SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 2016 June 2016 Dear Friends in Christ, As we look to celebrate Father’s Day next week, we acknowledge their role in the family as one who helps create a loving and nurturing home life, providing tried and true lessons that will enrich their children. Throughout the Diocese of Paterson, our “fathers” – our priests – work to enrich the spiritual life of our parish families by preaching the Gospel and inviting all to the Eucharistic table where we experience Christ in the breaking of the bread. Such a responsibility is an honor and a joy for those of us in the priesthood. This coming Father’s Day, a very special collection is being taken up to support those men who are being educated at seminaries in our country and around the world and who will one day serve our own parishes. Just as with your support of our Bishop’s Annual Appeal, this collection will be used to help fund the cost of their formation. Your gift will be a wonderful show of support and encouragement to those men who are giving themselves to Christ and to his people. I ask that you please be as generous as possible in response to this Father’s Day Collection for seminarian education. Faithfully yours in Christ, Most Reverend Arthur J. Serratelli, S.T.D., S.S.L., D.D. Bishop of Paterson God bless, Fr. Herb TITHING May 29-June 4, 2016 Same Week Last Year: $13,887.00 $16,720.00 From the Pastor: Gift giving needs to be happy and full of love. So too with our tithe – we give a generous, sometimes even sacrificial share of our income joyfully to God because God is so generous to all of us. “For God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 Words of Tithing from the Pews: Tithing is a real act of faith for me! One thing I have learned about myself is that I never brought God into my finances. Handling finances is a very important part of my life, and I am glad that now God has become part of it in my decisions. Thank you for your sacrifice of Tithing! MASS ATTENDANCE Mass attendance for June 4/5: 1634 ELECTRONIC GIVING WITH FAITH DIRECT Did you know that next Monday, June 20 – the 1st day of summer – is National eGiving Day? I sure didn’t. But we can enjoy this special day because the response to eGiving is already growing here in our parish. Thank you. So let’s make this National eGiving Day Challenge. Can your family put church envelopes on a permanent summer vacation by switching to eGiving beginning this month? This is very timely especially in these summer months when many of us are away on vacation some weekends. These are the weekends when it’s more likely that our parish won’t receive our weekend offering. It’s just so easy to forget about making up our missed offerings when we get back home. This, of course, doesn’t help our parish financial situation. Now eGiving can change all that for us. When more families welcome summer by adopting eGiving as the way we support our parish every single week, even when we are away, our parish collections will be more consistent every week and every month. This makes it a little easier to do our parish work of spreading Christ’s message and love in the community more effectively. How can you and I do this? It’s very easy: Visit and use our church code NJ745 to conveniently sign up for eGiving now. Or call toll-free at 866-5078757 to join eGiving. Thank you so much for supporting our parish with your Time and your Talents as well as with your Treasure! Let’s enjoy the summer and stay close to our Lord at Mass every weekend, wherever we are, when we go away. God Bless You! Father Herb 1 SCRIPTURE READINGS JUNE 13-19 1 Kings 21: 1-16 Gospel: Matthew 5: 38-42 TUESDAY 1 Kings 21: 17-29 Gospel: Matthew 5: 43-48 WEDNESDAY 2 Kings 2: 1, 6-14 Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 THURSDAY Sirach 48: 1-14 Gospel: Matthew 6: 7-15 FRIDAY 2 Kings 11: 1-4, 9-18, 20 Gospel: Matthew 6: 19-23 SATURDAY 2 Chronicles 24: 17-25 Gospel: Matthew 6: 24-34 SUNDAY Zechariah 12: 10-11; 13: 1 Galatians 3: 26-29 Gospel: Luke 9: 18-24 MONDAY SANCTUARY LAMPS/FLOWERS You may have the Sanctuary Candles in the Church, Chapel or Adoration Chapel burn in memory of a loved one ($10.00 donation), roses at the Tabernacle ($10.00 donation), or flowers at the altar ($50.00 Donation). Please call or stop into the rectory office. June 12-18, 2016 Sanctuary Lamp in the Church is for People of the Parish Sanctuary Lamp in Mary’s Daily Chapel is for the Special Intention for Noah Lorencovitz Sanctuary Lamps in the Adoration Chapel are for Gregory Loff, Charles Hathaway, Richard Locilento, In Thanksgiving Tabernacle Roses in the Church: Betty Birilli MARTHA MINISTRY FRIDAY, JUNE 17 – TEAM 3 Anne Monahan, Claudette Pavel, Carole Wilkes, Daphne Pucilowski MASSTIMES.ORG When you go on vacation this summer or anytime, don’t leave God behind. Go to , put in an address or zip code and you will come up with a list of Churches in that area and their mass schedule. PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW FOR SUSPICION ABOUT SEXUAL ABUSE “If any person may have been abused by any priest they should immediately contact their local County Prosecutor’s Office and the Diocese’s Victims Assistance Coordinator: Peggy Zanello at 973879-1489. You may also be in touch with either of the Diocesan Response Officers: Rev. Msgr. James T. Mahoney, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, 973-777-8818 Ext 205 or Sister Joan Daniel Healy, S.C.C., Chancellor/Delegate for Religious, 973-7778818 Ext. 248. The entire text of the Policy of the Diocese of Paterson in Response to Complaints of Sexual Abuse is available on the diocesan Web site:” “Si usted o algiuen que usted conozca ha sido abusado por un sacerdote deben de llamar de inmediato a la oficina del Procurador General de su comunidad y a la Coordinadora para Asistencia de Victimas de la Diócesis: Peggy Zanello at 973879-1489. También deben de llamar a la Diócesis y hablar con el Rev. Monseñor James T. Mahoney, Vicario General y Moderador de la Curia al número 973-777-8818 ext 205 o a la Hermana Joan Daniel Healy, S.C.C., Canciller/Delegada Religiosa al número 973-777-8818 ext. 248. El texto completo de la poliza de la Diócesis de Paterson referiendo a Reclamos de Abuso Sexual esta disponible en la página web:” MASS INTENTIONS FOR JUNE 13-19 MONDAY, June 13-St. Anthony of Padua, Priest & Doctor of The Church 6:45AM – Gottler Family, Regina Reardon 8:00AM – Anthony Riccio, Anthony & Marie Perrone, Special Intention for Elsie Corchado TUESDAY, June 14 6:45AM – Marlitta Loges, People of the Parish 8:00AM – Clem Berzinski, Jr., Anne Kopki, Jimmy Walshe WEDNESDAY, June 15 6:45AM – Robert J. Torre 8:00AM – Ashley Cistaro, Hugh Nolan, Lucy O’Brien THURSDAY, June 16 6:45AM – Thomas P. Walsh, Robert Portada, Paul Cheriathnnaathil 8:00AM – Rosemary D’Aries (13th Anniv.), Luz & Michael Ramirez, Catalino & Saturnia Navea FRIDAY, June 17 6:45AM – Sylvia S. Mainenti 8:00AM – Carol Christie, Robert F. Foley SATURDAY, June 18 8:00AM – Inge E. Pietropaolo, Frank Marino, Edward J. Tuite 5:30PM – Special Intention for All Fathers 7:00PM – Special Intention for All Fathers SUNDAY, June 19 -12th Sunday in Ordinary Time–Father’s Day 7:30 AM – Special Intention for All Fathers 9:00 AM – Special Intention for All Fathers 10:30 AM – Special Intention for All Fathers 12:00 PM – Special Intention for All Fathers 7:00 PM – Special Intention for All Fathers WE NEED ADORERS - HOW ABOUT YOU? PLEASE COME TO BE WITH JESUS “Come and See” John 1:39. “Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament has His hands full of graces and He is ready to bestow them on anyone who asks for them” St. Peter of Alcantara. The following hours need adorers: Sunday – 5:00 PM, Monday – 5:00 PM, Thursday – 4:00 PM and very early morning hours. Please call Kim Arminio at 973-402-1289 if you can help. A CATHOLIC CHARITIES THANK YOU! I attended the last Mass of the day in my own parish on the Feast of Corpus Christi, May 29. A smile came to my face as I walked through the vestibule to my pew and saw bag upon bag of pasta and sauces (my parish’s assigned food) lined up two feet high along the vestibule walls. I smiled a second time and a bit longer as this phrase was read in the Gospel, “feed them yourselves”. My smile lasted for the time it took me to again picture our church vestibule with all that food and to imagine similar pictures in the over 80 parishes across our Diocese doing the same thing. On the Feast of Corpus Christi each year, we not only hear Jesus say “feed them yourselves”, we do it in this very concrete way. You help Catholic Charities feed almost 9,000 hungry persons (1/3 of them children) each month at our four pantries plus countless more people who are helped by the 40 plus pantries operated by parishes (our parish Food Pantry is one of them.). Thank you so much!!! Joseph F. Duffy, President of Catholic Charities SAINT PETER’S GOLDEN AGE-JUNE 20 TRIP TO THE SANDS JUNE 30 Saint Peter’s Golden Age will meet at the Community Center on Monday, June 20 at 11:00 AM – All are welcome! There will be a trip to the Sands in Pennsylvania on June 30th. Bus will leave from Saint Peter’s at 9 AM. Call Joe and Jackie at 973-335-1209 for more information. THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH JUNE 12-18, 2016 SUNDAY, JUNE 12th Youth to Speak at All Masses about West Virginia 3:00PM – Padre Pio Prayer Group - Chapel 5:30PM – Bingo – Parish Center MONDAY, JUNE 13th 10:30AM – Troy Hills Nursing Home Mass 5:30PM – Staff Picnic - Rectory 7:30PM – S.I.N.E. – 7th Grade Classroom – School 8:00PM – Playgroup Clean-up – Church Hall TUESDAY, JUNE 14th 10:00AM – Peanuts Play Group – Church Hall 1:00PM – Bingo Volunteer Dinner Set-up – Church Hall 5:30PM – Rosary Executive Board Meeting 6:00PM – Bingo Volunteer Dinner – Church Hall WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th 10:00AM – ASA Liturgy – Church – Last Day of School 7:00PM – Boy Scout Troop #72 – Cafeteria 7:30PM – Spanish Bible Class – 7th Grade Classroom 7:30PM – Adult Bible Sharing – Church Hall THURSDAY, JUNE 16th 6:30PM – Food Pantry - School 7:30PM – Spanish Choir – Chapel 7:30PM – Book Club – Church Hall 8:30PM – Men’s Basketball – Parish Center FRIDAY, JUNE 17th 11:00AM – Care One Mass 6:00PM – Begin Again – Church Hall 6:30PM – Boy Scout Information Meeting – Parish Center 7:30PM – Spanish Prayer Group – Chapel SATURDAY, JUNE 18th 9:30AM – SSC Associates – Church Hall 4:00PM – Confessions – Church 4:30PM – Spanish Baptism Preparation Class – Church Hall 5:30PM – Food Pantry Collection – Narthex 5:30PM – Blessing of Expectant Parents - Church 7:30PM – AA – Church Hall 8:00PM – Indian Sports – Parish Center For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven… …a time to born …a time to die Franjo Baracevic, Robert Miceli, Julio Meras, Donald Mercado, Maude Murch …a time to heal Fr. William Santeliz, Fr. Leo Carey, Fr. Ron Sordillo, Joan Franke, Noah Lorencovitz, Elizabeth Verdiano, Sal Duva, Madeline Grace Williams …a time to love “…and a time of peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 BINGO – JUNE 12, 2016 JUNE 12 – TEAM C – MARY ANN CISTARO POWERBALLS #1 $500 #2 $500 Powerball #3 - $245 - Was Won on June 5th ALTAR SERVERS – JUNE 18/19, 2016 5:30PM – Cattani, Colantoni, Sebastian 7:30AM – Torres 9:00AM – Lalo, Lalo, Lalo, Lalo 10:30AM – Mersing, Mersing 12:00PM – Munoz, Munoz, Sepe 7:00PM – Wilson, Wilson Our email [email protected] Registration for CCD, grades K through 9 for the 2016-2017 school year began on June 1st. Please visit our parish website JOIN FR. YOJAN ON A TRIP FOR THE CANONIZATION OF BLESSED MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA INCLUDING THE HOLY LAND & ITALY Fr. Yojan will be traveling to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Galilee, Capernaum, Rome, Assisi, Tuscany, Florence and Venice. You will witness the Canonization of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Trip Dates: August 27-September 9, 2016. Cost: $4,900 Airfare and All-Included. To register for this trip, please call 855842-8001 or 508-340-9370. You may also register online at Travel Agent: Proximo Travel. OUTREACH CORNER A parishioner needs a ride to the doctor. If you can help, please call the Rectory at 973-334-2090. Thank you and God bless you. A woman is in dire need of a car. We know this is a tall order, but maybe you can help. Please call the Rectory. OUR GRATITUDE TO THE PEOPLE OF ST. PETER’S During Fr. Tim’s four month sabbatical we were very blessed to have the priests from Saint Peter’s take care of our sacramental needs. Their warmth and caring meant so much to us. Despite all of his responsibilities at Saint Peter’s, Fr. Herb was always there for us and with us. You are so blessed to have four wonderful priests at Saint Peter’s. Thank you and God bless and “Remember: Be Happy!” The Community of Saint Ann Church. – – for a registration form. Please visit SAINT PETER’S BOOK CLUB-JUNE 16TH Saint Peter’s Book Club will meet on Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 7:30 PM in the Church Hall. We will discuss the book, The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. Coffee, tea and dessert will be served. Everyone is welcome to join us. PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP-TODAY-JUNE 12-3:00 Join us on today, June 12, 2016 at 3:00 PM for the St. Padre Pio Prayer Group in Our Lady’s Chapel. It will consist of Benediction, Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and reflection on St. Pio’s life. Our St. Padre Pio Prayer Group is registered in San Giovanni Rotundo, Italy and was started by Fr. Leo Fanning, who met St. Pio during World War II when he was stationed in Italy. The St. Padre Pio Prayer group will be held every 1st Sunday of the month (when possible) at 3:00 PM in Our Lady’s Chapel. Please join us for an afternoon of prayer and reflection on June 12th at 3:00 PM in Our Lady’s Chapel. ALL SAINTS ACADEMY CORNER ASA CARDINAL SUMMER CAMP All Saints Academy Cardinal Summer Camp is open to children entering prekindergarten to grade five and for all families of the Parsippany area. Camp is directed by ASA teachers and staff, and we offer a variety of daily activities including technology time, arts & crafts, indoor & outdoor games, drama & music activities and more. Families may register for one week or all six weeks. Please contact the school office and website for more information. All Saints Academy welcomes all prospective students and their families that seek the academic, spiritual and social opportunities that exist uniquely in our school community. All Saints Academy is a nationally recognized STEM school of the Diocese of Paterson. Our school offers a comprehensive, multi-curricular, rigorous academic program, centered on values-based education. A strong and loving Catholic identity permeates the environment. A spirit of faith, respect and joy are evident in our school. In addition to religious instruction, students model Christian ideals through cooperative activities, spiritual and liturgical celebrations, participation in Sacraments, and service outreach. An active parent organization lends partnership and support to the school community. The Early Childhood Center offers classes for three and four year old children. The elementary and middle school classes include kindergarten through grade eight. Contact our school principal, Mrs. Judy Berg, at 973-334-4704, to schedule a tour and classroom visit. Visit our web page: www.allsaintspar. DIOCESAN EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Paterson, is seeking applicants for the 2016-2017 school year for the following position: Principal, St. Patrick Elementary School, Chatham, NJ., Principal, St. Andrew the Apostle Elementary School, Clifton, NJ and Principal, St. Therese Elementary School, Succasunna, NJ. And Holy Family in Florham Park. Information and application materials can be found at: WE HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE “Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted. Let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.” Mother Teresa – Saint of Mercy. We have received confirmation that our Lenten gift of $3,075 from our Simple Meals is literally in the hands of the Missionaries of Charity in Haiti, You can be sure the Sisters will purchase much needed medical supplies, medications, food and clothing with your donation. You have touched not only the hearts of the poor, but also the hearts of the Missionaries of Charity, Mother Teresa’s Sisters. They were so grateful! Be assured every penny will go toward relieving the hardships of the people, especially the children of Haiti. In this Holy Year of Mercy, you have shown great mercy and generosity. THANK YOU! May the Lord continue to touch our wonderful parish with His love and abundant blessings because we have made a difference. FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION JUNE 18/19 We thank our parishioners for your continued generosity to our Food Pantry. Our next collection will be the weekend of June 18/19. We especially need canned fruit, juice, canned tuna, canned chicken, coffee, tea, pancake mix & syrup, prepared spaghetti sauce, jelly, paper products, cleaning products and personal care items such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. Right now we have an abundance of canned soups and vegetables, canned tomatoes and tomato sauce, cereal and pasta. In order to keep our inventory at its freshest, we kindly ask that you do not bring these items for this month’s collection but concentrate on the list of needed items mentioned above. DEPARTMENT OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES GOLF CLASSIC – JUNE 27 Where: Bowling Green Golf Club or Berkshire Valley Gold Course in Oak Ridge. Cost: $145 – includes breakfast, dinner & 18 holes of golf. Participate In: Mega 50/50, Donate to Silent Auction, Sponsor the event or Sponsor a resident to attend the outing. For more information or to participate: or contact Chris Brancato at 973-406-1104 or at [email protected]. WE NEED BINGO VOLUNTEERS CAN YOU HELP US? We thank our many volunteers who help our Parish operate Bingo on Sunday evenings. We are looking to increase our volunteer pool. If you are 18 years or older and would like to help raise money for your parish, please consider joining your fellow parishioners who volunteer for Bingo. Would you consider helping out once a month? Please call the Rectory – 973-334-2090. You must be 18 years or older. Come and have a look. QUO VADIS – WHERE ARE YOU GOING? JUNE 25 – JULY 1 Vocations Discernment for young men 15-25, “Quo Vadis – Where are you going?” Where is the Spirit acting in your life? Where is the Lord encouraging you to go? Quo Vadis Days is a time of recreation, fellowship, and prayer to help you explore the Lord’s call in your life. Activities will include prayer, Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Liturgy of the Hours, Rosary, games, sports, talks, great food and discussions. It is a time to share our faith and meet other young men seeking God’s will. Quo Vadis Days will be held June 29-July 1 at Sacred Heart Retreat Center in Newton, NJ. There is no cost. For more information and/or registration, call the coordinators: Fr. Jared Brogan and Fr. Edgar Rivera in the Vocations Office at 973-777-8818 ext. 711. You can also email Frs. Brogan and Rivera at [email protected] or [email protected]. COME ONE…COME ALL-JUNE 21ST-6:00 PM The Rosary Altar Society Annual June Social will be held on June 21st at 6:00 PM in the Church Hall. Come for dinner, dessert and FUN – only $20.00 per person. Please make your check payable to Saint Peter the Apostle Rosary Society and place it in the collection basket or send it to the Rectory marked “Rosary Society” no later than June 6 th. Hablando español en San Pedro Apóstol 11 mo – 12 de junio de 2016 – Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ***** Horario de las Misas: lunes a viernes: 6:45am y 8:00am en inglés sábado: 5:30 pm en inglés y 7:00pm en español domingo: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12m y 7:00pm en inglés Confesiones: sábado: 4:00pm a 5:00pm ¡Viaje con Padre Yojan! Viaje con el padre Yojaneider Ramírez, a la Canonización de la Madre Teresa de Calcuta Tierra Santa - Italia - Puerta de la Misericordia. (Lugares: Jerusalén, Belén, Galilea, Cafarnaún, Roma, Asís, Toscana, Florencia, Venecia) desde el 27 agosto hasta el 9 de septiembre del presente año. Costo: $4,900.00 Pasajes de avión y todo incluído. Para registrarse, por favor llame al (855) 842-8001. También puede registrarse en línea en Donativo Electrónico con Faith Direct Mensaje del párroco: DIOCESE OF PATERSON Diocesan Center 777 Valley Road Clifton, New Jersey 07013 1489. También deben de llamar a la Diócesis y hablar con el Rev. Monseñor James T. Mahoney, Vicario General y Moderador de la Curia al número 973-777-8818 ext 205 o a la Hermana Joan Daniel Healy, S.C.C., Canciller/Delegada Religiosa al número 973-777-8818 ext. 248. El texto completo de la poliza de la Diócesis de Paterson en referencia a Reclamos de Abuso Sexual esta disponible en la página web:” Office of THE BISHOP (973) 777-8818 Fax (973) 777-8976 junio de 2016 Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Al prepararnos para celebrar el Día del Padre la próxima semana, reconocemos su papel en la familia como aquel que ayuda a crear un hogar propicio y con amor, dando lecciones verdaderas que enriquecen la vida de sus hijos. A lo largo y ancho de la Diócesis de Paterson, nuestros “padres”, o sea, nuestros sacerdotes, trabajan para enriquecer la vida espiritual de nuestra familia parroquial, predicando al Evangelio e invitando a todos a participar en la mesa eucarística donde experimentamos a Cristo en el partir del pan. Tal responsabilidad es un honor y una alegría para nosotros, los que compartimos en el sacerdocio. Este próximo Día del Padre, se hará una colecta muy especial para apoyar a aquellos hombres que se están educando en seminarios en nuestro país y en todo el mundo, hombres que algún día servirán en nuestras parroquias. Así como con su apoyo, ustedes contribuyen a nuestra Campaña anual del Obispo para esta causa, esta colecta también se destinará para costear los gastos de su formación. Su contribución y su regalo será una maravillosa forma de demostrar su apoyo y aliento a aquellos jóvenes que están dando sus vidas a Cristo y a Su pueblo. Les pido que por favor sean tan generosos como les sea possible cuando se haga la colecta el Día del Padre, destinada para la formación de seminaristas. ¿Sabe que el próximo lunes, 20 de junio – es el primer día del verano – es el Día Nacional de “eGiving”? Yo de seguro no sabía. Pero nosotros podemos disfrutar este día especial, porque el apoyo a “eGiving” ya está creciendo aquí en nuestra parroquia. Gracias. Así que hagamos este reto del Día Nacional de “eGiving”. ¿Puede tu familia poner los sobres de la iglesia en una vacación de verano permanente, y cambiar este mes al uso de “eGiving”? Esto es muy oportuno, especialmente durante estos meses de verano, cuando muchos de nosotros estamos de vacaciones algunos fines de semana. Estos son los fines de semana que nuestra parroquia no recibirá su colecta semanal. Es muy fácil olvidarse de reponer las colectas perdidas cuando regresamos a casa. Esto, por supuesto, no ayuda a la situación financier de nuestra parroquia. Ahora “eGiving” puede cambiar todo éso para nosotros. Cuando recibimos el verano, adoptando la opción de “eGiving” como forma de apoyar nuestra parroquia todas las semanas, aún cuando no estamos, las colectas de nuestra parroquia serán más consistentes todas las semanas y todos los meses. Esto hace un poco más fácil el trabajo de nuestra parroquia de difundir el mensaje y el amor de Cristo en la comunidad con mayor eficacia. ¿Cómo usted y yo podemos hacer ésto? Es muy fácil: visite y use el código de nuestra parroquia NJ745 para iniciarse convenientemente en el “eGiving” ahora. O puede llamar libre de cargo al 866-507-8757 para unirse a “eGiving”. ¡Muchas gracias por apoyar a nuestra parroquia con su Tiempo y sus Talentos, así como con su Tesoro! Vamos a disfrutar el verano y estar cerca de nuestro Señor en la Misa cada fin de semana, donde quiera que estemos, cuando nos vamos de vacaciones. ¡Dios lo bendiga! Padre Herb Cordialmente en Cristo, Reverendísimo Arthur J. Serratelli, S.T.D., S.S.L., D.D. Obispo de Paterson PROCEDIMIENTO A SEGUIR POR SOSPECHA DE ABUSO SEXUAL “Si usted o algiuen que usted conozca ha sido abusado por un sacerdote deben de llamar de inmediato a la oficina del Procurador General de su comunidad y a la Coordinadora para Asistencia de Victimas de la Diócesis: Peggy Zanello at 973-879- San Antonio de Padua – 13 de junio 10 SIGNS OF A SAFE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH 1. Screening of staff / volunteers. 2. Adults trained in safe environment stratagies and signs of abuse. 3. Code of conduct enforced. 4. Open Communication between parents and staff / staff and children / children and parents. 5. Parents always Welcome. 6. Children educated in right relationships & what to do if a relationship isn’t right. 7. All children treated with Dignity and Respect. 8. Clear Rules and Expectations, consistent reinforcement / consequences. 9. Adequate supervision of youth. Team approach – accountability – no 1:1 isolation. 10. All abuse is reported. Diocese of Paterson 973-777-8818
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