Official Poster Contest Rules & Guidelines... The United States has lost over half of the wetlands in the lower 48 states. The life-supporting importance of wetlands was largely unrecognized in the past. People drained, dredged, dammed and channeled wetlands, thereby converting them into dry land or filled them for lakes and water retention areas. The wetlands were also used as a dumping ground for waste and sewage. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES: Be sure to check our website to learn about upcoming Ocean Pals® activities and our “Sea Of Tomorrow Society” supporting the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at the Westchester Medical Center, NY. ® SPECIAL THANKS to the New York Aquarium for Wildlife Conservation! OCEAN PALS ® 2014-2015 APPLICATION FORM Artist’s Title for Poster: Student /Artist: Student’s Address: City/State/Zip: Grade: Student’s Home Phone: Student’s E-mail Address: Teacher: The wetlands are regulated by the United States under the Clean Water Act and the Rivers and Harbors Act. Internationally, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands is of International Importance as it also works to conserve the wetlands. OCEAN PALS® CONTEST GOALS To encourage young people to become aware of and share their concerns for the marine environment through poster art. Their messages will be brought to the widest possible audience to create a stronger commitment to protect the very environment on which all life on this planet depends. US C • WHAT OCEAN PALS® NEWS FLASH! WHAT YOU CAN DO: HI TE LDR E N CAN • Educate others about the value of wetlands • Encourage and support local laws to protect wetlands • If you see any illegal wetland work report it to the appropriate authorities • Conserve water – wetlands are threatened by our increasing need for water • Limit amount of pesticides and/or fertilizers used at home which can runoff into nearby streams or ponds • Donate to private or public conservation organizations AC H TE LDR E N CAN HI EN CAN LDR TE HI OCEAN PALS News! STUDENT & TEACHER PRIZES! ENTRY DEADLINE DECEMBER 22, 2014 ® STUDENT & TEACHER PRIZES! DECEMBER 22, 2014 ENTRY DEADLINE 2014-2015 STUDENT CONTEST RULES 2014-2015 STUDENT CONTEST RULES PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #602 TAMPA, FL Sonia M. Smith, Director 1997 MICHIGAN AVE., NE ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33703 PHONE: 727 - 522 - 8276 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB: BENEATHTHESEA.ORG/OCEAN-PALS • WHAT C ® US AC H OCEAN PALS /SOUTHEAST 2014 Wetlands have many important functions that benefit people and wildlife. They provide habitat for a wide variety and number of wildlife and plants. They collect and hold flood waters, absorb wind and tidal forces, provide places of beauty, and many recreational activities. Wetlands also act as sponges holding flood waters and keeping rivers at normal levels. Wetlands filter and purify water as it flows through the wetland system. Plants found in wetlands help control water erosion. Wetlands occur naturally on every continent except Antartica. Wetlands also are constructed artfically as a water management tool. • Wetlands are the link between land and water, and are among the most productive ecosystems in the world. Some common names for different types of wetlands are swamp, marsh and bog. Depending on the type of wetland, it may be filled mostly with trees, grasses, shrubs or moss. To be called a wetland, an area must be filled or soaked with water at least part of the year. Some wetlands are actually dry at certain times of the year. H US AC C “MY WETLANDS–WATER IS LIFE!” Teacher's note : TC T W HA 2015 POSTER CONTEST THEME W HA • H US AC EN CAN LDR TE HI Teacher’s E-mail Address: School: School Address: City/State/Zip: School Phone Number: THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SIGNED BY THE STUDENT AND TEACHER OR PARENT: I have read and agree to all rules of the Ocean Pals ® Poster Contest and agree that my poster entry becomes the property of Beneath The Sea ®/Ocean Pals ® and its sponsors and may be displayed, published, donated or used in any way deemed appropriate to meet the goals of Ocean Pals ®. I certify that this poster is my original work as witnessed below by my teacher or parent. ARTIST'S SIGNATURE & DATE TEACHER OR PARENT’S SIGNATURE & DATE [ATTACH APPLICATION FIRMLY TO POSTER] FUNDING: This project is made possible through Beneath The Sea® and the ongoing efforts of it’s all-volunteer staff. Special thanks to both the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism for over twentynine years of sponsorship, goodwill, and friendship. And our special thanks to the Florida Skin Diver’s Association (FDSA). TEACHER’S PRIZES: To Be Announced ENTRY DEADLINE: DECEMBER 22, 2014 All school and local entries must be submitted to their regions postmarked no later than December 22, 2014. National winners will be notified by February, 2015. Winners will be announced at the Ocean Pals® National Awards Ceremony on Sunday, March 30, 2015 at the Beneath The Sea Exposition in Secaucus, NJ. There will be special OP® programs for students and adults. GENERAL CONTEST RULES: 1. All posters submitted to Ocean Pals® will become the property of Beneath The Sea Inc.® and its sponsors. All rights for reproduction in all media including print, film, and/or video are assigned to the organizers and their sponsors to use as deemed appropriate for the goals of the contest and Beneath The Sea/Ocean Pals project. 2. Posters cannot be returned. 3. Some rules may be modified, with the permission of the regional directors, if required to conform with local school system’s rules. 4. One artist per poster and one poster per artist. 5. Poster content must represent the artist’s own perception of the theme. 6. Although everyone is encouraged to enter, last years Regional and National First Place students and teachers are not eligible to win prizes in any category this year (a period of one (1) year until 2016). All Grand Prize Winners of the previous year are welcome to enter but are not eligible to win a Grand Prize again for a period of two (2) years from the date of entry e.g. a winner in the year 2014 is not eligible to win until the year 2017. 7. All Regional and National winners will be notified of their selection in writing. 8. An affidavit of eligibility may be requested from the teacher/parent of any award winner. I. ELIGIBILITY: A. DIVISIONS: Open To All Students Within Four Contest Divisions: 1. KINDERGARTEN.....through SECOND GRADE 2. THIRD .......................through FIFTH GRADE 3. SIXTH ........................through EIGHTH GRADE 4. NINTH ......................through TWELFTH GRADE B. Local & school contests: Only the top four (4 ) finalists within each division, within each school will be accepted into the regional contest. C. After the National Awards have been presented at the annual Beneath The Sea® Oceans Exposition in March 2015, special winner’s certificates, prizes, and medals as appropriate will be sent to the winners teacher. Also a blank Certificate of Appreciation for copying, along with a list of winners, will be sent to each teacher entered in the contest by their Ocean Pals® Regional Director. II. POSTER SPECIFICATIONS: NOTE: Any posters received which do not meet the following specifications may be disqualified. A. Presentation: 1. Horizontal or Vertical 2. MUST have a ONE INCH BORDER around the poster. 3. Theme must be evident in a written slogan, or phrase. NO spelling errors. 4. Posters may be in color or black & white. 5. NO paste-ons, stenciling, or tracing. 6. Posters must be done freehand by the student. 7. No firm or rigid backing. Do not mount any posters. B. Paper: 1. Size: MUST be 18” x 24” poster size only. 2. Single sheet, unruled and unlined only (poster paper preferred) C. Art Materials: 1. Pens, pencils, colored pencils, markers or crayons 2. Watercolors, acrylic paints 3. NO charcoal, oil paints, pastels, chalk, glitter or sand C • WHAT HI US AC H C • WHAT US AC H 2014 – 2015 CONTEST RULES & GUIDELINES • • LDR E N CAN TE H US AC H US AC TC W HA HI EN CAN LDR TE HI TC W HA Official Poster Contest EN CAN LDR TE HI TE LDR E N CAN SECTION II. POSTER SPECIFICATIONS (Continued): D. Computer Graphic/Airbrushed Posters: Computer Graphic and Air Brushed posters are judged in a special separate class. They must follow the Poster Specification Rules: Section (A.) Presentation item numbers 1-5 and 7. As well as Section (B.) Paper: numbers 1 and 2. Prizes awarded will be for one (1) Computer Graphic/Air Brushed division and will be the same Regional and National prizes as the freehand posters. IV. REGIONAL AWARDS BY DIVISION: Only the top four finalists from each Division within each Region will be advanced to the National Contest. Medals have been specially cast for Beneath The Sea’s®, Ocean Pals® Poster Contest. 1st Place student: Medal plus $100 U.S. Savings Bond* 2nd Place student: Medal plus $75 U.S. Savings Bond* 3rd Place student: Medal plus $50 U.S. Savings Bond* Honorable Mention: Medal plus a selected prize V. NATIONAL AWARDS BY DIVISION: 1st Place student: Entry into the Grand Prize Drawing or a $200 U.S. Savings Bond* 2nd Place student: $100 U.S. Savings Bond* 3rd Place student: $75 U.S. Savings Bond* Honorable Mention: A selected prize At the option of the judges, posters not placing but drawing their attention may be awarded the Certificate of Special Merit. FOR NATIONAL WINNERS: The First-Place National Winners will be eligible for one (1) of the four (4) grand prizes. The following packages will be awarded by a drawing to be held at Beneath The Sea® Headquarters, Bronxville, NY immediately following the judging. Gift certificate has no commercial value, is nontransferable, and is governed by all conditions imposed by the donor. Package 1: Cayman Islands - 8 days/7 nights vacation courtesy of Villas of the Galleon, a luxury condominium located on Grand Cayman’s famous 7 mile beach. Resort stay is for up to two (2) adults and two (2) students. Also included, courtesy of Cayman Airways, the national flag carrier of the Cayman Islands are two (2) round trip, non-stop tickets from Miami, Fl. to Grand Cayman for two (2) adults. Subject to change and availability, blackout dates may apply. Package 2: $200 U.S. Savings Bond* Package 3: $200 U.S. Savings Bond* Package 4: $200 U.S. Savings Bond* * Due to federal regulations we are sending you your check so you may purchase your own savings bond. VI. REGIONAL INFO AND MAILING ADDRESSES: A. SOUTHEASTERN: Florida FSDA Attn: Sonia M. Smith 1997 Michigan Ave., NE St. Petersburg, FL 33703 e-mail: [email protected] B. PACIFIC WEST: CA, AZ, NV, HI, and Pacific Trust Territory USOA Attn: Carol Rose P.O. Box 628 Daly City, CA 94017-0628 e-mail: [email protected] C. PACIFIC NORTHWEST - WA, OR, MT, ID and AK Dive News Network Attn: Rick Stratton P.O. Box 1494 Oak Harbor, WA 98277 e-mail: [email protected] D. EAST, MIDWEST - Remaining States Beneath The Sea® Attn: Jo Ann Zigahn 495 New Rochelle Rd.–Suite 2A Bronxville, NY 10708 e-mail: [email protected] E. SOUTH - Remaining States Regional Director - Kristin Fritz 1409 Weeping Willow Drive Dunham Springs, LA 70726 e-mail: [email protected] 1. Regional entries must be received at one of the above addresses postmarked on or before December 22, 2014. 2. The application printed here, must be completed and FIRMLY attached to the back of each poster – all four sides please. 3. Please mail posters FLAT. NO Tubes. Rolled posters CREASE. 4. No officers, directors, staff, or their families, of any Regional or National contests are eligible for contest prizes. SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR MAJOR CONTEST SPONSORS ®
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