Friedrich Dürrenmatt El encargo

Friedrich Dürrenmatt
El encargo
Title: El encargo
Author: Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Format: Paperback
Language: Spanish
Pages: 96
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 8481301043
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6.8 MB
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Desde el momento en que F., una periodista de la televisión suiza, acepta El encargo de un
psiquiatra danés de indagar y reconstruir la misteriosa muerte de su mujer acaecida en un país
árabe, se ve atrapada en una red de intrigas internacionales en la que van a tomar parte la
policía marroquí, el servicio secreto y hasta un tranquilo filósofo, y en la que la identidad de F.
se va a ver progresivamente confundida con la de la mujer cuyo destino pretende rescatar.
Escrita con un poder devastador, una intensidad y una precisión inagotables, esta última obra
de Friedrich Dürrenmatt no es tan sólo una apasionante novela policíaca, sino que además
cuestiona, del modo irónico que siempre le ha caracterizado, nuestra absurda y en principio
insoportable existencia exponiendo la perversión y el miedo que subyace a la vida personal y
política del siglo XX.
Insightful reviews
John: Not perhaps a connection that many other readers of Durrenmatt might initially make but
it reads like a cross between Ballard and Brian Aldiss ('Report on Probability A' naturally) at
times. That's before it spins off into some filmic psychopathic violence towards the end. I read it
in the Picador white-spined edition and it sits very well with earlier favourites of that ilk/time
despite being later: Nik Cohn, Borges, Brautigan, Calvino, Hesse etc. The 24 single-line-chapter
conceit is effective and surprisingly unobtrusive. Is there a (independent, European, pretentious)
Alex: This book became tedious because of the style Durrenmatt chose to write in: each chapter
is only one sentence, even if the chapter itself is five pages. The premise is interesting, the plot
develops nicely, the commentary on war and the ubiquity of surveillance is sharp-- but it often
drags because of the contortions the author (or rather translator) has to make in order to avoid
"." Perhaps in the original German it reads better; I don't know. I wouldn't recommend it, but I
also wouldn't tell someone not to read it.
Adam: Exceptionally well paced and lively for post-modern existentialism. And a good blend of
intrigue, faux-philosophy, and cleverness--until the end when, of course, we're reminded that
there was never any chance that any of this could ever mean anything.
Helen: Ok, so i have not complete this but - approximately part manner via - yet this used to be
the single manner i may put up it !
Michael: I enjoyed so much of what Durrenmatt has written, yet his final paintings fails for me on
each level. whereas it really is attention-grabbing to learn a booklet written with simply twenty 4
sentences (one sentence consistent with chapter) this story of looking at combined with a few
part baked innovations on surveilance and the paintings of images and documentary does not
anything that make a enjoyable story or perhaps spark any deep options approximately it is
topic matter: surveilance, war, the palms trade, etc. which are extra everyday now in our
mystery executive Patriot Act country than they have been whilst this used to be written within
the past due eighties.If this evaluate turns out part baked and badly written then I defined The
task greater than i presumed I could.
Chilly SavageMelon: type of like post-modern Kafka, extra of an scan relatively novel, exploring
observation, paranoia, technology, fact and the way the 4 relate to at least one another. The
procedure takes a few being used to, as every one bankruptcy is basically just one long term on
sentence, however the paintings is brief enough, and the chapters, in addition to the e-book
itself, have flow.
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