Serving God’s people in the City of Newark since 1850. 91 WASHINGTON STREET, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102 SERVED BY RECTORY: 39 BLEEKER STREET Rev. Bismarck Chau, Pastor Mr. Leonides Aponte, Deacon RECTORY HOURS: 8 AM—3 PM Joselina Castillo, Parish Catechetical Leader TELEPHONE: (973) 623-0497 or (973) 623-0822 // FAX: (973) 623-2030 Gioconda Fallas, Spanish Adult Formation WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] Brandon Ocampo, Director of Communications Margaret Clark, Administrative Assistant STAY UPDATED BY LIKING US ON FACEBOOK! Ana Perez, Secretary Search for “Saint Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral” or go to WEEKEND ASSISTANTS Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Wister FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM/TWITTER: @stppcnewark Rev. Msgr. Christopher J. Hynes Rev. Esterminio Chica MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAY SACRAMENTAL LIFE BAPTISM Please make arrangements at the Rectory. Baptismal instructions for parents and godparents are required beforehand. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Daily 12 PM—12:15 PM and by appointment. 9:15 AM English MARRIAGE 10:45 AM Spanish Couples planning marriage should contact the Rectory at least one year before wedding is scheduled. SATURDAY VIGIL 4:00 PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION English HOLY DAY VIGIL MASS 7:30 PM Bilingual ANOINTING OF THE SICK Emergencies at any time by calling (973) 623-0497. In case of illness or incapacity, Holy Communion will be brought to the home on request. VOCATIONS DAILY MASS 12:15 PM Every First Friday following the 12:15 PM Mass until 6 PM. In the Chapel If you are discerning a vocation, please contact the Vocations Office at (973) 313-6190 or by e-mail at [email protected]. For more information, visit or contact Fr. Bismarck. First Sunday of Lent — March 5, 2017 First Sunday of Lent MASS INTENTIONS “†” indicates person is deceased. SATURDAY, MAR 04 4:00 PM 10:45 AM Sr. Maureen Killough † Edwin Ortega † Raul Medina † MONDAY, MAR 06 12:15 PM Mary Wojtal † TUESDAY, MAR 07 12:15 PM James “Jimmy” W. Brannigan † WEDNESDAY, MAR 08 12:15 PM Gerald Patrick Egan † THURSDAY, MAR 09 12:15 PM ARE YOU REGISTERED IN THE PARISH? Please stop by the Parish Office, or call (973) 623-0497, to become a registered member of Saint Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral. You can also visit our website at Tale of Two Adams: Scott Hahn Reflects on the First Sunday of Lent In today's Liturgy, the destiny of the human race is told as the tale of two "types" of men—the first man, Adam, and the new Adam, Jesus (see 1 Corinthians 15:21-22; 45-59). Paul's argument in the Epistle is built on a series of contrasts between "one" or "one person" and "the many" or "all." By one person's disobedience, sin and condemnation entered the world, and death came to reign over all. By the obedience of another one, grace abounded, all were justified, and life came to reign for all. This is the drama that unfolds in today's First Reading and Gospel. Eddy Carnevale † FRIDAY, MAR 10 12:15 PM NEW PARISHONERS: We welcome new members to the Catholic Church and to Saint Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral! If you are new in the area or interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please contact us at (973) 623-0497 or visit us at Caroline & Emery LaBruna † SUNDAY, MAR 05 9:15 AM March 5, 2017 Grace H. O’Neill Cuff † The wine, hosts, and tabernacle candle may be offered in honor of a loved one for a month. THE WINE consecrated and distributed at all Masses today has been offered for the spiritual and temporal welfare of The Perez Family. THE CANDLES used today at all Masses have been offered for the spiritual and temporal welfare of Kathleen McAdam. THE HOSTS used today at all Masses have been offered for the spiritual and temporal welfare of Bridget Wilson. THE TABERNACLE CANDLE used today at all Masses has been offered for the repose of the soul of Eloina Roman. Formed from the clay of the ground and filled with the breath of God's own Spirit, Adam was a son of God (see Luke 3:38), created in his image (see Genesis 5:1-3). Crowned with glory, he was given dominion over the world and the protection of His angels (see Psalms 8:6-8; 91:11-13). He was made to worship God—to live not by bread alone but in obedience to every word that comes from the mouth of the Father. Adam, however, put the Lord his God to the test. He gave in to the serpent's temptation, trying to seize for himself all that God had already promised him. But in his hour of temptation, Jesus prevailed where Adam failed—and drove the devil away. Still we sin after the pattern of Adam's transgression. Like Adam, we let sin in the door (see Genesis 4:7) when we entertain doubts about God's promises, when we forget to call on Him in our hours of temptation. But the grace won for us by Christ's obedience means that sin is no longer our master. As we begin this season of repentance, we can be confident in His compassion, that He will create in us a new heart (see Romans 5:5; Hebrews 8:10). As we do in today's Psalm, we can sing joyfully of our salvation, renewed in His presence. REMEMBER SAINT PATRICK’S IN YOUR WILL By remembering Saint Patrick’s in your Will, you will enable us to maintain and develop programs for the good of our Parish in the years to come. First Sunday of Lent March 5, 2017 POPE FRANCIS' PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR MARCH Support for Persecuted Christians That persecuted Christians may be supported by the prayers and material help of the whole Church. nd 2 ANNUAL SAINT PATRICK’S DINNER DANCE WEEKEND OF/FIN DE SEMANA: 2/26/17 Total Collection/Colecta Total: $1834.10 Thank you for your support! Gracias por su apoyo! THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Confession will be available every Monday in the Chapel during the Season of Lent from 5 to 7 PM. Come and experience God’s mercy and forgiveness! Saturday, March 18, 2017 @ 7PM STATIONS OF THE CROSS Mediterranean Manor 255 Jefferson St, Newark, NJ 07105 EVERY FRIDAY DURING LENT 7:00 PM ENGLISH $50.00 Per person. Please call Rectory at (973) 623-0497 to reserve your ticket. 7:30 PM SPANISH YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY NEWS Saint Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral, thanks to the wonderful enthusiasm of Father Bismarck, is looking to start up a Youth and Young Adult Ministry Program. We are seeking to form a CORE Team of young adults and adults who have a heart on fire for Christ, His Church, and for the Youth. Though the Program itself would not start until the Fall, we are gathering everyone together now in an effort to train and equip them for the adventure of ministry. YOUNG ADULT LENTEN REFLECTION SERIES: INTO THE DESERT Join the Young Adults of Saint Patrick’s this for a reflection series addressing several topics we will come across in the Gospel Readings during Lent. This week’s topic (3/10/17) is: “WHO IS JESUS?” Every Friday of Lent from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the Rectory. For more information, or to get involved: please email Brandon Ocampo at [email protected]. Primer Domingo de Cuaresma SEMINARIO DE VIDA EN EL ESPIRITU PRO-CATEDRAL DE SAN PATRICIO 39 Bleeker St. Newark, NJ 07102 (Sótano de la rectorÍa/convento) Viernes 3/17, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Sábado 3/18, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Domingo 3/19, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM GRATIS! ¡Trae a tus familiares y amigos! ¡El Señor los espera! EL SACRAMENTO DE LA RECONCILIACIÓN Confesión estará disponible todos los lunes en la Capilla durante la Temporada de Cuaresma de 5 a 7 PM. ¡Venga y experiencia la misericordia y el perdón de Dios! 5 de Marzo de 2017 Bienvenidos NUEVOS FELIGRESES : ¡Damos la bienvenida a nuevos miembros a la Iglesia Católica ya la Pro-Catedral de San Patricio! Si usted es nuevo en el área o está interesado en aprender más sobre la fe Católica, por favor contáctenos al (973) 623-0497 o visítenos en ¿ESTÁS REGISTRADO EN LA PARROQUIA? Por favor pase por la Oficina Parroquial, o llame al (973) 623-0497, para ser un miembro registrado de la Pro-Catedral de San Patricio. También puede visitar nuestro sitio de web Un relato de dos Adanes: Scott Hahn reflexiona sobre el Primer Domingo de Cuaresma En la liturgia de hoy, el destino de la raza humana se nos cuenta como un relato sobre dos “tipos” de hombre: el primero, Adán, y el nuevo Adán, Jesús (cf. 1 Co 15,21-22; 45-59). San Pablo construye su argumento en la epístola mediante una serie de contrastes entre “uno” o “una solo hombre”, y “muchos” o “todos”. Por la desobediencia de una persona entró el pecado y la condena al mundo, y la muerte comenzó a reinar sobre todos. Por la obediencia de otro, abundó la gracia, todos fueron justificados y la vida vino a reinar para todos. Este es el drama que se revela en la primera lectura y el Evangelio de hoy. ESTACIONES DE LA CRUZ CADA VIERNES DURANTE CUARESMA 7:00 PM INGLÉS 7:30 PM ESPAÑOL El vino, el pan, y la vela del tabernáculo pueden ser ofrecidas en honor de un ser querido por un mes. EL VINO que será distribuido hoy en todas las Misas ha sido ofrecido por la salud y bienestar de The Perez Family. LAS VELAS que serán usadas hoy en todas las Misas han sido ofrecidas por la salud y bienestar de Kathleen McAdam. Adán, que fue formado de la arcilla del suelo y lleno del aliento del propio Espíritu Divino, era hijo de Dios (cf. Lc 3,38), creado a su imagen (cf. Gn 5,1-3). Coronado de su gloria, se le dio poder sobre toda la tierra y la protección de sus ángeles (cf. Sal 8,6-8; 91,11-13). Fue creado para adorar a Dios; para vivir no sólo de pan sino de la obediencia a cada palabra que sale de la boca de Dios. Sin embargo, Adán puso a prueba al Señor su Dios. Cedió a la tentación de la serpiente, tratando de tomar para sí todo lo que Dios ya le había prometido. Pero Jesús, a la hora de su tentación, venció en lo que Adán había fallado y apartó al demonio. Nosotros aún pecamos, siguiendo los pasos de la caída de Adán. Como él, dejamos entrar el pecado en nuestra puerta cuando alimentamos dudas sobre las promesas de Dios, cuando olvidamos llamarlo en nuestros momentos de tentación. Pero la gracia que Cristo nos ganó con su obediencia implica que el pecado ya no es amo nuestro. Al comenzar este tiempo de arrepentimiento podemos confiar en su compasión, en que Él creará en nosotros un nuevo corazón (cf. Rm 5,5; Hb 8,10). Como lo hemos hecho con el salmo de hoy, podemos cantar alegremente nuestra salvación, renovados en su presencia. LAS HOSTIAS usadas hoy en todas las Misas han sido ofrecidas por la salud y bienestar de Bridget Wilson. RECUERDE DE SAN PATRICIO EN SU TESTAMENTO DE VIDA LA VELA DEL TABERNACULO usada hoy en todas las Misas ha sido ofrecida por el descanso de Eloina Roman. Al recordar San Patricio en su Testamento de Vida, nos permitirá mantener y desarrollar programas para el bien de nuestra Parroquia en el futuro. IN OUR PARISH MONDAY IN AND AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE MARCH 8th 5 — 7 PM Confession in the Chapel. TUESDAY 7 PM RCIA in the Rectory. WEDNESDAY 7 — 9 PM Clases de Formacion en la Fe. En la Rectoria de la Iglesia. THURSDAY 7 — 9 PM Clases de Biblia. En la Rectoría de la Iglesia. FRIDAY 7 PM Stations of the Cross in the Church. 7:30 PM Estaciones de la Cruz en la Iglesia. 7 — 8:30 PM Lenten Evening of Reflection Series hosted by Saint Patrick’s Young Adult Ministry. In the Rectory. This week’s topic is “What is Evil?” SATURDAY Monthly Holy Hours & Discernment Group hosted by the Vocations Office of the Archdiocese of Newark. 7 — 9 PM at Immaculate Conception Seminary. A time for prayer, discussion, and fraternity for men thinking about a call to serve as a Diocesan Priest in the Archdiocese of Newark. RSVP at (973) 313-6190 or [email protected] MARCH 11th Alive in Christ as Missionary Disciples — Catholic Women’s Conference at Seton Hall University. 8 AM — 3:30 PM. English and Spanish Tracks available. $25 per person. Clergy/Religious free. Continental Breakfast and Lunch included. For more information or to register, email [email protected]. MARCH 18th Saint Patrick’s Dinner Dance. 7 PM at the Mediterranean Manor in Newark. $50 per person. Please call the Rectory at (973) 623-0497 to reserve a ticket. 8 AM Women’s Conference at Seton Hall University (see “In and Around the Archdiocese” for more information. SUNDAY 12 PM Confirmation Class (CCD) 1 PM Deaf Mass at Saint John’s 5 PM College Student Mass at NJIT B35 RELEVANT RADIO 1430 AM Relevant Radio offers dynamic programming from a Catholic perspective! Listen on air (1430 AM), online at, and on their FREE mobile app! ARCHDIOCESE OF NEWARK: 2017 LENTEN REGULATIONS 1. The days of both Fast and Abstinence during Lent are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. If possible, the Fast on Good Friday is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the “Pascal Fast” to honor the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily His Resurrection. The other Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence. On a day of Fast, only one (1) meal is permitted, and two (2) smaller meals, which, if added together, would not exceed the main meal in quantity. Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to Fast. 2. The obligation to observe the laws of Fast and Abstinence “substantially”, or as a whole, is a serious obligation. 3. The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent, are designated as days of penance, but each individual may substitute for the traditional abstinence from meat some other practice of voluntary self-denial as penance. 4. The time for fulling the Pascal Precept (the Easter Duty aka receiving the Most Holy Eucharist at least once a year) extends from the First Sunday of Lent, March 5, 2017 to The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, June 11, 2017.
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