ST. STANISLAUS CHURCH “2nd Oldest Polish Church in U.S.” 602 Seventh Street P.O. Box 757 Bandera, TX 78003 Tel. (830) 460-4712 Fax (830) 796-7641 Website: Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Parish Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ST. VICTOR CHAPEL Mission of St. Stanislaus Church 10514 Pk. Rd. 37 Lakehills, TX 78063 Tel. (830) 751-2557 PASTOR: Rev. John P. Nolan OUR MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ by living our faith as a Catholic Community in worship, service, and support of one another. We believe that each member is called to discipleship, outreach, and evangelization to our parish and local community. We celebrate the gift of Jesus by growing in our faith and living out the mission of our fidelity to the Roman Catholic Church. (St. Stanislaus Church) PARISH STAFF: Parish Office Manager: Lindsay Mace Director of Communication: Michelle Frost Director of Religious Education: Joan Schmidt Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Mindy Gotthardt Housekeeper: Sandra Kinsey 460-4712 460-4712 460-4712 460-4712 460-4712 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: Call the Rectory 796-9983 PERPETUAL ADORATION COORDINATOR: Greg Hicks 796-0248 PARISH SOCIETIES: Altar Society: Beverly Cielencki 460-3294 Knights of Columbus: Russell Locke 830-688-3417 St. Vincent De Paul Soc.: Theresa Helbert 830-460-1812 Guadalupano Society: Gloria Muñiz 210-438-3376 Rosary Makers: Linda McLaughlin 830-328-0810 Cemetery Committee: Raymond Batto 796-4923 MASS SCHEDULE WEEKENDS: Saturday 5:00 p.m. Saturday 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Sunday 7:30 a.m. & Sunday 11:30 a.m. WEEKDAYS: Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Wednesday 12:15 p.m. Thursday 7:00 a.m. Friday 12:15 p.m. ADORATION: Perpetual Adoration in the Adoration Chapel. Please patronize the advertisers in our bulletin. Their ads pay for our bulletin covers each week! SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Experience the joy of forgiveness. Confessions are offered on Saturday at 4:00p.m. or by appointment with Father John. BAPTISMS: We look forward to welcoming your child into our family at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church. All Baptisms are held on the first Saturday of each month (parish schedule permitting). Please contact the Parish Office 2-3 months prior to your anticipated Baptismal date. MARRIAGES: …..and the two shall become as one. Mark 10:8. Please contact the Parish Office at least 6 months prior to your anticipated wedding date. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Are you or a loved one in need of healing? If you or someone in your family is in need of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please contact the Parish Office. (St. Victor Chapel) Director of Religious Education: Elva Welborn Email : [email protected] Pastoral Council: Ruth Tschirhart Altar Society: Genevieve Modarelli Bereavement Committee: Nancy MacMillan 510-6271 751-2049 612-2527 751-3244 WEEKEND MASS: Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:30 a.m. **BULLETIN DEADLINE** All St. Stanislaus and St. Victor bulletin announcements are to be in the Parish Office by the end of the day on Thursdays the week before the bulletin is to be printed. St. Stanislaus Catholic Church THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI) MAY 29, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS May 30, 2016-June 5, 2016 Mon. No Mass on Mondays Tues. 6:30PM †Carolyn Adamietz Wed. 12:15PM †Helen Hungerford Thurs. 7:00AM †Ernest Tenorio Fri. 12:15PM †Frank Konwinski Sat. 5:00PM †Rand HIcks 5:00PM Mass St. Victor Chapel †Lois Sides 7:00PM José Antelo Sun. 7:30AM †Gregorio & Paula San Miguel 9:30AM Mass St. Victor Chapel Steve & Kathy Cerwin 11:30AM †Gary Herman “After each Mass I sit down and pray three things for each one. I pray in thanksgiving for the faith of the person who requested the Mass be offered, for their faith in the Sacrifice. I pray for their health and safety. Finally, I pray for the intention for which they asked that the Mass be offered.“ ~Farther Charles L. Sammons, O.F.M. JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY “Merciful Like the Father” December 13, 2015 to November 13, 2016 Visit: For more information Sanctuary cleaners for June Doris Doebbler, Sharon Thompson and Judy Gibbens. PERPETUAL ADORATION An hour with Jesus will ALWAYS lift your spirits. READINGS FOR THE NEXT WEEK: LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: 2 Pt 1:2-7; Ps 91:1-2, 1416; Mk 12:1-2 Lunes: 2 Pe 1:2-7; Sal 91 (90):1-2, 14-16; Mc 12:1-2 Tuesday: Zep3:14-18orRom12:9-16; Is12:2-3,4bcd-6;Lk1:39-56 Martes: Sof 3:14-18 o Rom 12:9-16; Is12:2-3,4bcd-6; Lc 1:39-56 Wednesday:2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Ps 123:1b-2; Mk 12:18-27 Miércoles: 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Sal 123 (122):1b-2; Mc 12:18-27 Thursday: 2 Tm 2:8-15; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Mk 12:28b-34 Jueves: 2 Tm 2:8-15; Sal 25 (24):45ab, 8-10,14; Mc 12:28b-34 Friday: Ez 34:11-16; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5b-11; Lk 15:3-7 Viernes: Ez 34:11-16; Sal 23 (22):16; Rom 5:5b-11; Lc 15:3-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:1-8; 1 Sm 2:1, 48abcd; Lk 2:41-51 Sábado: 2 Tm 4:1-8; 1 Sm 2:1, 48abcd; Lc 2:41-51 Sunday: 1Kgs 17:17-24; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Gal 1:11-19; Lk7:11-17 Domingo: 1 Re 17:17-24; Sal 30 (29): 2, 4-6, 11-13; Gal 1:11-19; Lc 7:11-17 Call : Greg Hicks (796-0248). Lectors/Commentators 5:00PM Jess L. / Ernie D. 7:00PM Teresa T. / Martin C. 7:30AM Dan A. / Ron D. 11:30AM Mary B. / Doris D. Altar Servers 5:00PM Andy G. 7:30AM Ryan Z. 11:30AM Brendan K & David P. 5:00PM 7:00PM 7:30AM 11:30AM Greeters Columbus & Paula S. Ernie & Veronica R. Bill & Peggy A. Rose K. Thank you Knights of Columbus for Ushering at all Masses. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY The St. Vincent de Paul Society collects non-perishable food and monetary donations outside the Church the 1st weekend of each month. Thank you for your continued support. Next collection will be June 4th/5th. COLLECTIONS May 22nd Collection…………$4,601.00 Next Renovation collection June 18th/19th THE SICK OF OUR PARISH The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 As often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. — 1 Corinthians 11:26 OPEN HOURS: Wednesdays: 4:00AM-5:00AM Thursdays: 4:00PM-5:00PM Saturdays: 12:00PM—1:00PM, 1:00PM—2:00PM Sundays: 3:00AM-4:00AM, 11:00PM—12:00AM SUBSTITUTES ARE ALSO NEEDED: MINISTRIES for June 4/5, 2016 Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion 5:00PM Curtis K., Barbara L., Melinda L., Lindsay M. 7:00PM Martin, Elvia, Veronica 7:30AM Mercedes A., Lisa D., Paul K., Patrick P. 11:30AM Kelle M., Dianna M., Linda M., Max W. COMING UP… Wednesday, June 1, 2016 12:45PM Rosary Makers Friday, June 3, 2016 5:00PM Fish Fry Sunday, May 29, 2016 1:00PM Guadalupanos Mtg. Hall Hall Hall (Los enfermos de nuestra parroquia) Please pray for all of the sick of our parish, including…(Regemos al senor por todos los enfermos de esta comunidad)… Elvir a Fer r eir a, Dakota Mack, Wiley McLaughlin, Anne Shaw, Charles Raby, Ron Raby, Rod Raby, Kenneth Mazurek, Sean Hoffman, Lorenzo Ybarra, Germaine Trent, Jeanie Evans, James Duff, Linda Raby, Kenny D’Spain, Mario Moreno and Eleanor Zimmel. (Names will remain on the list for 30 days) (Los nombres en la lista permanecerán allí por 30 días) Please contact the Parish Office to have names added or removed. PARISH NEWS St. Stanislaus Men’s ACTS Retreat May 26-29, 2016 “This is My body” The return Mass for our Men’s ACTS will be at the 11:30AM Mass this weekend May 28th/29th. All are invited to join us in welcoming these men home. A reception will follow the Mass in St. Joseph Hall. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CONTINUING SCHOLARSHIP The Knights of Columbus Scholarship applications for “Continuing” Scholarships are due June 1, 2016. Mail applications to “The Don Cody Memorial Scholarship” c/o Columbus Stutes P.O. Box 63189, Pipe Creek Texas 78063 or email to [email protected]. Please see instructions and eligibility requirements found in the application. CONGRATULATIONS SENIORS Congratulations to all of our St. Stanislaus/St. Victor Parish 2016 Graduating Seniors! Andrew Zimmel, Myranda Moreno, Tryston Butler, Aaron Love, Elijah MacNeil, Truman Hinton, Brendan Keane, Jarred Elizondo, Nidia Gonzales, Savannah Byrd, Dylan DeGoes, Emma Degoes, Luke Degoes, Andrea Felice, Rey Mendiola, J D. Montague, Jose Reyna Jr., Brayton Schmidt, Kenia Valadez, Kristen Tschirhart, Miguel Contreras, Emily Sampson and Emery Weltens. Fr. John and staff wishes all our Seniors God’s blessings and wonderful graces as they commence their next adventures in life. HOMEBOUND MINISTERS NEEDED If you are interested in participating in the Home Bound Ministry please contact the Parish Office for more information. Training will be provided. CELEBRATE MASS Don’t just “go to mass” A series on how to get the most out of Mass. “As Jesus reminds us, it is easy to love those who love us. But the church is not where we are called to remain. Rather, we are sent out into the world: “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.” In the Dismissal Rite, we are blessed and commissioned to take what we have received from the liturgy and go forth – changed, transformed, and ready to serve wherever God may lead us.” ~ Amy Florian’s The Mass An Invitation To Enjoy It Mass isn’t over when you receive communion. Our response when receiving the Holy Eucharist is “Amen” which means “So be it” not “good-bye.” Let’s make every effort to stay and receive the final blessing and allow the Presider to exit first and set an example of spreading God’s love while greeting everyone after Mass. THANK YOU WE MADE IT!!!! Archbishop Gustavo and Fr. John would like to thank all the parishioners of St. Stanislaus/St. Victor Parish for your donations and pledges to the 2016 Archbishops Appeal. Once again we have reached our goal at the St. Stanislaus Church and St. Victor Chapel. Because of your generosity and compassion for the sick, those less fortunate, our seminarians, the continuation of Catholic education we have reached our goal. Please continue to prayer for those who are in need of these funds. JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY “MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER” Mercy and Reconciliation Mercy is an essential ingredient to healthy relationships. We are human: we make mistakes, we err, we hurt people, and we are hurt by people. This is a fact of life. Relationships can be hurtful. But right relationships, community, is what keeps us alive and is to be life-giving. Mercy and reconciliation are tools given to us to fix these relationships when we sin and when we are sinned against. In order to move forward in relationships, one must not forget the past, but be reconciled to it and to one another. This is also true and essential for healthy, positive dialogue encounters with all. Encounter at every level is important to the practice of dialogue as a whole. The Year of Mercy presents a wonderful opportunity to repair and refresh relationships that have been neglected--to encounter one another anew. ~ -teach/new-evangelization/jubilee-of-mercy/upload/ EIA-Jubilee-Year-of-Mercy-Resource-FINAL.pdf Here are some ways to keep on the path to mercy during the Jubilee Year. Randomly select one each week and put it into practice. 1)Put down the phone and really listen to someone, with eye contact, that you are not getting along with. 2)Make a point to smile, greet or make conversation with someone who has done you wrong or who is not in your everyday circle. #MercyInMotion is the hashtag created by the USCCB for social media platTHE GUADALUPANO SOCIETY forms. Use #MercyInMotion to share We would like to invite anyone how you are celebrating the Jubilee from our parish community wish- Year of Mercy! ing to support, participate or enroll as a member of the Guadalupanos Society to attend our next meeting PRIESTS’ PENSION COLLECTION on Sunday, June 5th at 1:00PM in The Priest Pension Fund supports the St. Joseph Hall! All General meetpension for the 73 priests who have ings (held on the 1st (first) Sunday of reached retirement age and ensures that every other month at 1:00PM) will our priests may have a dignified retirenow be OPEN TO anyone interested ment. Please be generous in making a along with all our events, activities donation on the weekend of June 4th/5th to and functions. Please come and join support our Archdiocesan Priest Pension us! ~ President Gloria Villela Muñiz Plan. ************************ PARISH NEWS CONTINUED FAITH FORMATION NEWS RCIA Please continue to pray for our RCIA participants and welcome them as they find their way in parish life. CATECHIST FORMATION In July we will offer “Person of the Catechist.” This is the last segment of the three modules offered under the category “Catechist” as outlined in the General Directory for Catechesis in our Echoes of Faith series for catechist certification. This class will be offered on Mondays, July 11th & 18th, from 6:00PM-9:00PM in St. Joseph’s Hall. Catechists should contact Joan Schmidt to reserve a study guide. REMINDER: All parish information and Faith Formation news is posted on the Parish website at CATHOLIC ROAD TRIPS-Part 2 If you are making summer travel plans here are a few suggestions both near and far. STEUBENVILLE CONFERENCES Franciscan University Steubenville, Ohio APPLIED BIBLE STUDIES—July 27-29 Speakers include Scott and Kimberly Hahn, Brant Pitrie, Dr. Ted Sri, Bishop Michael Byrnes DEFENDING THE FAITH—July 29-31 Speakers include Scott and Kimberly Hahn, Patrick Madrid, Jeff Cavins, Archbishop Salvatore Cordeleone For more information visit the website or call Lynda Cook 796-4941. OBLATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY San Antonio, Texas 2016 SUMMER INSTITUTE—June 13-15 A Spirituality For The Night Time THE JOURNALS AND SPIRITUALITY OF HENRI NOUWEN—June 20-July1 For more information visit their website under continuing education or call Joan Schmidt 830-460-4712. SOLEMNIDAD DEL CUERPO Y LA SANGRE DE CRISTO (CORPUS CHRISTI) 29 DE MAYO DE 2016 ANUNCIOS EL JUBILEO DE LA MISERICORDIA El Regalo de Dios del Perdón Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo: “¡La paz esté con ustedes!” Con estas palabras el Señor Resucitado saludó a sus asustados Apóstoles en el Cenáculo el día de su Resurrección. Estaban confundidos, ansiosos y temerosos, muy parecido a como nos sentimos nosotros en algún momento de nuestras vidas. Cristo repitió estas palabras, “La paz esté con ustedes.” Pero entonces añadió, “Reciban el Espíritu Santo. A quienes ustedes perdonen los pecados, queden perdonados” (Jn 20:19-23). ¡Que regalo más maravilloso! El Señor Resucitado estaba proclamando que todo el sufrimiento que acababa de padecer había ocurrido para que los dones de la salvación y del perdón estuvieran disponibles a nosotros. Él quería que los Apóstoles recibieran estos dones, y que ellos se convirtieran para los demás en apóstoles de este perdón. En el Sacramento de la Penitencia y la Reconciliación, también conocido como confesión, nos encontramos con el Señor que nos quiere ofrecer su perdón y su gracia para vivir una vida renovada en Él. Por medio de este sacramento, Él nos prepara para recibirlo en la Eucaristía limpios de pecado grave, con una fe viva, una esperanza intensa y un amor purificador. La Iglesia considera a la confesión tan importante, que requiere que cada católico se confiese por lo menos una vez al año.1 La Iglesia también nos anima a practicar la confesión con frecuencia para poder crecer más cerca de Jesucristo y de su Cuerpo que es la Iglesia. Por la gracia del Espíritu Santo buscamos el perdón y el arrepentimiento, nos liberamos de los hábitos del pecado, crecemos en una vida de virtud, y somos testigos de una conversión gozosa. Como las gracias que confiere este sacramento son muy similares al propósito de la Nueva Evangelización, el papa Benedicto XVI ha dicho que “La Nueva Evangelización . . . ¡comienza en el confesionario!”2 Si tienen alguna dificultad o duda, o sienten incertidumbre sobre cómo acercarse al Señor en este sacramento, los obispos y sacerdotes estamos deseosos de ayudarlo, y si desde hace tiempo no reciben este sacramento sanador, nosotros estamos preparados para acogerlos. Cristo nos ha designado para administrar el perdón en Su nombre, y durante toda nuestra vida también acudimos al sacramento, tanto como penitentes como ministros, y particularmente en este momento de gracia especial que es la Cuaresma. Queremos ofrecernos a ustedes como pecadores que hemos sido absueltos y que buscamos servir en el nombre del Señor Todas las Fechas de Nuestro GUADALUPANO Nueva Reunións Tendremos Junta Ejecutiva reuniones cada mes 2 º domingo a las 13:00 en la parroquia de San José. Tuvimos nuestra primera reunión de la ejecutiva 15 de mayo de 2016. Tendremos abierto General reuniones cada dos meses el primer domingo del mes a las 13:00 en la parroquia de San José. Tendremos nuestra primera reunión abierta General, 5 de junio de 2016, a 13:00 en la parroquia de San José. Únase a nosotros! Contacta con Gloria Villela Muñiz 210-438-3376. St. Victor Catholic Chapel MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI) May 29, 2016 MINISTRIES FOR JUNE 4/5, 2016 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Ruth T., Russ L., Mary Beth N. Gloria M., Randall R., Deborah J. Lector/Commentator 5:00 p.m. Dorothy S. / Robbie S. 9:30 a.m. Kathy C. / Genevieve M. Other Ministries 5:00 p.m. Mass USHERS/GREETERS: Vern & Julie ROSARY: Linda E. SACRISTAN: Ruth T. 9:30 a.m. Mass USHERS/GREETERS : Richard B., Steve C., Donnie R. ROSARY: Genevieve M. SACRISTAN: Debor ah J . 5:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. May 22nd Collection……...………….………………..$860.79 Next Ghana Collection June 18th/19th. CHAPEL CLEANING SCHEDULE June 5th—Joyce Painter Team THE MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS CENACLE Meet in the Chapel on Thurs. at 7:30AM. All are welcome. Prayer leaders: June 2nd—TBA PRAYER BLANKET MINISTRY The Prayer Blanket Ministry’s next sewing date is Thursday, June 16, 2016 at the Lakehills Civic Center at 9:00AM. Volunteers who can sew, iron, etc. are always welcome. Pot Luck for lunch. For a prayer blanket please contact: Jane Malone or Joyce Painter. POT LUCK The next St. Victor Chapel Pot Luck will be held on June 18th after the 5:00PM Mass. All are invited. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Collects non-perishable food items and monetary donations outside the church, for the needy of our area, each 2nd weekend of the month. Next collection will take place after all Masses on the weekend of June 11th/12th. WOMEN’S ACTS SMALL GROUP GATHERING Scheduled for Tues., June 21st at 6:00PM in St. Victor’s Family Room. All ACTS women are welcome. ST. STANISLAUS/ST. VICTOR MEN’S ACTS RETREAT “This is My body” ~1 Corinthians 11:24 The return Mass for our Man’s ACTS will be at the 11:30AM Mass this weekend May 28th/29th. All are invited to join us in welcoming these men home. A reception will follow the Mass in St. Joseph Hall. GROUNDS KEEPER NEEDED St. Victor Chapel is in need of a grounds keeper. This is a part-time paid position. Equipment is furnished by St. Victor. Please contact the Parish Office if interested. ST. VICTOR FESTIVAL NEWS The St. Victor Fes val will be held Saturday, June 4th from 11:00AM—5:00PM. The Following chairpersons will need help from all of us to have a successful event. Please contact the following to sign up: Yolanda Rueda, Silent aucƟon Chair, 830-563-7469, Shirley Clark, Kitchen Chair, 210-885-7706, will need volunteers to cook and work in the kitchen. Sharon Grohman, Dessert Chair will need baked items also. Our beer and Wine Garden will also need dona ons of beer, wine, soda and water to assure a profitable beer and wine booth. All donated items can be dropped off a er weekend Masses and on Wednesday evening 5:30PM-7:00PM at the hall. For more informa on please contact Mike or Carolyn Meegan, 210-508-6204 or 210-710-9546 CATECHIST FORMATION In July we will offer “Person of the Catechist.” This class will be offered on Mondays, July 11th & 18th, from 6:00PM -9:00PM in St. Joseph’s Hall. Catechists should contact Joan Schmidt to reserve a study guide. PRIESTS’ PENSION COLLECTION The Priest Pension Fund supports the pension for the 73 priests who have reached retirement age and it ensures that all our retired priests may have a dignified retirement. Please be generous in making a donation on the weekend of June 4th/5th to support our Archdiocesan Priest Pension Plan. THE GUADALUPANO SOCIETY We would like to invite anyone from our parish community wishing to support, participate or enroll as a member of the Guadalupanos Society to attend our next meeting on Sunday, June 5th at 1:00PM in St. Joseph Hall! All meetings will be held the first Sunday of every other month!! Please come and join us!! ~ Gloria Muñiz, President The Sick of St. Victor Chapel Please pray for all of the Sick of our Mission Community, including: Waylen Malone, Bill Matheny, Clara Lee, Marsha (Skeeter) Glossbrenner, Minnie Lane, Olivia Lane, Dorothy Grohman, Carl Riegel, Gene Meinen, Diana Meinen, Fr. Dennis Meinen, Donald Meinen and Cindy Meinen. (Names will remain on the list for up to 30 days) Prayer Request: Please contact Michelle at the Parish Office to make changes to this list. St. Victor Chapel also has a Book of Intercessions by the front door. You may enter the name for your prayer intention there. “AWESOME ITEMS IN OUR SILENT AUCTION” Plants decorative items for your Home and Patio Games and activities for the kids, a $5.00 armband buys a child’s meal, drink, SAT.JUNE 4TH ST. VICTOR FESTIVAL Delicious BBQ Brisket and Sausage with all the trimmings! $8.00 per plate dessert and all activities for children up to 8yrs. old Beer Wine Music, and Dancing! Freshly baked desserts! Booths, Activities for adults and children, Train rides, Beer and Wine Garden. Raffle Prizes, and fun for all ages! PLEASE INVITE YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS, ST. VICTOR CHAPEL 10514 Park Rd. 37 Lakehills TX 78063 Saturday June 4th 11AM to 5PM GRIMES FUNERAL CHAPELS In Service For Others Mr. & Mrs. John Grimes 1204 Mulberry Bandera 796-3922 Margo A. Denke, M.D., FACP, FACE Your ad Parishioner ❖ Thyroid ❖ Diabetes - Insulin Pump Therapy ❖ Adrenal and Pituitary Diseases ❖ Osteoporosis ❖ Hypertension ❖ Hyperlipidemia could be in this space! ❖ Nutrition Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism 910 12th Street, P.O. Box 60, Bandera, Texas 830-796-8787 / Fax 830-796-7181 TRI COUNTY HOME HEALTH 15 Years Providing Quality Home Health Care 830-895-3100 Summer Playground for Future Leaders If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 1 or 2 Weeks Christ-Centered Adventure Camps Children Ages 7-18 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 830.589.7123 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA CST 2117990-70 ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 1002 MAIN 830-796-3861 P.O. Box 1596 Bandera, Texas 78003 796-3711 Mbr. F.D.I.C. Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 355 HWY 16 S - BANDERA, TX FDIC 830-796-3333 800-566-6150 • Ave Maria Hospice 830-997-1709 “Be Not Afraid” Shirley Higdon, RN, BSN Se Habla Español 525349 St Stanislaus For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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