Welcome to our Parish Community ¡ Bienvenidos a nuestra Comunidad! St. Hugh of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church 21 East Ninth Street Huntington Station, New York 11746 _______________________ PASTORAL MINISTRY Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Granata, Pastor Rev. Gonzalo Oajaca Lopez, Associate Rev. Khoa T. Le, In Residence Rev. Francis Gasparik, OFM. Cap, Sunday Assistant Rev. Paul Dolan, Sunday Assistant Dr. Edward Billia, Deacon Mr. Thomas Reilly, Deacon Mr. Vito Taranto, Deacon Mr. Luis Giraldo, Deacon Mr. Richard Bilella, Deacon Our Lord JesusSunday Christ,in King of the Time Universe November 23, 2014 Fourth Ordinary February 1, 2015 LITURGY AND MUSIC (Rectory) 427-0638; [email protected] Mrs. Gene-Louise Poller, Director YOUTH MINISTRY (Rectory) 427-0638; [email protected] Mr. Daniel Diviney, Director OUTREACH (SOCIAL MINISTRY) (Center) 271-8986; [email protected] Mrs. Fran Leek, Director BUSINESS MANAGER (Rectory) 427-0638; [email protected] Mr. Pete Shepherd, Manager RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (Center) 271-6081; [email protected] Mrs. Helen Schramm, Director TRINITY REGIONAL SCHOOL 1025 Fifth Avenue, E. Northport, NY 11731 261-5130; [email protected] Miss Jeanne Morcone, Principal Rectory 631-427-0638 Fax: 631-427-1319 [email protected] WORSHIP THIS COMING WEEK Monday, 2/2 The Presentation of the Lord Mal 3: 1-4 / Heb 2:14-18 Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 (524) World Day for Consecrated Life 8:00 am Georgette Stiene (Molly) Tuesday, 2/3 Weekday St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr; St. Ansgar, Bishop Heb 12: 1-4 / Mk 5: 21-43 8:00 am Rita Smith Wednesday, 2/4 Weekday Heb 12: 4-7, 11-15 / Mk 6: 1-6 (325) 8:00 am Molly Stiene Thursday, 2/5 St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr Heb 12: 18-19, 21-24 / Mk 6: 7-13 (326) 8:00 am Edward Kriete Friday, 2/6 St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs Heb 13: 1-8 / Mk 6: 14-29 (327) 8:00 am Rita O’Leary Stewardship in Action: That as steward disciples, we stand ready to accept, share and cultivate our gifts for service to all our neighbors in the wider community, we pray to the Lord… Stewardship Reflection: Moses told the people, “A prophet like me will the Lord, your God, raise up for you from among your own kinsmen.” God still provides among His people the gifts and talents necessary to continue the work of His Church. What gifts are yours to share? Living Stewardship: We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who set time aside with the Sunday Readings throughout the week so as to be better prepared to hear the Word of God and act on it. Stewardship of Collections: Our thanks and gratitude for your sacrificial giving each week. PETITIONS FOR FEBRUARY Saturday Memorial Mass, 2/7 Weekday 1. We pray that our brothers & sisters in BVM / Heb 13: 15-17, 20-21 / Mk 6: 30-34 (328) 8:30am Maria R. Pantina, Joel McElearney prison would be able to rebuild their ________________________________________________________ lives of dignity. WORSHIP NEXT WEEKEND February 7th and February 8th Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jb 7: 1-4, 6-7 / 1 Cor 9: 16-19, 22-23 / Mk 1: 29-39 (74) 5:00 pm: Celebrant: Fr. Joe & Dcn. Ed. Intention: Josephine Perrell 7:00 am: Celebrant: Fr. Joe & Dcn. Jeff Intention: 8:15am-Spanish: Celebrant: Fr. Gonzalo & Dcn. Luis Intention: 10:00 am: Celebrant: Fr. Francis & Dcn. Vito Intention: Frank Louie Algiero, Sr. 11:30 am: Celebrant: Fr. Paul & Dcn. Rich Intention: People of the Parish 2. We pray for any spouses who are separated. May they find support & truly be welcomed within the Christian community. 3. We pray that through self-denial, prayer & generous giving we may be open to God’s love especially during Lent. 4. We pray that the Holy Spirit work creatively in our lives during this season. 5. We pray that your immeasurable mercy be felt especially for the sick, infirmed & dying. 6. We pray those with broken hearts & broken lives; may they feel the Lord’s healing grace. 7. We pray with praise & thanksgiving for the gift of friendship & appreciation for human life. FROM THE PASTOR Dear Parish Family, Pope Francis has proclaimed the year 2014-15 as the “Year of Consecrated Life.” He has done this so as to “deepen awareness of the diverse charisms (gifts to the church) and spiritualities of the various religious institutes.” Pope Francis reminds us that “from the very beginning of the Church there were women and men who set out to follow Christ with greater liberty, and to imitate him more closely, by practicing the evangelical counsels” of chaste self-dedication to God, poverty and obedience. In the year 1215 St. Dominic began the Order of Preachers, the Dominicans, to dispel the heresy that was plaguing the people of his time. Dominic believed that the people needed to hear the truth and so he sent his followers out to preach the truth of God’s love to them. To this day, Dominicans all over the world “preach” the good news to the people of our time. Our gift to the church, our Charism, is preaching and we each take this responsibility very seriously. We the Dominican Sisters of Amityville have been very blessed and privileged to be a part of the life of St. Hugh parish for many years. Being true to our charism, we “preach” to the people of our time in various ways. As our vision statement reflects, “We Dominican women religious, called to be signs of joy and hope, commit ourselves to incarnating the Gospel, deepening our life of prayer, searching for truth, discerning the needs of the Church, and ministering to the people of God…. We will engage in our corporate ministry of preaching/teaching in creative ways within Church structures and in other frameworks.” In response to this vision we have opened our residence as a “Dominican House of Hospitality” welcoming young adults to join us in living all aspects of our community. We believe that young people are searching for an intentional living experience where they can pray, study and share life in common and in the process strengthen their relationship to Christ. In addition to this community ministry, each one of us has our own ministries outside of our house. Sister Lenore is the Director of the Opening Word program, a literacy program for immigrant women. The program, which has been in existence for over 20 years, serves women in three sites, Wyandanch, Amityville, and right here at St. Hugh. In addition, S. Lenore co-directs the RCIA program here at St. Hugh. Sister Mary is the testing coordinator for the Opening Word program. S. Mary works with all three sites to make sure that the state requirements of pre-testing, and post-testing for each participant is up to date. She also teaches religious education here at St. Hugh. Sister Gina is the Promoter of Youth, for the Dominican Sisters of Amityville. In that capacity, she directs and coordinates programs for young people to acquaint them with the Dominicans and our Charism. She believes that many young people have not been made aware of their own call to “preach” the Good News. Once they recognize that call their lives are changed forever. S. Gina directs these programs locally, regionally and nationally. In addition, she co-directs the RCIA program here at St. Hugh. We, the present community of sisters, are so happy to be a part of the parish here at St. Hugh and feel blessed to have been so welcomed. We hope to enjoy many years here as parishioners and active participants of the life of St. Hugh. We ask for your prayers as we all continue this journey together. You can be assured that “we pray constantly for you.” Yours in Dominic, Your Dominican Sisters Mary, Lenore, and Gina SOCIAL SOCIAL MINISTRY MINISTRY & NOTICES OUTREACH 631-271-8986 Open: 10 am-11:50am and 1-3:00pm With your help and continuous donations, Outreach assisted 7,400 clients in 2014. We are still in need of the following items in the Food Pantry: Canned Fruit, Juice 48oz - 64oz, Tomato Sauce, Soup, Cereal, Beans, Peanut Butter, Tuna, Jelly, Chef Boyardee, and Macaroni & Cheese. We are also in need of PLASTIC BAGS, please! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS 631-271-6081 This Sunday’s 11:30 Mass will be a family mass, featuring our 3rd level students. The children have worked hard to create Valentines “get well cards” to be distributed to hospital patients. All the children in our program will also be bringing forward a card they prepared sharing how they love God in their lives. We invite you to join us in the Parish Center after the Mass for snacks, drinks and a craft activity for all the children. Hope to see you all there! Our Confirmation candidates will receive a special blessing next weekend (February 7 & 8) at the Confirmation Enrollment Liturgy on Saturday evening and the 11:30 mass on Sunday. Please continue to pray for them as they continue their preparation to receive the Sacrament. ADULT SPIRITUAL FORMATION St. Hugh’s Soul Searching Cinema presents… Captivating and deeply spiritual film. Reveals his spiritual depth, sense of humor and intense faith. Come & See... Enjoy light refreshments Stay for discussion Sunday Matinee February 8th 1:00 – 4:30 pm St. John Fisher Room LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA & NOTICES Muy estimados hermanos, les quiero saludar y desearles de Dios toda clase de bendiciones esperando que todo cuanto emprendan les lleva a la alegría de un feliz fin, tanto en cosas materiales como en las espirituales. Les sigo invitando a que sigamos orando por el bien de la comunidad, por todos los que tenemos al lado especialmente nuestros enfermos, los vecinos sin fe, o aquellos que teniéndola se han dejado enfriar, a causa de las vicisitudes de la vida o por otras razones, supuestamente de trabajo, etc.. Nos llega el siguiente mes, así llamado el mes del amor y de la amistad. Que mejor oportunidad para que mostremos este amor, con “el amor de Dios”; sintiéndonos responsables de acercar al amor de Dios a todos aquellos, que Dios mismo nos pone en el camino. Por ello también les sigo invitando a que no fallemos en la Misa y Hora Santa, de cada inicio de mes, todos los primeros viernes. Invitemos a uno más y hagamos de esta hora, “el tiempo de Gracia entre Dios con nosotros”. Les esperamos a todos. Fr. Gonzalo OFICINA DE OUTREACH Horas: 10 am-11:50am y 1-3:00pm Con su continua ayuda, la oficina de Outreach asistió 7,400 clientes en 2014. Todavía necesitamos de los siguientes artículos enlatados para la despensa de comida: Fruta, Jugos, Salsa de Tomate y Salsa para Pasta, Cereal, Mantequilla de Maní, Atún, Jalea, Habichuelas, Carnes enlatadas, y Macarrones con Queso. También estamos en necesidad de Bolsas Plástico, Por Favor! RIGHT TO LIFE IMPORTANT SINGLE ISSUE Sometimes a single issue will be so important that it overrides a whole range of lesser issues. Human slavery is one such historic issue. It simply cannot be condoned no matter how much political support it might enjoy. The same could also be said for the classification, discrimination and even elimination of people for ethic reasons. The Holocaust is wrong and cannot be justified on any grounds. So also is the taking of the life of an unborn child. The arbitrary destruction of such life cannot be justified on the grounds that one should be free to choose to kill. OUR PRAYER CORNER Please remember the sick & suffering in your prayers, so they may receive healing & comfort: Dom Ciccone Caroline Chapman Lisa Stovall Noah Matsumoto Marshal May Georgeann Green Christopher Sorensen Fred Brynes Gerard F. Saggese Anita Meza Fernando Palacio John Mulrooney Isidro Orona Robert Leonardi Frank Polcer Theresa Kelsch William Herold Joseph Pires Carol O’Brien Mary Lusardi Carolyn Lukralle Andrew Harvey Jason Rendel Josephine Caiozzo Gerry Staiman John Constantino Joseph Labarbera Mark Dineen Lorraine Bachman Lucy Zgrablic Doris Dawson Jacqueline Drexel Helen Ketcham Yuriko Duggan Mary Lou Lasala Bob Bohner Gerry Brannigan Gaile Cassar Kathleen Fitzgerald Joseph Sansotta Russell Hayward Thomas Guido Kathy Agiesta Francyn Caiozzo Steve McVetty Erin O’Donnell Dennis Wilk Guillermo Zelaya Bill Mathews Charles Naidi Kathy Sorensen Charles Parento III Laura Grzan Josephine Jeannette Baby Gianna Pantina and those in the military, and the abused. Mary Wilson Phil Paul Joan Racis John Michta Luis Cruz James Biggin Rachel Metz Mark Wahl Steven Mueller Robert Zimardo NOTICES DEACON TOM St. Hugh’s Parish Family, Happy New Year! Today I write to you on my days of new life. I’m progressing and the physicians said I’m on schedule. But not fast enough for me. My transplant went as expected and the team of physicians that take care of me are the best. Please continue to pray for Margherita and my family. This has been a very difficult time for them during this process. God bless you for all your support and prayers. Deacon Tom Reilly ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA HICKSVILLLE CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS IS HOSTING MILITARY BRIDGE When: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Where: Msgr. Tarrant Hall Msgr. Tarrant Hall is in the St. Ignatius Old School on East Nicolai Street (behind the church). The Hall is handicapped accessible. Time: Doors open at 1:30 pm…The game starts promptly at 2:00 Cost: $10.00 per person Cake, coffee, and tea is included. Everyone will go home with a beautiful prize! For reservations please call Alice at 516-433-7857 Walk-ins are welcome! Join us for lots and lots of fun! The Rosary Altar Society Pray the Rosary Daily Next meeting, Tuesday, February 3 at 7pm: Rosary, Refreshments & Meeting. Would you like to deepen your devotion to our Blessed Mother? ∗ Draw near our Lord by drawing nearer to Our Lady as we prepare to enter the Lenten Season. ∗ Come pray with us; Journey with us… as our theme for this year unfolds, “TO GROW IN VIRTUE & HOLINESS IN IMITATION OF MARY, OUR MOTHER.” ∗ All are welcome Rectory Office Hours Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to Noon, and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Closed Sundays. Sunday and Weekday Eucharist Schedules appear on page 2 of this Bulletin. Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:00 - 4:45 Saturday afternoon, or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the 3rd Sunday at 1:00 pm. Please call the rectory for information on Baptism preparation. Sacrament of Marriage Couples should meet (by appointment) with a priest or deacon on our staff before making social arrangements. Preparation requires at least six month’s time. Pre-Cana instruction is required. Music is provided by parish liturgical ministers. World Wide Marriage Encounter Skip & Fran DeBlasio 631-367-4224 Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Anointing is celebrated each Sunday at the end of the 11:30 AM Mass. Call the rectory in an emergency or for visitation of the home-bound. Parish Membership We welcome new members! Please register at the rectory as soon as possible. Also, please give changes of address and phone number to the rectory when you move. Parroco: Padre Jose Granata: 427-0638 Padre Gonzalo Oajaca Lopez: 427-0638 Diacono Luis Giraldo: 516-724-0756 Lectores/Conselo Pastoral: Rossie Louzara - 428-2253 PRE-Cana: Carlos y Rosa Zegar - 427-4677 Grupo Juvenil: Carlos Perez 631.387-2761 Carlos Rivas 631.830-2567 Min. de Eucaristia y Ujieres: Marta Smith: 549-3966 Coro: Jose D’Amico—516-497-1344 Grupo de Oración Renovación Carismatica: Elvia Lopez 631-920-2890 Jose Ramirez 631-897-1154 RICA: Jose Ramirez 631-897-1154 Sacramentos & Ceremonias Bautismos Requisitos: •EI niño no debe tener mas de 6 años de edad. •Traer el certificado de nacimiento del nino y una fotocopia. •Deben recibir las dos charlas prebautismales para padres y padrinos, las cuales se realizan; el Segundo y tercer domingo de cada mes, a las 9:30 de la mañana, en el salon St. Clare. Los padrinos deben tomar la 2da charla el 3er domingo. Para mas información pueden llamar a Jesús 631-836-5282 Ministerio del Rosario: Felix Gonzalez 516-658-7854 Apostolado de la Divina Misericordia: Necesita Oracion: llame 631.745-5762 escriba email: [email protected] Bodas: Por favor hacer una cita con el sacerdote O diacono 6 meses antes de la fecha. Quinceañeras: Por favor de llamar a la Rectoria 427-0638. Misas: Martes 7:30pm en La capilla y Domingo 8:15 am. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.STHUGH.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION
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