3900 Meadow Drive Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Website: www.stcole e.org Phone Number: (847) 394‐8100 Fax Number: (847) 394‐8102 Parish House Office Hours Mon. ‐ Fri. 9:00 AM ‐ 7:00 PM Sat. 9:00 AM ‐ 4:00 PM Sunday ‐ Closed MASS SCHEDULE Monday ‐ Friday 6:30am (Liturgy of the Word) 8:00am Saturday 8:30am & 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am & 9:00am & 10:30am 12:00pm (Español) Reconcilia on Saturday– 9:00AM STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Peter Galek ext. #105 Associate Pastor: Rev. Brian Simpson ext. #104 Weekend Assistants: Fr. Bob Borre and Fr. James Murphy Deacons: John Connor (Re red) ext. #140; Pedro Sedano (224) 678‐2281 Music Director: Mr. Michael Myers ext. #107 Financial Opera ons Manager: Mrs. Darlene Bulak ext. #103; [email protected] Secretary , Sacramental Records & Bulle n Editor: Mr. Eduardo Guillen ext. #102; [email protected] Religious Educa on– CRE: Mrs. Pam Kollman ext. #122 stcole e‐[email protected] Youth Minister‐FOCUS: Mrs. Lori Brandt ext. #121 *********** St. Cole e School ‐ 3900 Pheasant Drive (847) 392‐4098 Principal: Mrs. Valerie Zemko ext. #125 No ma er what your present status in the Catholic Church, No ma er what your current family or marital situa on, No ma er what your past or present situa on, No ma er what your personal history, age, background, race, etc., No ma er what your own self image or self‐esteem. You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at St. Cole e Catholic Church! We are so happy to have you here! Page Two Mass Intentions for the week of December 26th – January 3rd -------------Intenciones del la Misa durante la semana Del 26 de diciembre al 3 de enero Each Mass is offered for all Cada Misa se ofrece para the faithful, living and dead. todos los fieles vivos y The following are specifically muertos. Los siguientes son remembered this week. recordados específicamente esta semana. SATURDAY– December 26th: St. Stephen, The First Martyr-FEAST 8:30AM People of St. Colette 5:00PM Frank Miller, Mary Hobin Healy, Frank Miller, Marie E. Healy, Laurie Wenzel Kowaleski, Frank Tortorella SUNDAY– December 27th: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph– FEAST 7:30AM Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka O.S.F., Joseph J. Brdecka, Erin Miller, James Stuerebaut, June Smith 9:00AM Danny Miller Greg Miller, Joseph Clark Jay, Tom Carlson, Helen Golbeck 10:30AM Carl Fabian, Carolyn Groell, Barbara Lasso 12:00PM Silvia Valdivia MONDAY - December 28th: The Holy Innocents, Martyrs– FEAST 8:00AM Danuta Leonik, Dominic Masciola, Isabella Sczech TUESDAY– December 29th: Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord 8:00AM Marie & Ken Espey, Mary & Ted Loesch Sr., Tommy Loesch WEDNESDAY – December 30th: Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord 8:00AM People of St. Colette THURSDAY– December 31st: Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord 8:00AM People of St. Colette 5:00PM People of St. Colette FRIDAY - January 1st: Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 9:00AM People of St. Colette 10:30AM People of St. Colette 12:00PM Pueblo de Santa Colette SATURDAY– January 2nd: Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops & Doctors-OBL. 8:30AM People of St. Colette 5:00PM Frank Miller SUNDAY– January 3rd: The Epiphany of the Lord– FEAST 7:30AM Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka O.S.F., Joseph J. Brdecka, Michael Loesch 9:00AM People of St. Colette 10:30AM Barbara Lasso 12:00PM Pueblo de Santa Colette Mass Intentions We encourage everyone to call or come in to the Parish House to request Weekday Mass intentions for your loved ones! Visit or call the Parish House with all of your intentions at 847-394-8100 ext. 102. Ministry of Care If you are sick or recovering from an operation, the Ministry of Care at St. Colette would like to bring communion to you. Please call the Parish House at (847) 394-8100 to make an appointment. Page Three HAPPY NEW YEAR A fresh start, great promises and expectations, wonder at the possibilities and the potential surprises, so many things a new year can mean and bring. Whatever this New Year brings to you and your family, be assured of our prayers for another year of growing in your relationship with God and God’s abiding presence in your lives. Rev. Msgr Peter Galek, Rev. Brian Simpson and Staff Better Place for Your Money….. than the IRS. That better place is right here at St. Colette. The money you put in the collection is tax deductible and serves to provide the religious exercise we all enjoy under the First Amendment, and in particular at St. Colette, a first class Catholic education for our children. One way to ensure our free exercise of religion is to exercise our religion: attend Mass, receive the sacraments, ensure that the Gospel is proclaimed to our children, our families and our community. What better way to spend your money? FELIZ AÑO NUEVO Un nuevo comienzo, grandes promesas y expectativas, asombro ante las posibilidades y las posibles sorpresas, tantas cosas que un nuevo año puede significar y traer. Cualquiera cosa que este nuevo año traiga a usted y su familia, tengan la seguridad de nuestras oraciones por otro año de crecimiento en su relación con la presencia permanente de Dios y de Dios en sus vidas. Rev. Msgr Peter Galek, Rev. Brian Simpson and Staff Parish House Closing The Parish House Office will be closed on Friday January 1st in observance of Christmas Day Oficina de la Casa Parroquial Cerrada La Oficina de la Casa Parroquial estará cerrada el Viernes 1 de Enero por la Navidad. Official Pilgrimage Sites Vicariate I Lugares Oficiales de Peregrinacion Vicariato 1 NO Fir st Fr iday Ador ation will be held on Friday January 1st , 2016. Adoration will resume in February. First Friday Adoration St. Mary – Lake Forest Marytown – Libertyville St. Peter Damien – Bartlett St. Raphael the Archangel – Old Mill Creek St. Francis de Sales – Lake Zurich St. Peter – Volo Transfiguration – Wauconda Holy Father’s Intentions for January 2016 Intenciones del Santo Padre para Enero 2016 Universal Intention Interreligious Dialogue .That sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice. Intencion Universal Diálogo interreligioso.Que el diálogo sincero entre hombres y mujeres de diversas religiones, conlleve frutos de paz y justicia. Evangelization Intention Christian Unity. That by means of dialogue and fraternal charity and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions. Intencion por la Evangelización Unidad de los cristianos. Para que mediante el diálogo y la caridad fraterna, con la gracia del Espíritu Santo, se superen las divisiones entre los cristianos. Please remember these intentions in your prayers, especially when you pray the Rosary. Por favor, recuerde estas intenciones en sus oraciones, especialmente cuando rezas el Rosario. Page Four TWO WAYS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MARCH FOR LIFE The Palatine March for Life is going to Chicago! Sunday, January 17th , 2016 Don't worry about driving or parking. Relax and take the bus from St. Theresa Church! We have reserved comfy, restroomequipped buses for easy travel to and from the March for Life Chicago. Welcome all men, women and families Jump on the bus with us! Sunday, January 17, 2016 DEPART: St. Edna Parish, 2525 N. Arlington Heights Rd., Arlington Heights, IL. TIME: 12:00 noon, arrive back by 5:00 p.m. March for Life Chicago takes place from: 2 – 4 pm St. Theresa March for Life Chicago Bus Trip SCHEDULE 9:30 am - Check in at St. Theresa Church before special 10:00 Mass or 10:30 am - Check in at the Dolan Center of St. Theresa 11:00 am - FREE Hot dog lunch provided by K of C and Ladies Aux., Live music, and Ecumenical prayer. 12:00 pm - Buses load for March for Life Chicago in Federal Plaza. Life-affirming signs will be available to share the love of LIFE! 5:00 pm (appr ox.) - Arrive back at St. Theresa Church WHERE: 1.17 mile March from Federal Plaza, 50 West Adams Chicago, IL Bus transportation provided by Knights of Columbus, Holy Rosary Council #4483 Arlington Heights, IL. Serving St. Edna, St. James, and Our Lady of the Wayside of Arlington Heights & St. Colette’s of Rolling Meadows Register by 1-10-17 through your Parish Respect Life Coordinator or Parish House Office. FREE WILL DONATION FOR BUS ACCEPTED! Tickets: $5 for Individual or $20 for Whole Family Questions? Email: [email protected] To reserve your seat, register online at: www.givecentral.org/location/314/event/10386 by Thursday, January 7th. Or print a form to mail in at www.NorthWestFamiliesforLife.weebly.com Questions? Contact Maria Goldstein or Laura Vandercar at 847-651-4877 or email [email protected] Sponsored by the St. Theresa/St. Thomas Respect Life Team and NorthWest Families for Life Save your seats NOW for March for Life! Page Five Parish Ministries ¨ Art & Environment - Julie Vinezeano…………………………………….…………….........847-253-4382 ¨ Bulletin - Eduardo Guillen……………[email protected]………………….847-394-8100 ext. 102 ¨ Eucharistic Min .- Gail McCusker ………………………………………………………..847-366-3033 ¨ Lectors - Donnie Shirmer…………………….……………………………………………...847-259-3410 -Music Ministry - Michael Myers ……………[email protected]…....…………847-394-8100 ext. 107 ¨ Coordinador de Músicos - Nicolas Guadarrama………………………………………….847-707-1392 ¨ Sacristan - Marge Loesch……………………… ……..…………………………………...847-259-2048 ¨ Ushers - Len Vinyard…………………...………………………………………………......847-394-8100 ¨ Co-usher - Jeanine Herzeg…[email protected]…................................312-406-7105 ¨ Coordinador de Ujieres José Osuna ..……………………………………………..….........847-776-0443 ¨ Baptism Prep, Sweet Sixteen - Dc. Pedro Sedano………………………………………...224- 678-2281 ¨ Bautismos, Quinceaneras and Bodas Dc. Pedro Sedano………………………………….224- 678-2281 ¨ RCIA - Valerie Zemko….…………[email protected] ……...……....……….……….847-392-4098 ¨ Teen Ministry/FOCUS - Lori Brandt …..…[email protected]………………847-392-4098 ext. 121 ¨ Bereavement - Marge Loesch ..…………………………………………………………….847-259-2048 ¨ Funeral Luncheon - Nicolette O’Connor ..………………………………………………...847-381-1217 ¨ Min. of Care - Bonnie Meyer………………………………………………………….…...847-259-8496 ¨ Prayer Shawl Ministries - Bonnie Meyer…………………………………………………..847-259-8496 ¨ Chicago Food Dep. Produce Dist.-Mark Stastny…[email protected]…………….…..847-632-1630 ¨ Food Pantry - Marilee Alsip ………………………[email protected]……………….847-370-5229 ¨ Knights of Columbus Parish Rep.- Mark Stastny……[email protected]…………….......847-632-1630 ¨ Garden Ministry - Linda Kincl ……. ………………………………………………………847-253-7956 ¨ & Donna Chmielewski……………...…………... [email protected]……..….847-358-8705 ¨ Social Club - Kathy Hoyos…………………………[email protected]……..…....847-322-7123 ¨ Hospitality - Sherrie Kirmse………………………[email protected]…………………847-392-9804 ¨ Hispanic Committee - Emilio Trejo (Pr esident)………[email protected] ..………..847-414-4727 ¨ Parish Pastoral Council - Kathy Hoyos (Chair )………[email protected]……….847-322-7123 ¨ Religious Education - Pam Kollman ………[email protected]…….…..847-322-7123 December 31st: Solemnity of Mary , Mother of God 5:00PM Mass January 1st: Solemnity of Mary , Mother of God 9:00AM, 10:30AM Welcome to St. Colette! We’re so glad to have you with us. Whether you are returning to the faith, are new to our church or faith, or just haven't registered with us, we invite you to do so. Name:_____________________________________ Address:____________________________________ Enero 1: Solemnidad de Maria ,Madre de Dios 12:00PM (Español) WEEKLY PRAYER FOR THE VITALITY OF ST. COLETTE No Evening Prayer until January 21st. We encourage you to keep our parish in your prayers as we strive to keep you all in ours. God bless! ___________________________________________ Phone:___________________________________ Next time you attend Mass, please tear out this form and drop it into the collection baskets and we will send you a registration form! Thank you and God bless you! Page Six Monday, December 28th No Events Scheduled Tuesday, December 29th No Events Scheduled Wednesday, December 30th 7:00 PM Spanish Choir Practice/CH Thursday, December 31st New Year Mass Schedule page 5 of bulletin Friday, January 1st New Year Mass Schedule page 5 of bulletin Saturday, January 2nd No Events Scheduled Sunday, January 3rd 6:00PM FOCUS Small Group Due to an early bulletin deadline, there is no information as of now for the December 20th weekend collection. Debido a un plazo temprano para este boletín, no hay ninguna información sobre la colecta del fin de semana del 20 de diciembre. Second Collection Next Weekend/ Weekly Stewardship Reflection “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” (1 JOHN 3:1) During this season of giving, let us remember the most important gift we have received – being children of God. As God’s children, it’s important that we express our love for others as well. Tell your spouse, children and other family members and friends that you love them, frequently. Segunda Colecta Proximo Fin de Semana Maintenance/ Mantenimiento Reflexion Semanal de Corresponsibilidad "¡Fíjense qué gran amor nos ha dado el Padre, que se nos llame hijos de Dios! ¡Y lo somos!" (1 Juan 3:1) Durante esta temporada de dar, recordemos cual es el regalo más importante que hemos recibido - ser hijos de Dios. Como tal, es importante que expresemos nuestro amor por los demás también. Dígale a su pareja, hijos y otros familiares y amigos que los ama, con frecuencia Jan. 2nd & 3rd Saturday 5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM Sunday 9:00AM Sunday 10:30AM Sunday 12:00PM Presider TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Lectors Shirmer & Cormier Otano& Otano Cavi & Young Bares & Callaghan TBD Sacristan TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Eucharistic Ministers TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Altar Servers Julia Kosior Daniela Cavazos Armando Hernandez Alejandra Marron Barbara Martinez Izabela Konopka Marc Hamblin Isabel Nehf Annalisa Hernandez Richard Hernandez Jeremy Arrroyo Laisa Gutierrez Emily Otano Sabrina Otano Ashlynn Morris Nicholas Chirov Valerie Guerrero Nicolette Taylor TBD Page Seven Respect Life Daily Herald Ad The Catholic Parishes in Vicariate 1 are sponsoring a pro-life ad in the Daily Herald to mourn the 43rd anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, the lives of 56 million innocent babies have been lost. Please consider contributing $5.00(minimum) toward the cost of the ad. Sponsors have the option of listing their names in the ad or remaining anonymous. The ad will run on Sunday, January 17 and Friday January 22, 2016 in the first section of the newspaper. The Daily Herald distribution area includes: Cook, DuPage, Kane, McHenry and Lake Counties. Respect Life representatives will be available to accept your donations after masses on the weekends of December 26th & 27th. For those who would like to be a part of the annual 2 page ad in the Daily Herald supporting the Right to Life, please fill out, cut out and return this slip by Jan 3. ______I/We wish to contribute $___________($5.00 minimum) to help sponsor the annual Right to Life ad in the Daily Herald. Pick on of the following options ______I/We wish my/our name to appear in the ad. Name(s):_____________________________________________________________(Print in block letters) (Mr. & Mrs. format or last name followed by the word Family ie. Smith Family) OR _____ I/We do not wish my/our name to appear in the Daily Herald. If you have any questions, call the Parish House at 847-394-8100.Thank you for your support. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Jn 1:5 -- 2:2; Ps 124:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 2:13-18 Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 Thursday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Friday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Sunday: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Jn 1:5 -- 2:2; Sal 124 (123):2-5, 7b-8; Mt 2:13-18 Martes: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 5b-6; Lc 2:22-35 Miércoles: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Sal 96 (95):7-10; Lc 2:36-40 Jueves: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Sal 96 (95):1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Viernes: Nm 6:22-27; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gál 4:4-7; Lc 2:16-21 Sábado: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Domingo: Is 60:1-6; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Ef 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 Page Eight Weekly Reflection Today's Gospel gives us the only real glimpse we have into the life of the Holy Family during the childhood of Jesus. Here we see a family in crisis. A son is lost and frantic parents search and search until they finally find him. We hear these words from the mother of Jesus: "Son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been looking for you with great anxiety" (Luke 2:48). We can only imagine the distress felt by Mary and Joseph. Their love for their son brought them to their wits' end. Let us take the opportunity this day to ask the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph to intercede for us in times when our families experience anxiety and fear. When I was five years old my family was enjoying a summer outing at a nearby lake. Since I could not yet swim, I used a flotation device, an inflatable ducky with a hole in the center. I remember slipping the ducky over my head and, with it securely around my waist, floating around in the water. Nearby were some teenagers splashing and playing. Somehow, in an attempt to escape their splashing, I found myself completely upside down in the water. My legs were flailing above the water and I began to scream for help underwater. Within seconds I felt my legs lifted up out of the water. Once I stopped sputtering, I looked to see just who my rescuer was. Of course, it was my dad--my hero. He wrapped me--his shivering, skinny son--in a large towel and just hugged me on the shore. I often wonder if his anxiety at seeing me trapped underwater far exceeded the anxiety that I felt. Parents are some of the most remarkable people on this earth. Today we see Mary and Joseph as parents of a growing boy--the twelve-year-old Son of God. Today's parents probably simply nodded in understanding as the Gospel story of the finding of Jesus in the temple was told. Certainly my own mom and dad, who raised six of us, know the kind of anxiety felt by Mary and Joseph. This celebration of the Holy Family reminds us that in baptism we were adopted into God's holy family. God, our divine parent, must become frantic when we stray, when we become lost in sin. And, just like Mary and Joseph and my own dad, God runs to our rescue, calling us back into loving relationship. Let us be grateful for the love of parents and God's own love that knows no bounds. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Company Reflexión Semanal Cuando tenía cinco años mi familia estábamos disfrutando de un lindo pasadía veraniego cerca de un lago. Yo todavía no sabía nadar, y usaba un salvavidas, un patito inflado con un hoyo en el centro. Recuerdo cuando me insertaba en el patito por la cabeza, y con él muy seguro alrededor de la cintura, flotaba en el agua. Cerca había adolescentes que jugaban y se tiraban al agua. Sin quererlo, mientras trataba de escapar de sus chapoteos, me encontré completamente cabeza abajo. Mis piernas se agitaban encima del agua y comencé a gritar pidiendo ayuda debajo del agua. En unos segundos sentí que me sacaban del agua por las piernas. Una vez que terminé de chisporrotear, busqué para ver quién había sido mi rescatador. Po supuesto, fue mi papá -mi héroe. Me envolvió -su pobre hijo titiritando- en una gran toalla y en la orilla me abrazó. Con frecuencia me pregunto si su ansiedad de verme atrapado bajo el agua era mayor que la que yo sentí. Los padres están entre las personas más extraordinarias del mundo. Hoy vemos a María y a José como padres de un adolescente -el Hijo de Dios de doce años. Los padres de hoy probablemente asienten con la cabeza al comprender el relato del Evangelio de hoy con el encuentro de Jesús en el templo. Ciertamente mis propios padres, que criaron a seis de nosotros, conocen la ansiedad que María y José sintieron. Esta celebración de la Sagrada Familia nos recuerda que en el bautismo fuimos adoptados por la Sagrada Familia de Dios. Nuestro padre divino Dios, seguro que se siente ansioso cuando nos descarriamos, y nos perdemos en el pecado. Y al igual que María y José, y mi propio padre, Dios corre a rescatarnos, llamándonos a una relación amorosa. Demos gracias por el amor de nuestros padres y por el de Dios que no tiene límites. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Company Page Nine The family is the privileged setting where every person learns to give and receive love…. The family is an intermediate institution between individuals and society, and nothing can completely take its place….. The family is a necessary good for peoples, an indispensable foundation for society and a great and lifelong treasure for couples. It is a unique good for children, who are meant to be the fruit of the love, of the total and generous self-giving of their parents…… The family is also a school which enables men and women to grow to the full measure of their humanity…… ”O God, who in the Holy Family left us a perfect model of family life lived in faith and obedience to your will, help us to be examples of faith and love for your commandments.” (Pope Benedict XVI) CELEBRATING THE SEASON OF LOVE WITH TAKING IT TO THE STREETS The Teens and Adults packed up gift cards, fleece scarves and mittens, hand warmers, socks, lotions and chap sticks and took to the streets of Chicago, not only being Jesus to others, but seeing the face of Jesus in the homeless. Let us keep those in need and struggling in our prayers as we celebrate this Season of Christmas. REMINDER: FOCUS Small Group Gathering (6:00 to 8:00 pm) Sun. Jan. 3, 2016 MARK YOUR CALENDARS - FOCUS 2016 Upcoming Events DECEMBER 2015 Pads set-up for New Years (UCC Church) Thurs. Dec. 31,. 2015 Time TBA JANUARY 2016 FOCUS Small Group Gathering (6:00 to 8:00 pm) Sun. Jan. 3, 2016 Teen Mass (Sat. 5:00 Mass) Sat. Jan. 9th Confirmation Prep 2 Blessing (9:30 mtg 10:30 Mass) Sun. Jan. 10, 2016 FOCUS Confirmation Prep 1 & 2 Class (4:00 to 5:45)Sun. Jan.10, 2016 Pads Set Up Thurs. Jan 14, 2016 FOCUS Confirmation Prep 1 & 2 Class (4:00 to 5:45)Sun. Jan.17, 2016 FOCUS Open Gym/Game Night (7:00 to 8:30)TBA Ski Trip Fri. Jan. 29-30, 2016 Pancake Breakfast/Lunch Sun. Jan. 31, 2016 "The world must be educated to love Peace, to build it up and defend it." - Pope Paul VI, 1968 January 1 is the World Day of Peace! Welcome to Online Giving! Sacraments/Sacramentos Baptism/Bau smos Introducing...GiveCentral! St. Colette Parish has begun accepting online donations through GiveCentral, our new online donation service. GiveCentral is a safe, secure, and paperless way to make your Sunday offertory and other contributions. It was designed specifically for Catholic churches and schools in the Chicago area, and many other parishes in our Diocese have already found success with it. The site allows you to make a one time or automatically repeating payments on a schedule that works best for you, using any credit card, debit card or electronic bank account. We believe that having a flexible online giving option will make it easier for many of you to support St. Colette. Visit our website at www.stcolette.org and click on the “GiveCentral” link or go to www.GiveCentral.org and take a couple minutes to set up your donations. Questions? Please call Darlene Bulak at the Parish Office at 847-394-8100. In English—For registration and more information contact the Parish House 2 months in advance. En Español‐Para registraciones y mas infor‐ macion llamar a la Casa Paroquial con dos meses de an cipacion. Weddings/Bodas Contact Parish House at least 6 months in advance for adequate planning. Hablar a la Casa Parroquial con seis meses de an cipacion para poder planear adecuada‐ mente. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 1919 Algonquin Rd. Rolling Meadows General Dentistry 394-3689 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Carlos A. De León and Associates GEORGE L. BENAS, DDS. R. BONO & SONS Parishioner 860.399.1785 Abogados Carpets & Furniture Cleaning Specialists Sales • Installed • Repeated • Cierres De Compra Y De Casas 10% PARISH MEMBER DISCOUNT PARISH MEMBER • Divorcio • Bancarrota • Ley Penal (847) 426-1900 1-800-750-2900 960 Rand Rd., Suite 219 • Des Plaines • 847-759-0088 OVER 45 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FACILITIES ALL ON ONE LEVEL— CREMATION SERVICES Funeral Home 847-253-0224 512188 St Colette Church (B) William Haberichter • Melissa Nelson • Matthew Haberichter • Directors www.jspaluch.com 3615 Kirchoff Road • Rolling Meadows For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 AFFORDABLE HANDYMAN SERVICES • We Specialize in Small Jobs Family Owned and Operated by the Ahlgrim Family Douglas R. Ahlgrim At Affordable Rates that Palatine 201 N. Northwest Hwy 847-358-7411 TALK 847-394-9591 Rolling Meadows, IL $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH $50 OFF Humidifiers • Air Cleaners Service Call with ad. Not valid with any other offers. Boilers • Heat Pumps Water Heaters • Generators Suburban Independently Owned and Operated ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made “Over 35 Years Experience” Mark Berberick Manager - Broker, CRB St. Colette School Graduate 1808 N. Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 Direct: (847) 385-3086 Fax: (847) 255-0492 Residence: (847) 392-9839 E-Mail: [email protected] TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Dr. Alex Sanchez Conveniently Located at Central Downtown Mount Prospect Parishioner since 1969 Senior Discount Program www.winterscomfort.net ........... Road & Northwest Highway in For further information, please call the Parish Office. Bev Hansen 847-303-5555 Ventilation • Sheet Metal Family Owned Since 1987 24/7 HELP Bell Tower Realty Heating • Air Conditioning Contact Ed Lassota (847) 275-3193 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Thinking of Selling or Buying Real Estate? Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Heating & Cooling Energy Specialists • You Name It We Can Do It!!! www.ahlgrimffs.com ........... Meetings: Every Tuesday Evening at 7PM Where: 3501 Algonquin Rd. (2nd Floor) Rolling Meadows, Illinois Attire: Business Casual Ask for Mr. Jerry R. We Tell You Up-Front Owner & Director PUSH LEARN & EARN TO PROTECT YOUR FAMILY & FUTURE 320 West Central Road Mount Prospect ~847-255-7800~ Rehabilitation Services, Short and Long Term Care BREAKFAST • LUNCH Open Daily 6am-3pm and Alzheimer’s Services 2905 Algonquin Rd., R.M. www.FriedrichsFH.com (847) 637-0050 INTERNAL MEDICINE & GERIATRICS WELLNESS EXAM 847-577-5552 15% OFF ANY PURCHASE W/AD WWW.EGGLECTICCAFE.COM 4225 Kirchoff Rd. Rolling Meadows (847) 397-2400 637 E. GOLF RD. SUITE 209 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Call / Llamenos: 847-637-0050 www.alexsanchezmd.com The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! Since 1980 4 Generations of Plumbers Commercial & Residential Repairs & Remodeling Water Heaters - Disposals Sump Pumps - Rodding 847-253-9181 Tom Ryan Kevin Ryan IL. LIC. # PL16019 LIC. # 055-012918 We have a 2.75% Credit Card Convenience Fee ASK FOR THE PARISH DISCOUNT! ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS 55 YEARS OR OLDER! www.centralplumbingco.com 512188 St Colette Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Page Twelve PRAYER LIST Please remember the following people in our parish who are in need of your prayers. Por favor oren por estas personas en nuestra parroquia que necesitan sus oraciones. Brandt Apa Jacob Arroyo Dennis & Lynn Beckman Jade Cali Joseph Cali Cheryl Fascano Laura Couch Kayla Domonico John Faflik Lucia Gonzalez Myra Garcia James Leschman Jack & Lorraine Grady Sally Hedrick Matt Horvath Linda Johnson Gloria Huberty Richard Hoffman Annie Joyce Jennifer Joyce Nicole Joyce Mary Kedzie John Krohn Gregg Gioulos Christine & Dave Macoahluso Paul Launer Anne Lefevre Diane Moreno Shirley Lewan Tim Locke Ronald Lohn Daniel Krysh Carmen Barba Barbara McIntyre Nicholas Mostardo Krista Motley Rita Olinake Lawrence Parker Bob Placek Jeanine Pickler Guadalupe Robles Jack Skrzypek Jay Foropolous Johan Valdivia James Stastny June Stastny John Sulek James Coleman Dionisia Tejeda Celeste Travino Cristeta R. Vega Patty Villadonga Maria Elena Vinaja Miguel Vinaja Joseph Wieczorek Bob Lamb Vita Caravello Walter J. Zaremba Louise Zimmer Don Di John Jason Frieders Carole Goehrke Rimo Loiotile Emily Winterstein Roger Mueller Carina Tassoni Carol Thompson Vendea Bowman Karen Peiss Nati Cervantes Bob Conway Dan Stoltz Karva Oats Maria Gonzalez Frank Barsocci Angelo DelGiudice David Trevino Richard & Eleanor Kraemer Steve Golbeck Ursula Richards Fr. Bob Borre Henry Lerche Barbara Coleman Gwen Sabella Vinny Sabella Alena Sabella Aviana Sabella Ty & Diane Andrews Virginia Dailey Alex Valle Janyth Grady Elizabeth ‘Lizzy” Moreno Laverne LeBreck Karen Halla Rosario Narcoda Frank and Connie Plunkett Robert Diebold Judith Neumayer Barbara Joan Simek Casey Lipski Carol Davidsen Carol Locke Leslie Foster Brynn Klien Ted Chauvin Larry Curtin Marc Martell Audrey Jay Virginia Genschoreck Dave Hayden Margaret Gorder Becky Nerovich Cydney Muti Cheryl Gallo John Chlopeki Juan Hernandez Yolanda Reyes Mark Martell Leo & Kay Mukahern Delores Aniol Roberta Misiora Joan Zurita To appear on our Prayer List, please notify the Parish House at (847) 394-8100. We try to revise our list every two weeks. Para que puedan ser anunciados en la lista de nuestras oraciones por favor llamar a la Casa Parroquial al 847-394-8100. Nosotros tratamos de revisitar nuestra lista cada dos semanas. Bulle n Deadline / Plazo del Boletín All articles must be dropped off at the Parish House or emailed to Eduardo Guillen at [email protected] by noon on Monday to appear in next Sunday’s Bulletin. Todos los artículos para el boletín deben ser dejados a la casa parroquial o enviárselo a Eduardo Guillen a [email protected] para el Lunes al mediodía para que aparezcan en el Boletín Dominical. 3900 Meadow Drive Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Si o Web: www.stcole e.org Numero de Telefono (847) 394‐8100 Horario de Misa en Español Domingo ‐ 12:00PM Horarios en Español de la Oficina Parroquial Lunes a Viernes 9:00AM a 3:30PM Lunes, Jueves y Viernes 3:30PM a 7:00PM No importa cuál sea su situación actual en la Iglesia Católica, No importa su situacion familiar o matrimonial, No importa cuál sea su situación pasada o presente, No importa cuál sea su historia personal, edad, origen, raza, etc, No importa cuál sea su propia imagen o autoes ma ... Usted está invitado, acogidos, aceptados, amados y respetados en La Iglesia Católica St. Cole e! Estamos muy contentos de tenerte aquí!
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