DIOCESE OF CHARLESTON Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church 1100 8th Avenue N., N. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29582 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 8, 2015 Rev. D. Anthony Droze Pastor Rev. Michael P. Cassabon Parochial Vicar Rev. José O. Cheverria Jimenez Parochial Vicar Hispanic Ministry Sr. Glafira G. Ortega HCJS Deacons Robert J. Tyson Andrew F. Stoshak Richard M. Flenke Peter M. Casamento Masses Sunday Vigil (Saturday) 5:00 PM Sunday - 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 Noon Misa en Español 1:30 PM Signing for the Deaf 4th Sunday 10:00 AM Daily: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM 1st Saturday 8:00 AM Confessions Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 PM Parish Office Phone: 843-249-2356 Fax: 843-249-8514 Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Friday 8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon Website: www.olssnmb.com E-Mail: [email protected] A Ministry of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Sheila Durante, Principal 843-390-4108 web: www.htcatholicschoolmyrtlebeach.com e-mail: [email protected] Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church PRAYER AND WORSHIP Rev. D. Anthony Droze MASS INTENTIONS February 7, 2015 through February 15, 2015 Pastor 843-249-2356 Ext. 17 Rev. Michael P. Cassabon Parochial Vicar 843-249-2356 Ext 23 Rev. J. Orlando Cheverria Jimenez Parochial Vicar 843-249-2356 Ext. 29 Hispanic Ministry Sr. Glafira G. Ortega HCJS 843-249-2356 Ext.29 OLSS Outreach Ministry 843-249-2356 Ext. 13 [email protected] Sat. 02/07 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Sun. 02/08 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 N 1:30 PM Mon. 02/09 8:00 AM Catholic Charities 855-377-1357 Administrative Offices Business Manager Linda Britzke 843-249-2356 Ext. 10 [email protected] Director of Music Ministry Deb Main 843-249-2356 [email protected] Co-Directors of Religious Education Charlotte Watkins Angel Roesch Hairston 843-249-2356 Ext. 22 [email protected] [email protected] Faith Formation Ministry Dorothy Foss, Chairperson 843-249-5261 [email protected] Director of Maintenance Steve Speedling 843-249-2356 Ext. 12 [email protected] Office Staff Rosie Plank 843-249-2356 Ext. 11 [email protected] Vicki McCambley 843-249-2356 Ext. 24 [email protected] Lucy Garcia 843-249-2356 Ext. 27 [email protected] Tue. 02/10 8:00 AM Wed.02/11 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 8:30 AM 6:00 PM Thu. 02/12 8:00 AM Fri. 02/13 8:00 AM 6:00 PM Sat. 01/14 5:00 PM Sun. 02/15 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 N 1:30 PM Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mk 6:30-34 Dorothy D’Aloia (Patricia Beste) Eugene Sanborn (wife, Jean) Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Matthew Damato (Joe & Joanne Morrone) Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Theresa Filiault (Ellen Lippincott) Joyce Solomon (Diane Yatkauskas) Deborah Patterson Satterfield (Barbara Harris) Pro Populo (for the People of the Parish) Gn 1:1-19; Mk 6:53-56 Karen Schmidt (Mom & Dad) Special Intention for the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mr.& Mrs. Charles Radcliff (Susan & Dan Milone) Charles “Chuck” DeVine (Gloria & Joe Fanelli) Gn 1:20—2:4a; Mk 7:1-13 Andrew Amenkowicz (Mom & Dad) Jack McTiernan (Family) Charles DeVine (Rose Marie Pieroni) Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Mk 7:14-23 No Mass at OLSS George Smith (Stella & Dave Straka) Muriel Cavagnaro (Anthony Cavagnaro, Sr.) Albert Bureau (Claire Scavone)@ Holy Trinity Angelo Candela (Geri Candela) @ Church of Resurrection Gn 2:18-25; Mk 7:24-30 Jeanne Kirk (Dorothy & Ronald Boivin) Dr. Russell Burgess (Family) David Mann (David & Judy Carlson) Thelma Oberdorf (Tom & Donna Wells) Gn 3:1-8; Mk 7:31-37 Martin Koehler (Pamela Anderson) Special Intention for Doug, Sarah & Mark McCloskey (Diane Yatkauskas) Frank Sugar (Eleanor Ferrar) @ Church of Resurrection Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; 1 Cor 10:31-11:1; Mk 1:40-45 Marjorie Moats (Kathy & Wayne Gregory) Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; 1 Cor 10:31-11:1; Mk 1:40-45 Barbara Ellen Tippett (Gloria & Bob Wilson) Christopher Carroll (Joyce Norelli) Hal Todd (Michel Heroux) Pro Populo (for the People of the Parish) SANCTUARY LAMP INTENTION The sanctuary lamp will burn In Honor of The DiPietro Children & Families from Mother. RECENTLY DECEASED Kindly pray for the repose of the souls of the following who recently passed away and all who grieve: Matthew Edward Michael Fineran John D. McCaffery 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAYER AND WORSHIP FLOWER INTENTIONS An arrangement is given in Memory of the Deceased Members of the Callahan Family from Henriette Callahan. A second arrangement is given in Memory of Lorraine Drouin from husband, Chester. CELEBRATING THE EUCHARIST ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration is held every Friday after the 8AM Mass until 4:30 PM followed by Benediction. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited Monday through Friday after the 8:00 AM Mass. The Chaplet is recited in the cry room. All are invited. Marian Movement - Cenacle following Divine Mercy every Wednesday in the Cry Room. The Order of Worship begins at # 166 Gathering: Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! # 567 Gloria Psalm: “Praise the Lord…” Readings begin at # 1105 GOSPEL ALLEUIA - chanted Creed: #174 & also on inside front cover Gifts: You Are Mine # 721 Holy, Holy, Holy - Creation # 198 Memorial Acclamation # 200 Amen # 202 Lamb Of God # 204 Communion: Taste And See # 930 Recessional: Let All Things Now Living # 635 CELEBRATE WORLD DAY OF THE SICK on Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes with Our Lady Ark of the Covenant Praesidium Legion of Mary with a Special Mass to honor the sick and infirm and their caretakers on Wednesday, February 11th, at 10:00 AM at Our Lady Star of the Sea. Anointing of the Sick will follow the Mass. We will be giving out Lourdes Water as a remembrance of this special day. Spread the word. This is a very special occasion for those who ordinarily find it difficult to get to mass. All are welcome. THERE WILL BE NO 8:00 AM MASS ON THIS DATE. LENTEN ADORATION 2015 Lenten Adoration begins on Monday, February 23. Sign-up forms are available on the display board in the narthex and in the Church office. Please consider the days and times for which you would be willing to make a weekly commitment. All forms must be returned by Monday, February 9th. Schedules, arranged alphabetically, will be available in the narthex during the week of February 15th. Fr. David Phan, Vietnamese Vicar, will celebrate a Vietnamese Mass for all the Vietnamese Catholics in the Myrtle Beach area on February 14th, 2015, at 8 PM at St. Andrew Church. For more information, please contact Thong Nguyen (843) 448-7672. MASS FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED The 10:00 AM Mass on the 4th Sunday of the month will be signed as a service to those in need in our community. If you know of anyone who is hearing impaired, please invite them to attend. LENTEN REGULATIONS 2015 Lent begins Ash Wednesday, February18, 2015 Masses will be 8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, 6:00 PM 8:30 PM (In Spanish) Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast. On days of fast, one full meal is allowed. Two lesser meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one's needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted. Catholics who have completed their 18th year are bound by this law until the beginning of their 60th year. Ash Wednesday and Fridays of Lent are also days of abstinence. On days of abstinence, meats should not be taken at any meal. The law of abstinence binds all Catholics who have completed their 14th year. The Obligation to observe, as a whole or "substantially", the penitential days specified by the Church is a serious obligation. The Code of Canon Law states: "On these days of Penance, the faithful are in a special manner to devote themselves to prayer, to engage in works of piety and charity, to deny themselves, by fulfilling their obligations more faithfully and especially by observing the fast and abstinence…" May this Holy Lenten season provide us an opportunity for deepening our faith, hope and love through a life of deeper prayer, penitential practices, and works of charity. Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church CHRISTIAN FORMATION FaithFormation "THE CHURCH OF THE EUCHARIST" A four-week power point presentation on Tuesday evenings, March 3, 10, 17 and 24, at 6pm in the Banquet Hall PRESENTER: FR. MICHAEL CASSABON For those who missed last year's classes, this will be a combination of the sessions on both the Mass and the Church. Of course, the "alumni" are most welcome!!! 2015 Faith Formation Calendar through June April 14 - June 2 - (8 weeks) Tuesdays - 9 am to 11 am -- Room A and B Facilitators: Pat Graney and Mary Modica The Great Adventure - A Quick Journey through the Bible June 9, 16 and 23 9:30 am to 11 am - Tuesdays - Banquet Hall Presenter: Fr. Michael Cassabon "Signs, Symbols and the Sacraments" OLSS SPIRITUAL BOOK CLUB The Book Club meets the fourth Wednesday of each month from 9-11:30 am [Exceptions will be announced as they occur]. For your convenience, books will be available for purchase in the Parish gift shop. Snowbirds are welcome. Registration not needed. Come when you are able, know we will miss you when you can’t. Winter Book Selections February 24: The Mystery of Joseph - Fr. Marie-Dominique Philippe OP March 25: Can You Drink the Cup? ~ Henry J.M. Nouwen For questions: call Kim Balbach 1-910-579-1706 or email me at [email protected] subject line: book club “Men's Spirituality Gathering” for Our Lady Star of the Sea. Men, kindly join us for a positive way to kick start the weekend with light refreshments, HIS gospel words, discussions and fellowship. Free readings sent to your email or at table. Please RSVP to Henry Karasch. Fridays, February13th and 27th at 9:30 - 11:00AM Parish Hall, Room D. Respectfully, Henry Karasch, 910 579-3127, or email at [email protected] HOLYTRINITYCATHOLICSCHOOL A Ministry of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish SCHOOL REGISTRATION Registration for the 2015-16 school year at Holy Trinity Catholic School began during Catholic Schools Week. If you would like to register a student/s, please either call the school office (843-390-4108) to make an appointment for a tour or stop out to the school to pick up a registration packet. Holy Trinity will open another classroom next year and will then be a K4 to Grade 8 school. If you know of someone who is looking for an excellent school for their child/children, please let them know about Holy Trinity and give them the school phone number so that they can contact the school. The principal will be happy to answer any questions that they might have. WAYS TO ASSIST THE SCHOOL It is very easy to earn cash and supplies for Holy Trinity Catholic School through the following easy to do fundraisers: * Clip Box Tops and Campbell Labels from products you normally purchase and then turn them in to the church office or the school * Download the FREE Shoparoo App on your smartphone and just take pictures of the receipts from your everyday purchases (Download the App for all the details) * Connect your Bi-Lo Card to the school by signing it up on line * Use the Publix key ring card that was given out at the Catholic Schools Week Church Mass – simply have the cashier scan it before scanning your items and the school will receive a cash credit every quarter (cards are available at the church office if you did not get one) * Turn in your used ink jet cartridges to the school or church office Thanks to all who assist us in the above ways. The school has been able to purchase P.E. equipment and has received cash payments. Thank you so much. ANNUAL FUND The Annual Fund appeal is ongoing. The funds raised through this appeal will be used to improve our outdoor facilities such as our playground, basketball court and, possibly, provide a shelter for picnicking and a track for cross country. Thank you for the donations already received and for those yet to come. If you did not receive the appeal literature, please call the school at 843-390-4108 and a packet will be mailed to you or, if you would like to make a donation, simply send it to the school marked “Annual Appeal.” 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time CHRISTIAN FORMATION Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church COMMUNITY BUILDING THIS WEEK Mon. Feb. 09 Legion of Mary 9:00 - 10:00AM Boards Games & Cards 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM Charismatic Community 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM Fish Frys Volunteers Meeting 6:30 - 7:30PM Hispanic AA Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous 8:00 - 9:00 PM Tue. Feb. 10 RCIA 7:00 - 9:00 PM Hispanic AA Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Hispanic Al - Anon Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Wed. Feb. 11 No 8:00 AM Mass at OLSS Quilters & Crafters 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon 10:00 AM Mass World Day of The Sick Caregivers Support Group 2:00 - 3:00PM CCD 6:00 - 7:15 PM K of C 7:00 - 9:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous 8:00 - 9:00 PM Thur. Feb. 12 Catholic Scripture Study 9:30 - 11:30 AM AA Meeting 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM Our Lady’s Kitchen 4:30 - 6:00 PM Cantor Rehearsal 5:00 - 5:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 5:30 - 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 6:00 - 7:30 PM Fri. Feb. 13 Eucharistic Adoration 8:30 AM - 4:30 Men’s Spirituality Group 9:30 - 11:00 AM Church Office Closes at Noon Benediction 4:30 - 5:00 PM Sat. Feb. 14 Church Cleaners - between 6:30 -10:00 AM AA Meeting 8:30 - 10:00 K of C Dinner Dance 7:00 - 11:00 PM Sun Feb. 15 CCD 3 - 4 year olds 10:00 - 11:00 AM Altar Servers Meeting 3:30 - 5:00 PM Welcome the Visiting Madonna - While we are encouraged to embrace Jesus’ cross, perhaps the next best thing we can do as the faithful is to turn to the Blessed Mother for guidance…”Blessed Mother, please help me.” As human beings, we can’t do everything. But the Blessed Mother can go to her Son Jesus and do wonders. The Knights of Columbus are offering intimate prayer devotions in your own homes to all parishioners so that every family may experience visitation for one week from our Visiting Madonna. Families will begin to experience a sense of peace, quiet and reflection while saying the Rosary as a family with Our Lady. The family that prays together stays together. If you are interested in participating in welcoming the Visiting Madonna, please call Sam Konrad at (843) 399-7003 or email him at [email protected]. This week, The Visiting Madonna will be presented to Ed & Joan Vaitis at the 5:00 PM Mass. SAVE THE DATE 2 0 T H AN N U AL O L S S G O L F T O U R N AM E N T JULY 18, 2015 Knights of Columbus Ultra Sound Campaign "Let's Be the Voice of Those Who Have No Voice" The Knights of Columbus Council 7122 at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church is committed to the community and the spiritual needs in our parish. Among them, is the Crusade for Life, which protects the rights of Unborn Children. Besides prayer, one of the most successful tools in stopping abortion is the Ultra Sound Machine. When a young woman sees her baby on the ultra sound, more times than not, she sees this image as her child and not a “choice”. Often, she will decide not to abort the child. The Knights of Columbus help to purchase these machines to keep the Pro Life movement moving forward and save as many babies as we can. Please help us in the Crusade for Life by donating after Masses on February 14 & 15, 2015. Your donation could save a life. THANK YOU FOR BEING A VOICE. "You can't get blood from a stone... so we need YOU" Knights of Columbus Parish Blood Drive Tuesday, February 24th 12:00Noon to 5:00 PM. Almost anyone can donate. 17 years plus and no upper age limit A single donation can save up to three lives! Appointments are suggested (843) 249-1841 Walk-ins are welcome. FISH FRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Our annual Lenten Fish Frys are almost here. (Feb 20th). We need your help. Everyone can help in some way. We ask all prospective volunteers to attend a short 'kick-off' meeting on Monday, February 9th, in the Church Banquet Hall. "Snowbirds"...come join us. Have fun...make new friends. Starts at 6:30 p.m. For more info, call 843-249-1841. The Ancient Order of Hibernians Present An Afternoon of Irish Entertainment Starring Seamus Kennedy Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Comedian, All-Round Entertainer! Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Center Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Donation $20.00 Tickets Available at the OLSS Ticket Office after week-end Masses or from: Don Dunphy 910-575-1259, Flynn's Irish Tavern 843-249-6533, Matthew Tully 843-497-4741 Bill Toomey 843-249-3599 SAVE THE DATE St. Patrick Dinner Dance ~ Saturday, March 14th, 2015 Tickets will be available in the coming weeks. 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time COMMUNITY BUILDING SPRING WOMEN'S DISCERNMENT RETREAT March 13-15, 2015 White Oak Conference Center, Winnsboro, SC “Every Woman is Destined to be Wife and Mother.” St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross The Lord has a vocation for each of us. He calls us into different vocations within the Church as He leads us closer to Himself. Speakers include, Nationally Renowned Speaker and AuthorEmily Stimpson, Kathy Schmugge, Sr. Mary Sheila, OP, Karen Miller, Victoria Burnos and Retreat Leader, Sr. Kathleen Thomas, FSP. If you're a single Catholic woman, ages 18-49, and are ready to explore the Lord's call in your life - this retreat is for you! Registration is now open! Visit www.CharlestonVocations.com for information and to sign up online, or contact the Office of Vocations at 1-800-660-4102 OLSS Columbiettes are sponsoring a one day retreat for all men and women on Saturday, Feb. 21st from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30p.m. Spend a day with Father Cassabon as he explains how we can go from "Maintenance to Mission" and from "Convention to Conviction". Reservations are required and are just $20 per person and include morning refreshments, lunch and beverages. Reservation deadline is Monday, Feb. 16th. Reservations only. Sorry, no walk -ins. Call Joan Vaitis at 249-1841 or mail check payable to OLSS Columbiettes to her at PO Box 3545, NMB. S.C. 29582. OLSS Columbiettes invites everyone to their First Annual Fat Tuesday Pasta Buffet and Card Party on Tuesday Feb. 17th at 11:00 a.m. in our Banquet Hall. Proceeds will benefit a scholarship for students who will be attending our new St. Elizabeth Ann Seton High School. Everyone is welcome. Bring your cards and board games. Enjoy a real Italian pasta buffet topped off with scrumptious desserts. Incredible prizes, too. Call Pat at 249-8628 or Joan at 249-1841 to reserve your space. Just $12 per person and walk-ins are welcome. THRIFT STORE PARTNERSHIP Remember to bring your new and/or gently used items to the rear of the parish center on Thursday mornings from 9AM-11AM for pickup by BloomingDeals. For large items, call the church office and arrangements will be made for their pickup from your home. Your continuing support of this successful fundraiser is very much appreciated. "Interested in Becoming a Member of the Knights of Columbus, call 399-1593." COLUMBARIUM AND PRAYER GARDEN Spend some quiet, prayerful time in this beautiful and holy place. Niches are $3,000 for one or $5,500 for two. No-interest financing is available. To reserve a niche or for more information, call or stop by the Church Office. VIRTUS ”PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN” The Diocese of Charleston and Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church are committed to ensuring the safety of all children and vulnerable adults. All priests, deacons, sisters, staff members, and all volunteers who have any contact whatsoever with children and other vulnerable persons are required to be trained through VIRTUS in how to provide a safe environment. These same people receive background screenings in addition to education on how to make the safest environment possible. Diocesan Office of Child Protection Service: (843) 853-2130, Ext. 209 Diocesan Victim Assistance:(800) 921-8122 OLSS Safe Environment Coordinator:249-2356. BOOK OF INTENTIONS If someone you know is in need of our prayers, please enter their name(s) in the book located in the Holy Family alcove. Lenten Mission Living as Christians/Catholics in Today’s Secularized World: Do You Text God? Presenter: Singer and Lay Franciscan, Al Barbarino Where: St. James Catholic Church 1071 Academy Dr., Conway Sunday, March 1, 4:00 PM Monday, March 2, 10:30 AM and 6:30 PM (repeat of morning session) His musical CDs will be available for purchase to help the poor and homeless. The Precious Blood of Christ Women's Club, Fashion Show entitled, "Lunch at Tiffany's," will be held on Saturday, March 14th at Pawleys Plantation. Doors will open at 10:30 am. Tickets are on sale for $40.00. Please call Joan Baker at 235-0026 for information. Hope to see you there. EVANGELIZATION R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults The R.C.I.A. is a process of spiritual conversion and growth, over time, in one’s relationship with God and the Church. It is a faith journey where adults are fully welcomed into the Catholic Church. If you’re interested in exploring a relationship with Jesus Christ; inquiring about the Catholic Church; becoming Catholic; and being fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist, WE WELCOME YOU! For more information about the R.C.I.A. process, please contact Deacon Bob at the Church Office. Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church SOCIAL OUTREACH STEWARDSHIP THIS WEEKEND, FEBRUARY 7th/8th OLSS OUTREACH MINISTRY will be accepting donations as you exit the Church. All donations are truly appreciated. OLSS LIFE CHANGING MINISTRY Please Take Me Shopping With You Your Help Is A Blessing To Those In Need Rice A Roni/Zataran’s Salad Dressing Can Tomato Prod. Can Vegetables Cleaning Prod./Soap Pancake Mix/Syrup Box Mashed Potato Can Chicken Baked Beans Hamburger Helper Hamburger Helper Can Fruit Tuna / Spam Can Potatoes Peanut Butter/Jelly Salad Dressing Catsup, Mayo, Mustd. Grits / Rice Saltine Crackers Cereal, Hot or Cold Toilet Paper Cake/Cookie Mix Pasta Sauce Small Can Ham “For I was Hungry and you gave me food…” OLSS OUTREACH MINISTRY Thank you for your continued support for OUR LADY’S KITCHEN and our families in the Food Distribution Program. Our need is still great. Many have had hours cut from work, putting another strain on the family income this winter season. Our Food Security program and Our Lady’s Kitchen has been a real life support for the families who struggle to make ends meet. Your financial donations and food contributions are our only means of support for this growing need in the North Myrtle Beach Communities. These programs could not exist without You Thank You, and May God Continue to Bless You.. 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Dear Parishioners and Friends, Once again, as we begin the 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal, I encourage your sacrificial support as we join this effort with Catholics throughout South Carolina. Each year, our diocesan-wide ministries serve the poor and disadvantaged, educate our youth and adults, as well as support the clergy and religious that are serving in our state. The Bishop’s Annual Appeal challenges us to look beyond our own parish boundaries and consider the broader mission of the Church, not just in South Carolina but throughout the world. With an overall goal of $3 million dollars, and a parish target of $67,965, this undertaking presents you, as parishioners, with an opportunity to support the universal mission of our church. When we surpass our goal, we then receive back 50% of funds raised beyond our goal. In the coming weeks, each of us will have an opportunity to support this cause through the direct mail appeal from Bishop Guglielmone and at weekend Mass. I know we will respond to this challenge as we have in previous years. Thank you again for all that you do to support our parish and diocese. May God continue to bless you and your loved ones. Yours in Christ, Rev. D. Anthony Droze THIS WEEK—NO SECOND COLLECTION ************************************************* NEXT WEEK—NO SECOND COLLECTION PRESENTING THE GIFTS If you would like to present the gifts at one of the weekend Masses, please sign your name & phone number in the Sign-Up Book located on the table in the rear of the Church. Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora Estrella del Mar QUINTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO JESUS CURA A LA SUEGRA DE PEDRO (Evangelio de San Marcos 1, 29-39). Queridos Hermanos: La actuación de Jesús se caracteriza por una autoridad sorprendente, suscitando entre las gentes, el interrogante por el misterio de su persona. Es además, una actuación que no se limita solamente al espacio religioso, sino que se extiende también al espacio privado y profano. La Buena Noticia no se puede quedar aprisionada solamente en el ambiente religioso, sino que afecta al ser humano en todas sus dimensiones. Donde está Jesús hay vida, crece la vida y se lucha por la vida. Jesús cura a los enfermos, acoge a los desvalidos, perdona a los pecadores, cura a los que están poseídos por espíritus malignos, y entre todos sus milagros, Jesús cura a la suegra de Pedro. Jesús siempre cura y sana. Jesús siempre está atento a los males y dolencias de las personas. Por eso, siempre a su alrededor están los poseídos, enfermos, leprosos, paralíticos, ciegos, sordos, marginados, etc. Jesús humaniza, libera, devuelve la alegría y la vida a todos. Jesucristo, sale de la Sinagoga a realizar la pastoral de enfermos, y dirigiéndose a la casa de Simón-Pedro, cura a su suegra quién se encontraba enferma. Jesús cura a la suegra de Pedro un día Sábado, día de reposo y oración, que la casuística farisea, había convertido en camisa de fuerza, prohibiendo todo tipo de trabajo. Pero para Jesús, es más importante la vida de las personas, que observar el día Sábado. "El Sábado es para el hombre y no el hombre para el Sábado". En la curación de la suegra de Pedro, podemos observar tres detalles importantes: -Primero, Jesús toca a la enferma y la toma de la mano. Es un gesto maravilloso y humano. Un gesto de estos vale más que mil palabras. -El segundo detalle, tiene un sentido cristológico: Jesús sana y levanta a la enferma. El verbo levantar, expresa resurrección y vida. Es como un anticipo de lo que será la radical y total curación de todo: La Resurrección de Jesucristo. El tercer detalle, es la reacción de la enferma que se puso a servirles. Jesús quiere, que el resultado inmediato de su actividad, sea la actitud de servicio a las personas. Por eso El lo dijo un día: "No vine a ser servido sino a servir. Vine a dar la vida en rescate por todos". Pidámosle a la Virgen María, para que Ella, nos ayude en nuestro trabajo pastoral, teniendo siempre una actitud de servicio a los demás. Dios los bendiga. Padre Orlando. EVANGELIZACION CATEQUESIS PARA ADULTOS (R.I.C.A.) El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos es un proceso de conversión y crecimiento espiritual, que toma tiempo, en nuestra relación con Dios y la Iglesia. Es un camino de fe donde los adultos están totalmente bienvenidos en la Iglesia Católica. Si usted está interesado en la exploración de una relación con Jesucristo y se a preguntado acerca de la Iglesia Católica, o convirtiéndose a la fe católica, la iniciación en la Iglesia Católica a través de la celebración de los sacramentos del Bautismo, Confirmación y Eucaristía. LE DAMOS UNA CORDIAL BIENVENIDA! Para obtener más información acerca del proceso, R.I.C.A. por favor póngase en contacto con la Hermana Glafira Ortega a los teléfonos 843-742-0341 o 249-2356. Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario COMPARATIENDO NOTICIAS….. EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO MIERCOLES DE CENIZA El día 18 de Febrero es Miércoles de Ceniza. Hay Misa en Español a las 8:30 P.M. (Ocho y treinta de la Noche). Cordialmente invitados. Cena Baile por el Día del Amor y la Amistad Sábado 7 de Febrero del 2015 En el Salón de Banquetes de Nuestra Señora de los Mares ven y disfruta una tardeada sonidera en compañía de tu familia. Menores de 10 años GRATIS Ven a bailar cumbia, salsa, merengue, banda, bachata etc. Habrá ricos antojitos Mexicanos Los fondos que se recauden serán a beneficio de la parroquia. A partir de 7p.m a 11p.m VEN TE ESPERAMOS!!! Precios populares- $ 5.00 Dirección: 1100 8th Ave. N., N. Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 RETIRO PARA PAREJAS Sábado 7 y Domingo 8 de Marzo del 2015 Para mayor información y hojas de registro por favor contáctese con la Hermana Glafira Ortega a los teléfonos 843-742-0341 o 249-2356 Escuela de la Fe “Cristo Maestro” Visión Asistir a los fieles Hispanos, en especial a aquellos que sirven en un ministerio, a integrarse más plena, consciente, y activamente a la vida de la Iglesia conociendo, celebrando, y viviendo nuestra fe católica como Iglesia doméstica y comunitaria. Las clases serán el segundo Lunes y el cuarto Lunes de cada mes. Desde las seis y treinta de la tarde, hasta las ocho y treinta de la noche (6:30 P.M - 8:30 P.M.) Quien dirige este Curso de Formación Académica e Intelectual es: Ana Cecilia Hidalgo. Especialista y Doctora en Teología y Sagrada Escritura. Cordialmente Invitados. Para mayor información y hojas de registro por favor contáctese con la Hermana Glafira Ortega a los teléfonos 843-742-0341 o 249-2356 Todos los Jueves hay Hora Santa, Exposición y Bendición con el Santísimo. A las 7:00 PM. INFORMACION Si necesita alguna información para algún Sacramento o alguna Celebración Litúrgica, favor comunicarse con el Padre Orlando Cheverria, Teléfono : 803-351-9784. EL SANTO ROSARIO Si alguien desea llevar la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe y rezar el santo rosario durante la semana por favor llamar a Sra. Juanita @843-855-7362 BAUTISMOS Hay preparación para el Sacramento del Bautismo, el día Martes 24 de Marzo. A las seis y treinta de la tarde. a las 6:30 P.M. Deben asistir papás y padrinos. Los padrinos deben ser católicos y casados por la Iglesia Católica, o solteros. (Favor no traer niños porque hacen mucho ruido). Los papás deben hablar antes de la preparación, con el Padre Orlando. MATRIMONIOS Las parejas que deseen contraer el Sacramento del Matrimonio, deben informar al Padre Orlando, mínimo con 6 meses de anticipación, para comenzar la preparación necesaria. Preparación de Parejas para el Sacramento del Matrimonio el 2ndo Martes de cada mes a las 6:30 P.M. Favor no traer niños. ULTRELLA EL VIERNES 13 DE FEBRERO DESDE LAS 7:00 - 9:00 PM TODOS CORDIALMENTE INVITADOS QUINCEAÑERA Para la celebración de una Quinceañera, los papás y familiares deben informar al Padre Orlando, al 803-351-9784 o al 843-249-8514 mínimo tres meses de anticipación, para hacer la preparación necesaria. OLSS Tienda de Libros & Regalos Horario de la tienda de: Lunes - Viernes 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM y antes y después de las misas de fin de semana E-Mail: [email protected] / 843-249-2356 Ext.16 CORO.- Practica del coro todos los Jueves a las 8:00 PM después de la Hora Santa.
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