NYCESPA Newsletter Vol. 28, No. 3 - February 2015 New York City Elementary School Principals Association Convention Program 8:00 am To 1:00 pm Registration Promenade, Second Floor 8:00 am To 1:00 pm Instructional Materials Exhibition Ballroom Foyer, Salons G, H, I, Second floor 8:00 To 8:45 am Continental Breakfast In the Exhibit Area 8:55 To 10:00 am Professional Development Session A Session descriptions can be found on pages 2 & 3 10:00 To 10:30 am Exclusive Exhibitor Viewing Time & Coffee Break 10:30 To 11:30 am Professional Development Session B Plenary Session, Grand Ballroom Pam Allyn, Executive Director and Founder LitWorld and LitLife. Appearance courtesy of Pearson. 11:30 To 11:50 am Exclusive Exhibitor Viewing Time 11:50 am To 12:55 pm Professional Development Session C Session descriptions can be found on pages 2 & 3 1:00 To 3:00 pm Gala Luncheon, Grand Ballroom Recognition of jubilarians who have served 5, 10, 15 years as Elementary School Principals in NYC. NYCESPA NEWSLETTER Pierre A. Lehmuller, Newsletter Editor 40 Rector Street, FL 12, New York, NY 10006-1729 NYCESPA Office Telephone (646) 660-4883 Fax (212) 962-6130 LIZA CARABALLO-SUAREZ, President LAVERNE NIMMONS, President-Elect OLIVIA FRANCIS-WEBBER, Vice-President YVONNE WILLIAMS, Vice-President CHRISTOPHER OGNO, Vice-President KAREN H. HAMBRIGHT-GLOVER, Secretary Luis Torres, Treasurer MABEL MUNIZ-SARDUY, Immediate Past President SUSAN A. BARNES, Past President Keynote Speaker Pam Allyn is the executive director and founder of LitWorld, a global organization that advocates for children’s rights as readers, writers, and learners. She is also the executive director and founder of LitLife, a national organization dedicated to school improvement. Keynote Speaker, Author Pam Allyn Allyn is widely known as a motivational speaker advocating for reading and writing as human rights that belong to all people and is an expert on the Common Core State Standards. She is on the advisory boards of the Amherst College Center for Community Engagement, James Patterson’s ReadKiddoRead, Penguin Publishing’s We Give Books, and the Millennium Cities Initiative Social Sector. Allyn’s work has been featured on Good Morning America, The Today Show, Oprah Radio, and The Huffington Post as well as in The New York Times. She is the author of the award-winning What to Read When: The Books and Stories to Read with Your Child—and All the Best Times to Read Them. Her recently published book Be Core Ready and the accompanying Core Ready Series are designed to illuminate the Common Core State Standards with practical and inspiring strategies for classroom and community use. Her other books include Pam Allyn’s Best Books for Boys: How to Engage Boys in Reading in Ways That Will Change Their Lives and Your Child’s Writing Life. NYCESPA Newsletter, page 1 Professional Development Sessions A, B & C Professional Development: Sessions A, B and C SESSION A 8:55 to 10 AM A-1: Empowered Students, Thinking Like Engineers A-6: Rethink the Path to LRE This is a non-commercial workshop, but we intend to use National Geographic Exploring Science as the main example text. Presentation will include a model lesson based on basic force and motion of activity of a ball and ramp. This activity easily scaffolds up for a variety of grades K-6, basic concept for Kindergarten and more advanced for upper elementary students. Participants will learn about this and other innovative, project-based approaches to teaching that empower students to think and act like engineers and scientists! Through hands-on demonstrations and instruction, teachers gain a tool-kit full of new ideas, resources, and methods. With the growing prevalence of autism spectrum disorders, public schools are faced with an exploding demand for services. The challenges include ensuring the delivery of research-based practices, providing training and support across multiple staff and geographic locations, working collaboratively with families and managing costs. Addressing these issues and adapting to the increasing need for services for this growing population presents schools with key challenges. We’ll discuss how a technology-driven solution is helping schools strengthen programs and services to children with autism and other related disorders in a more cost-effective way and, at the same, reduce costs for outside services, professional development and due process. A-2: Mission Be – Introduction to Mindfulness Education A-7: Get Your Hands Dirty – Using Modeling Clay Presenters: Tom Hinojosa, Suzanne Farrell, and Kathy Henderson, National Geographic Learning Room: Comedians (pedestrian bridge to South Tower) Presenter: Kelly Gildersleeve, Director of Curriculum, Mission Be Room: Singers (pedestrian bridge to South Tower) During this one hour presentation on mindfulness, administrators and parents will be provided with information about the science and research behind mindful education, as well as the practical applications in the classroom and/or home and their benefit. Participants will also have a chance to practice and experience the benefits of mindfulness for themselves. We cover the program layout, share encouraging data and increase a faculty’s understanding of how Mission Be’s curriculum is aligned with SEL, DASA and CCLS. A-3: Managing Teacher Observations Like An All-Star Presenter: Jason DeRoner, CEO/Co-Founder, TeachBoost Room: Whitman The TeachBoost CEO and NYC principals will discuss and demonstrate best practices in managing the observation/evaluation workflow, in-classroom observations, giving effective feedback, and using data for targeted professional development. NYC Principals will conduct most of the presentation while also engaging the audience for participation. Presenters: Robin Faltz and Margaret Senor, ReThink Room: Golden Boardroom to Teach K-6 Economics and Math Presenters: Doug Young and Alexis Andrews, Council for Economic Education Room: Actors (pedestrian bridge to South Tower) How do you make citizenship and economics fun for all students? With Play Doh®. Attendees use Play Doh® to make “goods” as part of activity-orientated simulations which teach concepts such as opportunity cost, and supply and demand. “Playful Economics” will give students a basic introduction to economics and increase their vocabulary as they learn key economic principles. Using Play Doh® in the classroom is a motivating and effective way to challenge your students to a higher level of thinking and learning through an interdisciplinary approach. These lessons are tied to the ELA CCSS and Domain 3 of the Danielson Framework. A-8: Quality Review 2014-15 – An Overview for School Leaders Presenters: Sherry Gregory and Mary Hughes, the Executive Leadership Institute (CSA’s professional development affiliate) Room: Writers (pedestrian bridge to South Tower) A-4: Great Leaps Forum – Implementation Strategies This workshop offers the latest information on the Quality Review from start to finish. School leaders and supervisors gain knowledge and skills needed to inform members of the school staff and school community to create school wide awareness of the Quality Review. Three experts in Great Leaps will be available in a forum setting to assist those wishing to implement the directives of Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña. A-9: The Art of Delegation Presenters: Kenneth Campbell, Luz Font, and Mary Wing, Diarmuid Incorporated Room: Gleason A-5: “Mathletics” – Best Practices Presenter: Jason Isaacs, 3P Learning/Mathletics Room: Robinson Mathletics is a K-12 online resource designed to provide personalized targeted adaptive practices so that students are confident in their ability to perform on Common Core assessments. NYCESPA Newsletter, page 2 Presenters: Dr. Nancy Westerband, Sonia Nieves, Dr. Laverne Nimmons, Henry Rubio and Kim Wanliss, CSA’s Supervisory Support Program Room: Roebling Do you feel you have to do everything yourself? As a supervisor, it’s your job to delegate tasks. Presenters explain the best ways to identify and capitalize upon the abilities of your team members. Continued on next page Professional Development Sessions A, B & C Professional Development: Sessions A, B and C SESSION B 10:30 to 11:30 AM C-5: eRead and Report – An Independent eReading Plenary Session Presenters: Jeff McIntyre, Rourke Educational Media and Craig Lopetz, Vice President, Production and Tech Development, Rourke Educational Media Room: Robinson Presenter: Pam Allyn, Executive Director and Founder, LitWorld and LitLife. Appearance courtesy of Pearson Room: Grand Ballroom We’re so fortunate to have Ms. Allyn with us for our Plenary Session because she’s the rare combination of an expert in her field, literacy in education, and a engaging presenter who has appeared on Good Morning America, The Today Show, and Oprah Radio. (For more on Ms. Allyn, see the main program page.) SESSION C 11:55 AM to 1 PM C-1: Digital Differentiation Presenter: Lori Smith, Learning A-Z Room: Comedians (pedestrian bridge to South Tower) We may have one grade level assigned to us, but in that class, students’ abilities vary greatly from low to high. Come and learn how to use digital resources (printable, projectable, assignable) to teach the same content but differentiate the rigor of the reading materials. Participant will interact with resources via handouts to discover how Learning A-Z can make differentiation easy! C-2: Mission Be – Mindfulness Practices for Children: Teaching Compassion and Empathy Presenter: Kelly Gildersleeve, Director of Curriculum, Mission Be Room: Singers (pedestrian bridge to South Tower) This workshop provides parents with an overview of the research behind mindfulness, and how simple strategies can improve your child’s happiness, grades and relationships in the home and at school. We’ll cover child development from pre-school through high school. Parents will gain tools to support their children as they learn to develop self-regulation and coping skills during emotional and behavioral episodes, leading to a more stable environment at home. Parents will also learn how to be a role model for mindful behavior, create an atmosphere of accountability, and encourage problem-solving skills including how to handle a bully. C-3: Whole-Brain Teaching and Learning with the VariQuest Visual Learning Tools Presenter: Dr. Melissa Hughes, R&M Group Room: Whitman Educators will explore a variety of interactive strategies that foster whole-brain learning and active processing. Active processing is the assertion that to learn and retain information in meaningful ways, learners must interact with the information in meaningful ways. After a brief overview of recent research in whole-brain teaching and learning, participants will explore the use of the VariQuest visual learning tools to improve classroom instruction and facilitate deeper understanding and greater engagement. Presentation handouts, sample lessons, and hands-on activities are included. C-4: Revolutionizing Recess Presenters: Naelis Irvin and David Badillo, Playworks Education Energized Room: Gleason Program We’ll engage participants with a combination of online demonstrations, PowerPoint, and group discussions. We’ll focus on the value of eBooks in independent reading and the access to immediate results with online formative assessments to make instructional decisions. The presenter will raise the importance of using eBooks for vocabulary and reading comprehension strategy lessons and demonstrate how easy it is to use eBooks in classroom instruction with an interactive whiteboard and/or LCD projector. C-6: Teacher Collaboration Essentials Presenters: Brad Darling and Marcie Doll, Pearson Room: Golden Boardroom The training is composed of three core components: guidelines for effective team meetings, leadership training for teacher facilitators, and protocols for reflection on teaching and learning. C-7: K Through 2 Can Do! Math and Economics Presenters: Doug Young and Alexis Andrews, Council for Economic Education Room: Actors (pedestrian bridge to South Tower) See how math is integrated into real world economic lessons for younger students. Attendees will take part in role plays, stories, games, movement, and crafts that make learning exciting. Some of the lessons presented will include a hands-on activity, worksheets for practicing math skills, as well as an assessment. The lessons are active, varied and written to appeal to young students and can be adjusted and adapted to meet the needs of your students.. C-8: Supervising Bilingual Program Models – What to Look For in the Delivery of an Effective Lesson for ELLs Presenter: Eva Garcia, NYC Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network at Fordham University Room: Writers (pedestrian bridge to South Tower) During this session the presenter will provide an overview of what supervisors can look for during the delivery of lessons in literacy/nonfiction text when students are learning a second language. A template with guiding questions will be provided for recognizing a rigorous lesson that provides academic language supports for ELLs. C-9: Can Adding Rigor to My Classrooms Really Be Simple? What Am I Missing? Presenters: Dawn Ulley and Velma Rosario, Achieve 3000 Room: Roebling Educators across the country are struggling to meet the current needs of their students, ensuring they are college and career ready. Learn how colleagues are using technology to close the gap through the use of a program called Simple Rigor.™ This tool enables teachers to obtain resources of differentiated and grade-level nonfiction that they can use in their classrooms. This training is a fun, interactive experience for participants. We will introduce recess game ideas as we demonstrate the different playground management strategies. NYCESPA Newsletter, page 3 A Message from the President Dear Colleagues, Saturday, February 7, 2015 will be our New York City Elementary School Principal Associations (NYCESPA) 82nd Annual Convention at the Brooklyn Marriott Hotel. This is a great time for principals and their teams to listen to the inspirational keynote speaker Pam Allyn. She is a literacy specialist, author and the Executive Director and Founder of LitWorld. She promotes literacy around the world and emphasizes the importance of literacy as life-saving. Additionally, there will be great opportunities to attend a variety of workshops specially designed for principals, teachers and parents. Afterwards, you and your team can debrief over a delicious hot meal. a time when love and affection is manifested in different ways. Let’s promote love with a kind gesture and make a difference. I look forward to you joining me at the Convention. Convention Updates for Principals Last call to register for the 82nd NYCESPA Convention that will be held Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015 at the Brooklyn Marriott. There are a host of principal-only incentives as well, including: • 18 breakout sessions as highlighted on Pages 2 and 3 • Free parking voucher for NYCESPA members • “Visit the Exhibitor” contest with $100 gift cards We are also recognizing and honoring elementary school to 5 lucky winners principals who have accomplished 5, 10 and 15 years of • Special gifts and recognition service in the City of New York. If you are one of these jubilarians, please come and join us to celebrate • Salute to our colleagues who are completing 5, your years of success. 10 and 15 years of service as elementary school principals. Registration forms, found on the NYCESPA’s website, may either be completed online or faxed to our Time is short. Reserve your seats today. Complete main office. the registration form on our website, www.nycespa. Remember February is the month of Love! It is org. AdvAnce your career while you advance the greater good [email protected] 1-732-306-7720 Walden University is an accredited university that has been offering high-quality degree programs for more than 40 years. With an online learning environment that encourages collaboration and networking, Walden is the university of choice for more than 104,000 lifelong learners who want to make a greater impact in their organizations and communities. at Walden, you can choose from more than 65 degree programs. Walden University is accredited by the Higher learning Commission and a member of the north Central association, NYCESPA Newsletter, page 4
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