Thyroid Research Proceedings of the Seventh International Thyroid Conference Boston, Massachusetts, June 9-13, 1975 Editors: J A C O B R O B B I N S , Bethesda, M d . L E W I S E . B R A V E R M A N , Boston, Mass. Co-editors: F . J . G . E B L I N G , Sheffield, U . K . I.W. H E N D E R S O N , Sheffield, U . K ., 1 Ol, ' / A ( 57/ Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam — Oxford American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., New York ©) E X C E R P T A M E D I C A 1976 A l l rights reserved. N o part of this publication may duced, stored in a retrieval System or transmitted, in or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O N G R E S S S E R I E S N o . 378 I S B N Excerpta Medica 90 219 0309 1 I S B N American Elsevier 0 444 15202 4 L i b r a r y of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data I n t e r n a t i o n a l Thyroid Conference, 7th, Boston, Thyroid research. 1975. ( i n t e r n a t i o n a l congress s e r i e s ; no. 378) Includes index. 1. T h y r o i d gland—Diseases—Congresses. 2. T h y r o i d hormones—Congresses. 3 . Thyroid gland— Congresses. I. Robbins, Jacob. I I . Braverman, Lewis E. I I I . T i t l e . IV. S e r i e s . RC655.I65 1975 616.4'4 76-82A ISBN 0-444-15202-4 (American E l s e v i e r ) Publisher: Excerpta Medica 305 Keizersgracht Amsterdam P.O. B o x 1126 Sole Distributors for the USA and C a n a d a : American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New Y o r k , N . Y . 10017 Printed in The Netherlands by Groen, IJmuiden be reproany form recording publisher. Contents Section I. T R H , TSH and control o f thyroid function T R H analog antagonists. C. Y. ßowers, H. Sievertsson, J. C h a n g , J. Stewart, S. Castensson, S. B j o r k m a n , D . C h a n g and K. F o l k e r s The subcellular distribution of thyrotropin releasing hormone ( T R H ) in rat hypothalamus and brain. A . W i n o k u r and R . D . U t i g e r The significance of urinary thyrotropin releasing hormone ( T R H ) excretion in man. R . F . Gagel, I . M . D . Jackson, D . P . Deprez, P . D . Papapetrou and S. R e i c h l i n Estimates of pituitary Stores of T S H and P R L in normal subjects and patients w i t h primary hypothyroidism by the use of continuous T R H infusion. L . Wartofsky, R . C . D i m o n d , G . L . Noel, J . M . E a r l l and A . G . F r a n t z Inhibition by somatostatin of T S H response to T R H and of basal T S H levels in man. /. Weeke, A . P r a n g e H a n s e n , S. Eskjaer Jensen and K. Lundbaek Effect of adiphenine on T S H release by rat anterior pituitaries in vitro. D . J o r d a n , G. Ponsin and R . M o r n e x Comparison of the effects of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) on serum T S H and hepatic mitochondrial glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (a-GPD) activities in thyroidectomized hypothyroid rats. P . R . Larsen and R . D . Frumess Lack of inhibiting effect of small doses of T3 on the T R H - i n d u c e d release of T S H in the hypothyroid rat. M . D . G a r c i a , F. Escobar del Rey and G. M o r r e a l e de Es cobar An experimental analysis of the pituitary thyrotropin rebound phenomenon in the goitrous rat. S . A . D ' A n g e l o , D . H . P a u l and N . R . Wall Primary structure and immunological comparison of porcine thyroid-stimulating (TSH) and follicle-stimulating ( F S H ) hormones. / . Closset, G. M a g h u i n - R o g i s t e r , J . - L . V a n d a l e m , Y. Combarnous and G. H e n n e n The thyroid stimulating activity of highly purified preparations of human chorionic gonadotropin. H. U c h i m u r a , S. N a g a t a k i , T. T a b u c h i , M. M i z u n o and K. I t o Chronic T 3 treatment abolishes the responsiveness of mouse thyroid to b T S H . M. Gafni, N . Sirkis and J. Gross Effect of thyroid hormone or iodide on the thyroidal secretion in vitro: inhibition Of TSH- and dibutyryl-cyclic-AMP-induced endocytosis. Y. Shishiba, T. S h i m i z u , M. T a k a i s h i , Y. M i y a c h i and Y. Ozawa Section II. T h y r o i d morphogenesis. Structure-function III. Mechanisms o f thyroid 5 8 11 15 18 21 25 29 33 37 41 44 relationship Morphogenesis of thyroid follicles in vitro. P. C a u , G. F a y e t and M. M i c h e l - B e c h e t Electron microscope immunohistochemical localization of thyroglobulin in the rat thyroid. G. Pelletier, R . P u v i a n i and J . H Dussault Chronic thyrotropin Stimulation: A n in vivo and in vitro biochemical and ultrastructural approach. P . Ketelbant-Balasse, P . Rocmans, N . F r e d e r i c , J. Golstein, and P. Neve Section 1 48 51 54 Stimulation Solubilization and partial purification of the thyrotropin receptor. R . L . Täte, R . J . W i n a n d and L . D . K o h n The influence of membrane lipids on thyrotropin-receptor interactions. S . Q . M e h d i , S.S. Nussey, R . D . Simpson, C . L . Bashford, S.J. H a r r i s o n and G.K. Radda Hyperpolarization of thyroid cells in vitro by thyrotropin and cyclic A M P . R . Batt and J . M . M c K e n z i e 57 61 65 VIII Cyclic 3',5'-nucleotide Phosphodiesterase in human thyroid gland. A . Nagasaka and H. H i d a k a Effects of thyrotropin and Prostaglandin E i on rat thyroid cyclic A M P . M. Z a k a r i j a Role of Prostaglandins in thyroid secretion. J . M . Boeynaems, P. Ketelbant-Balasse, J. Van Sande and J . E . D u m o n t The properties of cAMP-dependent protein kinase of porcine thyroid plasma membrane. R . Kobayashi and A . H a r a d a Particulate regulator of protein phosphokinases in hypo- and hyperstimulated rat thyroid glands. M. P a v l o v i c - H o u r n a c and D . D e l b a u f f e Phosphorylation of purified thyroid plasma membranes in vitro. A . T i r a r d and M. Roques Stimulatory effect of T S H or L A T S on C a uptake by thyroid gland. T. H a c h i y a , T. M i y a z a k i , I. Kaimasu, T. M a z i m a , M . Y o s h i m u r a and Y. O c h i Effects of calcium ionophore (A-23187) on glucose oxidation and iodide transport in dog thyroid slices. K. Y a m a s h i t a , Y. Aiyoshi, H. O k a and E . O g a t a Interrelation of c A M P , c G M P and C a in the regulation of thyroid cell metabolism. J. Van Sande, C. Decoster, G. G r e n i e r and J . E . D u m o n t Influence of the sympathetic nervous System on thyroid activity in man. A . M e l a n der, K. Bülow, A . Burger, L . E . E r i c s o n , S. Ingemansson, J.-G. Ljunggren, K.-A. Norberg, B . Persson, S . - B . Sundqvist, F. Sundler, S. T i b b l i n and U. Westgren The possible role of biogenic amines as the thyroid stimulators in Graves* disease. A . Sato, K. H a s h i z u m e and T. O n a y a Isoproterenol activates cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase activity in the thyroid. S.W. Spaulding 68 72 76 78 81 85 4 5 89 93 + + Section I V . Regulation o f thyroid protein V. T h y r o i d peroxidase, iodination 100 103 107 synthesis Regulation of Ornithine decarboxylase activity in the thyroid. D . R . Zusman and G.N. B u r r o w Two modes of T S H action in the Stimulation of thyroidal protein synthesis. J . R . Sherwin and W. T o n g Effect of T S H at the ribosomal level in the thyroid. P. D e Nayer A c t i o n of thyrotropin on phosphate incorporation into thyroid proteins, in vitro. F. Lamy, R . Lecocq and J . E . D u m o n t Molecular basis for the action of K I on thyroid protein biosynthesis. M . A . Pisarev and L . O . A i e l l o Studies on a decrease of plasma triiodothyronine concentration produced by chronic administration of excess iodide in rats. T. Y a m a d a , A . K o j i m a , R . I n o u e and T. Kawabe Section 97 mechanisms and 2 2 114 118 121 124 127 deiodination Thyroglobulin exocytosis and iodination. R . E k h o l m , L . E . E r i c s o n , G. Engström and T Öfverholm Evidence for the oxidation of iodide to I"" by H 0 and peroxidase. N . M . Alexander Mechanism of thyroid peroxidase catalyzed thyroid hormone synthesis. J. Pommier, D . D e r n e , E. F i m i a n i , J . M . Gavaret and J. N u n e z Evidence for an enzyme-bound intermediate in thyroid peroxidase catalyzed iodination. B . Davidson, J . T Neary, H. V. Strout, F . M a l o o f a n d M . Soodak The mechanism of inhibition of thyroid peroxidase-catalyzed iodination by Propylthiouracil and methylmercaptoimidazole. A . T a u r o g The electron transport System and peroxidase in thyroid microsomes. S. O h t a k i , S. N a k a g a w a , K. Kon and I. Y a m a z a k i Pyridine nucleotides: Effects on the iodine metabolism of isolated thyroid cells. M.L. Maayan 4 110 130 134 139 143 147 151 155 IX Preferential inhibition by Propylthiouracil of diiodotyrosine and thyroxine biosynthesis: a consequence of low thyroglobulin iodination. H. Bürgi, H J . Osterwalder, H Kohler and H. Studer NADPH-responsiveness of soluble thyroid iodotyrosine deiodinase. A . Goswami and I . N . Rosenberg Increased iodotyrosine deiodinase activity in human goiters and in rats treated with Perchlorate. A . Conti, F. Kneubuehl, H. Studer, H. Kohler and H. Bürgi Section VI. lodoproteins: biosynthesis and VII. Endocytosis and thyroid VIII. T h y r o x i n e transport 166 169 173 I I 180 184 188 192 hormone Colchicine-binding protein associated with thyroid plasma membranes. B . B h a t t a charyyaandJ. Wolff The relation between exocytosis and endocytosis in the thyroid gland. L . E . E r i c s o n , R . E k h o l m , G. Engström and A . M e l a n d e r Bimodal model and intracellular processes for thyroid hormonal secretion. R . M i q u e l i s and C. Simon The role of the pentose phosphate Shunt in T S H Stimulation of thyroid hormone secretion in the mouse t h y r o i d . K. H a s h i z u m e , T. O n a y a and A . Sato Separation of thyroid mitochondria and lysosomes. M . F . Van den H o v e - V a n d e n broucke and P. D e Nayer T h y r o x i n e , triiodothyronine and thyroglobulin in the human thyroid l y m p h . J . G . L j u n g g r e n , B . Persson and P . O . G r a n b e r g The effect of iodine on the susceptibility of thyroglobulin to proteolysis by a thyroid proteolytic fraction. L . Lamas and S . H . I n g b a r The effects of microunit doses of thyrotropin on iodothyrohine release from mouse thyroid lobes in vitro. R . S . C h a p m a n , P . G . M a l a n and R . P . E k i n s Secretion rates of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) from the human thyroid gland: Peroperative study in the normal gland and in atoxic goiter. L . Tegler, S. Almqvist, F. Baldor, J. Gillquist, H Johansson and B . Lundström Peroperative studies on thyroid activity: Secretion of T 4 , T 3 and 'reverse T 3 ' ( R T 3 ) in normal man. U. Westgren, A . Burger, S. Ingemansson, A . M e l a n d e r , S. T i b b l i n and E . W a h l i n Section 162 properties Conformational change of iodine-free thyroglobulin molecules induced by peroxidase in vitro. G. Berg, U. Björkman and R . E k h o l m Structure o f 27S and larger thyroid iodoproteins. U. Björkman, G. Berg and R. Ekholm The Polypeptide chain structure of thyroglobulin. N . Ui and K. Sorimachi I Lipid-saccharide intermediates in thyroid glycoprotein synthesis. M.J. Spiro and R.G.Spiro Iodine and the Polypeptide structure of thyroglobulin. A . H a e b e r l i , G. Salvatore, H . Edelhoch and J . E . R a l l Some properties of the purified microsome-bound hog thyroid thyroglobulins: Possible intermediates in the maturation process of thyroglobulin. Y. Kondo and Y. K a m i y a Synthesis of 19 S thyroglobulin in Xenopus oocyte following injection of purified 33 S m R N A . G. Vassart, S. Refeto ff, H . Brocas and J . E . D u m o n t Section 159 195 198 201 205 209 211 213 217 221 226 proteins Interaction of plasma T3 and T B G as a possible control mechanism of thyroid hormonal activity at a peripheral level. M . M . Camus, A . M . E r m a n s , R . D . Hesch and K. Sterling 229 X Increase in T B G , T 4 , F T 4 and T3 in the lysinuric protein intolerance. 0. Simell, J. Perheentupa and P. Saar i n e n Section IX. Metabolism o f thyroid hormones and conversion B.-A. Lamberg, 232 o f T 4 to T 3 Conversion of thyroxine into triiodothyronine by rat liver homogenate. T..I. Visser, 1. van der Does-Tobe, R . Docter and G. H e n n e m a n n 235 Thyroxine metabolism by rat liver slices: Evidence for a specific T3-forming pathway. W.L. Green 239 Formation of triiodothyronine from L-thyroxine in rat kidney homogenate. P. Chiraseveenuprapund, U. Buergi, A . Goswami and I . N . Rosenberg 244 Iodothyronine metabolism and catecholamine enzymes: Effect of alpha-methylparatyrosine in thyroidectomized euthyroid rats. M . B . D r a t m a n , F . L . C r u t c h field, E . M a r s h , J. A x e l r o d and F.H. Sterling 248 The metabolism of thyroid hormones in rat pituitary. V . A . G a l t o n 251 Role of the conversion of L-thyroxine to triiodo-L-thyronine in the expression of the activity of thyroxine, as measured by effects on growth hormone ( G H ) in the hypothyroid rat. F. Hervds, G. M o r r e a l e de Escobar and F. Escobar del Rey 255 The effect of thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism on the extrathyroidal conversion of thyroxine to triiodothyronine in man. S . B . M a g u i r e , A . Dennehy and M.J. C u l l e n 259 The effect of thyroxine on the peripheral conversion rate of thyroxine to triiodothyronine in man. T. S h i m i z u , CS. P i t t m a n , J . B . Chambers, Jr., M. W. Buck and C C Thurston 263 Effect of glucocorticoids on serum triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations in man. M . S . Croxson, D . S . D u i c k and J . T . N i c o l o f f 266 Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) kinetics in aged men. K . W . Wenzel and W.R. H o r n 270 Organ distribution of triiodothyronine (T3) in man as studied by in vivo kinetics methods. R . R . C a v a l i e r i , F . D . R o l l o , M. Chew, P. M a r t i n , D . Shames and V. Perez-Mendez 214 Mechanisms of high reverse T3 and low T3 in the fetus. /../. C h o p r a , J. Sack and D . A . Fisher 278 The metabolism of 1-3,5,3'-triiodothyroacetic acid (triac) and its conversion to tetraiodothyroacetic acid. A . Burger and M . B . V a l l o t t o n 282 f 125 Section X . Symposium on thyroid hormone structure-activity relation The evolution of the dual role of the thyroid hormone. E. F r i e d e n and A . B . Kent Conformational characteristics of thyroid hormones: Structure-function relationships and hormone binding. V. Cody Studies on the binding site for thyroxine on human serum prealbumin. S.-Y. Cheng, H J . C a h n m a n n and M. W i l c h e k The binding of thyroid hormone analogues to thyroxine binding globulin ( T B G ) . S . M . Snyder, R . R . C a v a l i e r i , I . D . G o l d f i n e , E . C . Jorgensen and S . H . I n g b a r Structure-function relationships of thyroid hormone analogues in an in vitro rat thymocyte assay. I . D . G o l d f i n e , G.J. S m i t h , C G . Simons, S . H . I n g b a r and E . C. Jorgensen The nature of the thyroid hormone reeeptor. Contributions of the substituents of triiodothyronine (T3) and analogs to the free energy of binding to the T 3 reeeptor of isolated rat liver cell nuclei. E . C . Jorgensen and T . A . A n d r e a Section XI. T h y r o i d hormone reeeptors and mechanisms of 286 290 294 297 300 303 action Evidence for the existence of two different classes of binding Sites for triiodothyronine in rat liver and kidney nuclei. R . Docter, T.J. Visser, N . L . van den H o u t Goemaat and G. H e n n e m a n n 307 XI T h y r o i d hormone binding Sites in human lymphocytes from normal, hyper- and h y p o t h y r o i d subjects. A . C . H o l m , B . R . Scazziga and T. L e m a r c h a n d - B e r a u d Absent nuclear thyroid hormone receptors and failure of T3-induced T R H suppression in the Syndrome o f peripheral resistance to thyroid hormone. ./. Bemal, L . J . DeGroot, S. Refetoff, V.S. F a n g and C Barsano Binding of nuclear triiodothyronine binding protein-T3 complex to chromatin. L . J . DeGroot, L . H i l l , H . Seo and J. B e r n a l Binding of T 3 in liver nuclei: Time dependent displacement of T3 between two nuclear binding proteins. A . K u b i c a , A . N a u m a n , E . Witkowska and ./. N a u m a n Effect o f alpha-amanatin on the induction of hepatic enzymes by triiodothyronine. W. D i l l m a n n , H L . Schwartz, E . S i l v a , M.I. Surks and J.H. Oppenheimer Evidence that L-triiodothyronine (T3) exerts its biological action not only through its effects on nuclear activity. ./. Segal, A . Gordon and J. Gross Structural changes in rat liver ribosomes following the administration of triiodothyronine. S. Jothy, J . - L . Bilodeau and H. Simpkins Cytosol receptors for thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) in human liver. S. H a m a d a and M . F u k a s e The mitochond<ria as a site o f thyroid hormone action. K. Sterling and P . O . M i l c h Mitochondrial inner membranes in hypothyroidism. F . L . H o c h , Y . - D . I . C h e n , T . C . Evans, M.J. Shaw and M . A . N e y m a r k T h y r o i d hormone action on electrophoresis patterns of proteins of rat liver and muscle mitochondria. M. Baudry, J.P. Cht, J. B o u h n i k , O. M i c h e l and R . M i c h e l Section XII. T h y r o i d hormone 311 316 320 324 326 331 334 338 342 347 351 effects Regulation of the synthesis of malic enzyme by thyroid hormone in liver cells in culture. A . G . Goodridge Regulation of L-triiodothyronine aminotransferase activity by T3 in normal and neoplastic tissues. R . S . R i v l i n , Y.P. H u a n g , M . Benson,N. F i s h m a n and D . Tergis Effect of thyroxine on the enzymatic characteristics of cardiac myosin: Possible mechanism of inotropic action. Y. Y a z a k i and M . S . Raben Significance of the different normalization rates of red cell carbonic anhydrase B and serum iodothyronines in 1 treated hyperthyroidism. G. Stalldecker, M . Weinstein, G. Sartorio and R . J . Soto Characteristic plasma lipoprotein pattern in hyperthyroid patients. ./. Bommer, H . W i e l a n d and D . Seidel The effect of triiodothyronine (T3) on the number of ( N a + K )-activated adenosine triphosphatase i n rat renal cortex. CS. L o and L S . E d e l m a n Sodium concentration and N a - K dependent ATPase activity in red cells of hyperthyroid subjects. M. Weinstein, G. M i g l i o r a and R . J . Soto 355 359 362 1 3 1 + Section XIII. Autoimmunity and thyroid 366 369 + 372 373 disease Association in Japanese of Graves' disease with the H L - A specificity W5. F . C . Grumet, J. Konishi, R . O . Payne and J . P . Kriss Studies on the mechanism of experimental exophthalmos. J. E t i e n n e , L . D . K o h n and R . J . W i n a n d Tissue specific gammaglobulins in the human thyroid. G . B . Salabe and C. D a v o l i Nitroblue tetrazolium ( N B T ) reduction by neutrophils in patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease. J . R . Wall, R . Sobel, S . - L . F a n g , A . G . Vagenakis, CM. A b r e a u , S . H . I n g b a r and L . E . B r a v e r m a n A n immunological comparison of the antigens present in the thyroid glands from patients with non-toxic goitre, Graves' and Hashimoto's diseases. C V o n Westa r p , A . J . S . Knox, V. V. Row and R . Volpe 376 380 384 387 391 XII Studies on the nature of thyroid antigens involved in thyroid autoimmune disorders. A . P i n c h e r a , S. M a r i o t t i , P. V i t t i , G . F . F e n z i , L . Grasso, F .Pacini, L . Baschieri and J . B . Stanbury Thyroid autoimmunity and insulin secretion in rabbits. B . N . P r e m a c h a n d r a The nature and significance of LATS-protector. S. D i r m i k i s , P . K e n d a l l - T a y l o r and D . S . M u n r o . Human thyroid adenyl cyclase stimulator in Immunoglobulin G (IgG) of patients with Graves' disease. J. Orgiazzi, D . E . W i l l i a m s , I.J. C h o p r a and D . H . Solomon Thyroid-stimulating Immunoglobulins and hyperthyroidism in Graves' disease. B . Rees S m i t h , E . D . M u k h t a r , G . A . Pyle, P . K e n d a l l - T a y l o r and R . H a l l Comparison and evaluation of the radio-ligand reeeptor assay and the mouse bioassay for the detection of human thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins. H. Schleusener, P. K o t u l l a , I. Krück, G. Krück, D . Geissler and F . Adlkofer Evidence that the antigens to the human thyroid stimulators of Graves' disease are located i n the thyroid gland. A . J . S . Knox, C. V o n Westarp, V.V. Row and R . Volpe Section XIV. Treatment of 395 399 403 407 411 414 417 hyperthyroidism Measurement of total thyroidal iodine Stores in thyrotoxic patients by in vivo activation analysis. M.J. Hooper, I. Robertson, K. Boddy, R.D. Stevenson, T. M c G h i e , W . A . Alexander and G . M . Wilson Effect of chronic administration of Propylthiouracil on its disposition during the treatment of hyperthyroidism. D . S . Sitar, A . A b u - B a k a r e , R . J . G a r d i n e r and R.I. Ogilvie Propranolol as the sole therapy for thyrotoxicosis: Long term follow up. D . C. Lowe, D . R . H a d d e n , D . A . D . Montgomery and J . A . Weaver Thermoluminescent measurement of thyroidal radioiodine effective half life for use in radiation dosimetry of the thyroid. M. C u l l e n , E.J. W i l l i a m s and J . F . Mahne Resin hemoperfusion: A potential new treatment for thyroid storm. K . D . B u r m a n , H C . Yeager, W . A . Briggs, J.M. E a r l l and L . Wartofsky Significance o f elevated serum T S H after 1 therapy for thyrotoxicosis. D . Bell a b a r b a , B . B e n a r d and R . Belanger Dissociation of responsiveness to thyrotropin-releasing hormone from thyroid suppressibility and outcome of hyperthyroidism following antithyroid drug therapy. E . M a r t i n o , A . P i n c h e r a , R . C a p i f e r r i , E . M a c c h i a , N . Ambrosino and L . Baschieri Changes in responsivity to T R H and T3-suppression tests after surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism. H . T a m a i , H. Suematsu, N . K u r o k a w a , H. Aoki, M. E z a k i , K. K u m a , K. Shizume and S. N a g a t a k i 421 425 429 434 437 131 Section XV. Defective thyroid hormone 441 445 449 synthesis Further studies on abnormal thyroglobulin from congenital goitres likely related to defective thyroglobulin export. J. T o r r e s a n i and S. Lissitzky 453 Sheep congenital goitre with thyroidal icdoalbumin and i c d o g l c b u l i n replacing thyroglobulin. C E. D o l l i n g and B . F. Good 457 Carbohydrate incorporation into thyroglobulin and thyroid hormone formation in ' c o l d ' and *hot' nodules of the human thyroid gland. F. M o n a c o , G. M o n a c o and M. A n d r e o l i 461 Congenital goitre with thyroglobulin deficiency. G. Wägar, B . - A . Lamberg and P. Saar i n e n 463 Peroxidase and thyroglobulins from different goitres. ./. N u n e z , J. Pommier, R . D o m i n i c i , B . R a h m o u n , D . D e r n e and J. T o u r n i a i r e 461 XIII Familial goiter with partial iodine incorporation block and euthyroidism due to the deficient peroxidase defect. H. Niepomniszcze, O.J. Degrossi, L . M . Scavini and H P . Curutchet 470 Peroxidase activity in human benign thyroid disorders: measure and localization. E . Regard, P. F r a g u , A . Beaumont and B . M . N a t a f 474 Iodide sensitivity in the hemithyroidectomized patient. O . H . C l a r k , C Moser, R . R . C a v a l i e r i , M . E . H a m m o n d and S . H . I n g b a r A l l Section XVI. Iodine deficiency Changes in plasma thyroxine, triiodothyronine, and T S H during adaptation to iodine deficiency and resupplementation with iodine. H . F u k u d a , N . Yasuda, M . A . Greer, M. Kutas and S . E . Greer T h y r o i d c A M P and iodine, plasma and pituitary T S H during goiter development i n rats. C. B e r t h i e r and T. L e m a r c h a n d - B e r a u d Acute and chronic responses to iodine deficiency in rats. G. Riesco, A . Taurog, P . R . Larsen and L . K r u l i c h Evidence for fetal hypothyroidism i n severe endemic goiter. F. D e l a n g e , C. T h i l l y , M. Camus, H. Berquist, N . Cremer, R . D . Heseln and A . M . E r m a n s T h y r o i d funetion studies in endemic goiter and endemic cretinism. G . A . MedeirosNeto, Y. I m a i , K. K a t a o k a and CS. H o l l a n d e r Hypothyroidism in cretins and non-cretinous subjects in an area of severe iodine deficiency in Central Java. B . M . Goslings, R .Djokomoeljanto, R. Docter, C Van Hardeveld, G. H e n n e m a n n , D . Smeenk and A . Querido Roles of fetal and maternal thyroid funetion in development of the young rat. E . Spindel, P . K . W h i t e and J . B . Stanbury Section XVII. Goiter and other thyroid 481 485 490 493 497 501 505 diseases Clinical features of goitre i n Ireland. D . K . O ' D o n o v a n , P . P . A . Smvth and J.J. Turner 509 A thirteen year follow up of sporadic non-toxic goitre. J . L . W . P a r k e r and W . D . Alexander 510 The possible role for T S H in Controlling thyroid hormone secretion in patients with toxic multinodular goiters. E . G . Levy, D . S . D u i c k , T D . H a l l and J . T N i c o loff 513 Recurrent goiter and amenorrhea-galactorrhea Syndrome in a patient with a thyrotropin ( T S H ) and prolactin ( P R L ) producing pituitary adenoma. K. H o r n , R . F a h l b u s c h , U. Hochmeister, C R . Pickardt, K. Von W e r d e r a n d P . C . Scriba 517 The prevalence of thyroid disorders in an English Community. W . M . G . T u n b r i d g e , D . C. Evered, R . H a l l , D . Appleton, M . Brewis, F. C l a r k , J . G r i m l e y Evans, E . Young, T. B i r d and P. Smith 520 Sequential alterations in serum triiodothyronine, thyroxine and thyrotropin levels in developing hypothyroidism. Y. I m a i , K. K a t a o k a and CS. H o l l a n d e r 523 Respiratory functional abnormalities in hypothyroidism. M . P . Koenig and M . Sc h e r r e r 521 A new type of primary hypothyroidism: Post-partum transient hypothyroidism. N . A m i n o , K. M i y a i , T Onishi, T. H a s h i m o t o , K. A r a i , K. Ishibashi and Y. K u m a hara 532 T h y r o i d funetion in molar pregnancy. S. N a g a t a k i , M. M i z u n o , S. Sakamoto, M. I r i e , K. Shizume, K. N a k a o , V . A . G a l t o n , R . A . Arky and S . H . I n g b a r 535 Natural Ra and T h i n thyroids o f cattle from Nigeria, West Africa. L . O . V . Ekpechi and L . van Middlesworth 539 2 2 6 2 2 8 XIV Section XVIII. Thyroid tumors Regulation of phosphofructokinase in normal rat t h y r o i d and in an experimental rat thyroid tumor. M . F . Meldolesi, P . Laccetti and V. M a c c h i a Abnormal iodotyrosine deiodinase activity in cold thyroid nodules. R . Belanger, R . B e l l a b a r b a and B . B e n a r d Biochemical heterogeneity and diminished T S H responsiveness in human thyroid Carcinoma. J . B . F i e l d , P . R . L a r s e n , M . Kotani, T. K a r i y a , M . Kerins and G. Bloom Isolation by affinity chromatography of rat thyroid tumor proteins related to thyroglobulin. M . I z u m i , H J . C a h n m a n n and J. Robbins High level of nerve growth factor ( N G F ) in the serum of a patient w i t h medullary Carcinoma of the thyroid gland. M . Bigazzi, R . Revoltella and S. Casciano T h y r o i d neoplasia: A delayed complication of low-dose head and neck irradiation. A . R . Guansing, N . E n g b r i n g , J. Cerletty, R . Holmes, S. W i l s o n , T . C . H a g e n , P . S . Rosenfeld, R . Komorowski and K . R . Shetty Clinicopathological studies on latent and occult Carcinoma of the thyroid. ./. Sasaki, K. Seta, S. T a k a h a s h i , T. M u r a t a , K. Saito and K. Yagawa The role of needle biopsy in evaluating solitary cold t h y r o i d nodules. C . - A . Wang, A . L . Vickery and F. M a l o o f " Tc Bleomycin scintigraphy in the diagnosis of thyroid Cancers. K. T o r i z u k a , T. M o r l , T. Odori, K. E n d o , K. I k e k u b o , J. Konishi and R . M o r i t a Response to oral thyrotropin releasing hormone in athyreotic patients w i t h thyroid Carcinoma. M . C . Gershengorn, B . D . W e i n t r a u b and J. Robbins F o l l o w up study of surgery for well differentiated Carcinoma of the thyroid. S. N o m u r a , M. M i y a k a w a , M. M a k i u c h i and R . F u r i h a t a Cytostatic drug therapy of thyroid Cancer. G. Riccabona, W. Z e c h m a n n and H. F i l l Chemotherapy of thyroid Carcinoma. Ä'. S h i m a o k a and J. Reyes 542 547 551 555 558 561 565 568 m Section XIX. Diagnostic methods and special 571 575 579 583 586 techniques Early thyroidal iodide and pertechnetate kinetics: New approach with a scintillation camera and a Computer. P. Decostre, P. Brooke, A . Dobbelcir and F . E r b s m a n n 590 Specificity of competitive protein binding radioassay of serum thyroxine determination. Ä'. Rootwelt 594 The radioimmunoassay of free thyroid hormones in serum. R . P . E k i n s and S M . El Iis 597 Screening for neonatal hypothyroidism: Comparison of neonatal dried capillary blood thyroxine (T4) to cord serum T4 and thyrotropin (TSH). P . G . Walfish, J. O ' D o n n e l , T. U l b r i g h t , G. Shachter and A . F r a n k l 601 The value of the glucagon induced rise in plasma adenosine 3 ,5 -cyclic monophosphate in assessing thyroid Status. J.H. L a z a r u s , K . J . Shetty and K. Siddle 606 Measurement of thyrotropin and thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins with the cytochemical bioassay. V.B. Petersen, B . R . Smith and R . H a l l 610 Binding of T R F analogs to TRF-antiserum. J.P. Leppäluoto 614 Thyrotropin secretion from superfused rat anterior pituitary cells. M . P . Schrey, B . L . B r o w n and R . P . E k i n s 617 Computed axial tomography of the orbit in patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy. J . P . Kriss, W.H. M a r s h a l l Jr., D . R . E n z m a n n and A . R . Rosenthal 621 Blockade of breast iodine by Perchlorate in estrogen deficiency. B . A . E s k i n , J . A . M e r i o n , T . B . Krouse and R . S h u m a n 625 f Index of keywords Index of authors f 630 635 517 Recurrent goiter and amenorrhea-galactorrhea Syndrome in a patient with a thyrotropin (TSH) and prolactin (PRL) producing pituitary adenoma K. H O R N , R. F A H L B U S C H , U . H A C H M E I S T E R , C R . P I C K A R D T , K . V O N and P . C . S C R I B A M e d i c a l C l i n i c II, University o f M u n i c h , F e d e r a l Republic of WERDER Germany The pathophysiological mechanisms of the simultaneous hypersecretion of T S H and P R L due to a pituitary adenoma are discussed on the basis of one very unusual patient. CASE HISTORY In 1968 the female patient suffered from rapid goitral growth and clinical signs of hyperthyroidism. In 1969 the first resection of the goiter was performed, mainly because of tracheal compression. T w o years later, she complained of recurrent goiter with Stridor and dyspnea. Therefore, in 1971 thyroid surgery with plastic reconstruction of the trachea had to be performed. In 1972, at the age of 20 years, she was admitted to hospital because of a third period of goitral growth despite prophylactic thyroid hormone therapy. A t this time amenorrhea and galactorrhea became apparent. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION On admission the levels of T 4 (10.8 /ig%), of T 3 (189 ng%) and of the R T U (43%) were slightly elevated (normal ranges: T 4 = 4.5-10.0 jug%; T3 = 80-150 ng%; R T U = 32-42%). The basal T S H level was elevated (23 juU/ml; normal ränge: 0.4-3.8 p.U/ml). The basal P R L level was grossly increased up to 4800 juU/ml, corresponding to 240 ng V L S Standard/ ml (normal ränge in females: 1 5 0 - 6 5 0 / i U R S A 71/222/ml). The history and the findings indicated a hormonally active anterior pituitary tumor. The sella turcica was enlarged, but visual fields were normal. Other pituitary functions were not impaired, as shown by a normal rise of growth hormone and cortisol during the insulin hypoglycemia test and of L H and F S H after application of 25 /ig L R F . In healthy subjects T S H and P R L increase after T R H Stimulation (normal ranges after 200 /ig T R H i . V . ; A T S H 30 min: 2.7-23.6 / i U / m l ; A P R L 20 m i n : 500-1700 / i U / m l ) . The T S H and P R L responses to T R H are suppressed ( T S H ) or diminished (PRL) i n hyperthyroidism, but increased in hypothyroidism. In this patient, the rise of the elevated basal T S H and P R L levels after T R H Stimulation were inadequate ( A T S H 30 m i n : 0.5 / z U / m l ; A P R L 20 m i n : 605 / i U / m l ) . Such impaired responsiveness of P R L to T R H has been demonstrated i n patients with a prolactin-producing pituitary adenoma ( V o n Werder, 1975). The non-suppressibility of T S H and P R L could be demonstrated by the application of thyroid hormones up to 150 /zg T 4 plus 3 0 / i g T 3 which raised the T 4 to 16.2 /ig% and the T 3 uptake to 52%. A disturbance of peripheral conversion of T 4 to T 3 could be excluded, since the T 3 level increased to 392 ng% (T4: 19.1 /ig%) after administration of 300 /ig T 4 per day. However, both T S H and P R L levels remained elevated, fluctuating between 13.6 and 2 5 . 6 / i U / m l ( T S H ) , and between 3100 and 6 6 0 0 / i U / m l ( P R L ) . This indicated that T S H and P R L could not be physiologically regulated by T R H and thyroid hormones. Pharmacological studies showed that both T S H and P R L levels could be lowered by 3 3 518 K . H o r n et a l 500 mg L-dopa with a nadir after 120 min. T S H decreased from 26.0 / i U / m l to 1 9 . 0 / i U / ml and P R L from 4 4 0 0 j u U / m l to 1800juU/ml. As expected, 5 mg of bromocriptine decreased the P R L levels from 3100 to 7 4 0 / i U / m l and in parallel decreased the T S H levels from 11.9 to 6.4 /zU/ml with a nadir after 180 min. The unknown proliferative potency of T S H and P R L producing tumors prompted us to have this hormonally active tumor removed by transsphenoidal hypophysectomy and cryoresection of possible remnants of tumor tissue. This decreased T S H and P R L levels in parallel to unmeasurable values (Fig. 1). Today, the patient has panhypopituitarism, but she is fully active as a nurse under replacement therapy with cortisol, thyroxine and gonadal Steroids. TSH pU/ml hPRL (iU/ml Curellpge Crjo " —i—i— V. 48 FIG. 1. Parallel decline of PRL and TSH d u r i n g and after transsphenoidal surgery. Several possible pathophysiological mechanisms may explain the simultaneous hypersecretion o f TSH and P R L : 1. Concomitant hypersecretion of P R L with T S H . In primary hypothyroidism, the elevated T S H and P R L can be normalized by thyroid hormone therapy; this was not so in our patient. The development of TSH-producing tumors i n rats can result from chronic hypothyroidism. Analogous pituitary tumors in humans can occur in areas with severe iodine deficiency and cretinism (König, 1968). However, this explanation is not applicable to our patient, since hypothyroidism was never experienced. 2. P R L hypersecretion due to a suprasellar extension of the TSH-producing tumor resulting in P I F inhibition. Our patient had no ophthalmological, laboratory or pneumencephalographic signs of suprasellar extension. 3. Autonomous T S H and P R L hypersecretion by the pituitary tumor. The inadequate increase of both T S H and P R L after T R H Stimulation and the lack of suppression by thyroid hormones indicated an autonomous hormone secretion. In addition electronmicroscopic and immunofluorescent findings revealed no signs of a diffuse hyperplasia of the pituitary gland, but instead two closely associated cell types were found throughout the adenoma, of which one was idcntified as lactotroph and the cther thyrotroph. 4. Primary T R H hypersecretion leading to a hyperplasiogenic T S H and P R L producing pituitary adenoma. This is excludable only by measuring T R H in the portal vessels, something not feasible in humans. The results of long-term oral treatment with T R H argue against an endogenous T R H excess causing hyperthyroidism. Daily application of 40 mg T R H orally over a period of 4 weeks diminished the T S H response after 200 jitg T R H i . V . , while the T 4 and T 3 levels were not increased (Table 1), whereas transitory increases of the thyroid hormone levels within the normal ränge after each oral application of T R H occur more acutely (unpublished data). This indicates that the suppressive effect of thyroid hormones on T S H release overrules the stimulatory effect of T R H as TSH TABLE l Effect of 4 weeks) of oral TRH application and P R L producing to healthy subjects pituitary adenoma 519 (N = 1 2 ; 4 0 mg per day over a period Before TRH After TRH 40 mg per day Serum TSH (MÜ/ml) Basal A T S 2.0 ± 0.8 H 3 Q ^ g { ± 3 Q 1.0 ± 0.5* 3 0 ± Serum T4 ( g/100 ml) 6.2 ± 1.9 6.5 ± 1.8 Serum T3 (ng/100 ml) 112 ± 22 109 ± 32 M * p < 0.005 shown by repetitive i.v. administration o f T R H (Snyder and Utiger, 1973). Thus endogenous T R H excess is unlikely to cause the hypersecretion o f T S H and P R L , resulting i n a toxic goiter and amenorrhea-galactorrhea Syndrome, as observed i n this patient. In conclusion, the patient studied is the first presenting a pituitary adenoma w i t h autonomous T S H and P R L hypersecretion. REFERENCES König, M.P. (1968): D i e Kongenitale Hypothyreose und der Endemische Berlin-Heidelberg-New York. Snyder, P.J. and Utiger, R.D. (1973): /. clin. Invest., 5 2 , 2305. Von Werder, K. (1975): Wachstumshormone und Prolactin-Sekretion Schwarzenberg, Munich-Berlin-Vienna. Kretinismus. Springer Verlag, des Menschen. Urban und
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