2014-2015 Poster Contest.pdf

Poster Contest
Buncombe County Soil & Water
It’s Contest Time!!!
The Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District is sponsoring a Conservation
Poster contest this year!
The theme is
“Wetlands are Wonderful”.
This encompasses a wide range of idea topics that the students can incorporate in their competition entries, such as hydrology, conservation,
natural resources, and many more…
Who’s eligible? Any Buncombe County student
(public, private, or home school) in 3rd - 5th grade!
The contests run from now until December 10th, 2014.
Use art to learn about your
environment !
Not only does this contest provide a great way for the
students to explore an issue on their own, but there are prizes for
the students and winning teacher!
Renee Ray, Education Coordinator, from
Buncombe Soil and Water can come out
There will be a 1st, 2nd & 3rd place and present a Wetlands lesson for your
group or class. Please call today for
award given in each
more information:
grade level, 3rd-5th:
Renee Ray
1st place - $50 cash
2nd place - $25 cash
[email protected]
3rd place - $15 cash
(The teacher of the winning student will receive $50 gift card)
Theme - “Wetlands are Wonderful”
All entries should reflect the theme’s content and be a representation of what the student
feels best exemplifies this topic. Students are encouraged to be original in their design. The
judges will be looking for the poster that best teaches the message to an audience while at
the same time being original and creative in design.
Official Rules!!!
Posters should be no larger than 24 x 36 inches and flat (no foam board no exceptions!)
Posters must have the current theme incorporated into the poster, preferably as the header/poster title
Pictures or other materials may be mounted on the posters, if mounted securely. Only materials that are flat or create a two-dimensional effect may be used.
Any coloring materials available to students and suitable for poster work may be used.
Posters must be the original work of the individual student. Original work is created by the
student and shows a fresh, new idea. Hand drawn pictures are preferred over computer generated drawings.
Posters should be submitted flat and not rolled.
NO NAMES ON THE FRONT, NO EXCEPTIONS! Posters must be identified on the back
using the attached registration form
What the Judges are looking for (how they will pick a winner)
Students will be judged on:
Conservation Message 50 points
Visual Effectiveness 30 points
Universal Appeal
10 points
10 points
Poster Pointers … (How to make a winning poster)
What makes a good poster?
· A brief, catchy message; one theme that can be read in 10 seconds or less
· A slogan telling viewers to do something and making them want to do it
· Use of colors and white space to get and hold attention
· Letters large enough to be easily read and words separated enough to make them quickly
Other Tips to Consider…
· Margins should be larger at the bottom and equal on the other three sides
· plan ahead
· Illustrations add emphasis and attract attention. Hand drawn/painted/colored pictures!
· Small lettering is hard to read at a distance. Consider the following lettering heights for
readability from 10 feet:
Easiest to read 1 inch
Easy to read 3/4 inch
More Information Can be Found At…
or http://www.buncombecounty.org/GOVERNING/depts/Soil/