SAINT PATRICK’S PRO-CATHEDRAL Serving God’s people in the City of Newark since 1850 For God and His Kingdom! 91 WASHINGTON STREET, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102 SERVED BY RECTORY: 39 BLEEKER STREET Rev. Bismarck Chau, Pastor Mr. Leonides Aponte, Deacon Joselina Castillo, Parish Catechetical Leader RECTORY HOURS: 8 AM—3 PM TELEPHONE: (973) 623-0497 or (973) 623-0822 // FAX: (973) 623-2030 Gioconda Fallas, Spanish Adult Formation WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] Brandon Ocampo, Director of Communications Margaret Clark, Administrative Assistant STAY UPDATED BY LIKING US ON FACEBOOK! Ana Perez, Secretary Search for “Saint Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral” or go to WEEKEND ASSISTANTS FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM/TWITTER: @stppcnewark Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Wister - SACRAMENTAL LIFE - Rev. Msgr. Christopher J. Hynes Rev. Esterminio Chica MASS SCHEDULE BAPTISM Please make arrangements at the Rectory. Baptismal instructions for parents and godparents are required beforehand. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION SUNDAY Daily 12 PM—12:15 PM and by appointment. 9:15 AM — English MARRIAGE 10:45 AM — Spanish Couples planning marriage should contact the Rectory at least one year before wedding is scheduled. SATURDAY VIGIL ANOINTING OF THE SICK 4:00 PM — Now in the Main Church! Emergencies at any time by calling (973) 623-0497. In case of illness or incapacity, Holy Communion will be brought to the home on request. HOLY DAY VIGIL MASS VOCATIONS 7:30 PM If you are discerning a vocation, please contact the Vocations Office at (973) 313-6190 or by e-mail at [email protected]. For more information, visit or contact Fr. Bismarck. DAILY MASS 12:15 PM — In the Chapel Third Sunday in Ordinary Time — January 22, 2017 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JAN 21 4:00 PM Holy Souls In Purgatory SUNDAY, JAN 22 9:15 AM Dominick and Katherine Vantuno † Holy Souls In Purgatory 10:45 AM Mr. Dolores y Eusebia Lamboy † En Honor al Niño Jesus MONDAY, JAN 23 12:15 PM Holy Souls In Purgatory TUESDAY, JAN 24 — St. Francis de Sales 12:15 PM Holy Souls In Purgatory WEDNESDAY, JAN 25 — Conversion of Paul 12:15 PM Holy Souls In Purgatory THURSDAY, JAN 26 — Sts. Timothy & Titus 12:15 PM Holy Souls In Purgatory January 22, 2017 New Parishioners We welcome new members to the Catholic Church and to Saint Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral! If you are new in the area or interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please contact us at (973) 623-0497 or visit us at History Redeemed: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Today's Liturgy gives us a lesson in ancient Israelite geography and history. Isaiah's prophecy in today's First Reading is quoted by Matthew in today's Gospel. Both intend to recall the apparent fall of the everlasting kingdom promised to David (see 2 Samuel 7:12-13; Psalm 89; Psalm 132:11-12). Eight centuries before Christ, that part of the kingdom where the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali lived was attacked by the Assyrians and the tribes were hauled off into captivity (see 2 Kings 15:29; 1 Chronicles 5:26). It marked the beginning of the kingdom's end. It finally crumbled in the sixth century B.C., when Jerusalem was seized by Babylon and the remaining tribes were driven into exile (see 2 Kings 24:14). Isaiah prophesied that Zebulun and Naphtali, the lands first to be degraded, would be the first to see the light of God's salvation. Jesus today fulfills that prophecy—announcing the restoration of David's kingdom at precisely the spot where the kingdom began to fall. His gospel of the Kingdom includes not only the twelve tribes of Israel but all the nations—symbolized by the "Galilee of the Nations." Calling His first disciples, two fishermen on the Sea of Galilee, He appoints them to be "fishers of men"—gathering people from the ends of the earth. FRIDAY, JAN 27 12:15PM Holy Souls In Purgatory The wine, hosts, and tabernacle candle may be offered in honor of a loved one for a month. THE WINE consecrated and distributed at all Masses today has been offered for the spiritual and temporal welfare of Efrain Roman. THE CANDLES used today at all Masses have been offered for the spiritual and temporal welfare of Carlos Calderon. THE HOSTS used today at all Masses have been offered for the spiritual and temporal welfare of Barbara Maran. THE TABERNACLE CANDLE used today at all Masses has been offered for the repose of the soul of Eddy Carnevale. They are to preach the gospel, Paul says in today's Epistle, to unite all peoples in the same mind and in the same purpose—in a worldwide kingdom of God. By their preaching, Isaiah's promise has been delivered. A world in darkness has seen the light. The yoke of slavery and sin, borne by humanity since time began, has been smashed. And we are able now, as we sing in today's Psalm, to dwell in the house of the Lord, to worship Him in the land of the living. "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men." Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 22, 2017 Christian Unity POPE FRANCIS' PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR JANUARY That all Christians may be faithful to the Lord’s teaching by striving with prayer and fraternal charity to restore ecclesial communion and by collaborating to meet the challenges facing humanity. Un recordatorio de que ya no estamos haciendo una segunda colecta para la parroquia en la misa (a menos que sea por una causa especial). Por favor utilice su sobre de ofrenda y considera el aumento de su contribución semanal. A reminder that we are no longer doing second collections during the Mass (unless it is for a special cause). Please use your Envelope Offering and consider increasing your weekly contribution. PARENTS WHO HAVE LOST A CHILD Eastern New Jersey was part of the Diocese of New York after 1808. Bishop DuBois sent Father Pardow to establish the first church in Newark, St. John’s on Mulberry Street, in 1827. St. Mary’s (now Newark Abbey) was established for German-speaking Catholics in 1842. The needs of parents who have suffered the loss of a son or daughter are unique. The Office of Family Life Ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark sponsors support groups for Parents Grieving the Death of a Child. The groups are led by trained facilitators - parents who have personally experienced the death of a child. Groups meet at: St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Parish Center,60 Byrd Avenue, Bloomfield, NJ on the First Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm (July and August is 7:00pm) and St. Peter the Apostle Church, Rectory Basement, 445 Fifth Avenue, River Edge, NJ on the Third Monday of each month at 7:30pm. There is no fee to participate and pre-registration is not needed. Please call Lauren Egan at (973) 497-4327 or email [email protected] for further information. WEEKEND OF/FIN DE SEMANA: 1/15/17 Total Collection/Colecta Total: $ 1,386 Thank you for your support! Gracias por su apoyo! Tercer Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario La historia redimida: Scott Hahn refleja sobre el 3er Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario La liturgia de hoy nos da una lección de geografía e historia israelita antigua. En el Evangelio de hoy, Mateo menciona la profecía de Isaías que aparece en la primera lectura. Ambas citas buscan recordar la aparente caída del reino eterno prometido a David (cf. 2 S 7,12-14; Sal 89; Sal 132, 11-12). Ocho siglos antes de Jesús, la parte del reino donde vivían las tribus de Zebulón y Neftalí fue atacada por los asirios y sus habitantes fueron llevados al cautiverio (cf. 2 R 15,29; 1 Cr 5,26). Esto marcó el comienzo del final del reino, que terminó desmoronándose en el siglo VI antes de Cristo, cuando Jerusalén fue capturada por Babilonia y las tribus que quedaban fueron llevadas al exilio (cf. 2 R 24,14). Isaías profetizó que Zabulón y Neftalí, las primeras tierras que fueron degradadas, serían también las primeras en ver la luz de la salvación de Dios. Jesús cumple hoy esa profecía, anunciando la restauración del reino de David, precisamente ahí donde empezó a caer. Su Evangelio del reino incluye no sólo a las doce tribus de Israel, sino a todas las naciones, simbolizadas en la "Galilea de las naciones". Al llamar a sus primeros discípulos, dos pescadores del mar de Galilea, los destina a ser "pescadores de hombres". Según nos dice San Pablo en la Epístola de hoy, los discípulos han de predicar el evangelio para unir todos los pueblos en un mismo pensar y sentir; en un reino mundial de Dios. Mediante su predicación, la profecía de Isaías ha sido proclamada. Un mundo en tinieblas ha visto la luz. El yugo de la esclavitud y el pecado, cargado por la humanidad desde el inicio de los tiempos, ha sido destrozado. Como cantamos en el salmo de hoy, ya somos capaces de habitar en la casa del Señor, de adorarlo en la tierra de los vivos. Grupo de Oración de Intercesión y Reparación: “Jesús Eucaristía” Miércoles de 7:00 — 9:00 PM en la Capilla de la Iglesia 22 de Enero de 2017 El vino, el pan, y la vela del tabernáculo pueden ser ofrecidas en honor de un ser querido por un mes. EL VINO que serán distribuidos hoy en todas las Misas han sido ofrecidos por la salud y bienestar de Efrain Roman. LAS VELAS que serán usadas hoy en todas las Misas han sido ofrecidas por la salud y bienestar de Carlos Calderon. LAS HOSTIAS usadas hoy en todas las Misas han sido ofrecidas por la salud y bienestar de Barbara Maran. LA VELA DEL TABERNACULO usada hoy en todas las Misas ha sido ofrecida por el descanso de Eddy Carnevale. CÍRCULO DE ORACIÓN Nueva fecha se anunciará! CLASES DE FORMACIÓN TODOS LOS MARTES Hora: 7:00 – 9:00 PM Lugar: Rectoría (Entrada 39 Bleeker St.) “Estén siempre preparados a responder a todo el que les pida razón de la esperanza que ustedes tienen.” (1 Pe 3:15) CLASES DE BIBLIA TODOS LOS JUEVES Hora: 7:00 – 9:00 PM ¡Todos son bienvenidos! “Además les digo, que si dos de ustedes se ponen de acuerdo sobre cualquier cosa que pidan en la tierra, les será hecho por mi Padre que está en los cielos.” (Mateo 18:19) Lugar: Rectoría (Entrada 39 Bleeker St.) “Ignorar las Escrituras es ignorar a Cristo.” - San Jerómino Feast of the Presentation of the Lord & World Day of Celebration for Consecrated Life Come and join his Eminence Joseph Cardinal Tobin and the Consecrated Men and Women for Evening Prayer with the Blessing and Lighting of Candles and Honoring of Jubilarians! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2017 @ 7:30 P.M. CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF THE SACRED HEART DISCERNMENT EVENINGS For men thinking about the Priesthood in the Archdiocese of Newark FEBRUARY 8, MARCH 8, APRIL 19 7—8 PM // Holy Hour and Reflection 8—9 PM // Food, Fraternity, and Discussion Immaculate Conception Seminary — Seton Hall University 400 S. Orange Ave., South Orange, NJ 07079 Know someone who is open to the idea of priesthood? Invite them for a time of prayer, discussion, and fraternity. Priests are welcome to attend with someone from their parish! R.S.V.P.: Mr. Matthew Higgins (973) 313-6190 or at [email protected] rd Please join New Jersey Citizen Action on Monday, January 23 at our upcoming press conference and reception in Newark to announce the kick-off of this year’s tax season! Community leaders, elected officials, and partners will come together to hear about recent expansions to the Earned Income Tax Credit, and the availability of free tax preparation services for low-income families. We apologize for the short notice, however we are working to accommodate the schedules of invited speakers US Senator Cory Booker, Newark Mayor Ras Baraka and Congressman Donald Payne, Jr. There is no cost to attend this event. Refreshments will be provided. To register go to:
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