Mary, Mother of God Church Parish Office 157SouthTriangleRoad,HillsboroughNJ08844 Rev. Sean Broderick, Administrator Phone: 908‐874‐8220 Rev. Jack O’Kane, Parochial Vicar Fax: 908‐874‐4183 Deacon Christopher Conroy Web Site: Deacon James “Jake” McCormick E‐Mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon‐Fri 9:15AM‐12:30PM & 1:00PM‐4:15PM; Mon. Eve. 7PM‐9PM Religious Education Office Deacon Chris Conroy, 908‐874‐8604, [email protected] Pre‐School/Kindergarten Enrichment 908‐874‐8489 Director of Music Mr. Steve Kirbos, 908‐874‐8220, [email protected] Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Ms. Betty Buettner, 908‐359‐0144, [email protected] Prayer Line Ms. Helen Izzo, 908‐874‐0597 Mrs. Maria Stadtmueller, 908‐281‐5203 Parish Registration Please come in to the Parish Office during regular office hours. Communion Calls & Anointing for the Sick Please contact the office when someone is sick or shut‐in, even for a few weeks; Holy Communion will be brought to them in their home. Mass Schedule Weekends Saturday: 5:00PM, 6:30PM (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00 Noon Children’s Liturgy at the 10:30AM Mass, Sept‐June High School Youth Mass: As announced, Sept‐June Weekdays Monday: 7:30PM (with Miraculous Medal Novena) Tuesday through Saturday: 8:30AM Holy Days Eve 7:00PM, 7:00AM, 12:10PM, 7:00PM Adoration Friday 9:00AM through Sunday 10:00AM Penance Saturday 4:00PM or call the Rectory. Baptisms Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 1:30PM, or during the Noon Mass by special arrangement. Please call the Parish Office at least three weeks in advance to schedule Baptisms. Marriages Diocesan Policy requires that arrangements be made at least one year in advance. NOVEMBER 9, 2014 MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 7:30 PM JEREMIAH O’CONNOR r/o Wife, Mary TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2014 VETERANS DAY 8:30 AM MARY KISHNER r/o Mary Ann Vandermeer WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 8:30 AM ADIUG JAVIER r/o The Bernardo Family THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 8:30 AM MICHAEL CULLEN r/o Shelagh Cullen FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2014 8:30 AM PAUL LACKO r/o Curtis & Joyce Westover SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 8:30 AM MARIE AND JOHN MALONEY r/o The Gaughan Family 5:00 PM PATRICIA O’ROURKE r/o Ted & Regina Zamorski 6:30 PM EN ACCION DE GRACIAS 77 ANOS DE VIDA DE MARGARITA ORTEGA r/o Sorion Garcia SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Prv 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31 1 Thes 5: 1-6 Mt 25: 14-30 7:30 AM FOR THE PEOPLE 9:00 AM VITO JACK AND GENEVIEVE BITTNER r/o Barry & Karen Pelletteri 10:30 AM ALICE, CHARLES AND BENJAMIN LESSER r/o Loretta Lesser 12:00 NOON DOMENICA DE MASI r/o MMoG Altar Rosary Society …IN YOUR PRAYERS… Please keep all those listed above in your prayers, as well as all the deceased of our parish, especially Walter Bijaczyc, Sr., Elmer Blasi, and Hedwig Iwachiw. THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA CANDLES THE CANDLE IN THE MAIN CHURCH WILL BE LIT THIS WEEK IN MEMORY OF THE DECEASED OF THE PARISH. THE CANDLE IN THE CHAPEL WILL BE LIT FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH. PLEASE REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS: FR. GENE SCHELLBERG RALPH LOMBARDI SHEILA LASTBOURNE JOSEPHINE MARTENS PATRICIA LORENZETTI RALPH PENNACCHIO CLARE MASTRONARDI LUCILLE MAZZUCCO OSEI AMOAKA MICHAEL PAYNE GERALD O'LEARY LEE RAGHUNATH FR. JOE HOGAN JIM FULLING PETER DONATO BRUNETTA EDWARDS LUCY MUZZIPAPPA JENNIFER LAWTON NICHOLAS KALESCKY PAT BANCROFT MAUREEN GRABOWSKI JOAN FOWLER BETTY KIERNAN DOROTHY MORRIS BARBARA GURAL FERNANDO FONSECA THOMAS LESKOWSKI SONIA DAVENPORT MARIELLE C. MOORE ALEX ESOLDA TARA POWERS JAMES FITZPATRICK AMANDA WENDT BARBARA SCHEERER PAIGE ROMANO LINDA MAIORANA ELIZABETH MARINO CHRISTINE ESPOSITO MARTIN HENDERSON RAVI PERSAUD LORETTA PREUSTER GARY PIECH DAVID ECCLES ERNIE KAZAR RUSSELL WARDLOW IRENE WALSH MARTI & GUY SPENCER MARILYN SOLIMINE JANET MAIORANA ALYSSA RIBIERO OLDEMILIA GEORGE BRODY KASNOWSKI BILL GEORGE CATHERINE ZAPF THERESA PIZZANO DANNY GAUDREAU JUDY YOCHUM EILEEN COHEN DANIEL GUGUSKI JANICE BUTLER RICHARD HANN DAN SOLVITO PAULINE WINZINGER RUSSELL KORMANN SAMANTHA POWERS RALPH JOSEPH NOVI CIARRA HOUGH EDWARD DAVIS JACK DOLAN BEVERLEY SINGH BEATRICE LIGNORI MARYANN BAILEY DICK INGRAHAM ALEXANDRA & MARYJO STRICKET ANTHONY AND FRANCES PALOMBO PATTY AND TYLER BAVOSI MARGARET AND MICHAEL ADAMS THANK YOU The total of last week's collections were $8,736.00 for the Ordinary Sunday Collection, $2,942.00 for the Building Fund, and $1,027.00 for All Saints. Thank you very much for your continued support of our Parish family! Please remember that On-Line Giving is available. Please visit our website for details. Thank you! Happy Veterans Day Tuesday, November 11th Thank you to all who have served our Country. You remain in our prayers always. Religious Education News REMINDER: The 7th Grade Inscription Mass will be held on Tuesday, November 18th at 7:00pm. All 7th grade religious education students are required to attend with a parent. 7th grade students are not required to attend class 11/18, 11/19 or 11/20. MMOG THANKSGIVING FOOD PANTRY November’s Thanksgiving Food Pantry Collection will be held next weekend, November 15th and 16th. The pantry is in particular need of stuffing mix, instant potatoes, cranberry sauce, cake mix, and other traditional, non-perishable holiday foods. Please drop off non-perishable food items in Schellberg Hall by 1:00 pm. The Wishing Well will be available in the church entranceway for those interested in making a check or cash donation to this worthy cause. Soup Du Jour Weekend On Sat. and Sun, Nov. 15+16, The Rosary Altar Society is hosting their annual Soup Du Jour event in Schelberg Hall after all masses while soup lasts. All soups are home made and $10 per quart. There will be other food items to purchase: meatballs, sausage and peppers to name a few. Soup drop off is from 3pm to 5 pm on Saturday. Any questions, please call Ginni at 908-623-6793. All proceeds will go to our next project for the church: the renovation of Schelberg Hall's Kitchen. Soup Du Jour: It Ain't Just Soup! Soup Du Jour Container Pick-Up The Rosary Altar Society will be distributing soup containers for all that signed up to make soup on Tuesday night, Nov. 11 at 7pm in the Parish Center hallway. A reminder that the Soup Du Jour weekend is Nov 15 and 16. All soup must be dropped off on Saturday, Nov.15 between 3-5pm in Schelberg Hall. Please contact Linda if you have any questions. 908-359-3997 Toy Drive The Rosary Altar Society's annual Toy Drive for Christmas has begun. If you would love to donate a new and unwrapped toy, there are collection boxes in Schelberg Hall as well as in the Parish Center Hallway. Any toys for children ages 2 and up are appreciated. Thank you very much for your generosity. 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Life-Changing Faith Supportive local faith communities have proven essential in a veteran’s healing and reintegration into civilian life. The Apostolate for Military and Veteran Families provides parishes with the tools to become sources of encouragement for those who return from duty bearing physical, emotional and spiritual wounds. Thanks to your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, more parishes are becoming places where our military and veteran families are greeted with open arms and shown they are respected, cared for and welcome. To date, there have been pledges totaling $86,227.70 from 284 parishioners. This represents 39.2% of our $219,900.00 goal. Thank you to those who have contributed so far. Parish Registration Meeting Our next Parish Registration Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 23rd at 10:00 am in Schellberg Hall. All are welcome who would like to join our Parish, as well as those who have recently registered in the Parish Office. Light Refreshments will be served. Please call the Office at 908-8748220 if you have any questions. NJ Respect Life Raffle The 2014 RESPECT LIFE RAFFLE sponsored by the NEW JERSEY RIGHT TO LIFE drawing will be held on Friday, November 21, 2014 at the Holiday Inn, Somerset, N.J. Winners need not be present. Mary, Mother of God RIGHT TO LIFE ministry will be selling the raffle tickets the weekends of November 8-9 and November 15-16. Prizes include: 1st Prize- 2015 Volvo XC60 AWD – valued at $40,000. nd 2 Prize- $1,000.00 ShopRite Gift Certificate 3rd Prize- $750.00 ShopRite Gift Certificate 4th Prize- $500.00 ShopRite Gift Certificate PLAN ON VOLUNTEERING? VIRTUS TRAINING & FINGERPRINTING All volunteers who work with children are required to be fingerprinted and attend a Virtus Training session prior to volunteering. Our next Virtus Training will be held here at Mary, Mother of God in Schellberg Hall on Wednesday, November 19h at 7:00 pm. Fingerprinting forms and information is available from Maryann Hribik in the Parish Office. If you have any questions, please call her at 908874-8220. Thank you! AVISOS PARROQUIALES A los nuevos feligreses por favor registrarse visitando la Secretaria durante horas de oficina y/o asistir a la proxima reunion de Registracion Parroquial ofrecida en Español los ultimos sabados del mes, despues de misa FECHA DEL PROXIMO REGISTRO PARROQUIAL 29 de Noviembre DESPUES DE MISA INTENCIONES PARA LA MISA HISPANA Todo aquel que desea ofrecer una Misa por un familiar fallecido o vivo. registrarse con MARYANN, en la secretaria Parroquial, O AL FINAL DE MES CON MIRIAM EN LAS REGISTRACIONES PARROQUIALES BAUTISMO Tercer DOMINGO de cada mes a las 1:30 pm Requisitos: Participar de una charla pre-bautismal (a ser anunciada) Registrarse en la Parroquia Inscribirse para el Bautismo antes del primer domingo del mes. MAS INFORMES CON el SACERDOTE FECHA DEL PROXIMO BAUTISMO DOMINGO 16 de Noviembre Fecha Limite de Inscripcion 9 de Noviembre CONFESIONES Todos los sabados al final de la Misa Hispana o llamar a la Rectoria para una cita EDUCACION RELIGIOSA (CATECISMO) PARA NIÑOS – PRIMERA COMUNION/CONFESION Para mas informes Deacon Chris a [email protected] or (908) 874-8604 dejar mensaje si no contesta CATECISMO PARA ADULTOS / RCIA EN ESPAÑOL TODA PERSONA ADULTA QUE ESTE INTERESADA EN RECIBIR LOS SACRAMENTOS DE BAUTISMO, PRIMERA COMUNION Y/O. CONFIRMACION SE OFRECEN CLASES TODOS LOS JUEVES A LAS 7 PM EN EL SALON ABAJO DE LA CAPILLA MAS INFORMES CON LUIS GIL 908-642-4481 MAGDALENA ESPINOZA 732-356-5153 ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL Es un fin de semana designado para darle las parejas casadas la oportunidad de examinar sus vidas y ayudarles a comunicarse mejor. INFO ZAIRA Y OSCAR 908-642.6644 GRUPO CARISMATICO “MARIA TE INVITA A CONOCER A JESUS” TODOS LOS MARTES A LAS 7:00 PM EN LA CAPILLA DE LA IGLESIA GRUPO DE ORACION” LAS MIL AVE MARIA” PRIMER SABADO DE CADA MES DESDE LAS 8:30 AM EN EL SALON ABAJO DE LA CAPILLA DE LA IGLESIA LES ESPERAMOS!!! VISITAS DOMICILIARIAS A ENFERMOS Y ANCIANOS PARA RECIBIR EUCARISTIA Toda persona anciana o enferma que desee recibir la Eucaristia en sus hogares Sabados apartir de las 6:45 pm o los Domingos apartir de las 10:45 am GRACIAS! EL TOTAL DE LA COLECTA ORDINARIA DEL SABADO PASADO FUE DE $255.00 Y DEL FONDO P/ CONSTRUCCION PARROQUIAL FUE DE $256.00. MUCHAS GRACIAS POR SU CONTINUA AYUDA A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD PARROQUIAL CORO DE NIÑOS PARA CONCIERTO DE NAVIDAD Estamos buscando niños en edades de 8 a 12 años que deseen cantar para Navidad . Mas informes 718-938-7956 con Enrique MMOG LITURGIA PARA NIÑOS (DURANTE MISA) Desde: Fines de Noviembre Cuando: Todos los Sabados durante la misa 6:30 am Quienes: Niños de 4 a 10 años Consultas, por favor contactar SOLICITAMOS VOLUNTARIOS QUE QUIERAN COLABORAR CON ESTA ACTIVIDAD . Mas informes Miriam Balbiani [email protected] RESERVA LA FECHA DICIEMBRE- SAB 13/ DOM 14 FIESTA DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE MAS INFORMES PROX. BOLETIN EL MANANTIAL El Nuevo Periódico Católico en Español Para llegar a las personas Hispano/Latinas que viven y trabajan en nuestra diócesis, pero no pueden leer The Catholic Spirit, que está en inglés, el obispo Bootkoski ha aprobado la publicación de un periódico nuevo, totalmente en español. Este periódico, El Manantial, ya empezó a imprimirse enteramente en español. Va a ser publicado trimestralmente y tendrá una distribución a las parroquias con comunidades hispanas, así como otros lugares en nuestra diócesis. Proporcionará a los hispanos historias de fe así como también noticias de la diócesis y otros recursos en su propio idioma. Esperamos que ya hayan leído nuestra primera edición! El Manantial debe ser auto sostenible lo cual significa que no habrá ninguna subvención Diocesana y sin costo alguno para las copias distribuidas. El periódico debe ser apoyado únicamente por ingresos publicitarios. Esto no será posible sin su ayuda. Tenemos oportunidades de publicidad que ofrecen precios muy accesibles para mostrar anuncios y directorios. Si necesita información adicional, por favor llamar 732-562-1990, ext. 1410. Nan Kubian CELEBRACION DE LOS 50TH ANIVERSARIO DE ORDENACION SACERDOTAL DEL PADRE SEAN FECHA DOMINGO,12 DE JULIO, 2015 DETALLES MAS ADELANTE AYUDA A LA COMUNIDAD Asistencia Medica Asistida (M.A.P) El programa de Asistencia De Medicina del Somerset Mediccal Center RWJ se creo para ayudar a pacientes con necesidades y conecta a los pacientes sin seguro o insuficiencia de seguro con recursos adecuados y acceso a medicamentos accesibles MAS INFORMES Peggy Morore 908-595.2609 [email protected] Caridades Católicas Programa de Servicios deInmigración Este programa de la Diócesis de Metuchen busca ofrecer servicios legales de inmigración a bajo costo a las comunidades de Nueva Jersey. Las oficinas están localizadas en: Perth Amboy: 271 Smith St. 732-826-9160 (Lunes a Viernes de 9am a 5pm) New Brunswick : 56 Throop Ave. 732-214-8743 (Lunes a Jueves de 2pm a 8pm) Phillipsburg: 430 South Main St. 908-977-3731 (Lunes de 3pm a 8pm) Por favor contactar con la Sra Altagracia 908-939.1547 A FAMILIAS NECESITADAS PARA RECIBIR ASISTENCIA ESPIRITUAL Ofrecido por el Grupo Carismatico Por favor contactar con la Sra. Rocio Velazco 908-392.2756 PARA MAS INFORMES DE LA PARROQUIA EN ESPAÑOL POR FAVOR VISITAR NUESTRO SITIO EN LA WED Project Thanksgiving Basket Help Out a Neighbor You can make sure that a Hillsborough family in need has a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. It’s a grocery store Scavenger Hunt: ¾ Purchase your family favorites (Use List Below) ¾ Put items in a box or in double paper bags (heavy items on the bottom!) ¾ Bring to Schellberg Hall anytime Nov 8th thru Nov 16th ¾ ALL Thanksgiving “Baskets” Due by Sunday, Nov. 16th ¾ Call Christine 874-6489 to help transport to Social Services ¾ Provide as many Thanksgiving “Baskets” as you want Township will provide the turkeys Thanksgiving Basket Shopping List 1 box Breakfast cereal or Breakfast bars Large can Spaghetti Sauce OR 1 can Sweet Potatoes (20+ oz. can) 2 cans Meat/ Main Dish (such as Beef stew or Chili with meat or Tuna – 12+ oz.) 1 large can Fruit (20+ oz. can) 4 cans Vegetables (such as Green Beans, Peas, Corn… 14.5 oz cans) 1 can Cranberry Sauce 2 packages Macaroni & Cheese OR 1 box Instant Mashed Potatoes 1 Cake mix + Icing OR 1 Piecrust + Filling OR 1 Brownie mix 1 bag or box Stuffing Mix 1 lb. bag or box of Rice 3 cans Soup Optional: Coffee or Tea or Pasta
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