Welcome to our Parish Community ¡ Bienvenidos a nuestra Comunidad! St. Hugh of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church 21 East Ninth Street Huntington Station, New York 11746 _______________________ PASTORAL MINISTRY Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Granata, Pastor Rev. Gonzalo Oajaca Lopez, Associate Rev. Khoa T. Le, In Residence Rev. Francis Gasparik, OFM. Cap, Sunday Assistant Rev. Paul Dolan, Sunday Assistant Dr. Edward Billia, Deacon Mr. Thomas Reilly, Deacon Mr. Vito Taranto, Deacon Mr. Luis Giraldo, Deacon Mr. Richard Bilella, Deacon Our Lord Jesus Christ,inKing of theTime Universe November Fifth Sunday Ordinary February 8, 201523, 2014 LITURGY AND MUSIC (Rectory) 427-0638; [email protected] Mrs. Gene-Louise Poller, Director YOUTH MINISTRY (Rectory) 427-0638; [email protected] Mr. Daniel Diviney, Director OUTREACH (SOCIAL MINISTRY) (Center) 271-8986; [email protected] Mrs. Fran Leek, Director BUSINESS MANAGER (Rectory) 427-0638; [email protected] Mr. Pete Shepherd, Manager RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (Center) 271-6081; [email protected] Mrs. Helen Schramm, Director TRINITY REGIONAL SCHOOL 1025 Fifth Avenue, E. Northport, NY 11731 261-5130; [email protected] Miss Jeanne Morcone, Principal Rectory 631-427-0638 Fax: 631-427-1319 [email protected] WORSHIP THIS COMING WEEK Monday, 2/9 Weekday Gn 1: 1 - 19 / Mk 6:53-56 (329) 8:00 am Maria Pantina Tuesday, 2/10 St. Scholastica, Virgin Gn 1: 20 - 2:4a / Mk 7: 1-13 (330) 8:00 am Bernardo Roldan, Virginia & James Reilly Wednesday, 2/11 Weekday Gn 2: 4b -9, 15-17 / Mk 7: 14-23 (331) 8:00 am Frances Tornatore Thursday, 2/12 Weekday Gn 2: 18 - 25 / Mk 7: 24-30 (332) 8:00 am Thomas F. Colucci Friday, 2/13 Weekday Gn 3: 1 - 8 / Mk 7: 31-37 (333) 8:00 am Georgettte “Molly” Stiene Bulletin Reflection: Like St. Paul in the second reading, the good steward can say, “I do all that I do for the sake of the gospel in the hope of having a share in its blessings.” Living Stewardship: We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who use their gifts of healing and forgiveness to help repair relationships in families beset with divorce. PETITIONS FOR FEBRUARY 1. We pray that our brothers & sisters in prison would be able to rebuild their lives of dignity. Saturday Memorial Mass, 2/14 2. We pray for any spouses who are St. Cyril, Monk, & Methodius, Bishop separated. May they find support & Gn 3: 9 - 24 / Mk 8: 1-10 (334) 8:30am David Roldan, Felix “Pito” Figueroa, James & Irene Rosella, truly be welcomed within the Christian Ernestine & Angelo Sposato, Salvatore Tornatore community. ________________________________________________________ WORSHIP NEXT WEEKEND February 14th and February 15th Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lv 13: 1-2, 44-46 / 1 Cor 10: 31—11:1 / Mk 1: 40-45 (77) 5:00 pm: Celebrant: Fr. Gonzalo & Dcn. Jeff (P) Intention: People of the Parish 7:00 am: Celebrant: Fr. Gonzalo & Dcn. Vito Intention: 8:15am-Spanish: Celebrant: Fr. Joe & Dcn. Luis Intention: 10:00 am: Celebrant: Fr. Paul & Dcn. Rich Intention: People of the Parish 11:30 am: Celebrant: Fr. Francis & Dcn. Jeff (P) Intention: David Roldan 3. We pray that through self-denial, prayer & generous giving we may be open to God’s love especially during Lent. 4. We pray that the Holy Spirit work creatively in our lives during this season. 5. We pray that your immeasurable mercy be felt especially for the sick, infirmed & dying. 6. We pray those with broken hearts & broken lives; may they feel the Lord’s healing grace. 7. We pray with praise & thanksgiving for the gift of friendship & appreciation for human life. FROM THE PASTOR Mardi Gras Family Party Tuesday, February 17, 2015 6:00 to 8:00pm in the St. Hugh Parish Center $5 per person (kids 5yrs old and older) $15 for Family (max. 5 members – additional members $5 extra) Pizza, Hot Dogs, Cake, and Soft Drinks will be provided. RESERVATION REQUIRED Please see Mardi Gras invitation for details. Fiesta Familiar De Mardi Gras Martes, 17 de febrero del 2015 De 6:00 a 8:00pm en el Centro Parroquial de San Hugo. La entrada será de $5 por persona (niños mayores de 5 años en adelante) $15 por familia hasta 5 personas ($5 por persona adicional) Pizza, Hot Dogs, pastel, y refrigerios serán servidos. SE REQUIERE RESERVACIÓN Por favor, vea la invitación de Mardi Gras para más detalles. SOCIAL SOCIAL MINISTRY MINISTRY & NOTICES OUTREACH 631-271-8986 Open: 10 am-11:50am and 1-3:00pm DON’T FORGET MARDI GRAS ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH!!! We are still in need of the following items in the Food Pantry: Canned Fruit, Juice 48oz - 64oz, Tomato Sauce, Soup, Cereal, Beans, Peanut Butter, Tuna, Jelly, Chef Boyardee, and Macaroni & Cheese. We are also in need of DIAPERS, SIZE 3 and PLASTIC BAGS, please! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS 631-271-6081 The children who will be Confirmed this fall are receiving a special blessing this weekend at the Confirmation Enrollment Liturgy on Saturday evening and the 11:30 mass on Sunday. Please continue to pray for them as they continue their preparation to receive the Sacrament. The Religious Education office will be closed and there are no classes scheduled from Sunday, February 15 to Saturday, February 21, 2015. The office will re-open and classes will resume on Sunday, February 22. 2015. ADULT SPIRITUAL FORMATION St. Hugh’s Soul Searching Cinema Sunday, February 8th 1:00pm Padre Pio: Miracle Man St. John Fisher room Lenten Program In October, the parish selected as a topic to explore and pray with: Deepening One’s Spirituality: Intimacy with Jesus. All attending shall have the book Praying With the Mystics (88 pp.) to read and reflect upon Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross and Meister Eckhart experiences of intimacy with Jesus. See next week’s bulletin for more detailed information. Tuesday evenings 7-9pm 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17 & 3/24 (snow date) OR Thursday 1:30-3:30pm 2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19 & 3/26 (snow date) LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA & NOTICES BODAS COLECTIVAS Muy estimados en Cristo, como ustedes bien saben, nuestro bien espiritual debería de ser nuestra prioridad. Por lo tanto nuestra vida sacramental debe darnos –sin estresarnos-, la preocupación primordial. Pensando en esa necesidad, aquí en esta parroquia se tiene la bendición de realizarse, una sección anual de bodas colectivas; que consiste en realizar una ceremonia matrimonial con varias parejas. - Esto no quita que aquellos que así lo prefieren pueden seguir solicitando su boda en privado-. La razón pastoral es doble, por una parte procurar que aquellos que conviven por años con su pareja, puedan arreglar su situación sacramental. Y por otra parte procuramos que se aproveche la ocasión para aquellos que no tengan posibilidades económicas de realizar algo grande, respecto a lo secundario de toda boda…. “TENIENDO EN CUENTA QUE LO MAS GRANDE ES ESTAR EN GRACIA DE DIOS”, es decir recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Por lo tanto pueden participar activamente en cada eucaristía recibiendo a Cristo en su Cuerpo y su Sangre sacramentalmente. Por favor aquellas parejas que están interesadas deben: ∗ Hacer una cita con Padre Gonzalo. ∗ Tener o traer el certificado de Bautismo. ∗ Haber hecho la primera comunión y la confirmación o estar en preparación para estos sacramentos. ∗ Deben realizar unas charlas pre-matrimoniales. *el cupo para este evento es limitado.* En Cristo y María: Padre Gonzalo OFICINA DE OUTREACH Horas: 10 am-11:50am y 1-3:00pm NO SE OLVIDE "MARDI GRAS" EL MARTES 17 DE FEBRERO !!! Todavía necesitamos de los siguientes artículos enlatados para la despensa de comida: Fruta, Jugos, Salsa de Tomate y Salsa para Pasta, Cereal, Mantequilla de Maní, Atún, Jalea, Habichuelas, Carnes enlatadas, y Macarrones con Queso. También estamos en necesidad de PAÑALES, TAMAÑO 3 y BOLSAS PLÁSTICO, Por Favor! RIGHT TO LIFE LOVE THEM BOTH Saturday, February 14 from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM Celebrating the spirit of Valentine's Day. Unborn babies need love, too. Peaceful vigil on sidewalk at Huntington Station office of Stony Brook Women's Health, 33 Walt Whitman Road ( just north of Jericho Turnpike) Rain or shine. Signs provided. Sponsor LI Coalition for Life 631-243-1435; [email protected]. VISIBILITY MATTERS! OUR PRAYER CORNER Please remember the sick & suffering in your prayers, so they may receive healing & comfort: Dom Ciccone Caroline Chapman Lisa Stovall Noah Matsumoto Marshal May Georgeann Green Christopher Sorensen Fred Brynes Gerard F. Saggese Anita Meza Fernando Palacio John Mulrooney Isidro Orona Robert Leonardi Frank Polcer Theresa Kelsch William Herold Joseph Pires Carol O’Brien Mary Lusardi Carolyn Lukralle Andrew Harvey Jason Rendel Josephine Caiozzo Gerry Staiman John Constantino Joseph Labarbera Mark Dineen Lorraine Bachman Lucy Zgrablic Doris Dawson Jacqueline Drexel Helen Ketcham Yuriko Duggan Mary Lou Lasala Bob Bohner Gerry Brannigan Gaile Cassar Kathleen Fitzgerald Joseph Sansotta Russell Hayward Thomas Guido Kathy Agiesta Francyn Caiozzo Steve McVetty Erin O’Donnell Dennis Wilk Guillermo Zelaya Bill Mathews Charles Naidi Kathy Sorensen Charles Parento III Laura Grzan Josephine Jeannette Baby Gianna Pantina and those in the military, and the abused. Mary Wilson Phil Paul Joan Racis John Michta Luis Cruz James Biggin Rachel Metz Mark Wahl Steven Mueller Robert Zimardo NOTICES DEACON TOM St. Hugh’s Parish Family, Happy New Year! Today I write to you on my days of new life. I’m progressing and the physicians said I’m on schedule. But not fast enough for me. My transplant went as expected and the team of physicians that take care of me are the best. Please continue to pray for Margherita and my family. This has been a very difficult time for them during this process. God bless you for all your support and prayers. Deacon Tom Reilly WIDOWS & WIDOWERS, DIVORCED & SINGLE CATHOLICS OF LONG ISLAND OUR 39th YEAR NASSAU COUNTY CHAPTER NUMBER 1 NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION Non-Denominational - ALL are welcome Tuesday, February 24th, 2015 @ 8PM The meeting is held every Fourth Tuesday at St. Francis De Chantal School 1309 Wantagh Avenue Wantagh, NY 11793 Please bring proof of single status to join. Refreshments after meeting. For further information call: Barbara McCaffrey (516) 798-2858 ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA HICKSVILLLE CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS IS HOSTING MILITARY BRIDGE When: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Where: Msgr. Tarrant Hall Msgr. Tarrant Hall is in the St. Ignatius Old School on East Nicolai Street (behind the church). The Hall is handicapped accessible. Time: Doors open at 1:30 pm…The game starts promptly at 2:00 Cost: $10.00 per person Cake, coffee, and tea is included. Everyone will go home with a beautiful prize! For reservations please call Alice at 516-433-7857 Walk-ins are welcome! Join us for lots and lots of fun! Rectory Office Hours Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to Noon, and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Closed Sundays. Sunday and Weekday Eucharist Schedules appear on page 2 of this Bulletin. Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:00 - 4:45 Saturday afternoon, or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the 3rd Sunday at 1:00 pm. Please call the rectory for information on Baptism preparation. Sacrament of Marriage Couples should meet (by appointment) with a priest or deacon on our staff before making social arrangements. Preparation requires at least six month’s time. Pre-Cana instruction is required. Music is provided by parish liturgical ministers. World Wide Marriage Encounter Skip & Fran DeBlasio 631-367-4224 Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Anointing is celebrated each Sunday at the end of the 11:30 AM Mass. Call the rectory in an emergency or for visitation of the home-bound. Parish Membership We welcome new members! Please register at the rectory as soon as possible. Also, please give changes of address and phone number to the rectory when you move. Parroco: Padre Jose Granata: 427-0638 Padre Gonzalo Oajaca Lopez: 427-0638 Diacono Luis Giraldo: 516-724-0756 Lectores/Conselo Pastoral: Rossie Louzara - 428-2253 PRE-Cana: Carlos y Rosa Zegar - 427-4677 Grupo Juvenil: Carlos Perez 631.387-2761 Carlos Rivas 631.830-2567 Min. de Eucaristia y Ujieres: Marta Smith: 549-3966 Coro: Jose D’Amico—516-497-1344 Grupo de Oración Renovación Carismatica: Elvia Lopez 631-920-2890 Jose Ramirez 631-897-1154 RICA: Jose Ramirez 631-897-1154 Sacramentos & Ceremonias Bautismos Requisitos: •EI niño no debe tener mas de 6 años de edad. •Traer el certificado de nacimiento del nino y una fotocopia. •Deben recibir las dos charlas prebautismales para padres y padrinos, las cuales se realizan; el Segundo y tercer domingo de cada mes, a las 9:30 de la mañana, en el salon St. Clare. Los padrinos deben tomar la 2da charla el 3er domingo. Para mas información pueden llamar a Jesús 631-836-5282 Ministerio del Rosario: Felix Gonzalez 516-658-7854 Apostolado de la Divina Misericordia: Necesita Oracion: llame 631.745-5762 escriba email: [email protected] Bodas: Por favor hacer una cita con el sacerdote O diacono 6 meses antes de la fecha. Quinceañeras: Por favor de llamar a la Rectoria 427-0638. Misas: Martes 7:30pm en La capilla y Domingo 8:15 am. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.STHUGH.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION Mardi Gras Family Party Tuesday, February 17, 2015 6:00 to 8:00pm in the St. Hugh Parish Center $5 per person (kids 5yrs old and older) $15 for Family (max. 5 members – additional members $5 extra) Pizza, Hot Dogs, Cake, and Soft Drinks will be provided. This year the “Alleluia” banner will be retired from the Auditorium at the end of our celebration. Please fill out the tear off below and drop it off at the Rectory, Religious Education or the Outreach offices. You may also place it in the collection basket in a white envelope and write “Mardi Gras” on it. Must be in by February 9th. No walk-ins Please!!! (We need a head count so that we can order food in advance) We welcome all parish members to join us as we transition into Lent. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: _______________________ Phone # ___________ E-mail _______________________ # Attending ____ $ Enclosed ________ Fiesta Familiar De Mardi Gras Martes, 17 de febrero del 2015 De 6:00 a 8:00pm en el Centro Parroquial de San Hugo. La entrada será de $5 por persona (niños mayores de 5 años en adelante) $15 por familia hasta 5 personas ($5 por persona adicional) Pizza, Hot Dogs, pastel, y refrigerios serán servidos. Este año el letrero del “Aleluya” será retirado al final de nuestra celebración desde el Gimnasio. Favor llenar la parte de abajo y entréguela antes del 9 de Febrero, a la Rectoría, a la oficina de Educación Religiosa ó la Oficina de Outreach, Ó colóquelo en la canasta de colecta en un sobre blanco y escriba “Mardi Gras”. No se aceptarán personas sin haber sido registradas!!! (Necesitamos saber exactamente la cantidad de personas que asistirán, para poder ordenar la comida) Invitamos a todos los miembros de la parroquia, mientras hacemos la transición hacia Cuaresma. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nombre: ______________________ # Telefónico ________ Correo Electrónico_________________ # de Personas ______ $ _______
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