n The Effect of Catecholamines and Fasting on Cyclic-AMP and Release of Glycerol from Human Adipose Tissue 229 Cox, B . D . , A . R . Clarkson, M J . Whichelow and P. R u t l a n d Effect of Adrenaline on Plasma Vitamin C Levels in Normal Subjects 234 Ward, W.F., K.M. K l i t g a a r d and R . C Meade Insulin Degradation by Fat Cell Ghosts . . . . 238 H e r r m a n n , J, H J . Rusche, H J . Kröll, P. Häger and K L . Krüskemper Free Triiodothyronine (T )- and Thyroxine (T )-Serum Levels in Old Age 239 Galloway, D . G . and J. Pelletier Influence of Age on the Pituitary Response of Male Lambs to Synthetic LH-RH Injection . . 240 Wickramasinghe, R.K Effect of 11-Deoxycorticosterone on Cholesterol Sidechain Cleavage by Adrenal Cortex Mitochondria 241 Jerums, G. and D J . G a l t o n Two Types of Insulin Receptors Mediating Opposite Effects on Cyclic-AMP in Fat Cells of the Rat 242 G o z a r i u , L . , K. Forster, J . D . F a u l h a b e r , H. M i n n e and R . Ziegler Parathyroid Hormone and Calcitonin: Influences upon Lipolysis of Human Adipose Tissue 243 T i e n g o , A . , D . Fedele, P. Frasson, M. Muggeo and G. Crepaldi Ethanol Effect on Glucagon Secretion in the Pig 245 3 187 P a v l o v i c - H o u r n a c , M. and D . Delbauffe In Vivo Incorporation of Labelled Amino Acid into Different Protein Fractions of the Rat Thyroid Gland 196 202 Klenerova, V. and S. Kynie The Activity of Adenylate Cyclase, Phosphodiesterase and Protein Kinase in the Adenohypophyses of Rats Treated by Chronic Administration of Estrogenes and Acute Application of Thyroxine 208 Kley, KK, E. Nieschlag, F. B i d l i n g m a i e r and K L . Krüskemper Possible Age-Dependent Influence of Estrogens on the Binding of Testosterone in Plasma of Adult Men 213 Sladek, CD. Gluconeogenesis and Hepatic Glycogen Formation in Relation to the Rat Estrous Cycle . 217 Adolfsson, S., S. Boström, M. F a h l e n , A . Hjalmarson, B . E . Hustvedt and R . Johansson Enzyme Activities in Muscle and Liver After Destruction of the Ventromedial Hypothalamus Area and Administration of Insulin 226 4 V H e r m i t e , M . , C Robyn, J. Golstein, G. Rothenbuchner, J. B i r k , U. Loos, M. Bonnyns and L . Vanhaelst Prolactin and Thyrotropin in Thyroid Diseases: Lack of Evidence for a Physiological Role of Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone in the Regulation of Prolactin Secretion 190 Busnardo, B . , M.E. Girelli, L . V a r o t t o and A . Giacobbi Computer Analysis of Early Thyroxine Distribution in Thyrotoxicosis and Hypothyroidism Macho, L . The Response of Adipose Tissue to Lipid Mobilizing Hormones in Postnatally Underand Overnourished Rats Kissebah, A . K , N. Vydelingum, B . R . Tulloch, H H o p e - G i l l and T R . Fräser The Role of Calcium in Insulin Action. I. Purification and properties of enzymes regulating lipolysis in human adipose tissue: effects of cyclic-AMP and calcium ions 247 G o b e r n a , R . , J. T a m a r i t Jr., J. Osorio, R . Fussgänger, J. T a m a r i t and E . F . Pfeiffer Action of B-Hydroxy Butyrate, Acetoacetate and Palmitate on the Insulin Release in the Perfused Isolated Rat Pancreas 256 Rehfeld, J.F. and J. Iversen Secretion of Immunoreactive Gastrin from the Isolated, Perfused Canine Pancreas . . . . 222 260 VI Alemany, M. and E . Herr era Effects of Suckling and Food Deprivation on the Acitivity of Citrate Enzymes in the Liver of the Rat 264 H o w e l l , S . L . , C. Hellerström and M. Tyhurst Intracellular Transport and Storage of Newly Synthesised Proteins in the Guinea Pig Pancreatic A Cell 267 Z e r m a t t e n , A . and J.-P. F e l b e r Sensitivity to Glucose of an Intestinal Factor Stimulating Insulin Release Vargas, L . , M. Bronfman and M.E. K a w a d a Stress, Insulin Antagonist and Transient Diabetes Mellitus in the Rat Tarachand, U. and J. E a p e n Effect of Streptozotocin-Diabetes on In Vivo Protein Synthesis by Placenta and Liver of Mice Schönborn, J., W. Poser U. Panten and A . Hasselblatt Effect of Hypoglycemic Sulfonylureas on Hepatic Fructose Metabolism in the Rat . . 272 Werner, S., K. Hall and H Low Similar Effects of Calcitonin, Insulin and Somatomedin A on Lipolysis and Uptake of Calcium and Glucose in Rat Adipose Tissue In Vitro 319 275 Gleispach, H. The Urinary Steroid Excretion in Girls during Puberty 325 280 M a r o t t a , S . F . , D . M . L a n u z a and L . G . Hiles Diurnal Variations in Plasma Corticosterone and Cations of Male Rats on Two Lighting Schedules 329 284 Bates, R . F . L . and J.P. B a r l e t The Preventive Effect of Porcine Calcitonin given by Mouth on Restraint-Induced Gastric Ulcer in Rats 332 Kappus, H and H M . Bolt Irreversible Binding of Ethynylestradiol Metabolites to Protein: Lack of Methylation by Sadenosyl-Methionine 333 Kato, H , T I t o , Y. Kido and T Torigoe Preparation of 1-Labeled Estrone-Tri Tyrosine Methyl Ester 334 f Rado, J.P.y L . Borbely, L . Szende J. Fischer and J. T a k o Investigation of the Diuretic Effect of Glibenclamide in Healthy Subjects and in Patients with Pituitary and Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus 289 t M a r s c h n e r , L , P. B o t t e r m a n n , F. E r h a r d t , R . L i n k e , G. Löffler, V. Maier, P. Schwandt, W. Vogt and P C . Scriba Group Experiments on the Radioimmunological Insulin Determination S u t t e r - D u b , M.Th. R . Leclercq, B . Ch.J. Sutter and R . Jacquot Plasma Glucose, Progesterone and Immunoreactive Insulin Levels in the Lactating Rat . Lilienfeld-Toal, H v., R . - D . Hesch, M. Hüfner and Chr. Mclntosh Excretion of Cyclic 3', 5'-Adenosine Monophosphate in Renal Insufflciency and Primary Hyperparathyroidism after Stimulation with Parathyroid Hormone 314 125 293 Rastogi, G.K., J. C h a k r a b o r t i and M.K. S i n h a Serum Gonadotropins (LH and FSH) and their Response to Synthetic LHRH in Diabetic Men with and without Impotence 335 297 Mohnfeld, G., J. Mauss and G. Borsch Synthetic LH-RH Stimulation Monitored by Immunochemical Assay for Urinary FSH and LH f 336 Voigt, K . H . , H G . D a h l e n , H L . F e h m , J. B i r k , K. Schröder, H P . G . Schneider, G. Rothenbuchner and E.F. Pfeiffer Simultaneous Stimulation Test for the Anterior Pituitary Hormones 337 Hervas, F. and G. M o r r e a l e de Escobar A Rapid Procedure for the Radioimmunoassay of Rat Growth Hormone 300 Kowadlo Silbergeld, A . and Z. L a r o n Lipolytic Effects of Sheep (3-Lipotropin in Rat Adipose Tissue: Interaction with Theophylline and Dihydroergotamine 303 Pfeiffer, E . F , Ch. T h u m and A . H The Artificial Beta Cell 306 I m u r a , H., Y. N a k a i , Y. Kato, Y. Yoshimoto and K. M o r i d e r a Propranolol-Insulin Stimulation Test in the Diagnosis of Growth Hormone Deficiency . . 343 B e r l e , P . , E. Finsterwalder and M. Apostolakis Comparative Studies on the Effect of Human Growth Hormone, Human Prolactin and Human Placental Lactogen on Lipid Metabolism 347 Berthezene, F., B . Chavrier and R . M o r n e x Increase in the Amount of Iodide Released from the Thyroid after Perchlorate or Carbimazole Administration Jortay, A . M . , F . R . L . C a n t r a i n e and J.E. D u mont Iodide Trapping by Thyroid Slices in Vitro . . 309 Clemens 339 VII Ogundipe, 0.0. and A . Bray The Influence of Diet and Fat Cell Size on Glucose Metabolism, Lipogenesis and Lipolys351 is in the Rat Kissebah, A . H . , B . R . T u l l o c h , N . Vydelingum, H Hope-Gill, P. Clarke and T . R . Fräser The Role of Calcium in Insulin Action . . . . 357 Werner, S, and H Low Adenylate Cyclase in Rat Adipocyte Plasma Membranes after Adrenalectomy and Administration of Cortisone Acetate 365 G o l d m a n , J.K. and L . L . Bernardis Metabolism of Glucose, Fructose and Pyruvate in Tissues of Weanling Rats with Hypothalamus Obesity 370 F r a n c o i s e R a b a i n and L . Picon Effect of Insulin on the Materno-Fetal Transfer of Glucose in the Rat A n a A r a n d a and E. Herr era The Effect of Food Deprivation on In Vivo Gluconeogenesis in the Suckling Rat Gaschke, H , A . Denes, J. Girard, F. Collard and W. Berger Circadian Variations of Carbohydrate Tolerance in Maturity Onset Diabetics Treated with Sulfonylureas 376 381 S u v a r n a l a t h a , M. and H.B. Devaraj S a r k a r Effect of Steroids on Hemicastration Induced Compensatory Hypertrophy of the Testis in the Frog, Rana hexadactyla (Lesson) 417 Debry, G., P. D r o u i n and L . Mejean Influence of Triglyceridemia Level on Glucose Tolerance and Insulinemia in Subjects with Type IV Hyperlipoproteinemia 421 Bittner, R . , H G . Beger and E . Kraas Osciilation in Insulin Response to Glucose Stimulation 423 Sundby, F . , J. Markussen and W. D a n h o Camel Glucagon: Isolation, Crystallization and Amino Acid Composition 425 L a u b e , H , R . D . Fußgänger and E.F. Pfeiffer Paradoxical Glucagon Release in Obese Hyperglycemic Mice 426 Velasco, C, W. O p p e r m a n n , N. Marine and R . Camerini-Davalos Effect of Genetic Diabetes on Kidney Glucosyltransferase 427 Sutton, J. and L . Lazarus Effect of Adrenergic Blocking Agents on Growth Hormone Responses to Physical Exercise . . 428 3 8 6 Rado, J.P., L . Vegh and I r e n e Sawinsky Interference of Triamterene with Cortisol Determination in Urine 429 Yang, M.M.P. and S . H Kok Effect of a Single Dose of Progesterone on Blood Glucose in Diabetic Rats and on Insulin Sensitivity in Normal Rats 430 Bolt, W.H, H. Kappus and H M . Bolt Ring A Oxidation of 17a-Ethynylestradiol in Man 432 Steiner, H , M. Z a n i s i and L . M a r t i n i Antiovulatory Activity of the Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone in the Rat 432 Cabello, G. and M.C. M i c h e l Plasmatic Hormonal Iodine in Healthy and Diarrheic Calves 434 Becker, F . O . , F. B u c h a n a n and M. Rasho Parathyroid Hormone Degradation Studies in Maternal and Fetal Rat Tissues by Radioimmunoassay Sawhney, R . C . and G.K. Rastogi Estimation of TBG by a Competitive LigandBinding Assay 435 Leicht, E , G. B i r o and K.F. Weinges Inhibition of Releasing-Hormone-Induced Secretion of TSH and LH by Calcitonin . . . . Voigt, K.H., H G . D a h l e n , H L . F e h m , L . B i r k , K. Schröder, H P . G . Schneider, G. Rothenbuchner and E.F. Pfeiffer Simultaneous Stimulation Test for the Anterior Pituitary Hormones 436 Massi-Benedetti, F., A . Falorni, A . Luyckx and P. Lefebvre Inhibition of Glucagon Secretion in the Human Newborn by Simultaneous Administration of Glucose and Insulin Vinik, A . L and A . Hardcastle Structure Antigenicity Relationships of Glucagon and Related Peptides Renauld, A . , L . L . Andrade, R . C . Sverdlik and R.R. Rodriguez Serum Insulin Response to Glucose Infusion in Hyperthyroid Dogs Story, J . A . and D . R . Griffith Effect of Exercise on Thyroid Hormone Secretion Rate in Aging Rats B o r r e i l , J and S. B o r r e l l Alterations of Adrenal Corticosteroids and Catecholamines Düring Arnino-Glutethimide Feeding 4 0 3 F i n k , G., J.C. Cresto, R . A . G u t m a n , R . I . L a v i n e , A . H . Rubenstein and L . Recani Plasma Proinsulin-Like Material in Insulin Treated Diabetics 439 VIII R a n c o n , F . , M. L a b u r t h e , G. Rosselin and P. Freychet Untractable Hypoglycemia in an Infant: Studies on Pancreas Insulin and Glucagon 443 A n d r e a n i , D . , M. I a v i c o l i , G. T a m b u r r a n o and G. M e n z i n g e r Comparative Trials with Monocomponent (MC) and Monospecies (MS) Pork Insulins in the Treatment of Diabetes mellitus. Influence on Antibody Levels, on Insulin Requirement and on Some Complications 447 G o l d m a n J.K. and L . L . Bernardis Persistent Adipose Tissue Insulin Responsiveness Düring Fasting of Weanling Rats with Hypothalamus Obesity t H o p e - G i l l H , N. Vydelingum, A.H Kissebah, B . R . T u l l o c h and T R . Fräser Simulation and Enhancement of the Adipose Tissue Insulin Response by Procaine Hydrochloride: Evidence for a Role of Calcium in Insulin Action Rosak, C., E. Haupt, J. Beyer and K. Schaffung Investigations on the Antilipolytic Activity of Sulfonylureas in Man with Indications of Limit Dosages Concerning their Insulin-Secreting Properties Lambert, A . E . , J.C. H e n q u i n and P. Malvaux Cationic Environment and Dynamics of Insulin Secretion. IV. Effect of Ouabain 454 457 464 470 Rothenbuchner, G., D A . Koutras, S. Raptis, J. B i r k , U. Loos, G. Rigopoulos and B. Malamos The Effect of Thyrotrophin-Releasing Hormone on Serum TSH, T , and T Levels in Endemie and Sporadic Nontoxic Goitre 501 4 3 Golstein, J., E . Van Cauter, R . Leclercq, G. Copinschi and L . Vanhaelst Monthly Variations of Serum Levels of Thyrotropin, Growth Hormone in Cortisol in Man . 506 D a h l e n , H G . , E. Keller and H.P.G. Schneider Linear Dose Dependent LH Release Following Intranasally Sprayed LRH 510 Baier, H , B i r o and K.F. Wernges Serum Levels of FSH, LH and Testosterone in Human Males 514 B a r l e t , J.P.: The Influence of Porcine Calcitonin Given Intragastrally on Restraint-Induced Gastric Ulcers in Pigs . 517 A n t o n i o , P . , M. G a b a l d o n , T Lacomba and A . Juan Effect of the Antiestrogen Navoxidine on the Occurrence of Estrogen-Dependent Renal Tumors in Hamster 522 Clarke, P , A . Kissebah, N. Vydelingum, H Hope-Gill, B . T u l l o c h and R . Fräser Regulation of Glycogenolysis through Changes in Intracellular Calcium 525 Vinik, A . L and S. Jessop Red Blood Cell Potassium and Insulin Release 526 Schimmel, R . J . and D . G r a h a m Inhibition by Diphenylhydantion of the Diabetogenic Action of Streptozotocin 475 O h n e d a , A . , M. Sato, K. M a t s u d a , H I t a b a s h i , K. H o r i g o m e , M. C h i b a and S. Yamagata Suppression of Pancreatic Glucagon Secretion by Tolbutamide in Dogs Dolais-Kitabgi, Jacqueline, M. L a b u r t h e and G. Rosselin Immunological Specificity of the ß Subunit of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 527 478 K r a l , J . G . : The Effects of Different Methods of Sacrifice on Lipid and Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Rat Rastogi, G.K., R . C . Sawhney, N.C. P a n d a and B. B. Tripathy Thyroid Hormone Levels in Adult Protein Calorie Malnutrition (PCM) 528 483 Boninsegna, A . , G. Federspil and C. D e P a l o The Effect of Muscular Exercise on Free Fatty Acids, Acetoacetate and 3-Hydroxybutyrate Blood Levels 488 Tarachand, U. and J. E a p e n A Comparative Study on In Vivo Protein Synthesis by Liver of Pregnant and Non-pregnant Mice 491 Schimpff, R . M . , M. D o n n a d i e u , M. Gourmelen and F. Girard The Effects of hGH Treatment on Somatomedin Levels in the Serum (as determined by S uptake into cartilage) 494 3 5 Vinik, A . L , W.J. K a l k , H M c L a r e n and M. Paul Impaired Prolactin Response to Synthetic Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone after a 36 Hour Fast . 499 Thomas, J . A . and M. Manandhar Effect of Prolactin and/or Testosterone on Cyclic AMP in the Rat Prostate Gland . . . . 529 y ' / Rado, J.P., T Simon, E. Juhos, J. T a k o and O. Nagy Interference of Psychotropic Drugs with Cortisol Determinations 530 Sönka, J., J. Kopeckä, A . Pavlovd, A . Z b i r k o vä and J. Stas Effects of Diet and Exercise on Catecholamine Excretion 532 Meyer, Jr., R . A . and Martha H Meyer Increased Liver Inorganic Phosphate Following Thyrocalcitonin Administration to Rats . . . . 533 Offermann, G. and F. D i t t m a r A Direct Protein-Binding Assay for 25-Hydroxycalciferol 534 IX AUTHOR'S INDEX A Adlkofer, F. 142 Adolfsson, S. 222 Agot, H. 111 Alberti, K.G.M.M. 115 Alemany, M . 264 Alric, R. 111 Andrade, L . L . 84, 137, 400 Andreani, D. 447 Antonio, P. 522 Apostolakis, M. 347 Aranda, A N A . 381 Armbrecht, U. 142 Arnon, R. 80 Assan, R. 184 Aynsley-Green., A . 115 Azukizawa, M . 9 B Baier, H . 514 Bajaj, J.S. 85 Bank, S. 95 Barlet, J.P. 332, 517 Bates, R.F.L. 332 Becker, F.O. 407 Beger, H.G. 423 Bendixen, G. 173 Bercovitch, L. 87 Berger, W. 165, 386 Berle, P. 347 Bernardis, L . L . 370, 454 Berthezene, F. 306 Beyer, J. 464 Bidlingmaier, F. 213 Birk, L 190, 337,436,501 Biro, G. 410, 514 Bittner, R. 423 Borsch, G. 171, 336 Bolt, H.M. 333 Boninsegna, A . 488 Bonnyns, M. 190 Boonayathap, U . 74, 154 Borbely, L. 289 Borreil, J. 414 Borreil, S. 414 Borelli, A . 90 Boström, S. 222 Bottermann, P. 293 Bourne, A.R. 99 Braunsteiner, H. 25 Bray, A. 351 Bronfman, M . 275 Brown, M . 80 Bruckdorfer, K.R. 99 Buchanan, F. 407 Busnardo, B. 202 Buzzigoli, G. 93 C Cabello, G. 434 Camerini-Davalos, R.A. 427 Cantraine, F.R.L. 309 Carpi, A . 93 Castülo, Del. E J . 53 Cauter, E. van 506 Charkaborti, J. 335 Chavier, Bernadette 306 Chiba, M. 478 Qakson, A.R. 234 Clarke, P. 357, 525 Clemens, A.H. 339 Clemens, J.A. 187 Collard, F. 386 Copinschi, G. 506 Copp, D.H. 161 Cox, B.D. 234 Crepaldi, G. 245 Cresto, J.C. 439 D Dahlen, H.G. 436, 510 Dahlen, H.L. 337 Dambacher, M.A. 62 Danho, W. 425 Das, I. 40 Davis, B. 166 Debry, G. 421 Delbauffe, Daniele 196 Denes, A . 386 De Pala, C. 488 Devaraj-Sarkar, H.B. 417 Dittmar, F. 534 Dolais-Kitabgi, Jacqueline 527 Donato, L. 93 Donnadieu, M. 494 Drouin, P. 421 Dubois, M.P. 94 Dumot, J.E. 309 E Eapen, J. 280, 491 Edwards, J.C. 49 Egeberg, J. 173 Elkeles, R.S. 151 Epstein, S. 132 Erhardt, F. 293 Escobar, F. 17 Eshet, R. 80 Gennser, G. 79 Ghione, S. 93 Giacobbi, A . 202 Gilbert, C.H. 229 Girard, F., 494 Girard, J., 386 Girelli, M.E. 202 Gleispach, H., 325 Glick, S.M. 177 Goberna, R. 256 Goebell, H. 44 Göschke, H. 386 Goldman, J.K. 370, 454 Golstein, J. 190, 506 Goodman, H.M. 146 Gorin, E. 146 Goschke, H. 165 Gourmelen, M. 494 Gozariu, L . 243 Graham, D. 475 Griffith, D.R. 403 Guncaga, J. 62 Gunnarsson, R. 173 Gutman, R.A. 439 H Haas, H.G. 62 Hau, K. 319 Hardcastle, A . 396 Hasselblatt, A . 284 Haupt, E. 464 Hawkins, F.G. 17 Hedges, Annmarie 86 Hellerström, C. 125, 267 Hems, D.A. 40 Hendricks, Salie 132 Henquin, J.C. 470 Hermite, M.L. 190 Herrera, E. 264, 381 Hervas, F. 300 Hervei, Ch. 82 Hesch, R.D. 314 Hialmarson, A . 222 Hiles, L.G. 329 Höffken, B. 21 Holke, M. 158 Hope-Gill, H. 247, 357, 457, 525 Horigome, K . 478 Howell, S.L. 49, 267 Howland, B.E. 121 Hüfner, M . 314 Hustvedt, B.E. 222 Hynie, S. 208 F Fahlen, M. 222 Falorni, A. 392 Faulhaber, J.D. 36/243 Fedele, D. 245 Federspil, G. 488 Fehm, H.L. 36, 337/436 Felber, J.R. 272 Fink, G. 439 Finsterwalder, E. 347 Fischer, J. 289 Fleisch, H . 62 Foglia, V.G. 53 Forster, K. 243 Fräser, R. 525 Fräser, T.R. 247, 357, 457 Frasson, P. 245 Frayn, K . N . 86 Freychet, P. 443 Fussgänger, R. 256 Fussgänger, R.D. 426 I Iavicoli, M. 447 Imura, H. 343 Isaacson, L . 129 Itabashi, H. 478 Ito, T. 334 Wersen, J. 260 G Gabaldon, M. 522 Gäcs, G. 82 Galloway, D.G. 240 Galton, D.J. 229, 242 Gandolfi, C. 57 Gautvik, K.M. 70 J Jackson, W.P.U. 95 Jacquot, R. 297 Jerums, G. 242 Jessop, S. 526 Johansson, R. 222 Jortay, A . M . 309 X Juan, A . 522 Juhos, E. 530 K Kagan, A . 177 Kalk, W.J. 95, 499 Kang, S.S. 99 Kato, H. 334 Kato, Y . 343 Kappus, H. 333 Kawada, M.E. 275 Keller, E. 510 Keller, P. 95 Kerpel-Fronius, E. 82 Kettl, H. 167 Khan, L H . 99 Kido, Y . 334 Kirby, Marilyn, J. 86 Kissebah, A . 525 Kissebah, A . H . 247, 357, 457 Klenerova, V . 208 Kley, H.K. 213 Klitgaard, H.M. 238 Kok, S.H. 430 Kopecka, J. 532 Koutras, D.A. 501 Kowadlo Silbergeld, A . 303 Kraas, E. 423 Kral, J.G. 483 Kromann, H. 173 Krüskemper, H.L. 213 Kumahara, Y. 9 Kumar, D. 175 L Laburthe, M . 443, 527 Lacomba, T. 522 Lambert, A.E. 470 Lanuza, D.M. 329 Laren, H . , Mc. 499 Laron, Z. 80, 303 Larrodera, L. 17 Larvor, P. 91 Laube, H. 426 Lauffenburger, Th. 62 Lawine, R . L . 439 Lazarus, L. 428 Lazarus, N.R. 166 Leclercq, R. 297, 506 Lefebvre, P. 83/392 Legros, J.J. 83 Leicht, E. 410 Leite, M.O.R. 90 Lerne, C E . 90 Lenormand, Marie-Emmanuelle 184 Lentner, Charlotte 62 Liedholm, P. 79 v. Lilienfeld-Toal, H. 314 Linke, R. 293 Lisch, H.-J. 25 Löffler, G. 293 Low, H . 30/319/365 Loos, U . 190, 501 Loubatieres, A . L . 111 Loubatieres-Mariani, M.M. 111 Lücke, C. 21 Luyckx, A . 392 M Macho, L. 226 Maier, V. 293 Malmos, B. 501 Maltarello, C , Miss 447 Malvano, R. 57 Malvaux, P. 470 Manandhar, M. 529 Marine, N . 427 Markussen, J. 425 Marotta, S.F. 74, 154, 329 Marschner, I. 293 Martin, J.M. 125 Martini, L. 432 Massi-Benedetti, F. 392 Mato, J.M. 17 Matsuda, K . 478 Matsumoto, C. 187 Mauss, J. 171, 336 Mclntosh, Chr. 314 Meade, R.C. 238 Mehtalia, S.D. 175 Meinhold, H. 169 Mejean, L. 421 Melani, F. 1 Menzinger, G. 447 Meyer, Martha, H. 533 Meyer, Ralph, A . Jr. 533 Miayai, M . 9 Michel, G. 184 Michel, M.C. 434 Miller, L . V . 175 Minne, H . 243 Mitzkat, H J . 21 Mohnfeld, J. 336 Montague, W. 49 Moody, A . J . 12 Moorhouse, J.A. 87 Moridera, K . 343 Mornex, R. 306 Morreale, de Escobar, G. 300 Muggeo, M. 245 N Nagy, O. 530 Nakai, Y . 343 Nerup, J. 173 Newsome, F.E. 161 Nieschlag, E . 170, 213 O O'dor, R . K . 161 Offermann, G. 534 Ogunipe, O.O. 351 Ohneda, A . 478 Ohnhaus, E. 165 Olah, A . J . 62 Oppermann, W. 427 Ortvedandersen, O. 173 Osorio, J. 256 Oya, de, M. 17 P Panda, N.C. 528 Panten, U. 284 Parkes; C O . 161 Paul, M . 499 Paulsen, J.E. 173 Pavlova, A . 532 Pavlovig, Mira. 196 Peletier, J. 240 Pellegrini, M . 93 Pento, J.T. 177 Pfeiffer, E.F. 36, 256, 337, 339, 426,436 Picon, L. 376 Pimstone, B. 132 Pokroy, N . 132 Popov, D. 106 Poser, W. 284 R Rabain, Francoise 376 Rabkin, R. 129 Rado, J.P. 289,429,530 Raheja, K . L . 88 Rancon, F. 443 Raptis, S. 501 Rasho, M. 407 Rastogi, G.K. 335,435,528 Rayssiguier, Y . 91 Reber, E.F. 88 Recant, L. 439 Rehfeld, J.F. 260 Renauld, A . 84, 137,400 Reviers, de. M. 94 Ribes, G. 111 Rigopoulos, G. 501 Robin, C. 190^ Rodriguez-Minon, J.L. 17 Rodriguez, R.R. 400 Roldan, A . G . 53 Rolleri, E. 57 Rosa, U. 57 Rosak, C 464 Roos, P. 125 Rosselin, G. 443,527 Rothenbuchner, G. 190, 337,436, 501 Rubenstein, A . H . 439 Rutland, P. 234 S Sauer, S. 25 Sandhofer, F. 25 Sato, M. 478 Sawhney, R.C. 435,528 Sawinsky, I. 429 Schimpff, R.M. 494 Schimmel, R.J. 475 Schindler, A . E . 170 Schleusener, H . 192 Schleyer, M. 36 Schmidt, F.H. 181 Schneider, H.P.G. 337, 436, 510 Schöffling, K . 464 Schönborn, J. 284 Schröder, K. 337, 436 Schwandt, P. 293 Scriba, P.C. 293 Serrano-Rios, M . 17 Shaar, C J . 187 Shapiro, D.J. 129 Siegmund, P. 158 Simon, T. 530 Singhai, R.L. 89 Sinha, M.K. 335 Sladek, Celia, D. 217 Slanina, P. 106 Smalstig, E.B. 187 Somogyi, J. 181 Sonka, J. 532 Stahl, M. 165 Stan, M. 12 Stan, M.A. 12 Stas,J. 532 XI Steiner, H. 432 Story, J.A. 403 Strohfeldt, P. 167 Sulman, G. 92 Sundby, F. 425 Sutherland, D J . B . 89 Sutter, B.Ch. 297 Sutter-Dub, M.Th. 297 Sutton, J. 428 Suvarnalatha, M . 417 Sverdük, R.C. 84,137,400 Swann, Margaret 129 Szende, L. 289 T Takrf, J. 289,530 Tal, Eli. 92 Tamarit, J. 256 Tamarit, J. Jr. 256 Tamburrano, G. 447 Tarachand, U. 280, 491 Tashjian, A . H . J.R. 70 Tchobroutsky, G. 184 Thomas, J.A. 529 Thoreil, J. 79 Thum, Ch. 339 Tiengo, A. 245 Tjälve, H. 106 Torigoe, T. 334 Trautschold, I. 21 Tripathy, B.B. 528 Tschikof, R. 25 Tüllmann, A . 158 Tulloch, B. 525 Tulloch, B.R. 247, 357, 457 Tyhurst, M. 267 V Vallance-Owen, J. 85 Valori, C. 93 Vanhaelst, L . 190,506 Vargas, L . 275 Varotto, L. 202 Vegh, L. 429 Velasco, C. 427 Vincze, I. 181 Vinik, A.I. 95,396, 499, 526 Vogt, W. 293 Voigt, K . H . 36, 337,436 Vydelingum, N . 247, 357,457, W Wajchenberg, B.L. 90 Walk, T. 170 Ward, W.F. 238 Weinges, K . F . 167,410,514 Wenzel, K.W. 169 Werner, S. 30, 319, 365 Westman-Naeser, S. 125 Whichelow, M.J. 234 Wickramasighe, R.H. 241 Willig, F . 181 Y Yamagata, S. 478 Yang, M.M.P. 430 Yoshimoto, Y . 343 Yudkin, J. 99 Z Zanisi, M . 432 Zbirkova, A . 532 Zebrowski, E.J. 121 Zermatten, A. 272 Ziegler, R. 243 XII SUBJECT INDEX A A-cell, intracellular transport of proteins 267 A-2-cell 49 Acetoacetate 256, 488 ACTH 1, 36, 226 effect on reabsorption of Cortisol 154 Addison's disease 17 Adenine nucleotides, pancreas 44 - , surface fluorescence 284 Adenohypophysis 208 Adenylate cyclase 208, 365, 443 - , islets of Langerhans 49,166 - , prostatic 89 Adipose Tissue 226, 357, 37G, 454 - and cells, rat - , human 229 - , protein kinase 146 - , rat 83 Adrenal cortex, mitochondria 241 Adrenalectomized dogs, neutral red 111 Adrenalectomy 30, 365 Adrenal gland, cat 414 Adrenaline 49, 234, 357 Adrenergic blocking agents 428 Adrenocorticotropic normo ne 1, 36, 154, 226 Age dependence, binding of testosterone 213 Age, influence on pituitary 240 - , thyroid hormones 403 Albino rat 483 Allergie reactions 447 Alloxan 121 Alpha-cell, see also A-cell 392 Amiloride hydrochloride 115 Amino acid uptake, thyroid gland 196 Amino glutethimide administration 414 Anesthetics, local 106 Anterior pituitary hormones 337 - , simultaneous Stimulation test 436 Antibodies, insulin 175 Antigen-antibody complex 57 Anti-insulin serum 376 Antilipolysis 319 Antilipolytic activity 464 Antiovulatory activity 432 Antiserum heterogeneity 57 Arginine, chronic pancreatitis 95 - infusion 165 Artificial 0-cell 339 - pancreas 339 Ascorbic acid 234 Athyreosis 190 Atropine 115 Autoimmunity, endoerine pancreas 173 Autoradiography, thyroid slices 309 B 0-blockade 234 Beta-cell 392 "Big"-ACTH 1 - gastrin 1 - glucagon 1 - growth hormone 1 Biguanides 165 Bioassay, insulin 12 - , thyrotropin 9 Blood pressure, neutral red 111 C Calcitonin 30, 319,410,517 human 161 - , lipolysis 243 - , porcine 161 ulcers 332 - , release 70 Calcium 70, 247, 319/329/365 - balance 62 - , calcitonin 30 - excretion, urinary 90 - , homeostasis 177 - , intracellular 525 - kinetics 62 Caloric intake 351 Calvarium 407 camp, see cyclic AMP Carbimazole 306 Carbohydrate metabolism 483 Carbon dioxide 457 Carbonic anhydrase 158 Cardiovascular changes, thyroid Dysfunetions 93 Catecholamine excretion 532 Catecholamines 229, 414 - , levels in plasma and urine 93 - , release, neutral red 111 Chlorpropamide 386 Cholecystokinin, chronic pancreatitis 95 Cholesterol 403 - aeyltransferase 142 - , sidechain cleavage 241 Chronic pancreatitis 95 Circadian variations, carbohydrate tolerance 386 Citräte enzymes 264 Clomiphene ci träte, male 171 Coma, diabetic 339 Computer analysis, thyroxine distribution 202 Copper 329 Cortical cells 417 Corticosteroids 414 Corticosterone, diurnal rhythm 99 Cortisol 213,506 - , determination 429 influence of psychotropic drugs 5 30 - , plasma level 87 - , reabsorption site 154 - stop flow 154 Cortisone 365 - acetate 30 C-Peptide 1 Cross-reaction, HGH and HCS 80 Cyclic AMP 53, 70, 158, 208, 229, 247, 357, 365,457,529 - , excretion 314 - , fat cells of the rat 242 D Dehydroepiandrosterone, pregnancy 170 11-Deoxycorticosterone 241 2-Deoxy-D-glucose 21 Dexamethasone 303 DHA-sulfate, pregnancy 170 Diabetes 275 - , automatic treatment of acute conditions 339 - coma 339 - , experimental 173 •-, genetic427 - , gonadotropins 121 - insipidus 289 - , rats430 - , streptozotocin 475 - , proinsulinlike material 439 Diaphragm 370 Diarrheic calves 434 Diazoxide, effect on islets 166 Diet 351 - and exercise, catecholamine excretion 532 Dietary carbohydrates, diurnal rhythms 99 Diethylstilbestrol 522 Dihydroergotamine 303 Dihydrotestosterone 89 Diphenylhydantoin 475 Diphosphonate 62 Diuretic effect, glibenclamide 289 Diuretics 115 Diurnal rhythm 99 - variations, corticosterone and cations 329 D,L-ethionine 44 Dog 400 Dogs, hypothyroidism 137 Dopamine neuroleptics 187 Dwarfism 343 - , familial 80 E Exercise, thyroid hormones 403 Eminence median 94 Entero-insular axis 95 Enzymeactivities, muscle and liver 222 Epinephrine 158 Erythrocytes 158 Estradiol 213,217 Estrogen 208 Estrone 213 - tri tyrosine methyl ester, 1-labelled 334 Estrous cycle 217 Ethanol, effect on glucogon secretion 245 17a-Ethynylestradiol in man 430 Ethynylestradiol, metabolites 333 Exercise, growth hormone secretion 184 - , muscular 488 125 F Fasting 229,499 Fat cells, free 12 - size 351 Fatty Acid 457 Fenfluramine 85, 86 Fettstoffwechselhormon 36 Fetus 376 F F A 137, 386, 400, 483, 488 Follicle stimulating hormone 121, 171, 335,336,514 Food deprivation 264 XIII Free Antigen 57 Free Fatty Acids 137, 386, 400, 483, 488 Fructose 370, 457 - , sulfonylureas 284 FSH 121,514 - and L H - urinary 336 - , diabetics 335 - , infertility 171 G Gastric secretion 517 - ulcer517 , restraint-induced 332 Gastrin 1, 260 Gastrointestinal hormones, effect of 2deoxyglucose 21 Gestation 376 Ghosts, fat cells 238 Glibenclamide 181, 289, 464 - , subcellular distribution 181 Glibornuride 386 Glucagon 1, 49, 70, 392, 443, 478 - , camel 425 - , effect on adenylate cyclase in islets 166 - , pancreatic 156, 396 - , paradoxical release 426 - secretion, neutral red 111 pig 245 Gluconeogenesis 284, 381 Glucose 25, 234, 256, 319, 370, 376, 386, 392, 457, 470 - (3H)12 blood 115, 184 - controlled insulin infusion 339 - , diurnal rhythm 99 - homeostasis 392 - infusion test 400 - uptake, muscle 85, 86 Glucosyltransferase, kidney 427 Glucuronyltransferase 522 Gluconeogenesis 217 Glycemia, Addison's disease 17 - , neutral red 111 - Glycerol 483 ~ release 357 Glycogen 370, 457 - content, muscle and liver 222 Glycogenolysis 525 Glycogen synthesis 217 - synthetase 40, 457 Glycolysis 284 Glycolytic metabolites, pancreas 44 Goitre, nontoxic endemic and sporadic501 Gonadotropins, diabetics 121, 335 Group experiment, radioimmunoassay for insulin 293 Growth hormone 1, 129, 275, 386,506 - , human 184, 303, 347 - , obese mice 125 - , propanolol-insulin Stimulation test 343 - , rat, radioimmunoassay 300 --, responses to physical exercise 428 - therapy 494 Growth rate 494 Guanidine Chloride, insulin secretion 115 Guanidinobutyramide 115 Guanidinobutyric acid 115 Guanidino-propionic acid 115 Guinea pig 267 Gut gli 396 H HB 419181 HCG, 0-subunit 527 HCS 80 Hemicastration 417 Heparin 151 Hepatic disease, TSH-response 132 HGH, antibodies 484 - , immunological behaviour 80 H-glucose 12 Hindlimb, isolated, rat 167 Histamine assay, T R F treatment 92 Histomorphometry 62 H-lipid counting 12 - extraction 12 Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) 527 - placental lactogen 347 Hydrocortisone treatment, Addison's disease 17 0-Hydroxy butyrate 256 25-Hydroxycalciferol 534 Hyperbaric oxygen 40 Hypercholesterolemia 88 Hyperglycemic mice 40 Hyperinsulinemia 222 Hyperparathyroidism 314 Hyperthyroidism 93, 142, 190, 202, 400 - , cholesterol a cyltransferase 142 - , dogs137 - , treatment 92 Hypocalcemia, parathyroid response 91 - , insulin and glucagon 443 Hypophysectomie 5 3 - , protein kinase 146 Hypothalamic lesion 222 - obesity 370, 454 Hypothyroidism, primary 9 3 3 I Immunoassay, prolactin 499 Immunological specificity, HCG 527 Immunoreactive insulin (I.R.I.), Addison's disease 17 Impotence 335 Infertility, male 171 Insulin 217, 219, 234, 247, 256, 272, 280, 357, 376, 386, 392, 443, 457 - administration 222 - antagonist 275 - antibodies 175, 447 - , bioassay 12 - , chronic pancreatitis 95 - , degradation by fat cell ghosts 238 - , diurnal rhythm 99 - , growth hormone 343 - , immunoreactive 400 - infusion, glucose-controlled 339 - , lactating rat 297 - , lipolysis 25 - , oscillations in response 423 - , plasma 115, 165, 184 - , receptors 242 - , recovery in radioimmunoassay 293 - release 526 - requirement 447 Insulin resistance 447 , obese mice 40,125 - , responsiveness 454 - RIA, group experiment 293 - secretion 177,470 , Addison's disease 17 in vitro, local anesthetics 106 , neutral red 111 , pancreozymin 21 - , sensitivity in normal rats 430 - tolerance test 84 - treated diabetes 184 Insulitis 173 Intestinal hormone 272 Intestine 407 Intravenous glucose, chronic pancreatitis 95 - glucose test, rapid 17 - tolbutamide test, Addison's disease 17 Iodide 306 - , hormonal 434 - trapping in vitro 309 IR-HGH 80 IRI, serum 137 Irreversible adsorbent 57 Islets, adenylate cyclase 166 - of Langerhans 49 Isolated fat cells 25 - islets 470 - pancreas 260 - perfused pancreas 256 K Ketoacidosis 339 Ketone bodies 53 Kidney 407 L Lactation 297 Lecithin 142 LH 514 - , diabetics 335 infertility 171 L H R F antibodies 94 LH-RH, see also L R H - , diabetic men 335 - , injection in lambs 240 - Stimulation 336 Lipase, hormone sensitive 247 Lipid counting (3H) 12 - extraction (3H) 12 - metabolism 347,483 Lipodystrophy 447 Lipogenesis 351 Lipolysis 226, 229, 247, 303, 351, 357 - , calcitonin 30 - , isolated fat cells 25 Lipolytic hormone 36 Lipolysis, influence parathyroid hormone and calcitonin 243 Lipoprotein lipase activity, heparin 151 Liver 407,491 - cirrhosis 142 - , enzyme activities 222 - , fructose metabolism 284 - glycogen 381 - membranes 443 - , metabolism 264 - , protein synthesis 280 - triglycerides 53 Local anesthetics 106 L R H , see also LH-RH 510 XIV L R H , continuous administration 79 - , human males 79 Luteinizing hormone (LH) 121, 410 - releasing hormone (LH-RH) 410 Pituitary, diabetic rats 121 - , "Fettstoffwechselhormon" 36 - function, malnutrition 82 - responses to L R H 79 - respone to LH-RH 240 M Placenta 280 Magnesium 70, 329 Plasma lipids, diurnal rhythm 99 - deficient rat 91 Polydiethylstilbestrol phosphate 522 Malnutrition 82 Posture, effect on Cortisol 87 Mannoheptulose 21 Potassium 470 Microangiopathy 447 Pregnancy 297 Monocomponent insulin (MC) 175, 447 - , DHA 170 Monospecies pork insulin (MS) 447 Pregnant mice 491, 280 Monthly rhythms, hormones 506 Procaine-HCL 357,457 Muscle 407 Progesterone 217, 297, 430 ~, enzyme activities 222 Pro-hormones in tissues and in circula- , glucose uptake 85, 86 tion 1 Proinsulin 1 N - antibody 439 Nafoxidine522 - -like material 439 Nasal spray 510 Prolactin 187,499,529 Neuroleptics 187 - and testosterone 529 Neurophysin I 83 - , human 347 Neutral red, insulin secretion 111 - inhibiting factor (PIF) 187 Newborn, human 392 - , thyroid diseases 190 Nicotinamide 280 Propranolol 53 Norepinephrine 226 Pro-parathormone 1 Nutrition 226 Propranolol, growth hormone 343 Prostaglandin Ei208 O Prostaglandins 229 Obese hyperglycemic mice, glucagon Prostate gland 529 release 426 Prostatic adenyl cyclase 89 - , growth hormone levels 125 Protein-binding assay, 25-Hydroxy- mice 40 calciferoi 534 Obesity, hypothalamic 370 Protein caloriec malnutrition (PCM) OGTT 137 528 Oligozoospermia, LRH 79 - kinase 49, 208, 247 Oral amino acids load 272 , hypophysectomy 146 - glucose 272 - synthesis 196, 267, 488 , chronic pancreatitis 95 , placenta and liver 280 , tolerance test, Addison's disease Psychoactive drugs 187 17 Psychotropic drugs 530 Osmotic water flow, growth hormone PTH-fragment 1 129 Puberty, girls 325 Ouabain 470 Pyridine nucleotides, pancreas 44 Pyruvate 370, 457 Oxygen consumption, liver 284 - dehydrogenase 457 P Paget's disease of bone 62 Palmitate 256 Pancreas, metabolism 44 Pancreatectomized rat, partially 275 Pancreatectomy 53 Pancreatic a cell 267 Pancreatitis, chronic 95 Pancreozymin 21 - , chronic pancreatitis 95 Parathormone 1 Parathyroid hormone 243, 314 - , degradation 407 - , radioimmunoassay 407 respone to hypocalcemia 91 Pentobarbital 483 Pentose shunt 457 Perchlorate 306 Perfusion, rat lundlimb 167 Perifusion 470 Phentolamine, effect on islets 166 Phosphatase 247 Phosphate, inorganic 533 Phosphodiesterase 208 Phosphorylase 40 Pig 517 R Radioimmunoassay, data processing 293 - , quality control 293 - , thyrotropin 9 thyroxine 169 Rana hexadactyla 417 Rat, conscious 115 - , organs, gübenclamide distribution 181 Receptors 443 Red blood cells, potassium 526 Renal Cortisol reabsorption 74 - disease, TSH response 132 - tumors522 Rhythm, diurnal 99 Ribosomes 488 S S-adenosyl-methionine 333 Salmon calcitonin 161 Secretin 21, 272 - , chronic pancreatitis 95 Sex organs, diabetic rats 121 Sheep 0-lipotropin 303 Skeletal muscle 86 Sodium excretion, urinary 90 - transport, effect of growth hormone on 129 Somatomedin 125, 319, 494 Steroids 417 - , urinary 325 Stüling cells 417 Streptozotocin 280, 475, 488 Stress 275 Suckling 264 - -food deprivation 381 Sugar, Blood 137,400 Sulfation factor 125 Sulfonylureas 284 Synthetic medium for perfusion 167 T T 190 TBG, competitive ligand-binding assay 435 - , estimation of 435 Testis compensatory hypertrophy 417 Testosterone 514, 529 - , and prolactin 529 - /cortisol 213 - , endogenous.88 Theophylline 303 Threshold, renal, cortisol 74 Thyrocalcitonin administration 533 Thyroglobulin synthesis 196 Thyroid 306 - activity 93 - , dog 309 Thyroidectomy 84 Thyroid gland, amino acid uptake 196 - hormone levels 528 s in nontoxic goitre 501 Thyroidism, asymptomatic 190 Thyroid secretion rate 403 - , sheep 309 - stimulating hormone (TSH) 410 Thyrotoxicosis 202 Thyrotropin 9, 506 - Releasing hormone 9, 499 , rat 432 (TSH-RH)410 Thyroxine 137, 202, 208 - ( T ) , old age 239 - , radioimmunoassay 169 Tissue culture, calcitonin secretion 70 Toad skin, growth hormone 129 Tolbutamide 386,464, 478 TRF92 TRH 190 - , hepatic and renal diseases 132 - in nontoxic goitre 501 Triamterene 429 Triglycerides 403 Triiodothyronine ( T ) , old age 239 Tryptic peptides and secretin 396 TSH 190 hepatic and renal diseases 132 - , serum, in nontoxic goitre 501 Tubulär maximum, cortisol 74 U,V Urinary excretion, sodium and calcium 90 Uncinate Dog 478 Vasopressin 1 W,Z Weanling rat 454 Zinc 329 3 4 3 293 Horm. Metab. Res. 6 ( 1 9 7 4 ) 2 9 3 - 2 9 6 © Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart Group Experiments on the Radioimmunological Insulin Determination* 1 1 1 1 1 I. Marschner , P. Bottermann , F. Erhardt , R. Linke2, G. Löffler , V . Maier3, P. Schwandt , W. Vogt , and P.C. Scriba 1 1 1 Sonderforschungsbereich 51 Muenchen, and Sonderforschungsbereich 87 Ulm ( München, 2j tzing, ^uim), Germany u Summary By means of two group experiments, performed in seven laboratories and using six different modifications in the insulin radioimmunoassay technique, it is shown that the use of Standards diluted in human serum of low basal insulin concentration, instead of buffer, improves appreciably the interlaboratory precision. The causes lies perhaps in some serum factor, which could disturb some modifications of the radioimmunoassay more than others. There was no improvement of precision when the same insulin Standard was used in all laboratories. Standard curves made up in different human fasting sera have a scatter only within the ränge of pipetting and counting error. Key-Words: Group E x p e r i m e n t - I n s u l i n R I A - D a t a cessing - Q u a l i t y C o n t r o l - I n s u l i n Recovery Pro- Introduction Elimination of inter-laboratory differences of the results of clinical chemical analyses has recently drawn major attention. Quality control of routine methods largely is performed by means of participation in group experiments. The aim of this work was to design and to test a modell for collaborative, comparative studies on the radioimmunological insulin determination with the goal of improving the inter-laboratory precision. in his own buffer system, and using his usual concentrations. The unknowns were then evaluated with the laboratory's own Standard curve, as well as with the Standard curve containing the common insulin Standard. Second g r o u p e x p e r i m e n t ( 1 9 7 3 ) : The samples assayed in the second group experiment were as follows: Nine samples from a new serum pooL Triplicates of seven serum samples drawn from a further patient during an OGTT. Times of venipuneture: 0, 5, 1 0 , 15, 20, 3 0 and 6 0 minutes after administration of glucose. Triplicates of 8 samples to form the recovery curve. These were made in human serum with a low basal concentration of insulin. For this we used the serum of a fasting patient which contained approximately 6 M U insulin/ml. 2 0 0 /utU insulin were then dissolved in each millilitre of an aliquot of this serum, so providing a stock serum Standard of 206 M U insulin/ml. From this, further serial 1 + 1 dilutions were made, using the rest of the low insulin serum as diluent. Thus the following Standards were obtained 206, 106, 5 6 , 3 1 , 18.5, 12.3, 9.2, and 6 /uU/ml. In all cases the identity of the samples was withheld from the partieipants. Results First group experiment The individual group modifications of the insulin RIA technique are shown in Table 1. Because all unknowns were measured in one assay-run, the within assay coefficient of Variation could be obtained from the 24 samples of the serum pool. This ranged between 3.4% and 14%. The scatter of the means of the 24 values from each laboratory was between 21 Material and Methods juU/ml and 46 /iU insulin/ml and had a coefficient All experiments were performed on the same samples by of Variation .of 21%. The results from the OGTT-sera seven individual groups of workers in different laboratories. had a similar scatter. The means of the measured inFirst g r o u p e x p e r i m e n t ( 1 9 7 2 ) : For the first group experiment we dispatched the following two lots of serum sampsulin concentrations lay between 13 juU (fasting) and les to all seven partieipants. 82 /iU/ml (60 minutes after glucose), and the coeffiTwentyfour samples from a serum pool, mixed from the serum cient of Variation of 18% calculated in the lower conof 5 patients, venipuneture one hour after breakfast. centration ränge increased to 33% in the higher concentration ränge. The result from the first group exSi> serum samples with different concentrations of insulin, taken from one patient during an oral glucose tolerance test periment was, that there was no improvement of (OGTT). The venipunetures were performed at 0 , 5, 10, 2 0 , inter-laboratory precision, when the same insulin Stan30 and 6 0 minutes after the administration of 100 gm gludards were used by all groups. cose. Each sample was assayed in triplicate. In addition, each box with the frozen samples contained a vial of Second group experiment 2 nU insulin Standard preparation (kindly supplied by Because of the different methods for evaluating RIA Fa. Buchler, Braunschweig - RCC, Amersham). With this data (logit- or parabola-transformation, graphic-manual insilin Standard each partieipant prepared a Standard curve procedures), which intrinsically yield different hor*Sipported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft mone concentration values, particularly at either end (SFB 5 1 , München, and SFB 87, Ulm). of the Standard curve, all results were handled as raw Received: 15 Feb. 1974 Accepted: 12 Mar. 1974 counts in this second group experiment in contrast 294 I. Marschner et al. Fig. l a Results of the insulin-determinations of the serum pool (n=9) as calculated from each laboratory's own Standard curve in buffer (second group experiment). The results from each laboratory are represented in a Gaussian-curve. As usual the peak of each curve represents the mean value, the width of each curve between upper and middle third is two Standard deviations. The peaks (means) have a scatter with a coefficient of Variation of 28%. The results of the first group experiment (cf. text) were similar. Fig. l b The same data, related to the recovery curve, i.e. Standards dissolved in low insulin serum. Coefficient of Variation of the means 8%. to the first one. In this way we were able to evaluate all hormone concentrations using one method, and so record only the differences of the assay variations. This was done with a Computer program, using spline approximation to fit the Standard curve. A Siemens 404/3 data processing machine was employed. The curves were plotted by an on-line controlled Hagenplotter (Marschner, E r h a r d t and Scriba 1973). The count rates of the unknowns from the various groups were related firstly to their corresponding Standard curve and then to their recovery curve. Calculation o f the unknowns, using the S t a n d a r d curve i n buffer The means of the 9 serum pool samples from all seven groups had a scatter with a coefficient of Variation of 28%. This, and also the individual within assay precision were not appreciably different from the results of the first experiment (Fig. la). Similar results were also obtained by comparing the hormone values from the OGTT in both group experiments (Fig. 2a). C a l c u l a t i o n of the unknowns, using the recovery curve By calculating the insulin concentrations of the samples from the serum pool (Fig. lb) and those from the OGTT (Fig. 2b) using the recovery curve (see above) we obtained a great improvement of interlaboratory precision. Inspite of the fact, that the individual within-assay precision remained nearly uninfluenced, the scatter of the means of the pooled serum was reduced to a coefficient of Variation of only 8% from 28%. It was noticed, that the recovery curves in serum generally had a gradient steeper than the Standard curves in buffer (Fig. 3). Table 1 Modifications of the radioimmunological determinations used by the partieipants. Incubation Temp. Ml PreIncubation h h °C A B 100 100 6 6 24 18 C 100 - D 100 E Serum Volume Pipetting Steps B/F-Separation 4 4 3 3 Filtration on Cellulose Acetate Filters, Using Preprecipitated Antibody 17-24 4-8 2 Solid-Phase Technique Fa. Boehring;r - 72 4 4 Ion Exchange Resin (Amberlite) 100 - 24 22 6 Sepharose-bound Antibody Pharmacia, Uppsala F 50 3 22 3 Sephadex G-75-Column Chromatogaphy G 100 - 37 3 Dextran Coated Charcoal Adsorption 8 120 295 Group Experiments on the Radioimmunological Insulin Determination MICHROUNITS INSULIN/ML MICROUNITS INSULIN/ML 120-h- 120- 110»- • 110-- 100 J- 100 • Füg. 2a io 00 MIN Fig. 2b io MINUTES Fig.. 2a Results of the insulin-determinations in the sera from the OGTT, related to each laboratory's own Standard curve in buffer. Ordinate: insulin concentration in pU/ml. Abscissa: time of venipuneture after glucose administration. The middle line* connects the means of all Single values of all laboratories, the shaded area covers two Standard deviations. Mean coefficiemt of Variation 14%. Fig.. 2b The same data, related to the recovery curves: mean coefficient of Variation 6-5%. In the higher concentration ränge of the Standard curve no improvement was obtained (decreasing steepness). We examined the usefulness of various human fasting sera for insulin recovery curves and prepared 7 recovery curves as described above. Triplicates of 4 comtrol samples calculated by the Computer on each of the 7 recovery curves, showed a coefficient of Variation not greater than 7%, which lays within the precision of the assay. 8[%| RECOVE RY C: U R V E \ Discussion S T A N D A R D CU RVE Group experiments are a well aeeepted procedure to examine the validity of laboratory results. For ordinary laboratory methods one or two determinations of a substance are sufficient for such a project whereas because of the nonlinear RIA Standard curves 6 to 8 determinations in triplicates of samples having concentrations which are spread over the sensitive part of the Standard curve are essential. \^\^ \\ It is desirable, that the concentrations of the samples are within a physiological context, like in our case from an OGTT. To make sure, that the results represent all individual laboratory errors, each partieipant should handle his samples as in a routine assay. A detailed Information about the individual assay is not necessary. The only important fact is the agreement of results with those of other laboratories. Since one is commonly interested in comparing assay Systems and not the different evaluation procedures, it is advantageous to ask for count rates instead of hormone concentrations. From the obtained count rates the hormone concentrations will be 0 3.13 6.25 12.5 25.0 50.0 100.0 200.0 MICROUNITS INSULIN / ML Fig. 3 A typical Standard curve in buffer and recovery curve. The latter has a steeper gradient. Ordinate: B / B (B = antibody bound activity, B = maximal antibodybound activity in absence of cold hormone). Abscissa: logarithmic dose (/uU insulin/ml). The horizontal line at 87% is the limit of sensitivity, calculated as 3 Standard deviations of B -values (n = 9). 0 0 0 296 I. Marschner et al. It is apparent, that the precision will decrease a little, if each laboratory uses a different serum for its own Standards. Despite this, our results suggest, that this decrease would not be great. It is, furthermore recommended that Standards be made by serial dilutions of 1 + 1, starting from one stock Solution containing about 200 to 300 juU/ml. Thereby, it is necessary to The two group experiments, regarded as pilot studies, use only one pipette and one Single volume, resulting show, that both the type of the RIA System (antiin a precision superior tc all other ways of pipetting body, bound-free-separation, incubation-time and Standard dilutions. -temperature, sample volume) are of secondary importance in improving inter-laboratory precision. It References is, therefore, less important to standardize either of these. Differences in the purity of the tracer, the in- A s h f o r d , W.R., J . C a m p b e l l , J . K . D a v i d s o n A M . F i s h e r , R.E. H a i s t , A M . Lacey, B . L i n , J M . M a r t i n N i n a H . M o r l e y , cubation and the antigen-antibody-reaction seem to K . Sudha R a s t o g i , a n d W.O. S t o r v i c k : A consideration of play a greater role in serum samples than in pure methods of insulin assay. Diabetes 18 (1969) 823-833 buffer Systems. In view of this, it was considered E r h a r d t , F . , I . M a r s c h n e r , Renate C. P i c k a r d t , P . C . S c r i b a : better to dissolve the insulin Standard not in buffer, Verbesserung und Qualitätskontrolle der radioimmunologischen Thyreotropin-Bestimmung. Z. klin. Chem. 11 but in serum with a low basal insulin concentration. (1973) 381-387 Comparable effects have been shown by E r h a r d t , M a r s c h n e r , /., F . E r h a r d t , P . C . S c r i b a : The calculation of Marschner, Pickardt, and Scriba (1973) in the measthe radioimmunoassay Standard curve by "spline funcurement of hTSH. tion". Symposion on radioimmunoassay and related piocalculated in a uniform fashion by an appropriate Computer program. From the count rates of the Standard curves one gets also Information about the steepness of the slope of the Standard curves and the limits of sensitivity (threefold Standard deviation of the zero-standard). A coefficient of Variation greater than 20% is considered too high for satisfactory hormone measurement, particularly when needed frequently, for clinical and research purposes and when the RIA itself is relatively simple (Ashford et al. 1969). This can be improved considerably, however, by using Standards in serum. In this way the inter-laboratory precision approximates to the ränge of such assays as cholesterol or urea-nitrogen (Stamm and Büttner 1969). cedures in clinical medicine and research. Internationa Atomic Energy Agency, Sept. 1973. Istanbul, Turkey Stamm, £>., H . Büttner: Ringversuch zur Qualitätskontrolle 1968. Z. klin. Chem. 7 (1969) 393403 Requests for reprints should be addressed to: Dr. I. Marschner, Laboratorien für Klinische Chemie und Endokrinologie II. Medizinische Klinik der Universität D-8000 München 2, Ziemssenstr. 1 (Germany).
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