GROWTH STIMULATING EFFECT OF AUTOCLAVED GLUCOSE MEDIA AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE C02 REQUIREMENT OF PROPIONIBACTERIA' MARVIN F. FIELD AND HERMAN C. LICHSTEIN Department of Bacteriology and Immunology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Received for publication May 19, 1958 485 Downloaded from on February 6, 2015 by guest During the study of microbial nutrition it is not essential for this heat activation effect since not uncommon to find that the initiation of carbohydrate-free media autoclaved for progrowth of certain bacterial species in chemically longed periods at the usual pH (6.7) or for short defined media is delayed although the total crop periods at a more acid pH (5) produced similar of cells after prolonged incubation may approxi- growth promoting properties. mate that obtained with complex media. Studies The present paper represents further studies on with several genera of microorganisms have re- the properties of this heat activation effect with vealed that a prolonged delay in growth initia- the conclusion that there is a relationship between tion may occur when the organism is inoculated this phenomenon and the carbon dioxide requireinto media which have been sterilized by filtra- ment for growth initiation of propionibacteria tion or autoclaved without carbohydrate. How- from small inocula. ever, this delay in growth may be reduced or MATERIALS AND METHODS eliminated when the medium is sterilized in the autoclave. Early references to this heat activaThe majority of experiments reported here tion effect may be found in the work of Fulmer were performed with Propionibacterium freudenand Huesselmann (1927), Fulmer et al. (1931) and reichii strain ATCC 6207. In addition, the folOrla-Jensen (1933). lowing were employed for purposes of comparison: More recently the nature of this effect has been P. pentosaceum strain E214, from the collection studied in a variety of microorganisms by several of Professor C. B. van Niel; P. pentosaceum investigators. Thus, for example, studies with strain ATCC 4875; and P. petersonii strain streptococci have been carried out by Smiley ATCC 4870. Stock cultures were maintained in a et al. (1943) and by Rabinowitz and Snell (1947) complex medium consisting of 1 per cent each of while investigations with lactobacilli have been yeast extract (Difco), casitone (Difco), and reported by Snell et al. (1948), Snell and Lervis glucose, and 0.5 per cent K2HPO4 adjusted to (1953), Rose et al. (1953), Ramsey and Lankford pH 6.7 to 6.9. The inoculum was prepared from a (1956) and Rogers et al. (1953). Similar studies 48 hr culture grown at 30 C. The cells were with species of the genus Bacillus were made by harvested by centrifugation, washed three times Sergeant et al. (1957) and by Lankford et al. in sterile distilled water and diluted 1: 100 in the (1957). same menstruum. To each experimental tube was In a recent report from this laboratory (Field added 0.5 ml of inoculum. The growth experiand Lichstein, 1957) it was shown that the growth ments were carried out employing the synthetic of four strains of propionibacteria was delayed or medium of Delwiche (1950) at pH 6.7. In some not initiated at all when small inocula were intro- experiments it was desirable to substitute a duced into media where the glucose was added mixture of purified amino acids for the casamino aseptically after autoclaving of the other medium acids (Difco) of the medium. The composition constituents. Prompt growth resulted when glu- of this mixture, as listed by Haurowitz (1950), was cose or other reducing sugar was autoclaved with later modified by the omission of cystine, tryptothe medium. Indeed added carbohydrate was phan and one-half the amount of glutamate and leucine. The basal chemically defined medium I This work was supported in part by a grant from Eli Lilly and Company, and by a contract without glucose was dispensed in 5 ml amounts between the Office of Naval Research, Depart- to standardized 150 by 16 mm culture tubes. ment of the Navy and the University of Min- Glucose and other test reagents were added from stock solutions either before or after the autonesota (NR 103-250). 486 FIELD AND LICHSTEIN TABLE 1 Effect of autoclaving glucose and phosphate with hydrolyzed casein or amino acids on the growth of Propionibacterium freudenreichii Ingredients Autoclaved with Glucose* Growt4 Casein hydrolyzate ................. Phosphate .......................... Phosphate Phosphate Phosphate Phosphate 0 10 42 48 31 29 29 16 14 14 9 7 casein hydrolyzate. glycine ............... leucine ............... histidine ............. glutamic acid tryptophan ........... + cystine ............... + alanine ............... + tyrosine .............. + proline ............... controll .039 Autoclaved glucose Aseptic glucose controlt ........ * Glucose, 2 per cent; phosphate and casein, 1 per cent; amino acids, 1 mg per ml. t Optical density X 100 at 650 m,u. $ Glucose added to complete medium either prior to or after autoclaving. TABLE 2 Adsorption and elution of growth stimulating material(s) from autoclaved mixtures of glucose, phosphate and glycine* Growth 72 hrtat Conditions Autoclaved glucose control Aseptic glucose control ............. 84 3 Aseptic glucose + autoclaved GPGl Aseptic glucose + GPGI filtrate§ .... 88 12 ........ Treatment of Norite with: HCl, 0.1 N....................... NaOH, 0.1 N ..................... Ethanol, 10% .................... Ethanol, 50% .................... Ethanol, 90% .................... Benzene .......................... Petroleum ether .................. * Test organism: Propionibacterium 0 34 6 49 29 0 0 freuden- reichii. t Optical density X 100 at 650 m,. t GPGI = glucose, phosphate, glycine mixture. § GPGI filtrate = GPGI after treatment with Norite A. Other conditions as for table 1. claving (10 min, 121 C) and the total volume, including inoculum, was brought to 10 ml. The tubes were incubated at 30 C and growth determined at desired intervals in a Coleman Junior spectrophotometer at 650 m,u. Other conditions are described under the appropriate experiment. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Inasmuch as carbohydrates may undergo numerous reactions when heated with culture media, it seemed desirable to determine the minimal medium components necessary for optimum growth stimulation of P. freudenreichii. To this end, glucose was autoclaved for 10 min with the various ingredients of the culture medium at pH 6.7 either individually or in combinations, and added to Seitz filtered medium. Among the mixtures tested only hydrolyzed casein or glycine was active after autoclaving with phosphate salts and glucose (table 1). Of the other amino acids studied, only leucine, histidine and glutamic acid exhibited results approaching that obtained with the autoclaved glucose control (i. e., glucose autoclaved with complete medium). It should be mentioned that the amount of stimulation was not related to the degree of "browning" during autoclaving since alanine, cystine, proline and tryptophan produced as much darkening of the medium as glycine or histidine. These results suggest that certain amino acids may combine with glucose or one of its degradation products to form growth promoting compounds, or that some amino acids may catalyze reactions leading to the synthesis of stimulatory factors. The partial activity of N-D-glucosylglycine for P. freudenreichii (Field and Lichstein, 1957) may be in keeping with the first hypothesis. Generally, however, these results correlate well with those of Rogers et al. (1953) for Lactobacillus gayoni. To study further the properties of the stimlulatory factor(s), the autoclaved mixture of glucose, phosphate salts and glycine (GPGl) was treated with Norite A (10 g Norite per 100 ml solution) on a rotary shaker at room temperature for 45 to 60 min. The suspension was filtered through Whatman no. 2 paper on a Buchner funnel and the filtrate (GPGl filtrate) added to aseptic glucose media. The results of such experiments (table 2) revealed that the bulk of the stimulatory material was removed by treatment with charcoal. Furthermore, it is manifest that a considerable portion of the active material(s) Downloaded from on February 6, 2015 by guest Phosphate + Phosphate + Phosphate + Phosphate + Phosphate + Phosphate + at [VOL. 76 19581 GROWTH STIMULATION BY AUTOCLAVED GLUCOSE MEDIA 100u- 100 6 A 80 487 2so 60 - 60 40 - 340 20 -20 B 6 6 x 0 6 5 34,5 0 20 40 HOURS 60 80 0 20 40 HOURS 60 80 Figure 1. Effect of glycosylglycine and glycylasparagine on the growth of Propionibacterium freudenreichii. A. Delwiche medium. B. Delwiche medium modified by replacement of casein hydrolyzate with amino acids. Curve 1, glucose added aseptically after autoclaving; curve 2, same as 1 + 5 mg of glycylasparagine per ml of medium; curve 3, same as 1 + 1 mg of glycylasparagine per ml of medium; curve 4, same as 1 + 5 mg of glucosylglycine per ml of medium; curve 5, same as 1 + 1 mg of glucosylglycine per ml of medium; curve 6, glucose autoclaved with medium. We are indebted to Dr. D. Rogers for a gift of glucosylglycine and glycylasparagine. pound possessed only limited activity when incorporated into the amino acid medium. It is reasonable therefore to suggest that a factor(s) present in acid hydrolyzed casein may contribute to growth initiation of P. freudenreichii and may also be important in the utilization of glucosylglycine and glycylasparagine by this organism. During the course of these investigations, a large number of compounds were tested for their ability to replace the stimulation of growth provided by autoclaved glucose media. These materials were tested at various levels by addition to aseptically added glucose media. Among these, supplements of B vitamins, purines and pyrimidines, ornithine, creatine, pyruvate, Tween 80, glutathione, cysteine, ascorbic acid and various phosphorylated derivatives of glucose were without effect. Negative results were obtained also for either aseptically added or autoclaved acetaldehyde, furfuraldehyde, benzaldehyde, glyoxyllic acid and glycolic acid. Of interest, however, was the finding (table 3) that carbon dioxide, sodium bicarbonate, several dicarboxylic acids, asparagine, and glutamine were either partially or completely active in replacing the autoclaved glucose effect for P. freudenreichii. Also included are data demonstrating that the active replacement compounds, including glucosylglycine and glycylas- Downloaded from on February 6, 2015 by guest could be eluted from the charcoal by treatment with 50 per cent ethanol while lesser amounts were recovered with 90 per cent ethanol or 0.1 N NaOH. Treatment with benzene, petroleum ether or dilute acid was without effect. It should be noted that the acid and alkali eluates were neutralized to pH 6.7 and the solvents removed by evaporation over a steam bath prior to their incorporation into the growth media. Furthermore, although not recorded in the table, similar results were obtained by using autoclaved mixtures of glucose, phosphate and hydrolyzed casein. As already noted, the autoclaved glucose effect for propionibacteria can be duplicated by other reducing sugars but not by nonreducing carbohydrates (Field and Lichstein, 1957). Further studies revealed that glyceraldehyde and glycolaldehyde were from 5 to 10 times more active than glucose on a molar basis. For example, the minimum concentration of glucose necessary for maximum activity was found to be 0.03 M while that for glycolaldehyde and glyceraldehyde was 0.006 and 0.004 M, respectively. Rogers (1957) has reported that glycyl-i. asparagine was more active than glucosylglycine when tested for growth-promoting effects on a mutant of Escherichia coli. Earlier results from this laboratory (Field and Lichstein, 1957) revealed that glucosylglycine replaced partially the autoclaved glucose effect for P. freudenreichii. However, this compound had no effect when incorporated into media containing a mixture of 19 synthetic amino acids in place of the hydrolyzed casein. Furthermore, growth in the amino acid medium was not equivalent to that obtained with the hydrolyzed casein medium even when autoclaved with glucose. Recently, however, we have modified the amino acid mixture so that growth was equivalent to that obtained when hydrolyzed casein was present. It seemed desirable therefore, to compare glucosylglycine and glycylasparagine in the modified amino acid and casein hydrolyzate media. In agreement with previous results it was found that glucosylglycine exhibited definite activity when incorporated into the usual medium containing hydrolyzed casein but was without effect in the chemically defined medium (figure 1). On the other hand, glycylasparagine replaced completely the requirement for autoclaving with glucose when added to the casein hydrolyzate medium in appropriate concentration. However, this com- .nn _ FIELD AND LICHSTEIN 488 TABLE 3 Effect of carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide replacement compounds on the growth of propionibacteria Growth at 72 hr.* Conc P. P P Additions to Aseptic Glucose 680rConcdfreu(10%% n8 tepeMedium (10 den- ts-tosa- rei- s chi' ceum ceum 620 E2 14 4875 487 Carbon dioxide (10%) 68 0 70 29 38 19 76 88 86 54 0 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Asparagine .............. 0.1 Glutamine .............. 1.0 Glycyl-L-asparagine ..... 5.0 N-D-Glucosylglycine ..... 5.0 1.0 Aspartic acid.... Glutamic acid ........... 1.0 None (aseptic glucose control) . .2 None (autoclaved glu64 cose control) Sodium bicarbonate ..... Succinic acid ............ a-Ketoglutaric acid ...... Malic acid .............. *Optical density X 100 at 650 85 85 80 42 49 23 90 26 28 13 78 6 26 3 78 85 74 86 48 82 24 18 3 0 90 82 76 m/A.. TABLE 4 Effect of pH on the utilization of dicarboxylic acids by Propionibacterium freudenreichii Additions to Aseptic Glucose Conc Medium Growth at 72 hr.* pH 6.8 pH 6.4 pH 6.0 mg/mli Succinic acid 1.0 0.1 0.01 30 11 3 49 24 10 67 41 21 Malic acid 1.0 0.1 0.01 19 1 0 40 11 5 59 42 27 a-Ketoglutaric acid 1.0 0.1 0.01 42 2 78 42 0 67 16 9 0 3 18 58 60 62 None (aseptic glucose control) None (autoclaved glucose control) *Optical density X 100 at 650 mMA. 26 paragine, were active for the three other strains of propionibacteria employed. The results reported here suggest that the autoclaving of glucose with the medium produces a factor(s) which satisfies the carbon dioxide requirement of propionibacteria for early initiation of growth. Furthermore, metabolic experiments with resting cells of P. freudenreichii resulted in evolution of carbon dioxide from each of the active replacement compounds. Thus, these materials may act either as a source of carbon dioxide or as an end product of carbon dioxide fixation. It is noteworthy, however, that supplements of aspartate and glutamate, which are well known carbon dioxide replacement compounds for some microorganisms (Ajl and Werkman, 1948), were inactive for P. freudenreichii. It is pertinent that pH had a marked effect on the ability of the dicarboxylic acids to replace the growth promoting effect of autoclaved glucose medium. Results with succinate, malate and a-ketoglutarate (table 4) revealed that their activity increased markedly as the growth pH became more acid. At a concentration of 1 mg per ml of medium and at a pH of 6 these acids replaced completely the stimulating effect of autoclaved glucose media. Although not studied in propionibacteria, such results suggest that the penetration of dicarboxylic acids into the bacterial cells is improved by acid pH. The stimulating effect of asparagine and glutamine already noted (table 3) was of interest since these compounds are not infrequently interchangeable in the nutrition of some microorganisms. However, in the case of P. freudenreichii titration revealed a marked difference in the effectiveness of these compounds. In general 4 ,ug of asparagine per ml of medium replaced completely the autoclaved glucose effect while 500 ,ug of glutamine per ml of medium was required to produce a similar effect. Of interest was the finding that washed cell suspensions of P. freudenreichii produced CO2 from asparagine at a rate at least ten times greater than from glutamine when studied at pH 6. One goal of these studies was to define as completely as possible the nutritional requirements for optimal growth of propionibacteria from small inocula. On the basis of the experimental findings described, it seemed desirable therefore to determine the effect of CO2 and CO2 replace- Downloaded from on February 6, 2015 by guest Nitrogen (10%) [VOL. 76 GROWTH STIMULATION BY AUTOCLAVED GLUCOSE MEDIA 19581 4 80k 3- 602 0 0 x c 40 0 201 0 20 80 Figure 2. Effect of carbon dioxide and asparagine on the growth of Propionibacterirni freudenreichii in a chemically defined medium. Curve 1, glucose added aseptically after autoclaving; curve 2, same as 1 + 1 mg of asparagine per ml of medium; curve 3, same as I + 10 per cent C02; curve 4, glucose autoclaved with medium. ment compounds in the chemically defined medium containing synthetic amino acids in place of hydrolyzed casein. The data given in figure 2 reveal that incubation in the presence of 10 per cent CO2 resulted in growth comparable to that obtained in the autoclaved glucose medium. Asparagine was definitely active but decidedly less so than CO2 and the addition of higher concentrations did not improve the results. Although not given in the figure, the other CO2 replacement compounds were somewhat less active than asparagine. It seems quite clear, therefore, that optimal growth of P. freudenreichii from small inocula can be accomplished in a defined medium without autoclaved carbohydrate by incubation in an atmosphere of 10 per cent C02. SUNIMARY Previous results from this laboratory established that the growth of four strains of propionibacteria is stimulated markedly when glucose or other reducing sugars are autoclaved with the chemically defined culture medium. Further investigations revealed that optimum stimulation occurred when glucose was autoclaved with a mixture of phosphate salts and the caseini hydrolyzate of the medium. Heated mixtures of glucose and phosphates occasionally produced partial activity. Several single amino acids were active when autoclaved with the glucose-phosphate mixture, glycine being the most effective. The active factor(s) could be adsorbed from the heated amino acid-glucose-phosphate mixtures with Norite A and at least part of the activity recovered from the charcoal with 50 per cent ethanol. A number of compounds were tested for their ability to replace the growth stimulation of autoclaved carbohydrate media. Of these, only N-D-glucosylglycine, glycyl-L-asparagine, several dicarboxylic acids, asparagine and carbon dioxide were active. It is suggested that reducing carbohydrates such as glucose react with phosphates and amino acids during heating to produce a factor(s) which replaces the carbon dioxide required for initiation of growth from small inocula. REFERENCES AJL, S. J. AND WERKMAN, C. H. 1948 Replacement of carbon dioxide in heterotrophic metabolism. Arch. Biochem., 19, 483-492. DELWICHE, E. 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