No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, No matter what your current family or marital situation, No matter what your past or present situation, No matter what your personal history, age, background, race, etc., No matter what your own self image or self-esteem. You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at St. Colette Catholic Church! We are so happy to have you here! 3900 Meadow Drive, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Parish House: 847-394-8100 Fax: 847-394-8102 Website: Parish House Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sat. 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday - Closed MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Friday 6:30am (Liturgy of the Word) 8:00am Saturday 8:30am & 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am & 9:00am & 10:30am 12:00pm (Español) Reconciliation Saturday– After 8:30AM mass Page Two Mass Intentions for the week of October 26th– November 2nd -------------Intenciones del la Misa durante la semana Del 26 de octubre al 2 de noviembre Each Mass is offered for all the faithful, living and dead. The following are specifically remembered this week. SATURDAY– October 25th 8:30AM People of St. Colette 5:00PM Frank Miller, Esther Foropoulos SUNDAY– October 26th– Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka O.S.F., Joseph J. Brdecka, Erin Miller, James Stuerebaut, Eleanore Healy Joan M. Gray 9:00AM Danny Miller, Gregg Miller, Joseph Clark Jay, Daniel Moreno Sr., Daniel Moreno Jr., Thomas J. Joyce, Gloria Campbell, John & Marie Schoentag, Arnold Krueger, Mathias Mueller 10:30AM Eleanore Healy, Danuta Leonik, Barbara Lasso 12:00PM Emiliano Chavez, Yolanda Parada MONDAY - October 27th 8:00AM Thomas J. Joyce TUESDAY—October 28th, Saints Simon & Jude, Apostles– Feast 8:00AM Joseph & Estela Rossillo WEDNESDAY – October 29th 8:00AM Manuel Rossilo THURSDAY– October 30th 8:00AM People of St. Colette FRIDAY - October 31st 8:00AM People of St. Colette SATURDAY– November 1st, All Saints (Not a Holy Day of Obligation this year)- Solemnity 8:30AM People of St. Colette 5:00PM Frank Miller SUNDAY– November 2nd, The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) 7:30AM Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka O.S.F., Joseph J. Brdecka, Erin Miller, James Stuerebaut, Eleanore Healy Kathy Goldbeck Haut 9:00AM Danny Miller, Gregg Miller, Joseph Clark Jay, Thomas Sherman 10:30AM Eleanore Healy, Joseph Skowron, Barbara Lasso, Joan Cersani 12:00PM Emiliano Chavez, Yolanda Parada Tomasz Sarzynski & Elzbieta Augustyn Erik Smolen & Kelly Franzen Page Three WHAT RETURN CAN I MAKE TO THE LORD Eucharistic Adoration FOR ALL THE GOOD THINGS On the first Friday of each month at HE HAS GIVEN ME St. Colette Parish we have Adoration of the OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISCIPLESHIP These are two different ways of saying essentially the same thing. As Jesus put it at the end of last week’s gospel we are invited to return to God what is God’s. Making a return to the Lord for all the good things he has given me or taking advantage of the opportunities for discipleship are different ways of saying that we understand and believe and know that all the good things we have come from God. In recognizing understanding and believing this we are led to an attitude of thankfulness that really goes beyond words. As disciples we say in action as well as in words how thankful we are for the gifts of life, salvation, the Gospel, the presence of Jesus in our lives and all the other many blessings we enjoy. Today have an opportunity to see what we offer here at St. Colette by way of opportunities to be disciples of the Lord. We hope you find something or someone here that recognizes your gifts and draws you into a closer relationship with Jesus and serving him. If you do not find something here, but still believe that you have a call and you have gifts that the Lord can use, speak to Fr. Simpson and he will be happy to talk to about other possibilities. Thank You Thank you to everyone who came down to the Halpin Hall, this past Sunday to support Father Matthias. We were able to raise $1,114.00, for him to take back to Uganda. The raffle will take place this Sunday after 12:00 P.M. mass. Blessed Sacrament. In solidarity together let us visit the Lord in the Eucharist to love and adore Him. Adoration begins after 800 a.m. Mass and ends with Benediction at 5:45 p.m. It is held in the Chapel. This year is the Year of the Sacraments our Pope Francis has explained, “When we receive the Eucharist, we believe that we receive Jesus Christ into our lives. Although we read these words and agree with them, we may not fully realize their impact in our life. Whether we receive Holy Communion in the hand or on the tongue, something extraordinary happens. Jesus touches us, and we touch Jesus. In and through the sacramental sign, the divine, healing, and loving touch of Jesus takes hold of us It is like the intimate embrace of a mother and child or of two spouses who deeply love each other – but even more so. When Jesus touches us and we reach out to touch him, our contact with Him changes us entirely. We know ourselves as loved, healed, and united with him, and one another. His touch is our healing and communion.” When we come to Eucharistic Adoration we come to adore our Lord Jesus Christ. He is present and we can again communicate, adore, love and feel his deep love and presence in our life. When God finds a soul living in intense faith, He pours out His grace in abundance. Everyone is welcome to Eucharistic Adoration, bring your children, your parents, your friends. Page Four Pope Francis’ Tweets of the Week Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour next Sunday, November 2nd. Page Five ALL SOULS DAY All Souls Day is Coming Our Deceased Loved Ones Will be Celebrated On: Please donate any non-perishable food items for our Thanksgiving food pantry. We help over 20 local families with a huge box of food. All you need to do is donate just one item to help them. Bring your food to Halpin Hall for the Food Pantry workers to distribute. Thank you. Dominic Fiorito & Katie Robertson Sunday November 2nd at a 5:00PM Mass Everyone is Welcome We will honor those who have died in the past year. We ask you bring a memento of your loved one to this Mass. This may be a small photo, candle, etc…. We are building a shrine for your loved ones. The will be on display through the weekend of November 22nd & 23rd. So , please be a part of this celebration. Bring your mementos to Mass labeled with your NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER and place them on the shrine that is set up for them on Saturday October 25th & Sunday October 26th. All Parishioners are invited. Please remove the mementos by the weekend of November 22nd & 23rd which is the weekend before Thanksgiving. Page Six See What’s Happening at St. Colette this Week! Monday, October 27th No events today Tuesday, October 28th 7:30PM Lector Practice/CH Wednesday, October 29th 7:00PM Spanish Choir Practice/CH Thursday, October 30th 7:00PM Adult Choir Rehearsal/CH Friday, October 31st 5:30PM 6:00PM Bingo/HH Rosary-Holy Hour/CH Saturday, November 1st All Saints’ Day 10:00AM 10:00AM Junta de Padres sobre Reconciliacion/HH Share Faith Sunday, November 2nd All Souls’ Day 4:00PM 5:00PM 6:00PM FOCUS PREP 1&2 All Souls Day Mass FOCUS Small Group Collection for the Weekend of Oct. 19 2014 Colecta del fin de semana de Oct. 19 2014 Total Collection: $10,081.80 (Colecta Total) Total Attendance: 1028 (Asistencia Total) Thank you for your continued generosity May God bless you! Gracias por su generosidad continua. Dios los bendiga! Weekly Stewardship Reflection “Whoever sacrifices to any god, save to the Lord only, shall be utterly destroyed.” – Exodus 22:20 Do you put other “gods” before God? Is your love of money, power, status or some personal possession greater than your love for God? If so, you may want to pay attention to the scripture reading because you are not going to like the outcome. The good news – it’s not too late to put God first in your life. Second Collection Next Weekend Maintenance November 1st & 2nd Saturday 5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM Sunday 9:00AM Sunday 10:30AM Sunday 12:00PM Presider TBD TBD TBD TBD Fr. Eduardo Martinez Lectors Allegra & Huberty Shirmer & Berry I. & L. Vineyard B. Bansfield M. Lee R. Tjomas B. & L. Lovitsch M. & T. Loesch J. Simeon J. Healy C. Switchenberg C. Truskowski J. Kuhn Pamplona & Koehler M. Flanagan M. Barnes A. Reza S. Kuniven N. O’Connor L. Lota D. Nichols TBD Eucharistic Ministers DiBenedetto & Cavi E. Reading M. & T. Benson J. Leschman D. Kuforiji M. Bugiel J. Pierson Altar Servers D. Fecko M. Fecko D. Cavazos G. Ramirez J. Bolanos M. Toenjes M. Hamblin V. Petrov I. Nehf J. Arrroyo R. Quiroz P. Fiscu N. Bochenski TBD TBD Page Seven Weekly Reflection GOD'S WORD TODAY The first two readings today help us answer a question that might arise from the reading of the Gospel. In the Gospel Jesus sums up the whole of Jewish law and the prophets with two commandments: Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. If one asks, "How do I go about loving God and neighbor?" look no further than what is described in the first two readings. The book of Exodus issues directives dealing with the fair treatment of others. Saint Paul tells us simply to be imitators of the Lord. Our professed love for God and for others should be matched with action. We are called to place the needs of others before our own. This is obviously at the heart of Christian living. As the sacred word is proclaimed today let us ask for the strength to love God and neighbor more deeply. From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Company STEPPING OUT IN FAITH Can you stay with the Lord for one holy hour? We need adorers to be present with our Lord for one hour on each First Friday of the month. We especially need adorers in the afternoon hours. Please call Marge at 847-259-2048 or Gail at 847-366-3033. Hispanic Ministry The previously scheduled Dinner/Dance on November 15, 2014 has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience. TAMALES SALE This month’s Tamales Sale on October 11 & 12 was a great success. Total sold: $1,456 Expenses: $425.47 Profit: $1,030.53 50% donation to St. Colette Parish: $515.27 50% for the Hispanic Ministry: $515.26 Thanks to all of you who bought some tamales and a special thank you to our hardworking volunteers. We will be serving up our tasty tamales again on November 15 & 16. Holy Father’s Intentions for November 2014 General Intention Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others Mission Intention: Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and wellformed mentors. Please remember these intentions in your prayers, Ministry of Care If you are sick or recovering from an operation, the Ministry of Care at St. Colette would like to bring communion to you. Please call the Parish House at (847) 394-8100 to make an appointment.. Monthly Polish Mass Lector Ministry The Lectors will have practice every Tuesday at 7:30PM in the Church. Please contact Donnie Shirmer for any more information: 847-259-3410 or [email protected]. There will be a polish Mass October 26th at 2:15PM. All are invited to attend. Future dates and times of Polish Masses will be published in the bulletin. Page Eight Reflecion Semanal LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY Las primeras dos lecturas de hoy nos ayudan a contestar la pregunta que pudiera surgir al leer el Evangelio. Jesús, en el Evangelio de hoy, resume toda la ley judía y de los profetas en dos mandamientos: Amarás al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente, y amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. Si alguien pregunta: "¿Cómo debo amar a Dios y a mi prójimo?" no hay que buscar la respuesta en otro lado que en las dos primeras lecturas. El libro del Éxodo da directrices en cuanto a un comportamiento justo con los demás. San Pablo nos dice sencillamente que seamos imitadores del Señor. El amor que profesamos tener a Dios y a los demás debe estar igualado a nuestras acciones. Estamos llamados a poner las necesidades de los demás antes que las nuestras. Esto obviamente está al centro de nuestra vida cristiana. Al proclamarse la palabra sagrada de hoy oremos para que se nos conceda la fortaleza de amar a Dios y al prójimo más profundamente. Traducido de Saint Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor (c) J. S. Paluch Company VENTA DE TAMALES La venta de tamales del 11 de octubre y 12 fue un gran éxito. Total vendido $ 1,456 Gastos: $ 425.47 Ganancia: $ 1030.53 50% donación a St. Colette: $ 515.27 50% para el Ministerio Hispano: $ 515.26 Gracias a todos los que compraron unos tamales y un agradecimiento especial a nuestros voluntaries. Vamos a servir a nuestros sabrosos tamales de nuevo en Noviembre 15 y 16. ¿QUÉ DEBO HACER PARA VOLVERLE AL SEÑOR POR TODO LO QUE ME HA DADO? OPORTUNIDADES PARA EL DISCIPULADO Estas son dos formas distintas de decir esencialmente lo mismo. Como Jesús lo dijo al final del Evangelio de la semana pasada se nos invita a volver a Dios lo que es de Dios. Hacer algo para volverle al Señor por todas las cosas buenas que me o el aprovechamiento de las oportunidades para el discipulado son diferentes formas de decir que entendemos y creemos y sabemos que todas las cosas buenas han venido de Dios. En reconocimiento de entender y creer esto nos lleva a una actitud de agradecimiento que realmente va más allá de las palabras. Como discípulos que decimos en la acción, así como en palabras lo agradecidos que estamos por los dones de la vida, la salvación, el Evangelio, la presencia de Jesús en nuestras vidas y todas las otras bendiciones que disfrutamos. Hoy tiene la oportunidad de ver lo que ofrecemos aquí en St. Colette por medio de oportunidades para ser discípulos del Señor. Esperamos que encuentre algo o alguien aquí que reconoce sus dones y le dibuja dentro de una relación más cercana con Jesús y servirle. Si usted no encuentra algo aquí, pero todavía creo que usted tiene una llamada y tienes dones que el Señor puede usar, hable con el padre Simpson y él estará encantado de hablar de otras posibilidades. Gracias ¡Gracias a todos los que bajaron al Halpin Hall, el pasado domingo para apoyar el Padre Mathias. Pudimos recaudar $ 1,114.00, para que él tome de nuevo a Uganda. El sorteo se llevará a cabo este domingo después de 12:00PM Page Nine– Religious Education Attention Young Adults! Young Adult Ministry—Northwest Chicago is gathering young adults in their 20s and 30s for the following upcoming events. Come out and join us for a great time and meet other young adults in the area! Thursday, November 6 Feed My Starving Children (1072 National Parkway, Schaumburg, IL 60173) 8:00PM-9:30PM Please Register by 11/2 Come join YAM-NW as we volunteer at Feed My Starving Children in Schaumburg as we fight against childhood hunger. Register or search for our group at the Schaumburg Feed My Starving Children site under YAM-NW. After volunteering, we can go out for dinner and some fellowship. Prayer to St. Jude: Patron Saint of Hopeless Causes Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Intercede with God for me that He bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (make your request here) - and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen FOCUS TEEN NEWS FOCUS TEEN MINISTRIES: REMINDERS OCTOBER/NOVEMBER Sunday, Oct. 26th Pancake Breakfast/Burrito Lunch This is a Mission Trip Fund-raiser - the numbers are rising on those interested in the Mission Trip! Sunday Nov. 2nd 4:00 to 5:45 p.m. FOCUS Confirmation Prep 1 & 2 Classes - Meet in School Sunday Nov. 2nd 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm FOCUS Small Group Gathering - Meet in Halpin Hall - Please join us. Need more information, have questions, call Lori Brandt (708) 436-6147 Welcome to Online Giving! Sacraments/Sacramentos Baptism/Bau smos Introducing...GiveCentral! St. Colette Parish has begun accepting online donations through GiveCentral, our new online donation service. GiveCentral is a safe, secure, and paperless way to make your Sunday offertory and other contributions. It was designed specifically for Catholic churches and schools in the Chicago area, and many other parishes in our Diocese have already found success with it. The site allows you to make a one time or automatically repeating payments on a schedule that works best for you, using any credit card, debit card or electronic bank account. We believe that having a flexible online giving option will make it easier for many of you to support St. Colette. Visit our website at and click on the “GiveCentral” link or go to and take a couple minutes to set up your donations. Questions? Please call Darlene Bulak at the Parish Office at 847-394-8100. Downtown Mount Prospect 320 West Central Road Mount Prospect ~847-255-7800~ Weddings/Bodas Contact Parish House at least 6 months in advance for adequate planning. Hablar a la Casa Parroquial con seis meses de an cipacion para poder planear adecuadamente. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. GEORGE L. BENAS, DDS. For further information, please call the Parish Office. General Dentistry Conveniently Located at Central Road & Northwest Highway in In English—For registration and more information contact the Parish House 2 months in advance. En Español-Para registraciones y mas informacion llamar a la Casa Paroquial con dos meses de an cipacion. Parishioner 1919 Algonquin Rd. Rolling Meadows 394-3689 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA OVER 45 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FACILITIES ALL ON ONE LEVEL— CREMATION SERVICES Funeral Home 847-253-0224 512188 St Colette Church (B) William Haberichter • Melissa Nelson • Matthew Haberichter • Directors 3615 Kirchoff Road • Rolling Meadows For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 CENTRAL EYE CARE, LTD. AFFORDABLE HANDYMAN SERVICES Thinking of Selling or Buying Real Estate? Bell Tower Realty The experienced board certified Bev Hansen Eye Doctors & Surgeons 847-303-5555 • We Specialize in Small Jobs at Central Eye Care, Ltd. have been providing Parishioner since 1969 Family Owned and At Affordable Rates that Senior Discount Program advanced, compassionate, Operated by the Ahlgrim Family & prompt eye care We Tell You Up-Front Douglas R. Ahlgrim to the Arlington Heights David Brittany Owner & Director Osgood, M.D. & surrounding areas • You Name It We Can Do It!!! Badawi, M.D. Palatine for over a decade. Rehabilitation Services, 201 N. Northwest Hwy • EYE EXAMS • DRY/ITCHY EYES Contact Ed Lassota 847-358-7411 • SCHOOL EXAMS • CATARACT & CORNEA Short and Long Term Care (847) 275-3193 • GLAUCOMA • DIABETES and Alzheimer’s Services • MACULAR • PTERYGIUM PROTECTING SENIORS DEGENERATION 4225 Kirchoff Rd. NATIONWIDE Appointments Mon. thru Sat. PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... 224-735-2016 1614 West Central Rd., Arlington Hgts. Se Habla Español with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB *First Three Months R. BONO & SONS Carpets & Furniture Cleaning Specialists Sales • Installed • Repeated 10% PARISH MEMBER DISCOUNT PARISH MEMBER (847) 426-1900 1-800-750-2900 (847) 397-2400 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Rolling Meadows Suburban Independently Owned and Operated “Over 35 Years Experience” Mark Berberick Manager - Broker, CRB St. Colette School Graduate 1808 N. Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 Direct: (847) 385-3086 Fax: (847) 255-0492 Residence: (847) 392-9839 E-Mail: [email protected] Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas BREAKFAST • LUNCH Open Daily 6am-3pm 2905 Algonquin Rd., R.M. 847-577-5552 15% OFF ANY PURCHASE W/AD WWW.EGGLECTICCAFE.COM bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Carlos A. De León and Associates Advertising here helps your parish & your business. Abogados • Cierres De Compra Y De Casas • Divorcio • Bancarrota • Ley Penal 960 Rand Rd., Suite 219 • Des Plaines • 847-759-0088 Call Bob Hahn 800.566.6170 512188 St Colette Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Page Twelve PRAYER LIST Please remember the sick in our parish and keep them in your prayers. Por favor recuerden los enfermos de nuestra parroquia y manténgalos en sus oraciones. ************************ Brandt Apa Jade Cali Kayla Domonico Michael Gallaghar Jack & Lorraine Grady Linda Johnson Annie Joyce Mary Kedzie Gregg Gioulos Paul Launer Shirley Lewan Lucille McCafferty Barbara McIntyre Rita Olinake Jeanine Pickler Carolyn Skidmore James Stastny John Sulek Dionisia Tejeda Patty Villadonga Joseph Wieczorek Shirley Warden Don Di John Jason Frieders Rimo Loiotile Caarina Tassoni Carol Thompson Karen Peiss Bob Conway Maria Gonzalez Jacob Arroyo Dennis Beckman Cheryl Fascano Laura Couch Anthony Faflik Lucia Gonzalez Myra Garcia Charlene LeValley Sally Hedrick Matt Horvath Tom Johnson Gloria Huberty Jennifer Joyce Nicole Joyce Sherrie Kirmse John Krohn Christine & Dave Macoahluso Anne Lefevre Diane Moreno Tim Lock Ronald Lohn Daniel Krysh Carmen Barba Nicholas Mostardo Krista Motley Lawrence Parker Bob Placek Guadalupe Robles Lauren Kane Jack Skrzypek Jay Foropolous June Stastny Phyllis Harmon Gloria Tapling James Coleman Celeste Travino Cristeta R. Vega Maria Elena Vinaja Miguel Vinaja Bob Lamb Vita Caravello Walter J. Zaremba Louise Zimmer John Kuhn Francine McCann Debbie Weihe Carole Goehrke Emily Winterstein Roger Muelleer Jenifer Vinezeano Vendea Bowman Ralph Kappelman Mark Fava Nati Cervantes Dan Stoltz Karva Oats Johan Valdivia ************************* To appear on our Prayers For the Sick list, please notify the Parish House at (847) 394-8100. We try to revise our list every two weeks. Para que puedan ser anunciados en la lista de nuestras oraciones para los enfermos, por favor llamar a la Casa Parroquial al 847-394-8100. Nosotros tratamos de revisitar nuestra lista cada dos semanas. St. Colette Contact Information Parish House Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sat. 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday - Closed St. Colette Parish House—(847) 394-8100 Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Peter Galek ext. #105 Associate Pastor: Rev. Brian Simpson ext. #104 Weekend Assistants: Fr. Bob Borre and Fr. James Murphy Deacon: John Connor (Retired) ext. #140 Pedro Sedano ext. 142 Music Director: Michael Myers ext. #107 Financial Operations Manager: Mrs. Darlene Bulak ext. #103; [email protected] Secretary & Sacramental Records: Mr. Eduardo Guillen ext. #102; [email protected] Religious Education: Pam Kollman ext. #122 [email protected] Youth Minister-Focus: Lori Brandt ext. #121 *** St. Colette School - 3900 Pheasant Drive (847) 392-4098 Principal: Mrs. Valerie Zemko ext. #125 St. Colette has a Facebook Page. Be sure to like us to receive up to date information about events at the parish. Just search: St. Colette Catholic Church and press Like! Bulle n Deadline / Plazo del Boletín All articles must be dropped off at the Parish House or emailed to Eduardo Guillen at [email protected] by noon on Monday to appear in next Sunday’s Bulletin. Todos los artículos para el boletín deben ser dejados a la casa parroquial o enviárselo a Eduardo Guillen a [email protected] para el Lunes al mediodía para que aparezcan en el Boletín Dominical. Mass Intentions We encourage everyone to call or come in to the Parish House to request weekday Mass intentions for your loved ones! Visit or call the Parish House with all of your intentions at 847-394-8100 ext. 102
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