Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Sanctuary of St. Toribio Romo Iglesia Católica de San Pedro y San Pablo Santuario Santo Toribio Romo Join us on Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Tulsa, OK Sts. Peter & Paul Church 1419 N. 67th E. Ave., Tulsa, Ok 74115 Rev. Timothy L. Davison, Pastor Rev. Juan Pablo Robles, Associate Pastor Pedro Mendez, Pastoral Assistant Tommy Young, Deacon (Ret.) Patrick Martin, School Principal Maria Walsh, School Secretary Gayle Casey, Parish Secretary Karen Campbell, Director of Religious Education Parish Office 918-836-2596 Fax 918-836-2597 Rectory 918-933-4272 School Office 918-836-2165 Pre-School 836-3114 Email: [email protected] Web: WEEKEND MASSES/DOMINGOS Saturday 6:00 p.m. (English) Sunday 7:30 am (Español) 9:00 a.m. (English) 11:00 a.m. (Español) 1:00 p.m. (Latin) 6:00 p.m. (Español) WEEKDAY MASSES/MISAS DIARIAS Monday-Saturday 8:30 a.m. (English) Mon. 7:00 a.m. (Latin) Tues.- Thurs. 7:00 p.m. (Español) Fri. 5:00 p.m. (Latin) ADORATION/ADORACION Tuesday 12:00 - 10:00 p.m. Thursday 12:00 - 10:00 p.m. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE/CONFESIONES Tuesday 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Thursday 4:00—5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30 - 8:50 a.m. 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. BAPTISM/RCIA For information about Baptism or RCIA contact Owen or Karen Campbell at 835-4798 or 520-6005. From the Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Daylight savings time has begun. I hope that everyone remembered to “spring forward” and adjust their clocks. It seems awfully early this year to change the time. However, we are already half way through the Lenten season. Today is the Third Sunday of Lent. I hope and pray that you are still keeping your good resolutions and that your prayer and sacrifices are already bearing much fruit in your lives. Convent Renovation The Knights of Columbus continue to work on restoring the old convent. We have changed out all of the windows and put in a new air conditioning system. The Knights have also built a new bathroom and an additional bedroom. We will be painting the whole convent on the inside and refinishing the floors and cabinets. I am so grateful for the work that the Knights have done so far and am very thankful for the donations received to date for the re-modeling. If anyone else wants to help please send us a check written to Sts. Peter and Paul parish for “convent remodeling”. Chapel Progress The Chapel of St. Toribio is taking shape slowly but surely. The altar and stained glass windows will soon be installed and the interior work will be starting. We are still hoping to be finished by May 21st but we need a lot more money. Please go to to give us a donation. We would really appreciate it. You can also send in a check and note that it is for the Chapel of St. Toribio. If anyone gives $1,000.00 there is still the opportunity to get a memorial brick. Suggestions for Improving our Parish I welcome any suggestions for improving our parish life. I would like to see the establishment of an English Youth Group for the people who go to the March 8, 2015 Latin Mass but I am waiting until someone steps forward to volunteer and help with this. Of course they would have to be trained in the Virtus Program of the Diocese and meet the other requirements for a Youth Leader. Hopefully soon someone will emerge from our community and offer to help. I would also like to see more men join the Knights of Columbus, I would like to see us start the ACTS retreat program, and I would like to see the formation of a women's’ club with members drawn from the whole Sts. Peter and Paul community: Hispanic, English, Latin, and School. I would like to see someone organize a pilgrimage trip to Philadelphia for the Papal visit in September and also for the Pro-Life March next January. I would also like to see more of our families put their children in our school and more men and women volunteer to help teach catechism classes. I am hoping that the Legion of Mary gets established in the parish so that more direct evangelization can be done in our neighborhood. These are only some of the things that I see as helping to improve our parish life. If you are interested in helping please step forward and let me know. DDF Our DDF Campaign needs a boost!! Our goal this year is $17,850.00 but as of February 20th we have only brought in $9,967.00. We have to try to bring in 8,883.00 more in the next few months. If everyone gives a little we can make it. If you haven’t given to DDF please do so as soon as possible. Mass times On Easter Sunday our Mass times will change a little. The 11:00 a.m. Spanish Mass will move to 12:30 p.m. while the 1:00 p.m. Latin high Mass will change to 10:30 a.m. The other Masses will continue as usual. Don’t forget that we have already started a new Mass on Sunday mornings at 7:30 a.m. It is in Spanish. Thank you my dear brothers and sisters for hearing me regarding these issues and ideas. I dream of a parish will lots of active members all trying to reach heaven but also mindful of the good that needs to be done while still here on earth. Let’s not waste the opportunities that we have. May your Lent be truly blessed. Sincerely yours, Father Timothy Davison Knights of Columbus breakfast today in the cafeteria. In April we will need to start paying the Lawn Care Company that we employ to do our huge lawn. They will cut the grass each week and trim and blow off the sidewalks. But, to pay them we will need your help. Each year we ask for donations to cover the expense. If each of us contributes just $50.00 we should have enough for the entire season. Many people comment on how nice our property looks and we would like to keep it looking good. Your help in doing so would be very much appreciated. If you write a check just note on the memo that it is for “lawn care”. If you give cash place it in an envelope and drop it in the collection or bring it by the parish office. Be sure to put “lawn care” on the envelope. Fr. Tim Rice Bowl The next stop on our CRS Rice Bowl journey is the African nation, Niger, where we’re reminded that life’s joys and challenges are often seasonal. This week we pray for people who struggle to feed their families during the hungry season - when food is in short supply - and we commit to acting for the common good. Lectors March 8th M. Brungardt & S. Eschman Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis March Universal: That those involved in scientific research may serve the wellbeing of the whole human person. Evangelization: That the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized always. Year of Consecrated Life In every age consecrated men and women must continue to be images of Christ the Lord, fostering through prayer a profound communion of mind with him. Pope John Paul II Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata Contributions for February 22nd Checks and envelopes Cash Special Needs Ash Wednesday Total Year to Date Capital Improvement Education Endowment St. Toribio Fund Black & Indian Missions Mowing Eastern Europe For the poor 2519.00 1844.20 100.00 1600.22 6063.42 196,899.56 150.00 20.00 179707 40.00 41.00 100.00 163.00 Advertiser of the Week Knights of Columbus Insurance Life insurance, long term care, IRAs, disability income, retirement planning Chad McAuliff, FIC, MDRT 918-284-0685 [email protected] Please support our bulletin advertisers! March 9th - March 14th Mon. 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Tues. 8:30 a.m. Wed. 8:30 a.m. Thurs. 8:30 a.m. Fri. 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Mason Swafford Anthony Paul Valeriano + Dixie Ryzak + Pete Brann + Shannon Reed Jodi Burns + Warren G. Morris + John Phibbs Family Kevin Phibbs Family Myrtle Dibble, Rolling Hills, Catoosa; Dana Petrilla, Frances Strietel Villa; Lelia Romine, Franciscan Villa; Belle Conner, The Parke and Ada Gonzalez. Members who are ill and/or homebound: Owen Campbell, Rita Tilman, Colleen Young, Andrea Knepp, Norma Cates, Dolores Gonzalez , Yvonne Perez (Stephanie Eschman’s mother), Tim (Colleen Young’s son), Kathy Borro (Susie Kelley’s sister), Larry Davison (Fr. Tim’s brother), Simon Navarro, Becky Moore, Fr. Festus Maliwa, Debbie Dismang and Michael Bellamy. To make changes in this list, please call Gayle at the office, 836-2596. Parish Directories are finally in! These are ONLY for people who had their picture taken. Directories can be picked up at the Parish Office. 50 Shades of Grey Bishop Slattery along with the USCCB (US Conference of Catholic Bishops) is requesting that all the faithful refrain from seeing this movie, as it contains pornography and goes against our Catholic teachings on family life. To read the Bishop’s letter go to the Diocese of Tulsa website. Ordinary Form:: 3rd Sunday of Lent Extraordinary Form: 3rd Sunday of Lent DIOCESE OF TULSA Pastoral Studies Institute March Classes Thursday Literary Society Good literature has always been a part of Catholic Culture. Join us for a discussion of these works of fiction largely written by Roman Catholics, and all dealing with the central themes of faith, the human condition, incarnation, sacrament, redemption, the struggle between good and evil, and sin and grace. A brief introduction to the author will be followed by a moderated conversation on the book and its insights on faith and life. Read the book and join the discussion . Date: March 12: The Sin Eater by Alice Thomas Ellis Time: 7-8:30p.m. Instructors: Joey Spencer, M.T.S., and Rod Treat Location: Chancery Office, “A” Building, 12300 East 91st Street, Broken Arrow Fee: Free Everyday Spirituality In the hectic lives we live with work, family and countless other demands, how can we maintain with all the daily distractions a sense of faith that we are in the world but not part of it? How do we stay connected between Sunday Mass and Sunday Mass with the One with whom we hope to spend eternity? This short course offers a number of suggestions and ways of staying “connected” with the Lord every day no matter how many pulls and tugs are made on our time. Day & Time: Thursday, March 26, 7:00-8:30pm. Instructor: Deacon John Donnelly, J.D.. Location: Aquinas Hall, Church of the Madalene PRE-REGISTRATION IS IMPORTANT! Contact us with this information to register for this class: name, address, zip code,home & work phone numbers, parish, class title and email address E-mail your registration to: [email protected] or call 307-4941 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Participating in Lent, we are engaging in patterns that have endured across the centuries. From very early times, we have the sense of accompanying the elect on their journey to the font. From as long ago as the fourth century, we receive Lent as forty days to shake the dust from our spirituality and reorder our conduct. Then, fasting was not seen as a strict duty, yet it seems it was widely observed. Think of the rules of politeness and courtesy that everyone agrees on. Fasting was also seen as a social duty, since food was in short supply as winter wore on, and the weak and the sick had the first claim on what remained at hand. As a boost to the fasting of the body, the church developed a richer spiritual fare, including celebration of the Eucharist every day. This practice began in Rome by the sixth century. Weekday Mass was only at designated “stations.” The pope would arrive on horseback at the stational church. In those days, although the catechumenate was already in eclipse, there were pre-baptismal activities at the stational Masses: the giving of the Lord’s Prayer, prayers for the godparents, and constant references to baptism. Rev. James Field Copyright J. S. Heaven is at present out of sight, but in due time, as snow melts and discovers what it lay upon, so will this visible creation fade away before those greater splendors which are behind it. John Henry Newman Year of Consecrated Life From the very beginning of the church men and women have set about following Christ with greater freedom and imitating Him more closely through the practice of evangelical counsels, each in their own way leading to a life dedicated to God. Decree on the Adaption and Renewal of Religious Life, Perfectae Caritatis, no. 1 Informaciones Generales Párroco: Rev. Timothy Davison Vicario: Rev. Juan Pablo Robles Asistente Pastoral: Pedro Méndez Oficina Parroquial:918-836-2596 Fax:836-2597 Rectoría:918-933-4272 Oficina de la Escuela 918-836-2165 Kinder 918-836-3114 Correo electrónico: [email protected] Sitio web: Misas en Español Martes a jueves: Domingo 7:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Confesiones Martes 4:00-5:00 p.m. Jueves 4:00-5:00 p.m. Media hora antes de cada Misa Adoración Martes 12:00 - 10:00 p.m. Jueves 12:00 – 10:00 p.m. Adoración toda la noche el primer viernes de cada mes. Preparación Pre-Matrimonial: Domingo, Salón de Conferencia, Oficina Parroquial 9:30-11:00 AM Llame a Miguel & Matilde de la Torre 933-4365 Clase Pre-Bautismal El primer y el tercer domingo del mes, Salón Madre Teresa, 12:30-2:30 PM. Quinceañeras Sábado, Salón Madre Teresa, 4:00-5:00 PM. Llame a Carolina Gutiérrez: 835-7617 Catecismo para Niños Martes- Preparación Sacramental 6-7:30 PM Miércoles- Clases De Educación Religiosa 6-7:30 PM RICA para Adultos (18 años +) Domingo 9:30 a.m.— 10:30 a.m. Krafft Hut Luis & Remedios Rivas 407-5095 Grupo de Oración Jueves, 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Krafft Hut Del Párroco: Hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Ya comenzó el cambio del tiempo. Ojala que todos recordaron de cambiar sus relojes. Me parece muy temprano cambiar los relojes este año. Sin embargo, estamos en la mitad de la temporada de Cuaresma. Hoy es el Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma. Rezo que todos todavía están cumpliendo sus resoluciones y que sus oraciones y sus sacrificios están produciendo fruto en sus vidas. Renovación del Convento Los Caballeros de Colon siguen trabajando en el convento. Hemos cambiado todos los vidrios y hemos instalado un sistema nuevo de aire. Los Caballeros han construido un baño nuevo y otra recamara. Vamos a pintar todo el convento afuera y adentro, y renovar los pisos y los gabinetes. Estoy muy agradecido por el trabajo hecho por los Caballeros y tambien estoy muy agradecido por las donaciones recibidas. Si alguien quiere ayudar con este proyecto favor mandarnos su cheque a nombre de San Pedro y San Pablo con “renovación del convento” en el memo. El Santuario de Sto. Toribio La construcción del Santuario sigue poco a poco. Pronto instalaremos el altar y los vidrios y comenzaremos trabajando en el interior. Todavía tenemos esperanzas de terminar el 21 de mayo pero todavía necesitamos mucho dinero. Pueden visitar a para donar. Seriamos muy agradecidos. También pueden mandar un cheque con Santuario de Sto. Toribio en el memo. Todavía hay la oportunidad de tener un ladrillo si done $1,000.00. Sugerencias para Mejorar Nuestra Parroquia Estoy solicitando sugerencias para mejorar nuestra vida parroquial. Quisiera ver el establecimiento de un Grupo de Jovenes en inglés de las familias que asisten a la Misa en latín pero necesitamos un voluntario para ser líder y organizador de este grupo. Tendría que ser entrenado en el Programa Virtus de la Diócesis y cumplir con otros requisitos. Ojala que alguien ofrecerá sus servicios. Quisiera también ver más hombres en el grupo de los Caballeros de Colon, empezar el programa de retiros de ACTS, la formación de un grupo de mujeres con miembros de toda la comunidad: hispanas, americanas, las del rito en latín y de la escuela. Quiero alguien para organizar una peregrinaje a Philadelphia para la visita del Papa y también alguien para organizar la marcha de Por la Vida el próximo enero. Quisiera ver más familias inscribiendo sus hijos en nuestra escuela y más personas ofreciendo ser voluntarios en el programa de catequismo. Espero el establecimiento de la Legión de María para evangelización directa en nuestro vecindario. Estas son unas pocas cosas que veo que pueden ayudar a mejorar nuestra vida parroquial. Favor avisarme si quiere ayudar con algo. DDF Necesitamos ayuda con nuestra campaña para recaudar fondos para el Fondo de Desarrollo Diocesano. Nuestra meta este año es $17,850 pero desde el 20 de febrero solamente hemos recaudado $9,9670. Necesitamos recaudar $8,883. Si todos dan un poco podremos alcanzar nuestra meta. Si todavía no ha donado favor hacerlo lo más pronto posible. Cambio del Horario de Misas A partir del Domingo de Pascua vamos a cambiar el horario un poquito. La Misa en español cambiara de las 11:00 am a las 12:30 pm y la Misa en latín cambiara a las 10:30 am. Las otras Misas no cambiaran. Favor no olviden que estamos ofreciendo otra Misa en español a las 7:30 am cada domingo. Gracias hermanos y hermanas por escuchar mis ideas y mis sueños. Mi sueño es de una parroquia con muchos feligreses activos que buscan el camino al cielo pero que también están conscientes de lo que deben hacer aquí en la tierra. No debemos perder las oportunidades que tenemos. Que su Cuaresma sea bendita. Sinceramente, Padre Timothy Davison Lectores, Monaguillos 8 de marzo Misa de las 11:00 AM Primera: Gaby Avelar Salmo: Noe Sánchez Segunda: Reyna Sánchez Oraciones: Norma Urquiza Monaguillos: Julio González, Fernando Muñoz, Miguel Moreno, Miguel Espinoza, Luis E. Muñoz, Jaime Gutiérrez Misa de las 6:00 PM Primera: Triny Carbajal Salmo: Lupita Velazco Segunda: Heriberto Velazco Oraciones: Norma Rodríguez Monaguillos: Alex Velazco, Christopher López, Miguel Moreno A partir de abril comenzaremos de nuevo a pagar la compañía que cuida nuestros terrenos. Necesitaremos su ayuda con este pago mensual. Si cada familia pagaría $50 tendríamos suficiente para toda la temporada. Mucha gente comenta en que bella se ve nuestra Iglesia con los jardines. Su ayuda seria muy agradecida. Favor hacer su cheque en nombre de San Pedro y San Pablo con “lawn care” en el memo. Si prefiere dar efectivo, favor ponerlo en un sobre con su nombre y “lawn care.” ! Gracias! Padre Tim Oraciones de Misa del Papa Francisco - marzo Universal: Que aquellos involucrados en investigaciones científicas servirán el bien estar del ser humano completo. Evangelización: Que las contribuciones sin igual de las mujeres siempre sean reconocidas. Taller de Tanatologia Este taller esta dirigido a personas que padecen de una enfermedad terminal, quienes sufren por la perdida de un ser querido, familiares de enfermos terminales. 918-307-4950, Oficina de la Chancillería, 12300 E. 91st St. S., Broken Arrow.
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