Deadline for submissions: 1 December2014 (Poster submissions: 1 February 2015) * CONFIRMATION. Please enter your email address here and you will receive an email confirming receipt of your proposal. * Please re-enter your email address If you do not receive this confirmation within 24 hours, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]. Also, if you do not receive confirmation of acceptance status by mid-February, 2014, please email us at the same address. * NATURE OF SUBMISSION. Please specify the nature of this submission: "new" or a "resubmission" to correct or modify a prior submission for this year's conference. If this is a resubmission, it must be complete. * TYPEOF SUBMISSION. Please select: MULTI-PRESENTATION SESSION - Pre-organized Symposium, organized Panel, or Special Event with multiple presentations. SINGLE PRESENTATION - Paper presentation, Talk, Lecture, Workshop, Special event. This may include a presenter plus co-presenter and co-authors, or a group enacted event, as long as it is one single presentation/workshop or enactment. POSTER - theory or research paper presentation by single or multiple presenter(s) or co-authors to be posted on a 40" x 30" foam board and easel, with presenter or presenter(s) available for discussion during a 2 hour session. Multi-Presentation Session Single Presentation Poster Presentation * ETHICS ADHERENCE All presenters must have read the IASD ethics statement (see instructions page) and agree to adhere to it. In short, all proposals should reflect educational, ethical, non-intrusive goals and methods, and presenters should not practice therapy nor make impractical claims. Workshops conducted in a manner that implies that the leader is the ultimate authority on the meaning of the dream, rather than the dreamer, are unacceptable. Workshops and dream groups leaders in particular must take care to abide by the IASD ethics statement. Furthermore, it is considered unprofessional and unethical at this conference for presenters to use direct solicitation or persuasion for economic or self-aggrandizement, such as openly advertising and selling of books or services during the presentation. You may briefly reference a book or practice if it forms the source material in support of your presentation but you may NOT overtly promote or sell your books, products or services in the session spaces. Presenters who wish to sell their books or products must do so through the bookstore. Note this in the Book Listing box below and special forms will be sent to make arrangements with the bookstore. * Check here that you have read and agree to adhere to the IASD ethics statement and terms stated in it. Yes * Did you receive commercial support or sponsorship for any aspect of the preparation or delivery of your presentation - OR - is there any other relationship "that could reasonably be construed as a conflict of interest? If yes, please specify here and disclose this information in your abstract and during your presentation. If the conflict involves presenting for the purposes of promoting products or services please keep in mind that presenters must agree to follow the IASD ethics code which prohibits such promotion during presentations or in session spaces. No Yes Submitter Information The "SUBMITTER" is the person submitting the proposal and remains the primary contact for ALL communications for this presentation and is responsible for communicating all information and status to others involved. The submitter is usually, but not necessarily, the primary presenter. * First Name and/or initials * Last Name * Street Address or PO Box * City State/Province/Region (where applicable) * Zip/Postal Code * Country * Home/office phone number Cell/mobile phone number NOTE: Please be aware that your submission must closely follow the guidelines provided herein and on the instruction page. Submissions received by the deadline will be considered final, evaluated as such, and final acceptance/decline decisions made on the basis of this submittal alone. You may or may not receive follow-up questions but there is no conditional acceptance process planned from this point on. * Indicates Response Required NEXT >> Poster Presentation Information PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION * Presenter/Co-Presenter/Co-Author Listing - List presenter and co-presenter(s) and co-author(s) NAMES as you wish them to appear in the program booklet. (250 character limit) 0/250 characters * Presentation Title (250 character limit) 0/250 characters * Presentation Summary (maximum 50 words) 0/50 words * Presentation Abstract (500 words maximum) must contain): a) not-to publish note in brackets only if applicable; b) introductory summary; c) basis for what you are presenting (theory, research, practice etc.); d) detailed summary of what you plan to present in sequence; e) target audience level (Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced, For All). See Format on submission Instructions page. 0/500 words * Presentation Learning Objectives All presentations (except entertainment) MUST list THREE (3) learning objectives that MUST: a) match the content of your proposal as described in your title, summary, and abstract, and b) use active verbs that indicate what will be taught, demonstrated or experienced. (See submission Instruction page for format). 0/75 words PRESENTATION LENGTH. The Poster session is typically scheduled for a three and a half hour period when the presenters are required to be at their posters to discuss them. Posters may remain up past the formal session but presenters are not necessarily required to be available during that time. CONTINUING EDUCATION (CE). Note that all Poster papers will be in sessions which are designed for CE. Therefore, in order to qualify for the session, all papers must be geared toward the continuing postgraduate education of psychologists and other mental health and health professionals, with primary focus on clinical, theoretical, or academic topics such as the following: ~ clinical use of dreams in psychotherapy, ~ the biology of dreaming, ~ research on the nature or meaning of dreams, ~ cross-cultural issues in working with dreams, ~ content analysis of dreams, ~ comparative theories of dream function or interpretation, or ~ comparative analyses of theories of dreams. AUDIO RECORDING. Poster sessions are NOT recorded. STANDARD SPACE SETUP The Poster session will be an open space with easels (for poster papers) placed around the periphery. There may be a table in the center of the room for placing handouts or copies of your paper. IASD will provide a 40" by 30" foam board and easel for Poster papers. SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS. Poster sessions will be scheduled on specific dates and presenters are expected to attend at these dates and times. Check the Schedule-at-a-glance template on under Program > Schedule for the Poster session planning. Note that this schedule can vary without notice so check the conference website frequently for the latest plan. Once scheduled, based on the needs of the majority or other constraints, we will be unable to accept presenters who cannot attend at those times. We are interested in your scheduling needs in the event there is flexibility, so do specify dates or times of day you would NOT be available to present - indicate "not available on (date) or (dates)." We will attempt to meet your requests, but note that such limits can risk rejection of your submission if the schedule does not permit. (250 character limit) 0/250 characters LINGUISTIC RESTRICTIONS. Presentations are to be delivered in International English. If you plan to have a presentation in another language, you must provide an English translator or copies of that presentation in English to hand out. Check "yes" here if you plan to have a presentation in a language other than International English. Please indicate the language in which you wish to present under the Special Requests or Comments field below. Yes, I plan to have a presentation in a language other than English. BOOKLIST FOR THE BOOKSTORE. Please list the titles of any books you AND your co-presenters have authored that you would like the bookstore to consider carrying at the conference. Note that if your book is self-published or unavailable from a major distributor, you will be provided an agreement form to complete and you must bring the books, the bookstore cannot order from self-publishing houses or on-demand publishers or printers. IASD cannot guarantee that the bookstore (which is independent from IASD) will be able to make all requested books available, however they will be asked to do so by IASD. List your top 1 to 3 books as follows: TITLE; AUTHOR; ISBN; PUBLISHER (OR SELF) in what you consider the order of priority. If your session has more than one author, list the books as follows: #1 Presenter Name: Book #1 – Title; Author; ISBN; Publisher; Book #2 – Title; Author; ISBN; Publisher; Book #3 – Title; Author; ISBN; Publisher #2 Presenter Name: Book #1 – Title; Author; ISBN; Publisher; Book #2 – Title; Author; ISBN; Publisher; Book #3 – Title; Author; ISBN; Publisher SPECIAL REQUESTS OR COMMENTS . Details on Presenter(s) and Co-author(s) PRIMARY PRESENTER Poster presentations may have one or more active presenters and co-authors. The "Primary Presenter" is considered to be the person who is actually presenting, or, if there is more than one actively presenting, the "Primary Presenter" is the one named first in the co-author listing. * Primary Presenter - First name and/or initials * Primary Presenter - Last name * Primary Presenter - Email address * Primary Presenter - Brief biography (maximum 50 words) of the primary presenter plus active co-presenter(s), if any. Bios of co-authors are not included in the program booklet. Include name, credential designation(s), country of residence, and the brief biography. Express in third person (example: name, credential designation (country) is a student, therapist, dreamworker, etc., author of book...). 0/50 words Co-PRESENTER(s) and Co-AUTHOR(s) Note: This section is arranged to identify co-presenters (who will attend and be actively presenting with you), and co-authors (who will not be actively presenting). List their First and Last Names, each separated by a semi-colon (;) in the boxes below as noted. Co-Presenter(s) (actively co-presenting) - First and Last Names Co-Author(s) (NOT actively presenting) - First and Last Names Co-Presenter(s) Email address(es). ONLY for co-presenters who are attending and actively presenting with you, who need to be periodically notified of the status of the submission. Include name and email address of each; separate each by a semi-colon (;). Co-Presenter(s) Brief biography (maximum 50 words each) of the primary presenter plus active co-presenter(s), if any. Bios of co-authors are not included in the program booklet. Include name, credential designation(s), country of residence, and the brief biography. Express in third person (example: name, credential designation (country) is a student, therapist, dreamworker, etc., author of book...). VITAE OR RESUME Please insert a summary (500 words maximum) version of your Vitae or Resume. It should contain a focus on experience in the topic you are presenting and include: Name and Credentials; Formal Education and Training related to your topic; active and past Career Positions and/or Practices; related Books, professional Publications and Awards; summary history of applicable experience (particularly for workshops). * Vita of Primary Presenter 0/500 words * Vita of Co-Presenter (insert "n/a" if there is no co-presenter) 0/500 words * Indicates Response Required << Previous Next >> At this point, you have completed all of the information required for your submission. You may review your information by selecting << PREVIOUS below. If you are ready to submit your proposal to the 2015 Conference Program Committee, press SUBMIT. << Previous Next >>
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