Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time –October 2, 2016
Fr. Patrick Reilley
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
302 South B Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005
Mass Schedule
Tuesday - Friday
8:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
Misa en Español
11:00 a.m.
Reflection from the Pastor:
The eighth promise that Our Lord made to St. Margaret Mary concerning
those who practiced devotion to the Sacred Heart was that, “Fervent souls
shall quickly mount to high perfection”. This is a continuation of the
previous promise that “Lukewarm souls shall become fervent”. The same
means that Our Lord gives lukewarm souls to become fervent are the same
means that He gives us to become even better once we are ready to become
holy. St. Teresa of Avila, for example, insisted in her writings that we never
lose sight of the importance of the sacraments and our basic prayers, even
once we start into advanced prayer like contemplation.
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Bulletin Bits from the Diocesan Stewardship Office
Stewarding our Gifts – Go in peace glorifying the Lord by your life.
Today's readings concern the recognition of God's gifts. The prophet Habakkuk
was told by God to have patience, those with faith would live. St. Paul tells Timothy
to recognize the gifts bestowed by the imposition of hands and to strengthen them
through faith. Jesus tells his disciples that with faith even trees would obey them.
Our faith in the Lord transforms our actions into works in the kingdom of God. The
love of God, poured into our open hearts, flows out to touch people around us and
enable them to glimpse the kingdom. May we allow the Lord's mercy to touch our
hearts and heal our wounds.
Tuesday - Friday
7:30 a.m.
Martes - Viernes
7:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 8:50 a.m.
302 South B Street
9:00 a.m. -3:30p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m.
[email protected]
312 South B Street
[email protected]
Tuesday, October 4
8:00 a.m. †Agnes Reese by Vicki Snowden
Wednesday, October 5
8:00 a.m. †Richard & Rosemary Almeter by Denny &
Jan MacLaughlin
Thursday, October 6
8:00 a.m. †Max Baker by Dave & Linda Hamilton
Friday, October 7
8:00 a.m. †Mr. & Mrs. Aloys Betzen by Bernie & Ida
Saturday, October 8
6:00 p.m. †Teresa Tsosie by Randall & Margaret Rippe
Sunday, October 9
9:00 a.m. Special Intention by Bonnie Smith
11:00 a.m. For the people of the Parish
Readings for the week of October 3, 2016
Gal 1:6-12
Ps 111:1b-2,78,9&10c
Ps 139:1b-3,1314ab,14c-15
Ps 117:1bc,2
Luke 10:25-37
Gal 1:13-24
Gal 2:1-2,7-14
Gal 3:1-5
Luke 11:5-13
Gal 3:7-14
Luke 1:69-70,7172,73-75
Ps 111:1b-2,3-4,5-6
Gal 3:22-29
Ps 105:2-3,4-5,6-7
Luke 11:27-28
2 Kings 5:14-17
Ps 98:1,2-3,3-4
Luke 17:11-19
Luke 10:38-42
Luke 11:1-4
Luke 11:15-26
Liturgical Ministers for October 8 & October 9
6:00 PM
Oct. 8 & 9
Joi Jay
9:00 AM
Sammi Webb
11:00 AM
Minister of Holy Communion –
Fr. Reilley
Jesus Varela
Maria Ramirez
Fernanda Gutierrez
Lynnette Kirkpatrick
Gaspar Lopez & Eva Juan Felipe
Ivan Mortero Family
Vera Krueger
Jack Blatchford
Thomas Prater
Jacob Montgomery
James Prater
Josh Montgomery
Curtis Bogner
Carlos Leyva
OFFERTORY Gerald & Lois Lobmeyer
Jamie Larson & Family
Amy Prater & Family
David & Dixie Givens
October Gift Counters
Justin & Krystle Byers
Church Cleaners of the Week
Brian & Trish Hedgecock, Nel Clark and Karen Pate
Flowers this weekend were donated by
Lupe Weide and Grace Lujan in loving
memory of their mother Teresa Tsosie.
October 1st: St. Therese of the
Child Jesus
Rogene Groene, Arky Reyez, Sherley Lopez, Tom
Lightsey, Bonnie Smith, Baylor Rolf, Karen
Adamson, Emme Antoine, Melody Hearne-Ralston,
Max Abrams, Jesus Osorio, Bob Pate, Jennifer
Mulkey, Nancy Langhrer, Maria De Jesus
Martinez, Scott Fields, David Miley, Gaye Manning, Julie
Toon, Summer Flowers-Davis, Allen Fuller, Elizabeth Rush,
Karen Hagar, Derek Breit, Brittany Richerson, Fred Rouch,
Natasha Herrell, Neil Jensen, Jean Strobel
Please notify the office when a name should be added
or removed from the list. (620-442-0566)
Collection September 25, 2016
October 4th: St. Francis of Assisi
October 5th: St. Faustina
Available on Parish
code: JJVHQR
Envelopes…………………..…....…………….. $8,189.00
Loose Cash……………...……………………..... $ 865.30
Votive Candles………………………………….. $ 70.00
TOTAL…………………………....................... $ 9,124.30
Budgeted……………………….…………………..$ 7,670.00
Above ...……………………………………………. $1,454.30
Confirmation and Middle School
Wednesday, Oct. 5th – 7 PM
Food: MacLaughlin, Medina, Mejia,
PSR-Grades 1-5 & First Communion Classes
Sunday – Oct. 9th – 10 AM
For non-Catholics
wanting to explore or join
the Catholic Church. The
first session will be on
Thursday, October 6th at 7
PM in the parish office (302 S B St.)
Adult Education: For Catholics who
want to learn more about their faith.
Prayer-Part 1 and the Catechism.
Starts Wednesday, October 5th, 7:008:00 PM in the school.
St. Vincent de Paul
“He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will
himself also call and not be heard.”
~Proverbs 21:13
Please consider joining us at our next meeting Thursday, October 6th at 6:00 PM in the school cafeteria.
The Fiat Discernment Retreat
Fiat Ministries is devoted to encouraging young women to
answer “yes” to the vocation to which God is calling them.
The Fiat Discernment Retreat is an opportunity for young
women to ask questions, pray, listen, and open their hearts
to the Lord’s will. Throughout this weekend of
discernment, participants will receive wisdom through
prayer, presentations by religious sisters, recreation, and
fellowship. Single women, age 17-26 who are seeking to
do God’s will, are invited to attend the upcoming Fiat
Discernment Retreat on December 16-18, 2016, at the
Spiritual Life Center. The cost of the retreat is $25 which
includes meals, lodging and materials. If you are interested
in attending or would like more information please contact
Emily Savage at [email protected].
Registration is now open online at Please
register by December 5, 2016.
Jan. 24-29, 2017
Prayerful Protest of the 44th
Anniversary of Roe V Wade.
Call the parish office if you are
interested in attending. Adult chaperones are needed.
Living Rosary, Tuesday, October 4th at
2:30 p.m. in the Church. All are
Coming Soon: Sacred Heart Catholic School, along with
the Knights of Columbus will be starting a WatchDOG
program. WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is an
innovative father involvement, educational initiative of the
National Center for Fathering. WatchDOGS are fathers,
grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures who volunteer
as official WATCH D.O.G.S. at school. During the day,
WatchDOGS may read and work on flash cards with
students, play at recess, eat lunch with students, watch the
school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow and
any other assigned activities where they actively engage with
not only their own students, but other students as well.
Help Wanted: Substitute teachers for the 2016-17 school
year. Qualifications: Virtus training, at least 60 hours of
college credit. Please contact Mrs. Larson or Mrs. Harmon in
the school office if you would like to be put on the list.
Volunteers Needed: Volunteers are needed in the lunch
room from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and in the classrooms
throughout the day. Please call the school office. 620-4426550
Knights of Columbus News
Our next meeting will be Monday, October
10that 7:30 p.m.
The Knights of Columbus will be
serving their annual Disaster
Relief Breakfast this Sunday,
October 2nd, 2016 following the 9:00 AM Mass. This fund
raising effort benefits victims of natural disasters here in our
local community. The menu will include pancakes, sausage,
ham & eggs. We will be accepting free-will donations. All
are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Attention: Knights of Columbus
Our annual Tootsie Roll Drive will be held Friday through
Sunday, October 7, 8 and 9, 2016.
The success of this year's drive will
again depend on all members
volunteering just two hours of their
time during that weekend. A sign-up sheet will be available
after mass this weekend and next weekend. Please stop by
and select a time when you can help. For more information,
please contact Dave Pankaskie at 620/441-0315. Everyone's
help is appreciated.
Turkey Dinner Ticket Sales will begin after
Mass on Oct 22 & 23, Oct 29 & 30, Nov 5 & 6. Adult
Ticket $10.00, Child Ticket $5.00 We ask that you pay for
the tickets at the time of purchase!
Meditación del Párroco:
La octava promesa de que el Señor hizo a Santa Margarita María respecto a los que se practica el culto al
Sagrado Corazón fue que, " Las almas fervorosas harán rápidos progresos en la perfección". Esta es una
continuación de la promesa anterior de que "Las almas tibias se volverán fervorosas”. Los mismos medios que
el Señor da a las almas tibias a ser fervientes son los mismos medios que Él nos da para ser aún mejor una vez
que están listos para ser santo. Santa Teresa de Jesús, por ejemplo, insiste en sus escritos que nunca perder de
vista la importancia de los sacramentos y nuestras oraciones básicas, incluso una vez que empezamos a orar en
una manera más avanzada como la contemplación.
Noticias de la Parroquia
Clases del Bautismo en español: Las clases prebautismales son obligatorios para todos los padres y
padrinos. La clase dura una hora y está en la oficina de la
parroquia (302 S B Street). Se celebra los bautismos en
español el último domingo del mes después de la misa en
La próxima clase será el 22 de octubre a las 7 pm
y Clases de Confirmación
miércoles, 5 de octubre– 7 PM
Comida: MacLaughlin, Medina,
Mejia, Mendez
PSR (grados del 1 al 5) y clases de primera comunión
domingo, 2 de octubre – 10 AM
"Aquellos quienes cierran sus oidos al
llamado de los pobres, también ellos
llamaran y no serán escuchados."
~ Proverbs 21:13
Nuestra próxima reunión será el 6 de octubre a las 6:00
PM en la cafetería de la escuela. Todos son bienvenidos.
Todos los domingos: a las 10:25 de la
mañana están invitados acompañar a rezar el
rosario en español antes de la misa de 11
Noticias de la Escuela Sagrado Corazón:
Necesitamos Voluntarios: Se necesitan voluntarios en la
cafetería de las 11:30 a.m. a las 12:30 p.m. y en los salones
de clases durante el día. Por favor llamen a la oficina de la
escuela: 620-442-6550
Formas para ayudar a la Escuela del Sagrado
Dillons: Ustedes tienen que
inscribirse por computadora. Tienen
que ir al internet a: y registrar su
tarjeta de Dillons ingresándola con nuestra escuela. Por
favor llamen a la oficina de la escuela si ustedes
necesitan ayuda.
Tapitas para la educación: Por favor revisen por las
"Tapitas en las pestañas de las cajas".
Muchas veces sus recibos tienen
puntos extra en las pestañas de los
productos impresos en ellas.
Country Mart. Los recibos del 1o. de septiembre al 24
de febrero de 2017, y las etiquetas con
los Codigos de barra UPC
Por favor envíelos a la oficina de la
Ésta es una excelente
película sobre las vidas de
Santa Clara y San
Francisco de Asís,
grabada en Italia por la
compañía italiana Lux
Vide, productora de Santa Rita, El Papa Juan Pablo II y San
Juan Bosco. Esta fantástica película es única entre todas las
que se han filmado acerca de la vida de San Francisco,
debido a su precisión histórica y a que muestra tanto el
auténtico espíritu de gozo y piedad que lo caracterizó, como
el gran papel que realizó Santa Clara, una figura con igual
importancia que a la de Francisco. Disponible en Código de la parroquia: JJVHQR