ARCHAEOPRESS Publishers of Academic Archaeology 40 Years of BAR: 1974 – 2014 Gordon House, 276 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7ED, England Tel: +44 1865 311914; Fax: +44 1865 512231 E-mail: [email protected]; Web: December 2014 Dear colleague NEW ARCHAEOPRESS TITLES & BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS – DECEMBER 2014 We are very pleased to list below brief details of our new Archaeopress Archaeology titles & BAR volumes for December 2014. Full descriptions and contents listings can be found on our website THIS MONTH’S NEW TITLES Archaeopress Archaeology – new for December 2014 Our new Winter Catalogue is available to download now with a full list of AA titles to date. Request a printed copy. Get 20% off all books in the Archaeopress Archaeology series until 31/1/2015. Visit and use voucher code XMAS14 at the online checkout. Offer excludes all BAR publications. Settlement, Communication and Exchange around the Western Carpathians International Workshop held at the Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, October 27–28, 2012 edited by T. L. Kienlin, P. ValdeNowak, M. Korczyńska, K. Cappenberg and J. Ociepka. 2014. ISBN 9781784910365. £47.00. Römisches Zaumzeug aus Pompeji, Herculaneum und Stabiae Metallzäume, Trensen und Kandaren by Christina Simon. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 1. 2014. ISBN 9781784910341. £36.00. Technology of Sword Blades from the La Tène Period to the Early Modern Age The case of what is now Poland by Grzegorz Żabiński. 2014. ISBN 9781784910280. £51.00. From Cave to Dolmen Ritual and symbolic aspects in the prehistory between Sciacca, Sicily and the central Mediterranean edited by Domenica Gullì. 2014. ISBN 9781784910389. £45.00. Rainfed Altepetl Modeling institutional and subsistence agriculture in ancient Tepeaca, Mexico by Aurelio López Corral. Archaeopress Pre-Columbian Archaeology 3. 2014. ISBN 9781784910402. £26.00. Ägyptens wirtschaftliche Grundlagen in der Mittleren Bronzezeit by Rainer Nutz. Archaeopress Egyptology 4. 2014. ISBN 9781784910303. £32.00. The Role of the Lector in Ancient Egyptian Society by Roger Forshaw. Archaeopress Egyptology 5. 2014. ISBN 9781784910327. £31.00. Palaeopathology in Egypt and Nubia A century in review edited by Ryan Metcalfe, Jenefer Cockitt and Rosalie David. Archaeopress Egyptology 6. 2014. ISBN 9781784910266. £25.00. Shipwrecks and Global ‘Worming’ by P. Palma and L.N. Santhakumaran. Archaeopress Open Access. 2014. BAR International Series – new for December 2014 The latest BAR Catalogue is available to download now with all the latest titles and backlist to 2011. Request a printed copy. Social Dynamics of Ceramic Analysis: New Techniques and Interpretations Papers in Honour of Charles C. Kolb edited by Sandra L. López Varela. BAR S2683, 2014. ISBN 9781407313290. £24.00. Excavations in the Western Negev Highlands Results of the Negev Emergency Survey 1978-89 edited by Benjamin A. Saidel and Mordechai Haiman. BAR S2684, 2014. ISBN 9781407313306. £34.00. Lithic Production Strategies at the Early Pleistocene Site of Bizat Ruhama, Israel by Yossi Zaidner. BAR S2685, 2014. ISBN 9781407313313. £31.00. Plinio y los ‘oppida de antiguo Lacio’: el proceso de difusión del Latium en Hispania Citerior by David Espinosa Espinosa. BAR S2686, 2014. ISBN 9781407313320. £35.00. Chaupisawakasi y la formación del estado Pukara (400 a.C. – 350 d.C.) en la Cuenca norte del Titicaca, Perú by Henry Tantaleán and Carlos Zapata Benites. BAR S2687, 2014. ISBN 9781407313337. £38.00. Ahlat 2009 Terza campagna di indagini sulle strutture rupestri / Third campaign of surveys on the underground structures edited by Roberto Bixio, Andrea De Pascale, Nakış Karamağaralı with contributions by İrem Yalçın & Elisa Leger. BAR S2688, 2014. ISBN 9781407313344. £33.00. BAR British Series – new for December 2014 Bridgwater: Personality, Place and the Built Environment by David Sivier. BAR 605, 2014. ISBN 9781407313276. £36.00. The Gresham Ship Project A 16th-Century Merchantman Wrecked in the Princes Channel, Thames Estuary Volume II: Contents and Context edited by Gustav Milne and Dean Sully with contributions by Mark Beattie-Edwards, Lynn Biggs, Thomas Birch, Michael F. Charlton, Kelly Domoney, Clare Hunt, Phil Magrath, Marcos Martinón-Torres and Zofia StosGale. NAS Monograph Series No. 5. BAR 606, 2014 ISBN 9781407312118. £32.00. Digital Editions – New for December 2014 13 e-BARs have been added this month so please note the below list is only a sample – visit Archaeopress Digital Editions to see the complete collection. A separate catalogue of e-BARs for circulating to your library and colleagues is available here. All eBook prices are VAT inclusive. Librarians/institutions – ask for details of our new digital subscription service at [email protected] Landscapes of Imperialism Roman and native interaction in the East Anglian Fenland by Garrick Fincham. BAR 338, 2002. ISBN 1841714259. £18.00. Urbanisation and Child Health in Medieval and Post-Medieval England An assessment of the morbidity and mortality of non-adult skeletons from the cemeteries of two urban and two rural sites in England (AD 850-1859) by Mary Lewis. BAR 339, 2002. ISBN 1841714461. £18.00. The Roundhouses, Brochs and Wheelhouses of Atlantic Scotland c. 700 BC - AD 500 Architecture and material culture. Part 1: The Orkney and Shetland Isles by Euan W. MacKie. BAR 342, 2002. ISBN 1841714593. £18.00. Neolithic Pottery from Wales Traditions of construction and use by Rick Peterson. BAR 344, 2003. ISBN 1841714801. £18.00. The Construction of the Saxon Shore Forts by Andrew Pearson. BAR 349, 2003. ISBN 1841714879. £18.00. Pollocks of Manchester: Three Generations of Clay Tobacco Pipemakers by S. Paul Jung Jr., edited by David A. Higgins. BAR 352, 2003 The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe 17. ISBN 184171528X. £18.00. Open Access – New for December 2014 The below is just a sample of new OA content – check back regularly to see the latest papers. For more information about publishing in Archaeopress Open Access please contact [email protected] Alternative Trajectories in Bronze Age Landscapes and the ‘Failure’ to Enclose: A Case Study from the Middle Dunajec Valley by Tobias L. Kienlin, Marta Korczyńska and Klaus Cappenberg Originally published in Settlement, Communication and Exchange around the Western Carpathians, Archaeopress 2014 New Geophysical Data on the Internal Structure of the Gáva Sites of Andrid-Corlat and Căuaş-Sighetiu in NorthWestern Romania by Tobias L. Kienlin and Liviu Marta Originally published in Settlement, Communication and Exchange around the Western Carpathians, Archaeopress 2014 Tard-Tatárdomb: An Update on the Intensive Survey Work on the Multi-Layer Hatvan and Füzesabony Period Settlement by Klára P. Fischl, Tobias L. Kienlin, Tamás Pusztai, Helmut Brückner, Simone Klumpp, Beáta Tugya and György Lengyel Originally published in Settlement, Communication and Exchange around the Western Carpathians, Archaeopress 2014 Conferences we shall be attending in December 2014/January 2015 15-17 December: TAG 2014. University of Manchester 7-9 January: BANEA 2014. University College London Important: Ordering and other Information For all orders go to SEASONAL OFFERS All titles in our new ongoing series Archaeopress Archaeology can be ordered with 20% discount until 31st January 2015. Simply order via and use voucher code XMAS14 at the online checkout. Are you a BAR or AA author? 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