ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH 4400 Beulah Road • N. Chesterfield, Virginia 23237 Phone: 804-275-7962 • Fax: 804-271-4604 Website: Diocesan Website: US Conference Catholic Bishops: PARISH OFFICE HOURS • HORAS DE OFICINA 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday • Lunes a Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - July 3, 2016 DECIMO CUARTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO – 3 de julio, 2016 PASTORAL STAFF PERSONAL PASTORAL Rev. Fr. Marlon Portillo Pastor x1121 Rev. Mr. Eric Broughton Deacon, 721-2019 Rev. Mr. Christopher Corrigan Deacon, 381-1058 Rev. Mr. Al Hallatt Deacon, 551-0746 Katharine Anderson, ext. 1115 (part-time/tiempo parcial) Coord. of Outreach;Justice & Peace Coordinadora de Relaciones Humana y Justicia & Paz Angy Corrigan, ext. 1117 “BEFORE ALL ELSE LIVE TOGETHER ONE IN HEART AND MIND AND HONOR GOD IN ONE ANOTHER” St. Augustine of Hippo • 430 A.D. St. Augustine Church • 1973 A.D. MASS SCHEDULE - HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 8:30* and 11:15* a.m. *Children’s Liturgy of the Word *Liturgia de la Palabra para Niños Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Coordinadora de Jóvenes y Ministerio de Jóvenes Adultos Wanda Alvarado, ext. 1110 Bilingual Administrative Assistant— Asistente Administrativa Bilingüe Minerva Vega, ext. 1111 Bilingual Administrative Assistant— Asistente Administrativa Bilingüe Sábado, 5:30 p.m. (Inglés) Domingo, 8:30* y 11:15* a.m. (Inglés) Domingo, 1:15* p.m. y 6:00* p.m. (Español) *Bilingual leaflets available • Folletos bilingües para todas las misas Daily Masses (see inside schedule) Misas Diarias (vea la progamación dentro del boletín) Caroline Honings, ext. 1112 Business Manager/Accountant/Notary Gerente de Oficina/Contador/Notario Parish Life Coordinator - Coordinadora de Vida Parroquial Sandra Chicas, ext. 1114 Bilingual Receptionist Recepcionista Bilingüe RECONCILIATION—CONFESIÓN: Saturday–Sábados 4:15 p.m.–5:00 p.m. BAPTISM AND MATRIMONY: Please call the Parish Office for arrangements. For weddings, a lead time of at least six to nine months is required in order that a proper preparation may be made for the celebration of the Sacrament. Craig Templeton, ext. 1125 BAUTIZOS Y MATRIMONIOS: Llame a la oficina para hacer los arreglos necesarios. Llame al menos de seis a nueve meses antes de la fecha deseada para comenzar la preparaciones necesarias de estos sacramentos. Joe Oatman, (804) 641-8419 Alvaro Maldonado, 237-4790 Parish Musicians - Músicos Parroquiales ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please approach the priest after each weekend Mass. If any parishioner is seriously ill at home or in the hospital, please call the Parish Office to arrange for Communion, Confession, or the Anointing of the Sick. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: Por favor hable con el sacerdote después de cada Misa del fin de semana. Si una persona perteneciente a la parroquia esta seriamente enferma, por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial para hacer los arreglos necesarios para la Comunión, Confesión y Sacramento de los Enfermos. NEW CATHOLIC PARISHIONERS–NUEVOS MIEMBROS CATOLICOS Please come to our NEW PARISHIONER WELCOMING AND REGISTRATION, normally held the third Sunday of each month. Come to our Poor Box Breakfast, immediately following the 8:30 a.m. Mass, after which you will be assisted through the registration process. Favor de venir a la Orientación e Inscripción Que normalmente es el tercer domingo del Mes después de la misa de 8:30 a.m. (en ingles) y después de las misas de 1:15 p.m. y 6:00 p.m. (en español). MISSION STATEMENT “The Mission of St. Augustine Church is to be a Parish Family Inspired by the Love of Jesus Christ, Celebrating the Goodness of Life, Bringing the Good News and Ministering to the Needs of All.” “La misión de la Iglesia deSan Agustín es la de ser una Parroquia inspirada por el Amor de Jesucristo, Celebrando lo Mejor de la Vida, Llevando Las Buenas Noticias y Atendiendo a las Necesidades de Todos.” (part-time/tiempo parcial) Coordinator of Maintenance Coordinador de Mantenimiento Vic Owen, (804) 425-7170 Finance Council Chairperson Presidente del Consejo Financiero ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DECIMO CUARTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Sunday, July 3 domingo, 3 de Julio 8:30am Mass Church 11:15am Mass Church 1:15pm Misa Church 6:00pm Misa Church Monday, July 4 lunes, 4 de Julio Independence Day / Office Closed Día de la Independencia / Oficina Cerrada 7:00pm Ensayo de Música (JPC) Aux. Bldg. Tuesday, July 5 martes, 5 de Julio 8:00am CARE-A-VAN Complex 8:30am Women’s Guild Rm 13/14 9:00am Daily Mass Chapel 9:30am Bible Study PC 1/2 6:30pm Girl Scouts Rm 10/11, 18/19 7:00pm Jóvenes Para Cristo Aux. Bldg. 7:00pm Spanish GED Classes Rm 16 7:00pm Grupo de Oración de Mujeres Chapel Wednesday, July 6 miércoles, 6 de Julio 9:00am Daily Mass Chapel 2:00pm Staff Meeting Conference Rm. 6:00pm Baptism Rehearsal Church, Commons 7:00pm Choir Church 7:00pm Jóvenes Para Cristo Hall & Kitchen Thursday, July 7 juéves, 7 de Julio 9:00am Daily Mass Chapel 6:45pm RCIA PC 1/2 7:00pm Misa y Adoración Church Friday, July 8 viernes, 8 de Julio 4:30pm Wedding Rehearsal Church 7:00pm Coro Latino Church 7:00pm Crecimiento Carismático Rm 9, 10/11 7:00pm Ensayo de Música JPC PC 1/2 7:00pm Festival Practice Hall 7:00pm Planificación Renovación Carismática Rm 18/19 7:00pm Spanish GED Classes Rm 16 Saturday, July 9 sábado, 9 de Julio 2:00pm Wedding (Zeh Glynn) Church 3:30pm Private Baptism Church 4:15pm Reconciliation Chapel 5:00pm Religious Education Sign-Up Rm 16, 17, 18/19 5:30pm Mass Church 7:00pm Renovación Carismática Hall Sunday, July 10 domingo, 10 de julio FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DECIMO QUINTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Second Collection - Building Fund Segunda Colecta—Fondos para el Edificio St. Augustine of Hippo Café—8:30am - 1:00pm 8:00am Religious Education Sign-Up Rm 16, 17, 18/19 8:30am Mass Church 9:00am La Escuelita de Español PC 1/2 11:15am Mass w/ Baptisms Church 1:15pm Misa Church 6:00pm Misa Church PARISHIONERS PLANNING TO MOVE OR CHANGE PARISH MEMBERSHIP... PLEASE NOTIFY THE PARISH OFFICE SO WE CAN UPDATE OUR PARISH DATA SYSTEM TO KEEP OUR RECORDS CURRENT. BULLETIN DEADLINE—Tuesdays by 12:00 noon...Please email Minerva Vega at [email protected] or call the parish office at 804 275-7962. Mass Intentions — Intenciones de Misa 5:30pm **** 8:30am Delores Mosby 11:15am **** 1:15pm Kevin Enrique Correas 6:00pm Carlos y Sonia Balanzategui (por la Salud) Tues. July 5 9:00am **** Wed. July 6 9:00am **** Thurs. July 7 9:00am **** Sat. July 9 5:30pm **** Sun. July 10 8:30am **** 11:15am **** 1:15pm Ana Cruz Campos (40 días de fallecida) y Erlinda Menjívar Orellana 6:00pm **** Sat. July 2 Sun. July 3 denotes deceased parishioners, family members and/or friends; denota feligreses fallecidos, miembros de la familia y/o amigos). Prayer For/Oremos Por Delores Mosley, Gary Fowler, Patricia Carmona, Maryanne Crostic, Felix Owens, Julius Quimpo, John Haddon, Cleaster Williams, Diane Stecher, Wally Boesch, John Skora, Eva & Ron Boyce, Maricar Davis, Corey Zavesky, Betty Darr, Steven Dice, Mel Cotter, Theresa Brown Kimbrell, Elizabeth Hedgepeth, Antonio Barraza, Silomena Orellana, Kwadwo Bawuah, Ron Hance, Oscar Trinidad Clemente, Jan Owen, Hans Weisstanner and Carol Belcher. To assist St. Augustine in administering to the sick we are asking your cooperation when submitting names for the Prayers of the Faithful and names to be added to the bulletin listing of the sick. The office staff will be requesting some details that will help determine the need for a clerical visit or assistance through a Eucharistic Minister for the homebound. The bulletin listing of the sick will be grouped bi-weekly so that we all can be aware of those newly added to the listing. The bulletin will maintain the listings for three months unless otherwise specified to be listed indefinitely. After three months names can be added once again if not otherwise listed as indefinite. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. Pastoral/prayer cards may be found in the Sacristy and the Commons CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE COUPLES THAT WERE MARRIED IN THE LORD IN THE MONTH OF JUNE AT ST. AUGUSTINE PARISH. Readings for the Week of July 3, 2016 Sunday: Is 66:10-14c/Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20/Gal 6:14-18/ Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 or 10:1-9 Monday: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22/Ps 145:2-9/ Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13/Ps 115:3-10/Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12/Ps 105:2-7/Mt 10:1-7 Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9/Ps 80:2-3, 15-16/Mt 10:7-15 Friday: Hos 14:2-10/Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17/Mt 10:16-23 Saturday: Is 6:1-8/Ps 93:1-2, 5/Mt 10:24-33 Next Sunday: Dt 30:10-14/Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37 or Ps 19:8-11/Col 1:15-20/Lk 10:25-37 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WORSHIP CHRISTIAN FORMATION Preparing for the Sunday readings Go to ENCOUNTER THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL Year Three: Equipping the Parish REFLECTION 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time "The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest." Can we be counted among the laborers? Are we ready and willing to work for the sake of our faith, or are we looking for the easy way out? Our faith is more than a personal experience. It's more than a routine that fits into our weekly schedule. Our faith is meant to be shared with others, even when that requires a bit of work on our part. In today's Gospel, Jesus calls his followers to "Go on your way," to prepare people for the Lord. And we are called to do the same. We are meant to go on our way-out of our homes, and even out of our churches-to share the good news of the Gospel and to serve those in need. It can be tempting to think, "I believe, I go to church, isn't that enough?" But Jesus tells us that there is an abundant harvest out there-countless people who may just need to know that Jesus loves them or that someone is willing to help. If we don't step up to the task then those people will miss out on that word of encouragement, that personal invitation to Mass, that act of kindness that might have made all the difference in their life. God may be calling some of us to an even deeper commitment-to be a lay minister in a parish or to discern a religious vocation, for example-but there is no doubt that God is calling all of us to labor for his kingdom in some way. This mission isn't for someone else. It's for us to carry out the work of the disciples because we are today's disciples. When we accept this mission, we will not only enjoy seeing the benefits that others receive, we will also rejoice with those whose "names are written in heaven." ©Liturgical Publications Inc. DEACON CORNER: (BY DEACON AL) In 1995 Pope John Paul II declared that the Church’s teaching on abortion "is unchanged and unchangeable. Therefore, by the authority which Christ conferred upon Peter and his successors . . . I declare that direct abortion, that is, abortion willed as an end or as a means, always constitutes a grave moral disorder, since it is the deliberate killing of an innocent human being. This doctrine is based upon the natural law and upon the written word of God, is transmitted by the Church’s tradition and taught by the ordinary and universal magisterium. No circumstance, no purpose, no law whatsoever can ever make licit an act which is intrinsically illicit, since it is contrary to the law of God which is written in every human heart, knowable by reason itself, and proclaimed by the Church" (Evangelium ). Fortunately, abortion, like all sins, is forgivable. Pope Francis said the Catholic Church must do more to minister to women who have had abortions. Pope Francis has not compromised the pro-life teachings of the Catholic Church or watered them down by saying they should be emphasized any less. He has, however, authorized priests to forgive the "sin of abortion" during this "Year of Mercy" which began in December. Year of Mercy: Forgiveness is a decision not a feeling. Baptism Parent Preparation Class Reminder: Summertime class (2-part) will be held on July 24 and July 31 (this is a slight change) from 12:15-2:15pm in PC 1-2 for Class 1 and PC 3 for Class 2. Please contact the Parish Office (Wanda Alvarado at Extension 1110) as soon as possible to register for this program. EveryWoman The EveryWoman book group will resume meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6:30pm beginning on September 7th. Please contact the office if you are interested. WINGS (Women In God’s Spirit) WINGS will resume on Wednesday September 7th at 9:45am in the church hall. More information on registration for the 2016 - 2017 year to come in a future bulletin. All women are welcome! Please contact Sharon Harrison at 804 - 683-7199. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Elementary Sunday L.I.F.E. (Living In Faith Everyday) Our faith learning is never over. Parents it is on your shoulders to continue the teachings of our faith, continue teaching them their prayers (pray together as a family) and to sign your children up for next year. Signups for next year are July 9th and 10th and July 23rd and 24th after all the Masses. Have a Great and Safe Summer and see you this Fall. “Barnyard Roundup” Vacation Bible School (VBS) VBS was a GREAT success!! There were around 50 children Mooving and Grooving all week, with over 25 volunteers helping the children MOOOVE from place to place. On Monday they learned that Jesus is the Good Shepherd, Jesus feds 5,000 people on Tuesday, Jesus told about a Sower of good seed on Wednesday, Thursday they learned about the Periodical Son, and Jesus appeared to Mary in the Garden on Friday. The children also learned Psalm 23 and made beautiful crafts and ate scrumptious food. A lot of fun was had Friday with a picnic, silly-string and water slide. The children brought in over $359.00 in pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for the Outreach Center to help feed the poor. What a GREAT job! None of this could happen without the Wonderful help from all the volunteers from St. Augustine and Beulah United Methodist churches. It was a Beautiful “God Sighting” to see both communities working and praising God together for the second year. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!! Children’s Liturgy “We need your help!” We now need many people to help with this very rewarding Ministry. It is a once a month commitment. You work in pairs and you do not have to go to another Mass. Training is provided and is very easy. Parents, teens, young adults why not go out with the children and see how easy it really is to share the Word with our children of St. Augustine. Contact the church office if you can help. INCOMING COLLEGE FRESHMAN Join us on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 from 6 PM- 9 PM at Saint Mary Church (Richmond), for a New College Student Reception. Come learn more about the Catholic Campus Ministry community present on the college campus you will attend in the fall. The reception will last from 6-9pm and will include Mass and Dinner. Students, come and meet your campus minister and connect with other members of the campus ministry community. Parents, come and learn more about how to prepare for the transition of sending your child to college. Registration will close on July 12. For more information, contact the Office for Evangelization at [email protected] or events/new-college-student-receptions/ to register. SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2016 JUSTICE & PEACE U. S. Catholic Conference of Bishops— Pax Christi USA Network—A Catholic leader in the global movement for justice and peace. Poor Box Breakfast THERE WILL BE NO POOR BOX BREAKFAST FOR THE SUMMER (JULY & AUGUST). WE WILL RESUME THE THIRD SUNDAY OF SEPTEMBER. Please step forward and offer a hand!!! Folks are needed for setting up and serving. Call Kathy Jones at 748-5587, 986-9627 or [email protected] FOOD PANTRY We are in constant in need of : Tuna Fish, Hamburger or Tuna Helper, canned vegetables (canned tomatoes, mixed vegetables, peas, carrots, lima beans, corn) and Syrup The following items that we are also in need of may be purchased at Dollar Tree: Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Detergent and Shampoo Thanks for all your continued support. Individual and Family Counseling is available at St. Augustine on Mondays with a counselor from Commonwealth Catholic Charities. Contact Ms. Rodriguez Perez at 804-285-5900 for an appointment. Fees are based on a sliding scale. Saint Augustine’s Military and Peace Corps Prayer List—If you know someone who is in the military or Peace Corps and would like us to pray for them, please call 804-751-8618 or email me at grandmatexasbell@ MEDICAL SERVICES BON SECOURS CARE-A-VAN—At St. Augustine Church on Tuesdays 8am - 4pm. Please arrive early to get an appointment. This service is offered only to those who do not have medical insurance. CROSS-OVER–CLINIC—108 Cowardin Avenue, Richmond, VA 23224 Telephone 233-5016 WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP Year to Date Sacrificial Offerings: 06/19/16 Sunday/Holy Day $ 12,338 $ 713,757 Building Fund 650 80,982 Total Sacrificial Offerings $ 12,988 $ 794,739 Year to Date Budget ……………………… 938,400 Over/(Under) Budget ………………………. $ (143,661) Included above: Not Included above: Peter's Pence $5, Catholic Virginian $50 WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP Year to Date Sacrificial Offerings: 06/26/16 Sunday/Holy Day $ 12,116 $ 725,873 Building Fund 115 81,097 Total Sacrificial Offerings $ 12,231 $ 806,970 Year to Date Budget ……………………… 956,800 Over/(Under) Budget ………………………. $ (149,830) Included above: Not Included above: Peter's Pence $35, Holy Land $5 PARISH LIFE THANK YOU , St. Augustine parishioners, for your awesome response to the Big Stone Gap clothing drive. Our goal was to fill the truck. You not only filled it, but you filled it to over flowing!! A large trailer was also filled. Thank you for cleaning your closets and asking family and friends to help. The folks in Big Stone Gap are going to be very grateful as their shelves are almost empty. Thanks to Dick Thackston who manned the truck all day Saturday and Sunday. A BIG thank you to IMS and John Bierowski for once again transporting our huge collection of clothes and linens!! HELP WANTED The Worship Committee is soliciting assistance in three ministries. Each of these ministries requires minimal volunteer time and will great add to our weekly liturgies. Worship Committee Member: Meetings are once a month of approximately two hours. The committee plans the needs for upcoming liturgies and ways to assist the St. Augustine Community in the reverence and importance of the liturgy. The committee is also responsible for the décor and decorations related to special feasts during the liturgical year. Liturgical Ministers: Training is on a requested basis. Ministers include Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Altar Servers and Mass Coordinators. Several masses are in need of ministers, especially the Sunday masses. All masses welcome our youth and families toassist as altar servers. Please complete a Liturgical Minister Card found in the commons or back of church and a member will contact you ASAP. Sacristan: There is a need to oversee the supplies and needs required for our liturgies. Many assist with altar server robes and the linens used during mass. The need is more to oversee supplies such as wine, candle oil, Eucharistic Hosts, etc. If you can assist with this ministry, please contact Deacon Al. Remembering The Sick: Each week we explicitly name thirty or more who have requested our prayers. Often the people improve with their illness yet remain as a part of the Prayers of the Faithful. There are situations where the person has passed away and yet remains as one of the sick. There are those who we should be praying for but the person elects to keep their illness personal and private. Overall management of the formal prayer for the sick as a part of the Prayers for the Faithful is difficult. Beginning in August we will continue to pray for all those who have asked our prayers with only mentioning those newly added during the previous two weeks. All others will be included in a general inclusion of “We pray for all those included on our sick list, especially for……..” We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. We are investigating the use of a “Special Intention Book” as a part of the Prayers of the Faithful. Please provide any feedback to the Worship committee via Deacon Al. Adult Confirmation If you are an adult Catholic desiring the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact the parish office for general information or look for formation registration opportunities July 9-10 and July 23-24 after Masses on those weekends. Interested in the Catholic Faith? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults process offers the opportunity to begin inquiry into the teachings and the practice of Catholicism. The program offers varied paths for individuals who are unbaptized, those baptized in another Christian faith tradition, or baptized Catholics who have limited upbringing in the Church. Questions are welcome, dialogue is encouraged, prayer and support are integral, and very individual spiritual journeys are the norm. Just curious? Just wondering? Really interested? A bit nervous? Married/ engaged to a Catholic and/or children in the faith and in need of information? Attending Mass (perhaps for years!) and feeling awkward in stepping forward? Know a little and thinking it’s all a bit mysterious? For further details, and registration, contact Mary Anne Fighera at 2756701 or Kathy Jones at 748-5587. PARROQUIA SAN AGUSTÍN Año de la Misericordia: El perdón es una decision, no un sentimiento. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ GRACIAS, queridos feligreses por su respuesta impresionante a la colecta de ropa Big Stone Gap. Nuestro objetivo era llenar el camión . ¡¡Usted no sólo lo llenó, pero que lo llenó hasta desbordarse!! Un remolque de tamaño grande también se llenó. Gracias por limpiar sus armarios y preguntar a sus amigos y familiares para que los ayudara. La gente en Big Stone Gap van a estar muy agradecidos, ya que sus estantes están casi vacíos. Gracias a Dick thackston quien estuvo en el camión todo el día sábado y domingo . Un gran agradecimiento a IMS y John Bierowski por una vez más transportar nuestra gran colección de ropa y ropa de cama !! LAS REGISTRACIONES LA EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA PARA EL AÑO 2016/2017 SE DARÁN A CABO EL 9, 10, 23 Y 24 DE JULIO DESPUÉS DE TODAS LAS MISAS. CAMBIOS DEL PERSONAL Debido a consideraciones financieras de la parroquia reducirá el personal de nuestro departamento de educación religiosa. Hemos tenido dos funcionarios a tiempo completo y a una persona DE tiempo parcial. A partir del 30 de junio tendremos dos personas a tiempo completo. Lamentablemente, esta decisión afecta a una persona que ha servido a nuestra parroquia muy bien. El último día de Fran Kuzma, la coordinadora del ministerio de jóvenes, será el 30 de junio. Agradecemos a Fran por su servicio dedicado a nuestra parroquia y a nuestros hijos. Le deseamos lo mejor y esperamos que continúe en su ministerio, en el coro y especialmente su don de compartir su música con nosotros como un cantor. Por favor únanse a nosotros en darle las gracias a Fran. Hemos contratado a alguien para la posición de Coordinadora de Educación Religiosa. Amanda Roberts empezaré a trabajar con nosotros en la parroquia el 1º de agosto. Tendremos más información acerca de Amanda en un futuro boletín. Estamos contentos de darle la bienvenida a Craig Templeton a nuestro personal de la parroquia como coordinador de mantenimiento de tiempo parcial . Craig trabajará tres días a la semana. El estará trabajando con Mike Costen quien ha dado su tiempo siendo voluntariado ayudando con el mantenimiento. Demos la bienvenida a Craig y gracias a Mike por su servicio continuo en la parroquia. El Festival Español de San Agustín está a la vuelta de la esquina. Este año el festival será desde el 11 de agosto hasta el 14 de agosto. Esto es un evento de la iglesia y la comunidad, y animamos a todos a tomar parte en este evento. Específicamente, necesitamos coordinadores y voluntarios para diversas tareas: cajeros, recaudadores de dinero, seguridad, estacionamiento, limpieza, coordinador de los vendedores, preparación de la comida, y personal para ayudar con información. ¡Necesitamos su ayuda! Habrá juegos, vendedores, y mucha comida latina y comida de tipo carnaval. Su participación es necesaria para hacer de este festival, un gran evento. Póngase en contacto con Wanda en la oficina al 804-275-7962 para ser voluntario y obtener más información. . A LOS FELIGRESES QUE TIENEN PLANES DE MUDARSE O CAMBIAR DE IGLESIA, POR FAVOR NOTIFIQUE A LA OFICINA DE LA PARROQUIA PARA QUE PODAMOS ACTUALIZAR NUESTRO SYSTEMA Y MANTENER NUESTROS REGISTROS AL DIA. GRACIAS. DESPENSA DE COMINDA Estamos en necesidad constant de: Atún, “Hamburger Helper”, “Tuna Helper”, jarabe para panqueque y vegetales enlatados - por ejemplo: tomates, vegetales mixtos, guisantes, zanahorias y maíz Los próximos artículos que necesitamos se pueden comprar en Dollar Tree: Cepillo de dientes, pasta de dientes, detergente y champú. Gracias por todo su apoyo continuo COMUNICACIÓN La venta de desayuno para ayudar a los pobres (Poor Box Breakfast) se celebra cada tercer domingo desde septiembre hasta junio. El Padre Marlon, desea tener la oportunidad de hablar con ustedes brevemente al final del desayuno, por un corto periodo de tiempo. Para facilitar esta discusión, el Padre los invita a someter preguntas o temas que usted le gustaría que él y el personal de la oficina conteste. Puedes hacer esto mandando un correo electrónico a [email protected] o usted puede poner su pedido en la caja marcada "Communication" en el vestíbulo de la iglesia. Nos ayudaría si usted también podría proporcionar su nombre e información de contacto para que podamos llamarlo si necesitamos una aclaración. El Closet de Ropa esta abierto los martes de 10am - 3pm y los jueves de 9am hasta las 12 del mediodía. SALUD Y BIENESTAR Servicios Médicos gratuitos BON SECOURS CARE-A-VAN Ofrece atención médica gratuita. Estas clínicas móviles vienen a la Iglesia San Agustín todos los martes de 10am. a 4pm. Debe llegar temprano para conseguir la cita médica. Este servicio médico solo es ofrecido a las personas que no tienen seguro médico. CROSS-OVER –CLINIC Ofrece atención médica gratuita. Debe hacer cita previa. Dirección: 108 Cowardin Avenue, Richmond, VA 23224 Teléfono 233-5016. Consejería Individual y Familiar está disponible en la Iglesia St. Augustine los lunes con una consejera de la oficina de Commonwealth Catholic Charities. Favor de llamar a la Sra. Rodriguez Perez al 804-285-5900 para hacer una cita. *El costo se basa en los ingresos de la persona DÉCIMO CUARTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Mass Intentions — Intenciones de Misa sábado, 2 de julio 5:30pm **** domingo, 3 de julio 8:30am Delores Mosby 11:15am **** 1:15pm Kevin Enrique Correas 6:00pm Carlos y Sonia Balanzategui (Por la salud) martes, 5 de julio 9:00am **** miércoles, 6 de julio 9:00am **** jueves, 7 de julio 9:00am **** sábado, 9 de julio 5:30pm **** domingo, 10 de julio 8:30am Delores Mosby 11:15am **** 1:15pm Ana Cruz Campos (40 días de fallecida) y Erlinda Menjívar Orellana 6:00pm **** ********************************************************** ENCUENTRE LA ALEGRÍA DEL EVANGELIO Año 3: Equipando la Parroquia REFLEXIONES 14º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario En el Evangelio de hoy Jesús invita a sus discípulos a trabajar en el demandante campo de la evangelización. Esta demanda es entendida muy bien por los inmigrantes que hacen su labor arduamente y la mayoría de las veces con dificultades en sus labores. Diariamente hay mucho trabajo en el campo pero pocos trabajadores comprometidos a hacerlo bien. Jesús lo describe así. "La cosecha es mucha y los trabajadores pocos. Rueguen, por tanto, al dueño de la mies que envíe trabajadores a sus campos". Rogar, pedir, llevar a cabo, con paga o sin paga los misioneros evangelizadores se mueven de un lugar a otro para levantar la cosecha y en cada nuevo campo seguir plantando la semilla del Reino de Dios. ¿Qué riesgos has encontrado al compartir el Evangelio a otros? ¿Cómo has experimentado el gozo del poder transformativo de Dios en tu vida? Dejar a Dios el cuidado moderador de cada uno para ser formados en su misión es un reto de todos los días. La última parte del Evangelio muestra los aspectos beneficiosos de un dificultoso trabajo. Los propios esfuerzos se notan y se ven situaciones nunca vistas de los discípulos. "Señor, hasta los demonios se nos someten en tu nombre". El gozo verdadero les viene del poder de Dios, por haber confiado al llamado de llevar a cabo la misión. Todos los bautizados que responden a la invitación de ir a trabajar en la viña nunca van solos. ¡Señor, envía operarios a tu mies! Así sea. ©Liturgical Publications Inc. 3 DE JULIO, 2016 Quiere celebrar sus Quince aquí en la Parroquia? Estos son los Requisitos: 1. 2. 3. Ser miembros inscritos de la parroquia (no menos de 6 meses) y que atiendan con regularidad a la misa Debe haber recibido los Sacramentos de Bautismo y Eucaristía. Debe estar participando en el programa de Educación Religiosa. RENOVACIÓN CARISMÁTICA Invitamos a toda la comunidad a la Asamblea que tenemos los sábados a las 7:00 pm. Ven y descubre el gran amor de Jesús. MINISTERIO DE JOVENES PARA CRISTO - JPC Dios esta levantado Jóvenes valientes y usándolos para sus propósitos...! Atiende al llamado que DIOS te hace Hoy!! ¡Recibe a Jesús en tu corazón, únete al Ministerio de Jóvenes para Cristo.! Ven y descubre el Amor de Dios desde tu Juventud. Nos reunimos todos los miércoles a las 7pm en el Salón Parroquial. Para más información hable con el coordinador del Ministerio Gustavo Pérez, LIBRERÍA PADRE RICARDO SEIDEL Los invitamos para que nos visiten en el local que se encuentra en nuestro Centro Pastoral y compren Biblias, libros, rosarios, estatuas, música cristiana y muchos artículos religiosos. Gracias por su colaboración Para su enriquecimiento espiritual...Invitamos a los feligreses que visiten la Biblioteca/Salón de Leer del nuestro Centro Pastoral durante las horas de la oficina 9:00am—4:00pm. COLECTA SEMANAL Hasta la Fecha 06/19/16 $ 12,338 $ 713,757 650 80,982 Total de Ofrendas Sacrificatorios $ 12,988 $ 794,739 Presupuesto hasta la fecha ……………………… 938,400 Presupuesto Positivo/ ………………………. $ (143,661) (Negativo) Ofrendas Sacrificatorios: Domingo/Día Sagrado Fondos para el Edificio Incluido arriba: No Incluido arriba: Colecta de Peter's Pence $5, Catholic Virginian (Periódico) $50 COLECTA SEMANAL Las lecturas de la semana del 3 de julio de 2016 Domingo: Is 66, 10-14/Sal 66, 1-7. 16. 20/Gal 6, 14-18/ Lc 10, 1-12. 17-20 o 10, 1-9 Lunes: Os 2, 16. 17-18. 21-22/Sal 145, 2-9/Mt 9, 18-26 Martes: Os 8, 4-7. 11-13/Sal 115, 3-10/Mt 9, 32-38 Miércoles: Os 10, 1-3. 7-8. 12/Sal 105, 2-7/Mt 10, 1-7 Jueves: Os 11, 1-4. 8-9/Sal 80, 2-3. 15-16/Mt 10, 7-15 Viernes: Os 14, 2-10/Sal 51, 3-4. 8-9. 12-14. 17/Mt 10, 16-23 Sábado: Is 6, 1-8/Sal 93, 1-2. 5/Mt 10, 24-33 Domingo siguiente: Dt 30, 10-14/Sal 69, 14. 17. 30-31. 33-34. 36-37 o Sal 19, 8-11/Col 1, 15-20/Lc 10, 25-37 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. Hasta La Fecha 06/26/16 $ 12,116 $ 725,873 115 81,097 Total de Ofrendas Sacrificatorios $ 12,231 $ 806,970 Presupuesto hasta la fecha ……………………… 956,800 Presupuesto Positivo/ ………………………. $ (149,830) (Negativo) Ofrendas Sacrificatorios: Domingo/Día Sagrado Fondos para el Edificio Incluido arriba: No Incluido arriba: Colecta de Peter's Pence $35, Tierra Santa $5
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