Catalog Title Course Offerings Education & Professional Development Center of the Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth & Family Services January - March 2015 Professional Workshops & Training PCCYFS is a leading membership organization of providers that works to improve the quality of life for Pennsylvania’s children, youth and families who are at risk by supporting and promoting an accessible service delivery system within our communities. PCCYFS Education & Professional Development Center’s purpose is to improve the quality of services by offering education and professional development opportunities, which increase the knowledge, skills, and competencies of professionals working with children, youth, and families. Location: Unless otherwise noted, all courses are held at the PCCYFS Southeast Region Office, 1520 Locust Street, 7th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102 / Phone: 215-931-4482 Fees: The following training fees will be applied to course registrants: Member Agencies: Full-day sessions are $70 per person per day, and halfday sessions are $40 per person per day. Non-Member Agencies: Full day sessions are $155 per person per day, and half-day sessions are $75 per person per day. All fees must be paid in advance. Questions should be directed to [email protected] Continuing Education Units (CEUs): are available for Licensed Social Workers, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Mental Health and Professional Counselors. Workshops offering that Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are cosponsored by Bryn Mawr College Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research (GSSWSR). Bryn Mawr College GSSWSR, as a CSWE-accredited School of Social Work, is a pre-approved provider of continuing education for social workers, professional counselors, and marriage and family therapists in Pennsylvania and many other states. Course Offerings January Behavior Management Modification DATE AND TIME: 1/6/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: Lori Lancaster CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. This course will assist social workers in understanding principles of learning theory (including classical and operant conditioning) and behavior modification. Participants will learn how to use principles of behavior modification to assess a child’s behavior and learn how to assist parents and caregivers in developing a behavior management plan. Cultural Competence: Supervising Child Welfare Staff DATE AND TIME: 1/8/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: Marsha Richardson CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. Participants will learn effective strategies related for promoting diversity in their organizations. They will also develop a greater understanding of how becoming more culturally competent can improve one’s ability to communicate and supervise effectively across cultures, resolve cross-cultural conflicts constructively, and enhance one's flexibility necessary to functioning competently in culturally diverse work environments. Best practices for culturally sensitive and competent care for children and families from diverse cultures, from a trauma-informed care perspective, will be reviewed. This workshop will also assist participants in building increased awareness to the challenges and barriers that affect communication and service delivery to diverse populations. Ethics in Leadership DATE AND TIME: 1/13/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: June Fisher CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. This workshop reviews the basics of the NASW Code of Ethics with specific focus on the challenges that supervisors encounter on a daily basis. On the frontline of administration, supervisors must be clear in the definition and application of values, principles, and standards. Supervisors must also encourage best-practice principles, enforce appropriate boundaries between clients and staff, demonstrate fairness in application of agency policy, engage and listen to workers’ concerns, and demonstrate integrity regarding the ethics of social work. Participants will explore leadership principles and align them with their value system to achieve a quality personal leadership role. Page 2 Course Offerings January Children with Incarcerated Parents: Issues and Interventions HALF DAY DATE AND TIME: 1/15/2015 9:30 AM-12:30 PM PRESENTER: Kathleen Creamer CEU Eligibility: 3 Hrs. This workshop will review strategies for working with incarcerated parents and their families. There will be an overview of what data tell us about children of incarcerated parents in foster care, and also what the law requires of agencies working with these families. The current law on incarcerated parents and termination of parental rights will be reviewed; and strategies for working with these families will be presented, with a particular focus on: locating the incarcerated parent, including the incarcerated parent in case planning, maintaining parent-child contact, and permanency planning. We will also discuss the latest efforts to provide resources to support case planning for parents in the Philadelphia Prison System. Communication in Child Welfare DATE AND TIME: 1/20/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: Christine Coward CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. It takes a great deal of skill to communicate effectively with all the individuals that you may encounter within the child welfare system, including clients, coworkers, and other professionals serving your clients. The skills needed to communicate effectively during a crisis are different than the skills needed when meeting with your supervisor to discuss ongoing case management. Individual personality styles also impact communication. This workshop explores effective ways of communicating using the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory as a tool to assist child welfare staff in achieving positive outcomes for children and families. With a focus on using a trauma-informed approach in communicating with clients, participants will learn the importance of non-verbal communication as well as how to give and receive feedback. Obsessive - Compulsive Disorders (OCD): Advanced Skills DATE AND TIME: 1/29/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: Marsha Richardson CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. OCD is a condition with a lifetime prevalence estimated at 2% to 3% and constitutes the fourth most common psychiatric disorder. Individuals with this disorder may have a compulsive need to touch or tap objects and to avoid certain items or places. These resultant behaviors, and how others perceive them, can affect a child’s safety and well-being. It is a condition that affects nearly every moment of their daily life. In addition, these children frequently experience co-morbid depression as well as other types of anxiety, which inhibit their ability to appropriately function and succeed in life. Participants will learn the appropriate instruments to explore OCD symptoms in youth and its numerous presentations, possible co-morbid diagnoses as well as be able to distinguish between them. Strategies to address specific difficulties likely to arise in treating OCD, such as motivational problems, perfectionism, mental rituals and family involvement, will be highlighted. Course Offerings February Adult Mental Health Disorders NEW TWO DAY DATE AND TIME: 2/3/2015—2/4/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: June Fisher CEU Eligibility: 12 Hrs. Mental health disorders affect an estimated 22% of American adults each year; that is 1 in 5 adults. Many of these adults are responsible for taking care of children. Attend this workshop to learn the critical knowledge and skills necessary to provide quality child welfare interventions and supports adults impacted by mental heath challenges. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder HALF DAY DATE AND TIME: 2/12/2015 9:30 AM-12:30 PM PRESENTER: Sara Wenger CEU Eligibility: 3 Hrs. It is well documented that women who drink while pregnant pose serious risk to their fetus for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) because alcohol has a direct and targeted negative impact on the growth of a fetus and brain development. The brain trauma caused by alcohol use can result in numerous deficits, which will challenge the child through their life span. Workshop participants will learn to identify and discuss the long-term effects of prenatal alcohol exposure. In efforts to increase child well-being, strategies will be presented to assist child welfare staff in their task to share with female clients the serious implications of drinking while pregnant. The workshop also outlines symptoms of a FASD diagnoses. Interventions helpful for case planning, including resources for FASD children and their families, will discussed. Crisis Prevention and Safety DATE AND TIME: 2/17/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: Lori Lancaster CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. Based on the Devereaux Method, this workshop uses a positive, proactive approach to client management, focusing on staff behavior as the most important aspect of effective and realistic client management strategies. A participatory, interactive format is used to help staff identify potentially volatile situations and determine therapeutic intervention strategies. The workshop also teaches safe techniques for use in crisis prevention. This is a non-confrontational program that helps staff focus on prevention rather than intervention. These techniques enable staff to protect themselves from injury and, if necessary, provide temporary control of youth who may hurt themselves or others, minimizing risk of injury to either party. It does not include training in manual restraint holds. Course Offerings February Safety Assessment Booster NEW DATE AND TIME: 2/11/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: June Fisher CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. A risk assessment, safety assessment and the management process are the foundation of assessment and planning for child safety and intervention in Pennsylvania. Case managers, supervisors and administration must be proficient in understanding, assessing and communicating both risk factors and safety threats to everyone on the child's team, especially to the caregivers and legal team. Additionally, it is critical to know how information gathered across the 6 domains - including the impact of culture - inform risk and safety assessments. Attend this interactive workshop to improve these critical professional child welfare skills by reviewing the PA Risk Assessment factors and the 14 PA Safety Threats. The workshop will include on case scenarios and participants will have the opportunity to discuss your current child and family assessments. Safety Assessment for Supervisors NEW DATE AND TIME: 2/18/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: June Fisher CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. To guide a worker as they assess and plan for child safety, permanency and well-being, a supervisor must be able to effectively collaborate with their staff, so that they can understand the existing safety and risk factors. The supervisor needs to be able to learn from their worker. Attend this workshop to improve your understanding of the Pennsylvania Risk and Safety Assessment tools. Key critical thinking questions that must be asked of staff regarding their assessment will be discussed. Topics will include: effective collaboration with the workers, preparation for existing safety and risk factors, comprehensive and reporting techniques. Separation and Placement in Child Protective Services NEW TWO-DAY DATE AND TIME: 2/24/2015 - 2/25/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: June Fisher CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. Separating children from their home environment and parents can have traumatic effects. This course focuses on understanding the impact of separation on children and the depression and anxiety separation can produce. The course explores intervention strategies to better help children with these reactions and emphasizes the importance of maintaining continuity of relationship between the child and the worker, biological parent, foster parent and/or residential staff. Course Offerings March An Overview of Commonly Abused Prescription Drugs DATE AND TIME: 3/3/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: Kathy Moore CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. Research has found increased abuse of prescription drugs. This training focuses on the participant’s development of an understanding of prescription drug abuse and/or misuse. It will provide the child welfare professional with information about the history, facts and trends of prescription abuse, as well as prescription drug types and classifications. Adolescent Females: Aggression and Violence DATE AND TIME: 3/4/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: Alicia Smith CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. Reports of aggressive behavior among adolescent females have increased significantly over the past decade. Professionals nationwide struggle with how to address the issues faced by adolescent girls that cause violent and aggressive behaviors. These behaviors increasingly concern child welfare staff in light of their need to ensure child safety, well-being, and permanency. This workshop will explore the factors that contribute to female aggression, including exposure to trauma and violence. The trainer will also explore the impact of causal factors, such as mental and emotional health issues. Participants will learn about specific programmatic and individual interventions aimed at reducing negative behaviors and increasing positive outcomes. Babies Can’t Wait: Supporting Families in Caring for Infants and Toddlers DATE AND TIME: 3/6/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: Judy Silver CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. Infants and toddlers are the most vulnerable age group receiving our services. They are more susceptible to disease, malnutrition, physical abuse/neglect, and social/emotional deprivation than older children. This workshop will: 1) provide professionals with an integrative perspective of health, physical growth, and development in early childhood; 2) increase participants’ knowledge of risk factors to babies’ health and well-being; and 3) educate professionals about the importance of accessing appropriate health care and developmental services to improve babies’ health and wellbeing. Page 6 Course Offerings March Manage Your Priorities Not your Time HALF DAY DATE AND TIME: 3/11/2015 9:30 AM-12:30 PM PRESENTER: Christine Coward CEU Eligibility: 3 Hrs. We all know that there are only 24 hours in a day, yet there is so much to do! The balancing act of serving clients, completing documentation, and managing all the complexities of a child welfare job is challenging. This webinar helps child welfare staff identify what is most important in their professional role as well as how to prioritize activities that support the attendee's most important professional and personal goals. In addition, attendees will learn how to use their mental, physical, and emotional energy to be more productive, purposeful, and fulfilled. Intro to Substance Abuse for Child Welfare Professional NEW DATE AND TIME: 3/18/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: Kathy Moore CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. This training addresses planning for children and their families when parent/caretaker have concerns related to drug and alcohol use. The training also covers fundamental concepts related to Child Welfare-related drug and alcohol law, signs of substance use, the impact of substance use on children, cross-systems collaboration, the Six Stages of Change, which ultimately culminates in participants creating Family Plans. . Page 7 Course Offerings March Female Underage Drinking HALF DAY DATE AND TIME: 3/19/2015 9:30 AM-12:30 PM PRESENTER: Sara Wenger CEU Eligibility: 3 Hrs. Girls and young women drink for reasons different from boys and young men. This workshop explores the factors that put girls at greater risk for addiction and why they suffer the consequences of alcohol use sooner than their male counterparts. Participants will understand how depression, school-related transitions, and self-esteem issues contribute to alcohol use and abuse in underage females. Participants will understand why girls are vulnerable to the health effects of substance use, which raise their chances for problems later in life. The workshop will focus on prevention efforts that address female students in middle and high school and young women starting college Family Law Basics for Teen Parents HALF DAY DATE AND TIME: 3/26/2015 9:30 AM-12:30 PM PRESENTER: Jesse Krohn CEU Eligibility: 3 Hrs. This workshop will focus on family law issues for teen parents. Participants will gain an understanding of applicable law and procedure for child custody, protection from abuse, child support and paternity matters, and how a parent’s minority may impact each type of case. We will discuss the rights and responsibilities of young parents and how young parents may access the courts so participants may better advise and discuss family law issues with teen parents. Supervision of Child Welfare Staff DATE AND TIME: 3/31/2015 9:30 AM-4:30 PM PRESENTER: Christine Coward CEU Eligibility: 6 Hrs. Being a supervisor in child welfare is both challenging and rewarding. This workshop focuses on specific aspects of supervision using a strengths-based, collaborative approach. Attendees will learn how to engage their employees and hold them accountable for performance expectations. They will also learn introductory coaching skills to bring out the best in staff and support their development. Page 8 Trainer Bios MARSHA RICHARDSON, PsyD Dr. Richardson has over 20 years of experience working in the mental health field in Philadelphia and Chester counties, particularly in residential and outpatient settings as a clinician and administrator. She teaches cultural basis of genetic counseling at Arcadia University. As a clinical supervisor, she assisted in the development of a diversity curriculum for Devereux’s Institute for Clinical Training and Research for predoctoral psychology students and has participated in multicultural competency research. CHRISTINE COWARD, MSW, LCSW, ACC Ms. Coward has over 20 years of experience in child welfare and is a leadership coach and facilitator. Until 2007, Ms. Coward worked in the non-profit, private sector of Human Services, with her most recent role directing foster care, treatment foster care, and other community-based programs. She received her Master’s in Social Work from UNC-Chapel Hill in 1991 and is a credentialed coach with the International Coach Federation. JUNE FISHER, MSW, LSW Ms. Fisher has spent her entire professional career (20+ years) providing professional services and/ or training staff to provide professional services to children, youth, families and their communities. She has extensive child welfare, mental health, drug and alcohol, and educational experience. She has been named the Central Region Trainer of the Year by the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Training Program. She provides dynamic, interactive workshops for line staff, supervisors, and administers. She is the president of Dynamic Training Solutions as well as an adjunct faculty member at Temple University School of Social Work. JESSE KROHN, ESQ. Ms. Krohn is a staff attorney at Philadelphia Legal Assistance. She is a Skadden Fellow in the Family Law Unit, providing targeted legal services to teen parents in matters of child custody, child support, protection from abuse, and public benefits. She previously clerked for the Honorable Ellen L. Hollander in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland-Northern Division and is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Ms. Krohn also holds a Master's degree in Urban Education from the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education and a Bachelor's degree from Harvard College. Before law school, she served as a secondary school teacher in the School District of Philadelphia. LORI LANCASTER, MHS Ms. Lancaster has worked in the Human Services field for the past 20 years as a therapist, trainer, residential unit coordinator, and mental health supervisor. Her passion is providing interactive and informative trainings for professionals and child welfare staff working with children and adolescents. Currently, Ms. Lancaster is the executive director of Staff Training Solutions, LLC, a consulting firm that provides trainings for child welfare agencies. Page 9 Trainer Bios KATHY MOORE, LPC Ms. Moore has 30 years of experience working with children and their families in a variety of capacities in the human service field. She’s been a licensed professional counselor and was a certified addiction counselor for over 20 years. Her experience spans direct-line work to executive leadership. Currently, Ms. Moore sits on statewide leadership teams with a mission of producing better outcomes for children involved in the child welfare system. She’s been a trainer/presenter for over 25 years and currently trains for the Child Welfare Resource Center and teaches for the University of Phoenix. JUDITH SILVER, PhD. Judith A. Silver, Ph.D. is licensed psychologist at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where she is Associate Director of the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Program. She has over 20 years of clinical experience in the assessment of high-risk infants and toddlers. Dr. Silver founded and directed the Starting Young Program, a pediatric interdisciplinary evaluation program for young children involved with the child welfare system (1992-2008). In 2009 Dr. Silver was appointed to the Child Welfare Advisory Board by Philadelphia Mayor Nutter, and in 2011 the Mayor appointed her to the Department of Human Services Community Oversight Board, which monitors DHS progress on the reform of its child protective services. Dr. Silver has provided consultation to DHS on the development of the 0 - 5 Module of the Family Advocacy and Support Tool used in case-planning. She has served on national and state advisory panels related to the medical, developmental and behavioral health of children in foster care, and has numerous publications related to these issues. ALICIA SMITH, MSW, LSW Ms. Smith is currently an organizational and clinical human services consultant, providing services in the areas of program and staff development, clinical training and oversight, and grant writing. She has worked in various areas within the Human Services arena, primarily with children, youth, and families. Her experience includes work in juvenile justice, child welfare, school-based violence prevention, and mentoring programs to at-risk youth. Ms. Smith is a certified Olweus Bullying Prevention trainer and has helped implement the Olweus program in several Philadelphia elementary and middle schools, as well as training community groups on issues related to bullying. Ms. Smith earned her Master’s degree in Social Work from Temple University. SARA WENGER, MS Ms. Wenger has worked in the Education and Outreach Services department of Jewish Family and Children’s Service for the past 14 years. She is currently a supervisor as well as an active prevention specialist in the Philadelphia Public Schools. She is the coordinator of Wee Care, a program that facilitates workshops for pregnant and parenting teens and mothers in Philadelphia Public Schools and community sites. A former English teacher and reading specialist, Ms. Wenger was also a trained workshop leader for Parents Network, a parenting education center, and has been an educator in the Philadelphia community for over 25 years. Page 10 Policies & Procedures Registration All PCCYFS classes are limited in size to ensure maximum learning effectiveness. Most classes have a capacity of 25 participants. Registrations are accepted on a rolling basis: first-come, first-served. Registration Forms (Please Print Clearly) The registration form provided to Training Liaisons, or similar format, must be used for all registrations. Be sure that each registration form is filled out completely, using the correct spelling of names. Training Liaisons may fax or e-mail registrations to the PCCYFS Education & Professional Development Center, if all the information is included. However, please CALL TO CONFIRM that we have received your fax or e-mail registration. Non-registered Staff Please do not send non-registered staff members to any training sessions without first contacting the PCCYFS office. “Walk-ins” are not guaranteed entrance. Confirmations Confirmation reports will be sent only to agencies within 3 business days of workshop. If your agency submitted registrations in a timely fashion and does not receive a confirmation within 3 business days of the scheduled workshop, please contact our office immediately at 215-931-4482 or [email protected]. Cancellations Cancellations will be accepted from the Training Liaison ONLY up to three (3) business days prior to the scheduled course date. Otherwise, non-attending registrants will incur for their agency the same fee as if they had attended the course. All cancellations and/ or substitutions must be sent to PCCYFS in writing. Fax or e-mail is acceptable. Substitution of one staff for another must be done prior to the commencement of the scheduled course. If PCCYFS must cancel a workshop due to inclement weather, the cancellation will be posted on the PCCYFS website at Page 11
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