Yankee Dental Congress 2015 Dental And Hygiene Student Poster

Yankee Dental Congress 2015
Dental And Hygiene Student Poster Sessions
Entry Guidelines 2015
The YDC Poster Session Competition is designed for junior investigators (Dental Undergraduate
students, Dental Post-graduate students and Dental Hygiene students) who exhibit potential for
a productive career in Dentistry. Mentors are strongly urged to support and select a project for
the competition that is original, well planned, and carefully executed.
Entrants must be enrolled in an accredited Dental School or Dental Hygiene School in the New
England area of United States and be scheduled to graduate after 2/1/15.
Please note that all entries will be presented in POSTER FORMAT ONLY.
There are three categories of eligibility:
Dental Undergraduate students: This competition will be limited to those candidates who
have carried out their research as part of undergraduate/professional training (research
undertaken as an undergraduate science student, as a dental student, or at a time of pursuing
an intercalated science degree while in training as a dental student).
Dental Post-graduate students: Entrants for this category would have carried out research as
part of a higher degree, either a Masters, PhD, or MD with previous laboratory experience, or as
part of specialty training.
Dental Hygiene students: This competition will be limited to those candidates who have
carried out their research as part of undergraduate/professional training as a dental hygiene
student. Literature based research will be eligible in this category only.
How to Enter:
Submit a one page abstract to the YDC office by the November 14, 2014 deadline date. On the
abstract and poster presentation, the entrant must be listed first, as primary author and
presenter of the abstract entered for the competition. Co-authors, if any, should also be
listed on both the abstract and the poster. Instructions for submission are found on the
registration form.
The YDC Poster Session Committee will select the best 24 abstracts of those who applied for the
Competition and notify these individuals by December 12, 2014. The selection will be limited
to a maximum of 8 abstracts from each category. The 24 finalists will present their research in a
POSTER FORMAT at YDC 2015. No more than two persons are allowed as presenters per Poster
Session. Posters will be presented and judged during two, 2-hour sessions on Saturday
January 31, 2015. Finalists will be notified of their presentation session and are
expected to be available during this time to answer questions from judges and
attendees about their research.
POSTER DESIGN /Onsite Presentation
Please use the following instructions when preparing your poster:
The POSTER should be organized under the following headings: Introduction, Materials and
Methods, Results, Discussion, References, and Figures/Tables (if necessary).
References should be listed alphabetically. References and their citations should follow the style
of the Journal of Dental Research.
Dimensions of the poster should not exceed 4 feet wide by 3 feet high.
(The poster board and the stand will be provided by YDC)
Your display must include the abstract, title, and author(s).
You have freedom in displaying your information in figures, tables, text, photography, etc.
Figures should be designed to be viewed from a distance and should use clear visible
graphics and large type. Color can be effective if used sparingly; use saturated dark colors
on white background and rich, bright colors on dark backgrounds.
The presentation must cover the same material as the abstract.
Briefly describe procedures and materials. Define all trade names first, and then use
generic names throughout. All compounds and drugs must be identified.
Prepare all illustrations neatly and legibly beforehand, in a size sufficient to be read at a
distance of 8 feet (240 cm). Hand lettering should be at least 3/8 inch (1cm) high. Shade
block letters if possible. Typed material should be prepared with large type. Remember -a series of typewritten sheets attached to the poster board is not an acceptable poster.
It is helpful to viewers if the sequence to be followed is indicated by numbers, letters, or
Please do not write or paint on the poster board.
BRING YOUR OWN pushpins / Velcro / tape, to mount your poster.
Attach a small photograph of yourself to the poster so that other participants can
recognize you as the presenter.
Remove all background materials when you remove your poster.
Judging Criteria:
The YDC Poster Session judging committee will judge the Posters as follows:
for poster visual presentation;
on verbal presentation of poster (up to 10 minutes);
for question-and-answer period (Judges will interview each presenter to briefly discuss
research-not to exceed 5 minutes).
The judging committee will select the THREE most outstanding presentations (ONE in each
category). The THREE YDC Poster Session 2015 winners will be announced at the conclusion of
the afternoon judging.
The American Academy of Dental Science and the International College of Dentists are
generously providing the following awards:
$500 – Dental Undergraduate Student
$500 - Dental Post-graduate Student
$300 – Dental Hygiene Student