Case 1:11-cr-20582-JEM Document 36 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/17/2014 Page 1 of 3 UNITED STATES DISTR ICT CO URT SO UTH ERN DISTRICT O F FLORIDA CaseN o.11-CR-20582-M ARTlN EZ UNITED STATES O F AM ERICA VS. M ARLLOR Y CH ACO N R O SSELL, Defendant. / FA CTUAL PRO FFER lf this matter were to proceed to trial,the Govem m entwould prove the follow ing facts beyond a reasonable doubt. The Parties agree thatthese facts,which do not includc al1facts known to the Govem m entand theD efendantare suffk ientto prove theguiltofthe Defendantof theabove-referenced lndictment' . As a result of information provided by severalcoopcrating sources,Drug Enforcem ent Adm inistration agents began investigating the drug trafficking activities of defendant M ARLLORY CHACON ROSSELL (hereinafter ttCHACON'). According to multiple cooperating defendants and/or confidentialsources,CHACON wasa prom inentdrug traftk ker who wasresponsible forcoordinating the receipt purchase,transportand distribution ofm ulti-ton quantities ofcocaine in Honduras,Guatem ala and M exico,with a finaldestination ofthe United States. ln addition,CH ACON also laundered m illionsin U .S.currency,derived from the sale of cocaineshipm ents,from CentralAm erica to Colom biaand Panam a. Page 1 of3 Case 1:11-cr-20582-JEM Document 36 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/17/2014 Page 2 of 3 During thc cooperation ofaDEA CS (CS-l),in latc2010,CS-I attended a mceting at CHACON 'Sresidencein GuatemalaCity. Thism eetinp which wasaudio and video recorded by During the m eeting, CHACON was asked by a Colom bian source to provide her traftk king infrastrtzcture in Honduras for the receipt of an 800 kilogram cocaine shipm ent. CHACON w asseen and heard on video using two cellulartelephonesto coordinate thercceiptof the shipm ent. CHACON gave instructions on the phonc asto the specificationsforthe airstrip, how m uch fuelnecded to beprovidedsand furtherinstructed to have ttlwos Caracoles,''the group thatwasto bercceivingthe load on bchalfofCHACON in Honduras,ready to receivein two days. A lso during thismeeting,CHACON and CS-Idiscussed how manykilosshewould begetling and whatthe price would be so she could be ready to pay in full. CHACON furtherstated thatshe purchased a Cessna Caravan capableoftransporting approxim ately 2 tonsofcocaine. ln approxim ately 2008 or 2009,agents received inform ation from various CSs,thatthe CHACON organized the receiptoftwo cocaine shipm entsofover 1,200 kilogram seach. These shipm ents were received in Honduras by the Caracolcs on behalf of CHACON and then transported to Guatcm ala forfurtherdistribution to aM exican cartel. AnotherCS (CS-2),and formerassociate ofCHACON,stated thatCS-2participated in three separate air shipm ents with CHA CON prior to his/her cooperation. ln these air loads, CHACON notonly provided the infrastructure forthe receiptofthe shipm ents in Honduras but also owned kilograms in the loads. ln approxim ately N ovem ber2010,which w asto be the last load w ith CS-2,CHACON purchased approxim ately 300 kilogram softhe load. Page 2 of3 o Case 1:11-cr-20582-JEM Document 36 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/17/2014 Page 3 of 3 ln addition, during the tim e fram e that CS-2 dcalt w ith CHACON, she laundered approximately$4million isU.S.currencyin dl'ugproceedsfortheCSfrom GuatemalatoPanama. W IFREDO A .FERRER UNITED STATES ATTORN EY Date:tz-le+okt1. By: M ONIQUE BOTERO A SSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY oatc: /J -/z -// By: BoNxIE KLAPPER,EsQ. ATTORXEY yoR DEFENDANT 1certify thatthe abovefactualprofferwastranslated to m e into Spanish and thatthe facts conoined therein are true and correctto the bestofmy know lcdge. Date: lJ-ll- tq By: A / Defendant Page3 of3 ROSSELL
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